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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15108702 No.15108702[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What did Wal-Mart mean by this?

>> No.15108747

I live in a white area and my Walmart isn't full of dead shot up spics or security cameras and shelves like this.

>> No.15108757

it means there are a lot of minorities where you live

>> No.15108770


>> No.15108782

Blacks love to steal

>> No.15108790

Take a chill-pill grandpa, it is called People of Colour now a day- not niggers.

>> No.15108806

What’s it like to live life with people watching you like a hawk when you enter a store? I’m white as fuck and nobody hassles me. I’m fact, it’s hard to find help in stores for me as all the workers seem preoccupied with shadowing the melanin enriched clientele.

>> No.15108813

cuz psycho whitey drives 700 miles to shoot minorities

>> No.15108824

What this is made up BULLSHIT this is IMPOSSIBLE haven't you ever been on the FUCKING INTERNET white men are being OPPRESSED you fucking retard!!!!

>> No.15108829 [DELETED] 

the anti-nigger measures stores have to resort to make me depressed just looking at them

hey remember when our town was all white and it was peaceful and you could leave your doors unlocked and all that haha well at least it's more diverse now, I can't really explain why that's good but the TV has always told me diversity is good so it's good

>> No.15108849

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.15108853

>hey remember when our village was all Native Americans

>> No.15108856

Those items had the highest net loss from thieves for Walmart more than any other item in the store.

>> No.15108873
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>> No.15108875

obviously not based on your post brainlet why don't you go back to /pol/ and whine about randos on twitter oppressing you you fucking retard

>> No.15108894

>tfw people think they’re tough guys on a basket weaving forum but would get their heads caved irl with ease.

>> No.15108902
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>> No.15108915

>tfw some retard loser gets insanely angry because a bunch of other retard losers shoved tweets down his throat and he drives 700 miles to shoot me while I'm buying groceries even though I've never met him in my entire life

>> No.15108989

Means you live in a culturally enriched area.

>> No.15109028

I don't think I have ever seen a case of a jewified mind as far progressed. Get some help.

>> No.15109047

Took the bait like a good little nigger. Whites are quite literally legally oppressed though, aren't allowed homelands and obviously are killed en masse by the brown sludge.

>> No.15109061

My town in the UK just received its first US style glass covered petrol station, though due to arabs not nigs.

>> No.15109069

wow very based and redpilled reply anon, well done

>> No.15109127

nice bro you got some evidence to back that up that isn't some idiot that thinks the exact same as you simply validating your retard opinions in an endless cycle until your insane conspiracy theories manifest into your reality and make you kill people that have nothing do with anything you're upset about

>I can say nigger look at me goys
The only oppression is made up oppression that you see on twitter. Give me some factual examples of you ever being oppressed for being white, because I'm a young white male in a city that is full of minorities and I have never been oppressed ever in any way, shape or form. In fact, I've literally been told by multiple people "you're white they'll hire you" and they hired me lmao you are a retarded little faggot full of shit, you have a pathetic existence and you validate it by believing angry /pol/tards that also have shit lives. There are at least 20 innocent people that wouldn't have died yesterday if you /pol/fags decided to suicide en masse

>> No.15109138

Usually stolen to make drugs.

>> No.15109149

My nearest Walmart is run by Somalis. Everything in the electronics section is locked up even the 2$ Chinese earbuds

>> No.15109156

Describe what you mean by US-style.

>> No.15109177

Laws including company hiring, immigration policies, university selection, lack of chosen political representation depending on nation. You then have indirect discrimination in white nations as white cultural inclinations such as freedom of speech and smaller governance are blocked in their own countries, particularly true of germanic/anglo nations. Whites are the only major net tax payers in nations leading to exogenous financial burdens from unwanted imported browns.

Then we have the grossly disproportionate murder and rape rate which fits the term oppression far more than being asked to change your hair for a job.

Here's a good thought experiment though: what did jews do in 1940 germany under valid oppression, or boers in SA? They fled the oppressor. Now who is insisting on access to the other race in white/brown dynamics?

>> No.15109186

No open counter, glass counter to ceiling and shuttered boxes for money and goods exchange.

>> No.15109191

Those Somalis are always talking shit about white people bro I saw it in a DREAM and then it was validated on /pol/ some anonymous internet stranger told me bro they are after your whiteness dude but don't hurt them instead drive really far away and find a bunch of strangers that have nothing to do with any of that shit and kill them instead that is how us young white males handle shit brother

>> No.15109225

I asked for examples, give me some documents that mean something I'm not taking your word for shit anybody can say whatever the fuck they want here

>> No.15109230
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Seriously though, and to keep it on topic, is op’s pic an effective means for loss prevention?

>> No.15109236

here you go goy
government funded corporation refused applications from whites in a majority white country to check some nigger quotas

>> No.15109243

The buletproof gas stations and haji marts like the ones that were outlawed in philly


>> No.15109261

Ok you can play obtuse but you'll look like an idiot, what country are you from and ill give relevant specific examples.

>> No.15109278

I'll also add im in the gym to show how easy it is to find out about this, so feigning ignorance is just embarrassing when ill evidence it sat on the bench press with my phone.

>> No.15109291
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>some white autistic sperg somehow manages to wander into a /pol/ thread on /biz/ and proceeds to whinge over and over about people saying the n word and how it somehow relates to the Walmart shooting

>> No.15109329

I have lived in the US for 44 years. I have never seen a store like that.

