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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14964197 No.14964197 [Reply] [Original]

2.1M dumped in not even 2 days. It's really accelerating.

>> No.14964211

And yet the price still remains above $2

>> No.14964227

It's not going to once they dump 240M more.

>> No.14964228

Just imagine the number of acquisitions they're making. $1000000 eoy

>> No.14964236
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Do I need to give the people my warning?

>> No.14964238

>And yet the price still remains above $4 Weird.
>And yet the price still remains above $3.50 Weird.
>And yet the price still remains above $3
>And yet the price still remains above $2.50
>And yet the price still remains above $2

>> No.14964261

They didn't start dumping till like the 3.xx. the price has dumped in part with btc

>> No.14964271
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*huff puff huff puff*

>> No.14964276

You think Big Macs pay for themselves?

>> No.14964281
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>> No.14964293
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>> No.14964294

Why isn’t this retarded FUD dead yet?

>> No.14964301
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>> No.14964316

Trying to suppress the price so they can accumulate more

>> No.14964331

I probably would care more if I accumulated above .50 and hadn't already cashed out my initial. I feel sorry for you plebbitors tbqh. Priced out well and truly.

>> No.14964394

Honestly, Sergey doesn’t know the risk he is putting in. He’s literally playing with fire. You cannot play and scam 4chan people this way. People on this anime forum are schizos, can simply put an order to kill Sergey and be sure he will be murdered in less 2 months, even if he hides at the most remote island on earth, we will found him. Again, I repeat, he’s playing with fire.

>> No.14964403

Why do you newfags not understand what OTC is?

>> No.14964415

Literally nothing would happen to him, even if he were to leave chainlink after selling the whole stash.

>> No.14964422

Kinda weird none of the ico scammers hasnt been murdered yet.

>> No.14964447

Yeah that’s some shit that /b/ would’ve tried to do in the past but it’s not like that now and /biz/ was never like that.

>> No.14964456

Have sex incel.

>> No.14964457

Lmao some anon here swore to hunt Sergey if he pulls some shit like that

>> No.14964473

This is a great community to be part of.

>> No.14964474

None of these ICO scamers had the impact sergey has on 4chan. There are thousands of people here that have put their lifesavings on this project. Remember the time 4chan found a guy hidden on an island. Sergey is in a really really dangerous position right now. If you are an oldfag you should know that and how it works.

>> No.14964488
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>> No.14964491

lol and you really think there are no people of /b/ on biz? You should be new here fren.

>> No.14964538
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Retarded gorilla-brainled niggerlinkers btfo'd

Imagine how great this board will be when there are only a couple of link threads posted every week.

>> No.14964552

how long did you spend making that meme, pajeet?

what a waste of digits.

>> No.14964596

>nice fud
>iron hands
>I'm a link marine and I'm not selling
>google partnerships
(repeat till broke)

>> No.14964609

who fucking decided that coins held by devs are not in the circulating supply from the get go, the only reason coins should not be considered circulating is if they have yet to be mined

>> No.14964618

Coinmarketcap, to combat shitcoins that appeared in top10 out of nowhere.
It backfired.

>> No.14964651

a) most of those graphs show very different orders of magnitudes of pump
b) most of those are directly correlated with btc moving a lot upwards.

>> No.14964661

No one cares fag. Link 1k eoy 3026

>> No.14964667

How many dumped in total and what can you buy with that money?

>> No.14964669

You’re the one not checking my trips newfag.

>> No.14964672

Chainlink was meant to be sold to businesses, not neets on an anime board

>> No.14964689

7.7M link

>> No.14964729

you be dead by then.

>> No.14965202


>> No.14965240

Link hasn't budged from its CMC rank 16, and volume has been dropping all throughout the drop.
Two conclusions:

1) they're not dumping, only using Binance to keep autists from tracing where the tokens are going
2) Chainlink's drop is ENTIRELY due to the entire market dropping. If Bitcoin hadn't shit the bed in early June, Chainlink would still be over 4 USD.

>> No.14965279

>If Bitcoin hadn't shit the bed in early June
*early July

>> No.14965294

It's been holding steady in the $2.xx for weeks even as they dump every day. I've got a massive bag of fiat on the sidelines ready to buy if it goes under but it never happens.

