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15123508 No.15123508 [Reply] [Original]

It's running hot as fuck, shes surely going to blow!

When we going to get a pullback? Or should we FOMO in because the bull is in the China shop? Opinions plz gentlemen.

>> No.15123521

hopefully, tether gets fucked in a couple of months and btc goes <1k

>> No.15123530

wealthy Chinese ppl sending money to Vancouver Canada to buy up real estate properties... they don't give a shit about no Bitcoin

>> No.15123546

> Chinks looking to get money out into based assets
> Whales looking for a hedge against the market.
pullback cancelled.
We're heading to 14k and will crab there for a while.

>> No.15123556

Vancouver banned that years ago you knob

>> No.15123577

We just had a major consolidation pullback from 14k to 9k which took us over a month to get through (and a month crypto time is like 4-6 months stock market time). While a small pull back at this range (as we're testing strong resistance now) to, say, 11.1k or so is possible, I would also not rule out a more-or-less straight shot to 14k (after which we'll probably correct to 13k or so before retesting and maybe breaking 14k).

>> No.15123616


this also seems to be the dominant opinion amongst the TA fags and normy analysts


think might buy some more up to 14. big day in crypto boys, with this that, and the LTC halving

>> No.15123644


checked. thanks mang. opinion regarded.

>> No.15123652
File: 32 KB, 558x614, 1564613143768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the truth is if it wasnt for tether. BTC would probably be at less than 3k. I dont want to believe it but i think it is the way it is. Something shady is going on and it wont last long because Tether is already being investigated for fraud.

>> No.15123788

I do agree that the whole scenario appears quite dubious. however with Tether, the Hong Kong/China happening, and the imminent Deutchbank collapse, we may be witnessing the black Swan event.

>> No.15123792

Cringe. TA doesn't work on crypto, this has been proven over and over. Whoever claims crypto will be up is a delusional poorfag moonboi and whoever claims crypto will go down is a delusional poorfag bobo. It's all wishful thinking.

>> No.15123899

Imagine unironically believing that tether/bitfinex is acting illegally while they're under investigation by the new york attorney general. You have to have a sub 40 iq to still be falling for the tether fud at this point.

>> No.15123936

nocoiners need their cope narratives.

>> No.15123954

You can maybe find some trends on a daily or weekly chart, but it's largely influenced by outside stimuli.
But the autists here give it as much credit here as the laws of gravity.

>> No.15123981

Yeah, now that you mention it, didn't the tether fud originate from r/buttcoin? Those are the same faggots who have been fudding bitcoin since 2011, when it was sub $1.

>> No.15124039


i do agree man. thats why i prefer to get my crypto advice from anonymous cunts wit bizarre ideas about popular memetics.

>> No.15124089

While you could be correct, your logic is not logic at all. They are under investigation for a reason. Hmmm better investigate this entity who is squeaky clean. Yeah, nah.

>> No.15124137

>we're being investigated for fraud by a powerful regulatory entity
>better double down and commit more fraud to give them a stronger case against us!

Fact of the matter is, it's a politically motivated investigation to try to damage bitcoin and crypto's reputation to stop mass adoption by normies. It isn't going to work though.

>> No.15124183

>shit they’re onto us
>it’s ok. hire 60 lawyers and delay this as long as possible. i got an idea to milk the suckers dry before it collapses. some of them will even be dumb enough to defend US and say it’s all a fucktarded conspiracy against the crypto market!

>> No.15124205

It's going all the way. Every fiat currency on the planet is going to be smouldering ashes.

>> No.15124222

What if they're doing it at the behest of central banks in order to stop capital flight from their toilet paper fiat?

>> No.15124227

We're going to the moon, before returning to earth, like every time before. New ATH early 2020 at the latest. https://youtu.be/XbZ8zDpX2Mg

>> No.15124262


going to need to hear your price prophecies for EOM, EOY, and EO2020 plz lads.

>> No.15124279
File: 27 KB, 600x598, 1531893285663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


imagine being this delusional.

imagine unironically believing that bitcoin has an organic and healthy growth.

imagine saying this without reading a shit about why tether is being investigated

for real, just dyor about it. Im not a bobo but i know bitcoin will fall at some point and it is not 1million dollars not even 100k dollars and not even 50k dollars. It will fall down like the shit it is. Big money boys laugh at you. You really think Bitcoin will be an stable currency at some point? make payments with a coin that goes up 1k dollars in a day and goes down 3k dollars in the same day?

