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15013961 No.15013961 [Reply] [Original]

Biz. I currently have a problem right now.
Right now I am suspended at at my job for breaking a safety violation. I was suspended on Friday and I was told I’d be hearing from the within 24-48 hours if I still have my job or not.
I am currently unstable and close to a mental breakdown because my employer decided to leave me on an ultimate cliffhanger regarding my source of income and how I eat. They have not called in the 24-48 hours like they said and I am getting major anxiety. To the point where I am scared to even pick up my phone for incoming calls. Can’t I sue for the emotional distress this put me through? I am going to go to my doctor tomorrow and tell them about the anxiety this has given me, and possibly get on medication. I feel as if this was unprofessional to suspend me for a weekend, and “let me know in a 24-48 timeframe of a phone call” if im fired or not. Anyone know the legalities of this forsure?

>> No.15013990

What did you do...
I hope you have saved up some money in case this ends up being bad. Idk if you need medication just because of it, why do you care so much

>> No.15014077

This job is my livelihood and they arent being definite with me

>> No.15014203
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Jesus, are mentally retarded? Sue employer for "emotional distress"? Are you going to tell the judge: "I fucked up at work, got suspended, employer did not call me over the weekend. Now i want employer to pay me."

Depending on the severity of your violation pray to god that your employer does not sue you for endangering the safety of other employees.

>> No.15014242

Fuck off boomer.

>> No.15014250

where I work. in the UK. you would not get fired at this point if you had a union rep for the emotional distress you've been put under is not fair treatment under our own business policies.

look at you business policies at how disputes are supposed to be handled and if they have followed them. if not look for a fair treatment policy.

>> No.15014276

Go into the meeting and tell them that you are now a woman. You're pronouns are her/her/them. They'll be too scared to fire you.

>> No.15014514

>Right now I am suspended at my job for breaking a safety violation.
>Can't I sue for the emotional distress this put me through?
>sue for the emotional distress THIS put ME through?
>THIS put ME through
So you're saying that YOU didn't put YOU through this situation?

>> No.15014558

>I'm a Mutt

>> No.15014559

It's apparent that OP never took responsibility for anything. He fucked up and now he tries to blame the employer.
At this point i begin to think that it's bait. No one can be as dumb or as self-absorbed as OP

>> No.15014569

You lost the job, fucko. Mcdonalds is hiring.

>> No.15014619

How did you make it to adulthood anon? Like, you should have an heroed the first time a girl dumped you if you're really this sensitive. lmao

>> No.15014984

>wants to eat
>not enough to care about safety

>> No.15015042

This is at will employment. You can literally walk off a job without notice or you can get fired. You don't have a case.

But you are way to attached to a single job in a spiritual sense. A job isn't something to put your entire value as a person and faith into