>> No.14965320

the only difference is that link keeps rising the rank on cmc so your memefud is completely retarded

>> No.14965352
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>this time it will be different

>> No.14965357

Here it comes a beautiful report to the IRS. I'm about to end this man's whole career

>> No.14965382

it IS different this time, the ROI link did in the last year (YEAR) alone shows you this, ignorant coping nolinker

>> No.14965392

Is this really the fud we're resorting to nowadays or are /bizlets just this retarded

>> No.14965420

>muh 4chan ppl are evil meme
Go back to plebbit, pussy. Nothing is going to happen to Sergey.

>> No.14965435

>muh 4chan found a guy hidden in a island
LMFAO so what? Quit trying to act hard faggot and sell your bags if you really are worried.

>> No.14965441


I was wondering the same. link will pull same kinda setup. it just cannot fucking rise forever. link will retrace to dollar-sub-dollar and new cycle will begin later this year, maybe even next year.

Only thing what differs from those charts is that it was full bear market when those charts fully retraced. Now it isnt and btc has recovered. that is only thing what worries me, also first-mover tech and early-eth-vibes could pull another pump if theres massive news published,

>> No.14965459

nigger no one is going to touch that fat russian.

>> No.14965467


you won’t do nuttin

>> No.14965484

Some anon said he is selling them otc through binance, is that confirmed?

>> No.14965494

Yes, yes can imagine them using the money to buy Sergey's previous companies so Sergey can finally cash out legally and exit this crypto shit.

>> No.14966107

>calling a macro a ‘meme’

Get the fuck off my board you newfag linkie cunt. Holy shit you people disgust me. Where did you even come from? How did you find this place?

>> No.14966190

All those previous graphs show the bubble bursting in 2018 you retard.

>> No.14966422

How retarded are you? Link is down almost 40% from its ATH in sats

>> No.14966438

77777 to go

>> No.14966439

With so much negativity suddenly in the crypto market following increased regulatory concerns surrounding Bitcoin, Facebook Libra, and the rest of the asset class, the sell pressure and fear has caused altcoins to capitulate and even Bitcoin to begin to crash.
Altcoins are not only dropping to new lows in USD value, but their BTC ratios are at extreme lows. So low, that it if these ratios were maintained all the way to the top of the next Bitcoin bull run, even $100K BTC wouldn’t let most altcoins reach a new all-time high in USD value
If Altcoins Maintain BTC Ratio, $100K Bitcoin Won’t Take Them to New ATH
At the start of 2019, altcoins had outperformed Bitcoin, with many doubling in value in USD and in BTC ratio. Litecoin is a great example of this, and it stopped its rally after a 600% increase.
But since April, the once-correlated altcoins diverged from Bitcoin significantly, and have since gone on to reach new lows. Investors are capitulating, and much of it is being driven by fears of coming regulation, which has already caused a large portion of the market to be cut off from Binance, the leading crypto exchange.
Related Reading | The United States’ Distrust in Facebook Libra Is Spilling Into Crypto
Still, most crypto investors are holding out hope for the promise of an “alt season” - a period at which selling in the asset class is fully exhausted, and the low liquidity combined with FOMO drives up the price of each altcoin significantly in no time. Such an occurrence brought many insane returns at the height of the Bitcoin bull run.
Anyone late to alt season got left stuck holding some expensive bags. Expensive bags that may never again return to their previous all-time high. shit dawg, shits gonna hit the fan!

>> No.14967168

Learn English, Pranbajat.

>> No.14967272

I look like this kid but like 5 years older. I’m 29, bad?

>> No.14967313

This. It's pretty obvious these are not hitting the open market and they are using Binance to abstract the funds.

>> No.14967333

you guys really have no clues...kek

>> No.14967377


>> No.14967662

Buying two projects

>> No.14967773

Lol. Comedy Gold.. keep looking at your charts.

>> No.14968835
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>people not realising this is to keep the price down for coming investors and that once they are in and Sergey stops dumping it, the price will jump like a spring


>> No.14969028

>only one on the list to rise during a bear market
>only one on the list to break out after the bubble burst
>only one to consistently defy the market trend

huh, really gets the noggin joggin