ITS OBVIOUS DUMBY DUMBY DO DOOMB, the only people that buy this are retards like you and me, lets call us small hands because BIG HANDS are the ones that are really benefitting with this print of money and dumping on their clients aka you and me but this time retarder clients. Yeah retard people (small hands) will gain BUT THE MAJORITY WILL LOSE, AND I CAN SEE WHO IS THE RETARDEST of YOU and ME

Bitcoin is a fucking ponzi get rich quick scheme and if you cant see that youre pure delusional character playing this game which im too playing but that doesnt deny the fact that THIS SHIT IS UNSUSTAINABLE WITHOUT THE PRINTING OF MONEY OUT OF THIN AIR aka TETHER PRINTING.

While my funds will be safu when the time comes yours will be dead by then. Because of your delusion faggotry.

Come on man, be reasonable.

>> No.15124291

>New Zealander brainlet reporting in

>> No.15124394

>organic and healthy growth

Now describe the US economy.

>> No.15124405

>under investigation for a reason
>Yeah, I mean, why even bother. They're already being investigated which means they're certainly guilty. Else why would they be investigated at all, amiright?
You bootlicking piece of shit. Fucking unironically kys

>> No.15124445

12k, 20k and 40k but there is going to be a hell of a lot of volatility.

>> No.15124475

Scarcity, man. As long as the asset is in demand and scarce it will trend up in value over time. It will stay in demand due to how many people have skin in the game. It is a ponzi in that sense, but so is literal gold.

>> No.15124521

yes it does. btc doesnt go below the previous years atl. 3k in january was an obvious bottom. also 200ma golden crosses always cause bitcoin to go up in months. bitcoin is predictable but shitcoins are not

>> No.15124554

heard of moon3d? 10x or 100x your crypto. ez money

>> No.15124632
File: 200 KB, 500x700, 245624532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this much of a stinky brainlet

>> No.15124651

>running hot
It hasn't moved from 11800 that it hit 8 hours ago

>> No.15124677
File: 179 KB, 375x375, homer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like we have a perpetual motion machine at our hands. everyone will be rich, riiiich!! zero sum game no longer all winning players

>> No.15124787

>>running hot
>It hasn't moved from 11800 that it hit 8 hours ago
Confirmed you're gonna lose all your money. Bullfags btfo

>> No.15124805

Should I cash out now or it going higher?

>> No.15124875
File: 217 KB, 1296x1458, 1E6904DD-990F-4C06-B396-F5F440047DD0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumby dumby do doomb

bitfinex had 800M frozen by their bank. so they took a loan (with shares as collateral) from Tether, on which they pay market-rate interest. subsequently, they raised 1B from people in the know within 10 days.

Every (admittedly non-official) audit/investigation has concluded that tether is likely backed 1:1 (until the loan).

NYAG will have to drop the case due to lack of jurisdiction (bitfinex stopped serving NYC residents long before the Tether loan).

Please explain why you’re still pushing this stale FUD.

>> No.15124924

The idea is to cash out some of it since it's taking a breather. If we get a pullback down to 11000 or so you can reload. If it climbs higher, cash out more and wait for the pullback from there. We will get a pullback eventually and it won't be long. Even the great bull run of 2017 had massive pullbacks in November and December.
>t.preaches what he practices

>> No.15124977

LMAO it sure did work

>> No.15125161

checked, yea they really didnt do anything. They try and say it worked, when at the same time China imposed restrictions on money leaving the country. $50,000 cap I believe. Hardly enough for a down payment. Im sure theres ways around this restriction though

>> No.15125266

12k is EOD though
20k is EOM
EOY will be past the peak so who knows after that.

>> No.15125602


t anon. crypto analyst

>> No.15125652

I'm up about 500k from a start of 2500 so I've been doing something right. Admittedly it could all be luck though.

>> No.15125780


i do not doubt it mang, my comment was meant un-ironically. whats your main holds?

>> No.15126800

Not really much of a holder actually. Pure trader. I do dip in and out of big alt swings though. I look for massive volume and a big potential move. Like right before a fork or something. As hype builds, I buy in then sell right before. Sometimes it'll drop so fast, I get in right before a fat dead cat bounce. That kind of stuff. I ,ade a killing trading ZRC like that back in February of last year.

>> No.15126993

They literally do, the government agencies have to investigate X businesses a year to keep funding, so they investigate every single thing that's even in the least suspicious, that's their job.