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15052008 No.15052008 [Reply] [Original]

POS faggots. I hope every single one of you Harmony faggots dies in a fire!

2 nights around midnight I was 5 seconds away from hitting the buy button on SENT after it dumped super hard to 1550 sats, for some reason I came on biz and instantly I see 2 threads from your Harmony scum about Harmony Gemini exchange listing. So I go to Binance and buy ONE at 110 sats.

Had I just bought SENT I would have made a fast 27% gain instead I am now in faggot ONE and NOTHING HAS HAPPENED AT ALL!!!


>> No.15052020

Stop bitching son of a whore

>> No.15052038

If you manage to just hold throughout next year whilst the devs dump billions of tokens, then there's light at the end of the BBQ

>> No.15052064

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Thanks anon, you made my day. I laughed so hard!

>> No.15052090

>price will go up after devs inflate the market

>> No.15052130
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> NEXT YEAR!!!???!!! NEXT FUCKING YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish you were in front of me right now I would slap the ever-living piss out of your cuck mouth.

Unlike you idiot brainlets I do not HODL shitcoins for more than 2 weeks at a time you retarded monkey baby!!!

This was supposed to be a quick 24-48 hour scalp move based on an exchange listing you faggots LIED about for no reason and suckered me into when I could have easily made money in SENT!!

Do you honestly think I will hodl this faggot shitcoin for 1 year?????

Did you read what I wrote?? I could have made a fast 27% if I just bought SENT which I was going to. I am a short, short term scalp trader not a faggot like you who HOdls and copes.

This faggot coin deserves to die in a fire like you and the rest of the ONE shills on here fucking rats.

>> No.15052172

The "gemini listing tomorrow" post was an obvious meme retard. One of the team members did say there will be an exchange listing in the coming days though. I hope you sold, I will be enjoying my gains later this week.

>> No.15052189


hahahha fuck you faggot you deserve it for being a tard, kys now

>> No.15052203

Goes down 5 sats... starts crying.
The absolute state of this board.

>> No.15052239


stop bitching here in biz pajeet, if you want to buy sent then buy and stop bothering us with your shit

>> No.15052276

>short term scalp trader
AKA gambling degenerate. Sell your ONE bags to me immediately you filthy faggot.

>> No.15052306



Die of aids you cunt of a whore. You retarded moron doesn't understand what blown opportunity cost means in crypto.

Your retarded self doesn't understand what it means to die by another cuck anons sword instead of your own.

I hope you die painfully of cancer anon, painfully....

>> No.15052321

It was sarcasm. This shit will never pump. The devs will be inflating the supply and constantly dumping all year. This shit will need to double its market cap just to maintain current price (pro tip: it won't)

>> No.15052337

Made a 100K off of TRX in 2017. Go neck yourself faggot. This is literally 5% of my net worth. Otherwise there's only Link and BTC in my life rn. Fuck off.

Nufags disgust me.

>> No.15052367
File: 279 KB, 1125x1490, B2CF79C4-7219-442D-B9E1-A417FA04AD6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying söy lattes all day with poor gullible anons money. Absolutely shameful you fucking chinks.

>> No.15052371


Suck my dick you retarded baghodling faggot coper.

Morons like you are how I make my money or should I say steal my money from morons like you.

Keep hodling your shitcoin, don't worry you chose the next ETH! YOU DID IT!!!

Fucking retarded low IQ brainlet's and their EGOs acting like they somehow chose from the thousands of shitcoins the next ones to do 1000x like ETH/XRP/BTC.

The fucking ego and delusion of your faggot cuck baghodlers is truly something to see.

>Hey guys I'm not gambling because my strategy has literally zero chance of paying off and 99% chance of losing so it's closer to charity what I'm doing......

I'd rather gamble on blackjack you retarded cuck faggot.

Die in hell cuck.

>> No.15052388


>> No.15052528
File: 17 KB, 321x350, Brainlet Umbrella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, great sage one you made 100k off of a coin flip in 2017 wow what a genius investor you are Mr. buffet's protege. I bow at your feet my liege.

Don't reproduce you brainlet cuck. We need LESS of your kind, not more!

>> No.15052615
File: 25 KB, 480x480, 1564582914968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Horrible Fud to accumulate low
I've seen better retorts than this faggot.

>> No.15052632


is that the twin towers in the head of the faggot?