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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15136785 No.15136785 [Reply] [Original]

>In short, PSD2 enables bank customers, both consumers and businesses, to use third-party providers to manage their finances. In the near future, you may be using Facebook or Google to pay your bills, making P2P transfers and analyse your spending, while still having your money safely placed in your current bank account. Banks, however, are obligated to provide these third-party providers access to their customers’ accounts through open APIs (application program interface). This will enable third-parties to build financial services on top of banks’ data and infrastructure.

PSD2 goes into full effect on September 14, 2019. All banks in the European Union will be in full compliance by then. In other words, they must “front-end” their accounts data and make it available to API calls. Approved third parties (i.e. Chainlink node) can directly trigger payments without going through a payments provider.

Keep that date checked boys, 1000 suicides incoming.

>> No.15136803

Linkies getting their hopes up yet again. Swift webinar was a bust, Sergey SF meetup was a bust, Trufflecon was a bust, web3 will be a bust. Don't you brainlets ever learn?

>> No.15136818

I find the fud so boring now.

>> No.15136825
File: 320 KB, 1341x1252, 16EA1032-6F85-4377-8EB8-1FCC24AF092D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we aren’t waiting for pump and dump news, faggot. we are going to moon because of actual usage


>> No.15136833
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> Moon soon™

>> No.15136929
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follow the memes anon and you too can make it

>> No.15136970

Guys! GUYS! I literally follow EVERYTHING about CHAINLINK.

Every announcement, every presentation, I spend hours searching for breadcrumbs and shitposting in their social media networks, and I do it all for ONE REASON:

SO YOU ALL DON'T GET SCAMMED! Trust me, I'm literally spending minimum of 10 hours per day studying every aspect of chainlink and DeFi because I want to make sure that no anons get SCAMMED.

I definitely don't own any chainlink, and you shouldn't either.

>> No.15136985


>> No.15136993

And I definitely didn't sell 5,000 Links at $2.30 and am now trying to FUD in any way I can so I can buy back in at $2.25. Anyone who even considers that is an evil child molesting liar.

Trust me.

>> No.15136996
File: 14 KB, 205x246, grayfox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is yurup so advanced?

Americucks get REKT

>> No.15137016

It's called progress sweetie

>> No.15137034

We're really not.

>> No.15137070

>meanwhile burgers are still using the magnetic strips on credit cards

>> No.15137113

No need to search around for anything. LINKfags spam the board every time Sergey scratches his fat ass. You think we need to look for anything? It’s all here. Thanks to you retarded bagholders.