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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14955132 No.14955132 [Reply] [Original]

why is there no fucking sticky on how to get started with ethereum

why does /fit/ of all places have a more informative sticky than /biz/

>> No.14955147
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>> No.14955152

because its important that you learn early on to always do your own research

>> No.14955158


spoon feed me

>> No.14955159

try the Ethtrader reddit, they are much more forgiving of newfaggots like yourself

>> No.14955161

why Ethereum?

>> No.14955170

if you ask to get spoon fed on /biz/ or really anywhere in regards to finance, people are going to take advantage of you
and also misinform you because its funny to fuck with nufags

>> No.14955176

because noone here actually knows what they're doing. Half are gambling, the other half are LARPing

>> No.14955190

the general idea of "getting started" is make an account on an exchange like coinbase if youre american, and buy whatever coins you want
if you want to learn more about ethereum specifically you should google what smart contracts are and how smart contract platforms are different than bitcoin

>> No.14955198

What do you mean with get started with ethereum?
you take your wagie money, wire it to binance and buy the erc 20 shitcoin of your choice.
there isnt anything other to it

>> No.14955225

You mean started building dApps? That's kinda a good idea

>> No.14955237
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By ethereum he means the huge decentralized ecosystem that is built on it

>> No.14955238
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nobody talks about it, I even attempted to download whole chain to just get my links.
Later find out I just need to use MEW to create wallet and use it.
Other chains are just copies of btc and are so easy to just fire up, get chain, use wallet from your own PC, retardrium is to just complicated for those who never touched crypto before.
And they cry why no normie money comes in to pump their prices. No one wants to shed light for them on baby steps to fully utilize the chain.
Oh wait, it's user-unfriendly UI, miss click passwords or don't copy those 24 words and you are fucked before you realized what you did wrong setting up the wallet.
it's user unfriendly, I repeat it again.

>> No.14955268

If you are too stupid to figure it out yourself then you are too stupid to make it
I think reddit might be more your speed, kiddo

>> No.14955407

Cool new app called Robinhood. Buy your crypto there. BSV is the only one that matters

>> No.14955781

That was too much information, next time just call him a faggot

>> No.14955819
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delete that bro

>> No.14955997

because if you make it in /fit, good for you, in /biz for others to make it (jannies uncluded) you need to lose your shekels.