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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 125 KB, 727x502, schwartzy boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15006581 No.15006581 [Reply] [Original]

Noticed XRP is hardly talked about on here, and whenever it is FUD comes from all corners.

Can anyone tell me why majority of you are so negative towards it?

>> No.15006591

bot thread suspected
Can OP solve the haiku test
woman Reich wave

>> No.15006598
File: 228 KB, 1194x1168, 2bb8719d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it is garbage, and pic related

>> No.15006603

what the fuck is a haiku test

>> No.15006610

test failed

>> No.15006621

a sad day for us all

>> No.15006632
File: 67 KB, 2854x2118, BOA-Ripple-Patent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you say to this?

>> No.15006659

Its an idea, any third party can be used...Also i doubt it will be XRP

>> No.15006710
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, davidschwartzx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Possibly a Bank of America patent. Even have doubts about that with the "Rippel ILP" spelling. 99% of patents are never implemented anyway. On top of that if you look at the image, it would be USD <==> SGD and does not involve XRP in any way. XRP is not available in almost every corridor of the world currencies and has basically no volume. The idea of it being a settlement currency is a marketing scam

>> No.15006794

It IS a Bank of America patent.
See here: https://patents.google.com/patent/US20190172059A1/en?oq=US2019%2f0172059+AI

Whilst you are right about the spelling & the fact that "Pre-funding" supposedly goes from SGD to SGD, Notice the Ripple DLT & Its accounts key, showcasing the "FI1 DEPOSIT", thus requiring the Ripple Ledger.

Yes third party private bank tokens can be used, but the whole point of Ripple & the XRP blockchain is to provide "frictionless transactions", so a FI can just put their money on the distributed ledger with minimal costs & quick transaction times, rather than the Swift protocol, which goes through a multitude of FI's & costs something like 70% more.

>> No.15006804

Dude, just hold for 50 years LMAO
and buy whenever the devs de-risk

>> No.15006880
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, rippleScam2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you paid to shill the XRP scam or just stupid? Banks have zero fucking interest in the XRP so Ripple pivoted a while back.

> xRapid is our first product that settles with XRP and it's not aimed at banks - David Schwartz


> We felt the best first target was the kind of low-value, high-volume remittance-like payments we could get at companies like our xRapid partners. - David Schwartz


It doesn't save 70% faggot...if something saved banks 70% EVERY SINGLE bank would be on board and would fight regulations to make those savings. Western Union said it didn't save shit and xRapid was costly

> We are always criticized that Western Union is not cost-efficient, blah blah blah, but we did not see that part of the efficiency yet during our tests

> The practical matter is it’s still too expensive


So Ripple had to spend $50 Million to buy shares in MoneyGram so that they'd say they're using it. Otherwise shit companies like Cuaxa, MercuryFx, Catalyst Corporate Federal Credit Union, etc are the only ones claiming to be using xRapid

SEB, The Bank of Tokyo, Banco Santander saying they cannot use XRP

> We cannot use XRP (because of regulations, cross border regulations, lack of demand (liquidity))


>> No.15006905

We have an expert over here, an expert in mental retardation

>> No.15006928
File: 67 KB, 820x503, Ripple5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mental retardation

Mental retardation is not seeing Ripple's scam tokenomics and marketing in XRP where 97% of the supply is held by 100 or so addresses, there is no usage, liquidity and availability in the markets and morons are conned with the narrative that banks will save 70% by using XRP but somehow they refuse to do it and buy cheap XRP today but one day will buy XRP at ridiculous prices from you to free trillions from nostro/vostro accounts. That is the epitome of mental retardation

>> No.15006934

People 1,000x'd and moved on. What's to get?

Buy PNK, stake for a year, and relax. Crypto really is that simple.

>> No.15006973
File: 21 KB, 236x328, sM3UeEe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP and BTC are probably the best two bets in the crypto space right now if you want a safe option.

BTC name brand and market dominance is a money magnet especially when institutions openly buy in.

Ripple the company generates income outside of XRP sales and have fingers in all the right pies IMF, Central Banks, Money Transfer companies etc. They also have an agenda to promote XRP and their endgame is for all their partners to switch over to Ripple software that uses XRP. Even XCurrent users can flip the switch and use XRP if they choose to do so, Ripple are busy building the infrastructure and this shit will moon to at least double digits, just not over night.

People mindlessly FUD it out of ignorance.

Those that believe just accumulate. With a supply so high, no amount of shilling will pump it so people don't talk about it much. I have been accumulate and continue to do so until it breaks $0.40.

If you want to get rich quick, gamble on low MC shitcoins.

>> No.15006993

Btc ponzi operators are still trying to convince me and others that its a useless scam hahha

Can you tell me about the 5BTC bounty campaign a few years ago just to fud ripple ? Are you participating? Hahahahaha

You will buy my bags at 5$

>> No.15007004
File: 19 KB, 480x360, rippleScam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


After the 2013 boom, this shitcoin was at half a fucking penny for 2 years and had zero fucking volume, zero fucking liquidity and zero interest from anywhere. It was only the 2017 Bitcoin/crypto boom that pumped this from zero value to billion marketcap and in the spotlight where got the dollars to claim some form of legitimacy. But the fact is this is a completely speculative shitcoin like any other shitcoin with zero utility and usage for banks.

>> No.15007010

This is autistic
You can't haiku very well
Please neck yourself famm

>> No.15007014

/biz/ shills worthless coins 24/7 and hopes to profit off of FOMO from normies. anons here buy bags, spread FOMO, pump, dump, then pick another coin and repeat. then you see wojaks and bag holders complain, and /biz/ moves to another coin. it happens over and over and over.

but they never talk about XRP. this is proof enough to me that XRP is the real deal.

>> No.15007067
File: 13 KB, 291x173, RippleKorea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because the XRP scam is a pretty much established here Anon unless you're dumb plebbitor who just found his way. You talk about FOMO and Pumps and Dumps but XRP has the biggest pump and dump in history. Koreans FOMOed into Ripple's XRP is the banks token narrative and it was the highest volume token across all Korean exchanges. Ripple then dumped billions on the Koreans.

This is well documented by the Koreans in this article. Use Google to translate.


In that article they point out and trace a wallet that dumped ONE BILLION on their exchanges in January and February of 2018


You notice that Korean's no longer favor XRP. They have learned the nature of the scam and have been burnt by the ultimate pump and dump. Without dumb money coming out of Korea XRP needs a ton of new investor dumb money coming from somewhere. It might come one day but I wouldn't hold my breath.

>> No.15007071

All coins were illiquid dumbass why do youthink it was only xrp im observing this shit sonce '14 24/7/365

>> No.15007147

lol, korean regulators did that to their own people.