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15050186 No.15050186 [Reply] [Original]

How long before all the boomers are gone and we can start living?

>> No.15050202

Their legacy lives on in all their bluepilled children anon

>> No.15050204
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Whites will be a minority in America when the last boomer dies. Right now only like 40% of the children in America are European White.

>> No.15050206
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Im patiently waiting for them to die so i can buy a house that isn't 50% over priced

>> No.15050207

About 20 years. No openings were i work, cause uneducated boomers (65+)with paid down houses refuse to retire. Cant fucking wait till the dinosaurs die

>> No.15050216

Global adoption of zoomers as a universal standard for leading the course of the material world and undoing the last century of globe-zogging is already psychologically priced in. Do you guys really think you're that ahead of business magistrates and tried-and-tested geniuses?
Yes, your generation will work, but everybody already knows this. At most we'll reach a few hours of anomalous brief pleasure-induced happiness over the next four decades when accounting for the crash of the inflationary system and the remaining few unexpected events.

>> No.15050220

The world will probably collapse without boomers, the entire system is rigged for their gain.

>> No.15050223

Yeah loser, that’s when you’ll start...just look at you

>> No.15050226

Consider it hard mode to put things right

>> No.15050236
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Yeah once they die all the houses will get cheap. Keep waiting.

>> No.15050245
File: 480 KB, 1253x2934, CAA0B4E9-4DE9-4B5F-A25D-F42C848679E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m being held back by uneducated boomers that wont retire

>> No.15050254

There are thousands of jobs going unfilled in this country. Try having some agency instead of blaming your pathetic existence on a vague notion of boomers. Fucking incel.

>> No.15050261

You ever worked faggot? A workplace cant create new positions out of thin air.
t. Therapist

>> No.15050279

> in this country
> everyone prolly lives in my country
Im assuming you are a burgerfag, which makes your obese opinion invalid.

>> No.15050287

The US is the only country that matters. I'm guessing you live in some post-Communist shithole in Europe, which means you barely exist in my mind. Go fuck a goat and drink vodka, it's all you and your people are good for.

>> No.15050295

Yep, been working since I was 16. I usually, ya know, just deal with life’s obstacles?

>> No.15050310

You really want to drag up the old
> murica
Atleast i have free education, healthcare and a sane leader

>> No.15050318

And look what you're doing with it all. Whining on cuckchan about boomers lmfao.


>> No.15050435

Shut the fuck up boomer

>> No.15050443

Just lol.

>> No.15050509

Keep waiting zoomer. They won't fuck off for at least a decade

>> No.15050695
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Houses will get cheap but by then you will be living in a shithole where nonwhites are the majority. Very bad if you expect your property rights to be respected. Property rights are white culture, shitskins will never understand it let alone respect it and actively enforce it. Once the society is no longer majority white it makes no sense to buy any property at all.

Consider any "purchase" of real estate today on terms of how much it will cost you per year until the 10-15 years we still have left until what I said becomes a reality and whites begin to be expropriated en masse. You're not buying, you're just renting until property rights are eventually gone.

>> No.15050834

As soon as we become boomers ourselves.

>> No.15051094

They'll die just as they start the greater depression like true boomers leaving their problems to others

>> No.15051104

Boomers extend up until at least 1960. They're the people who watched Miami Vice and unironically thought it and its vulgar megacuck protagonist were cool. So late boomers are in their late fifties, i.e. in fucking power everywhere.

But Trump was born at the earliest phase of boomerdom (1946, postwar, the first generation to be raised by television sets, with parents who thought it was like listening to the radio,) and he's still horribly lively.

>> No.15051868

stop blaming others for your problems
obviously boomers suck but you have to thrive, we are all born in this shitty situation yet some of us are still succesful
stop blaming boomers and niggers

>> No.15052193
File: 612 KB, 2048x1239, A13282D6-412B-494A-885E-B5080B85C611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop blaming the people who sold out to Jews for short term gain and whom were responsible for turning our societies into a minority white Weimar shithole.

Go back to Plebbit and listen to your gay faggot juden peterstein some more. The people who crashed the bus with us all in it deserve to be made an example of. It needs to become clear that there is consequences for your actions.

What cuckholdry would it be if we just neglected the past and our current clown world situation in pursuit of individual material success? Fuck that, burn this shit world to the ground and all those responsible and create a new world in which we are the rulers and in which we do what’s best for ourselves as a people.

>> No.15052211

>ancaps don't care about culture and community
fashy babies are absurd

>> No.15052884

Houses will not get cheaper for a long time. There's another bubble coming for long-term it'll keep rising.

I mean population of Earth keeps rising so there's less space per human being. That means space is scarce, therefore supply and demand dictates that the price will go up.