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14944476 No.14944476 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14944485
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>> No.14944920

good for you OP hope you get there

>> No.14944931
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>> No.14945025

You're going to make hundreds of thousands if not millions to then put yourself at an extremely high risk of HIV/AIDS and being shot/stabbed by drug addicts who would just as soon harm you or rob you for their next fix?
Sounds pretty stupid.
Should just become a cop, somewhat overlapping skillset and you get to carry a gun, if you're not a retard you can become a detective of sorts and put in your 20 years of Det pay for your pension

>> No.14945163

I wanna be a P.I. Think about how comfy it'll be to sit around scoping people out all day and still being able to flash a badge and have people bow whenever you want

>> No.14945308

Nice, anon. I’m going to open up a liquor store with only high end booze in a very white rich neighborhood. I like liquor and if I don’t have to worry about making money it’ll be fun to sit around all day and recommend things to people. Depending on how rich I get I might even have a full refund if you don’t like it policy. I want people to be able to discover their favorite spirits and beer styles without stressing about the cost.

>> No.14945332


Additionally you can probably get away with shooting like 2 or 3 niglets a year with little to no consequences. People hate the cops but they're doing gods work.

>> No.14945437
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>> No.14945901

very noble and smart way to happiness.

>> No.14945912

I'm unironically going to become a martial arts master.

>> No.14945972

As if cop doesn't come with the same if not similar risks and detectives are the laziest pieces of shits around kek, you have no idea what you're saying. You don't become an EMT to make money, that's why there's so many volunteers and a lot of them happen to be cops as well. The only real advantage to being a cop is the gun part as you mentioned which is honestly a huge thing if you live somewhere like NY

>> No.14945999

I'm already working on it.

>> No.14946040


>> No.14946121

You will quit in a month. It's literally nothing but shuffling half dead geezers back and forth between the hospital and the old folks home. Literally the most depressing fucking job I ever had.

If you like taking pictures of cheating whores and ruining marriages for a living, have at it. Pro tip: Only white people have even the slightest respect for a badge and even then it's like a 50/50 shot.

Have fun paying $150 a month for some faggot to teach you angry yoga that will not help you in a real fight

>> No.14946125

Can you even read, nigger?
He'd be dealing with the same people as a cop, except he'd be able to protect himself. Nowhere did I mention money was important, I just said he could get a sweet pension if he went that route.
Fuck you are stupid.

>> No.14946371

Lol your angry yoga comment reminded me of https://youtu.be/-L9Amb2Io4s start at 1:30.

>> No.14946535
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I've decided that when I make it from LINK I'll become a pajeet.

>> No.14946653
File: 23 KB, 711x399, 4517307B-5C45-4C6B-A41F-1D7664428D06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the life of Dr. Narcan.

>> No.14946679

im going to go to festivals all around the world

and talk to girls with a cam and upload them to youtube

>> No.14946897

Pls no bully
>Angry yoga