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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14913430 No.14913430 [Reply] [Original]

Bend the knee.

>> No.14913434

top 60 wallet reporting in

>> No.14913440


>> No.14913671

literally nobody cares about this shitcoin

>> No.14913827

#1 volume on idex above QNT and LITlets. Wallets 50-100 keep getting pushed down or fought over due to accumulation. Token burn in just over a week will eliminate quite a bit of circulating supply, and the lower the price is, the more the circ supply gets burned the following month. Between all of this, more partnerships and a T1 exchange this can’t go anywhere but up. Ready to sink $5000 into this as soon as coinbase goes through

>> No.14913849


>> No.14914573

Cope harder. VIDT $10 EOY. $20 early 2020.

>> No.14914585


Jjajaajaja honestly man even if you for some reason hate this Gem, atleast pick up a 1k stack while they're cheap. No use in letting your ignorance cost you $$

>> No.14914607

My favorite coin of this year by far. The team has nailed every deliverable they said they would and we don't have to wait on a stupid mainnet like 90% of other coins that die because it never comes

>> No.14914651


So much this yo', They constantly deliver and never seem to fuck up. Eventually this won't be so under the radar

>> No.14914679


I'm wetting myself thinking about it

>> No.14914691

Seriously considering selling my stack seeing this brainless poopoo shilling. Proof to me that you are not the same street shitting pajeet in Bangalore

>> No.14914708

I sold just now after reading this shit. can't believe I fell for another PnD.

>> No.14914711

Do it queer no one here gives a FUCK

What trading volume do we need to be at to get on Coinbase?

>> No.14914717

So its beans nowadays who do Pajeets work today huh?
Obvious PnD is obvious.
LIT > vidt niggers. We dont need to shill LIT because it will go up without you retarded/bizraelians/
Stay poor Pablo

>> No.14914726


No one gives a shit about your 750 viddies.

>> No.14914733

>calls out rice and beaner coin
>shills muslim brotherhood coin
allahu akbar my friend

>> No.14914750

B-b-but sirs. If you sell now Ranjid will have to go beging on the streets again sirs.
Pls sir I beg you do the needful, buy VIDT and Mobius sirs. Many moon

>> No.14914763

Because its from Germany?
VIDT is from the netherlands, so it is not better in that regard lmao.
VIDIOTS are so cringy lmfao

>> No.14914786

LIT bagholder strikes again. I know it feels bad to get BTFO by VIDT over
and over
and over
again, but really, why don't you just stick to your green energy shitcoin and not even talk to us? insecurity is an ugly look anon.

>> No.14914804

Whatever Pradesh at least market dumping my stack in my country does not mean taking a shit the entire village has to verify with their eyes

If I'm not seeing new memes, insane fud or partnership rumors within 3 days I'm out

>> No.14914827

poo poo pablo

>> No.14914829

>If I'm not seeing new memes within 3 days I'm out

You should just get out of life.

>> No.14914846

>First complaining that he fell for the PnD called VIDT
>Then spouts out random nonsense about shitskins
>"HEHE stupid LIT bagholder. VIDT BTFO'd you (without giving any examples)

Take your meds or a rope you hopeless faggot.
Disgusting display of low IQ scum trying to manipulate. See you on the streets of Mumbai.

>> No.14914853
File: 330 KB, 900x740, 1562415668645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What trading volume do we need to be at to get on Coinbase?


>> No.14914876

Bro you've posted like 30 times in this thread alone. We understand you are lonely and poor. We want to help you.

>> No.14914879

Disgusting how the paid shills still linger around to make bagholders feel like they arent alone. Lmao anyone holding this shitcoin is in for a rude awakening.

>Muh top wallets accumulating

Wasnt this the same bullshit you guys kept spewing when you were getting pumped and dumped? Lmfao

>> No.14914892

get a load of this seeth

bet you invested cause the Star Wars theme. Good job on that by the way, I bet you pulled in alot of <12 year old investors. I'll let you get to sleep kid, I know you have school tomorrow.

Oh, and watch out for those token unlocks buddy! you almost hit 0 last time.

>> No.14914898

Yes buy this shuttling to the max and get burned alive! Hope someone puts his life savings in this shit and looses it all!

>> No.14914962
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, AHAHAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is we? The 10 streetshitters sitting right next to you in the same room I pressume LOL.
>OVerexagerating post count to project me as some lonely ass fuck
Get the fuck off with your broken english you sandnigger. I am not even dreaming about buying into your scam.

You are obviously shizophrenic and should seek help like rn. Shizophrenic episodes does make ouchies in your brain.
Also why do you think I am a kid? Do you fuck a lot of kids there in the streets of Mumbai or whatever shithole you are from?
>You almost hit zero last time
>Projecting me seething while comming out with blatant lies

See guys. Thats why behind every VIDT shiller there is black/brown skin to find. Their brains are laughably low and are just eager to "pwn" someone ITT to get some extra rupees because they "tried hard".
Please you two...keep going on entertaining the white man with your clowny shilling and projecting.

>> No.14915001
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>> No.14915028

Because you dont understand some words in my post. Also whats with you shitskin calling not known ppl "bros" and such shit? Fuck off with that shit LMFAO

>> No.14915036

I feel sorry for anyone still bagholding this shitcoin, honestly.

>> No.14915054

"B-b-but sirs. I swear no vishnu on blockchain. Not this time sirs. Also vishnu very beauty with big bobs. Just 1k sirs ples."