>> No.15109365

Probably depends where, been a while since i last went over but first time i saw them was new york and it confused me. Also saw them in LA. Don't recall seeing them in san diego or vegas.

>> No.15109413
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Literally just go to the hood
They even have marts that you cant even enter after dark that are completely surrounded by bulletproof glass and you talk to the person inside and they grab your shit and put it in a slot after you put your money in the slot like banks have for the drive thru teller

>> No.15109438

This video will show you why

>> No.15109444

Midwest Reich Master Race

>> No.15109614

I'm in the US and as stated above I have never been oppressed in my life. Ill go out on a limb and say the El Paso shooter was also never oppressed, do you know who was really oppressed yesterday? All of those innocent people that are dead now for buying groceries, but nobody gives a shit about that because all that matters is actually WE are being oppressed as white people. Fuck those minorities that were shot up by an oppressive retard who believed he was being oppressed when he wasn't. Real oppression is when some psycho from another race kills a bunch of people because they're of a different race than he is. Oppression is the fear Mexicans will fear in El Paso now, the oppression they were running away from in Mexico, the cartel. But no I understand, all of those little children that get slaughtered are highly trained sleeper agents from the cartel here to take my job and kill me.

>> No.15109622

Shooting tyrant invaders is why the second amendment was created. Of course not condoning those actions because technically they are illegal but he just did exactly what the founding fathers had in mind

>> No.15109647

Holy shit faggot. Control your emotions. Get the fuck off here and go back to browsing reddit with cnn on in the backround you silly homoesexual.

>> No.15109663

To be fair if you move to a country to go on welfare don't be surprised when someone shoots you

>> No.15109664

Well said, your words are a waste here though
By the way all of you fuck off to >>>/pol/

>> No.15109690

yes those little Hispanic children are unstoppable and certainly harbor the seed of hatred and tyranny deep in their bosoms it could not be that they are fleeing oppression already and that the true enemy is the cartel, no they pay money to the government for protection these children pay for nothing and are a threat to the land that belonged to Native Americans! I mean whoops! White man can do no wrong we wiz kings n sheeeeit

>mmmmm this post makes my tummy hurt boogieman mommy boogieman Reddit SJW CNN back me up mommy /pol/ !!!!!

>> No.15109708


Whats ironic is that white people are usually the ones stealing the "most"

>> No.15109718
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>conquer mexican terrority
>"wtf why are so many mexicans here"
>"fucking invaders, let's kill them all"

>> No.15109728

>"fucking invaders, let's kill them all"

>> No.15109731

Yeah if you go somewhere else to flee your tyrannical crazy country don't expect privileged whitey incel in his 300k home to not be a brainwashed retard and shoot you along with white Americans too because lol who cares he's a political hero on a mission not a fucking retard loser that has wallowed in trash rhetoric that reinforces his inadequate negative feelings until he becomes so detached from reality that all the bad shit in his life is because of strangers he's never met and not his own failures and inadequacies

>> No.15109736

>forced to give half of his income to Israel, corporations and niggers in gibs
>not oppressed

Leave my country and never comeback, you're not even white. Fuck you.

>> No.15109771

I doubt it unless they're addicts
It's a regular assumption for blacks to steal
A black contractor did work for me and dumpped a ton of rocksalt for free because he work fo tha city

>> No.15109829

Wtf does that have to do with immigration you retard. That's how our fucking government has always worked Jesus Christ I don't see any of you retards shooting up the fucking White House because of this "oppression" I just see you shooting people that have no control over any of that shit. Killing people on welfare is going to stop lazy people from going on welfare? Why aren't idiots like this coming down south and fucking up trailer park trash for being methheads on welfare all the time? Oh they're white and oppressed it's ok I get it, they're victims but the minorities aren't victims because their skin is a different color. Everyday I look at the entirety of the color spectrum and pick a color to hate and correspond it to a race of people, because my brain functions at half the speed that a fucking dogs brain operates on.

>oh he mad nignog
Yeah obviously I am fucking mad. I go to sleep hearing about El Paso, I wake up hearing about Dayton. Fuck all of you faggots the fact you just shrug it off and meme is disgusting and shows just how this kind of stupid shit happens, /pol/tards are ridiculously detached they think 4chan singlehandedly put Trump in office and, let's be clear about this to showcase the single digit IQ prevalent on that board, they actually unironically believe 4chan had anything to do with the election when in reality all they were doing was shitposting in an echo chamber, an echo that has grown so loud it has become a mass delusion on that board, like living in fucking wonderland. A bunch of fucking ants that think they're humans.

>> No.15109845

That there's no need to pay in the store and the cost of the goods will be added to your tab.

>> No.15109855

I didn't say shooting niggers was the answer though did I.

>> No.15109863
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you're still here sperging

very embarrassing dude

>> No.15109888

Who cares lol

>> No.15109955

>he cares about his own species how embarrassing!
lol you are a smart man I am sure how many times has /pol/ validated your existence today my friend? It says here it has been a whole ten minutes since you were validated by another retard watch out that mental instability is creeping up on you and you are too much of a weak minded faggot to handle it! Better seek some validation quick my man! Change that IP and respond to yourself the internet must be directly linked to your own mental stability, of anonymous strangers believe you then you're smart!

>> No.15109963

The government is 23 trillion in debt and the irs is sending neets threat letters
At this point I can't give a fuck about anything relating to politics or shooters
They want our money our guns our kids our lives and all this benefits is Israel the government and minorities
Enough is enough I'm out of fucks lol

>> No.15109970

>shopping at walmart