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14912341 No.14912341 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14912350

This will never happen. It would be tantamount to the government seizing billions of dollars from law abiding citizens, and there would be blood in the streets.

>> No.14912382
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>It would be tantamount to the government seizing billions of dollars from law abiding citizens
The government doesnt recognize crypto as a currency
>and there would be blood in the streets
Right, because all the fat neckbeards who became rich off of crypto are going to rise up and start a civil war with the US government.

Everyone would just move their crypto offshore, there would be no mass confiscation. You just wouldnt be able to buy or sell crypto with a US bank account anymore.

>> No.14912443

Your title and article are unrelated you fucking moron

>> No.14912474

>Trump dislikes crypto
>iran is a hotbed for crypto, maybe even the crypto mining capital of the world
>Trump is in a cold war with iran and has placed many sanctions on them
What makes you think he wont ban crypto? He would deal a serious blow to the crypto mining economy that iran has going on.

>> No.14912679

Crypto is a scam. One of the governments major jobs is to stop people from falling for scams. Bitcoin should be banned along with all those other meme coins people fall for.

>> No.14912697

I wasn’t even thinking about this, but holy shit, now that you piece it altogether it literally seems inevitable

>> No.14912713

>trump about to ban bitcoin
Being this braindead

>> No.14912715

clean out your US based exchange accounts soon

>> No.14912771
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I am kinda/sorta thinking that Trump will say something off the cuff like "Bitcoin is bad and we gonna shut them all down" so I'm hedging against it but at the same time I think nothing will come of it so after the dump I'm buying all the BTC I can.

>> No.14912773

Wow, some of you faggots are retarded or just don't pay the slightest bit of attention to world events. Iran has quite literally been on the US/Israel hit list since Desert Storm. The (((media))) is desperately scrambling for any excuse to attack them. This isn't about BTC, it's about punishing Iran.

>> No.14912802

You pajeet brainlets don’t understand how the government works, do you? Trump can’t just outright ban an asset class you fag boys, he’d have to pass lots of shit and jump through hoops

>> No.14912823

No one's saying that he can. But he can tweet something dumb and the markets will react to it.

We already know he doesn't like Bitcoin.

>> No.14913077

Explain how cryptocurrency is a scam.

>> No.14913092
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cmon dude..

>> No.14913156

So you cannot explain how it is a scam.

>> No.14913200
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Do you remember what happened last time that dumb orange fuck tweeted about bitcoin?

>> No.14913227

It dipped, I bought, it went back up and I made some money?

>> No.14913240

Can't believe I used to think that crypto was the future. But fortunately I started doing research after Trump warned us about what a scam it was and got out. He literally saved thousands of dollars for me. Money that might have been stolen by jihadis and funded their terrorism had I stayed in crypto

>> No.14913257

The digital currencies have even caught the attention of the ayatollahs, debating that bitcoin is either problematic or definitively forbidden (haram under Islamic law).

“Some of our top clerics have issued fatwas (a ruling on a point of Islamic law given by a recognized authority) that say bitcoin is money without a reserve that it is rejected by Islam and cybercurrencies are haram. When we explain to them this is not a currency but an asset, they change their mind,” Jahromi said.

By Allah, it is not a scam but 'an asset'. Tether, however..
Without wishing to suggest the Office of The President of The United States is in any way open to corruption, its Trump. $100k ?, he'll tweet whatever tf you like. Also more effective than McAfee, which explains why he's after the post now

>> No.14913263
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>this whole post

>> No.14913270

Of course he can't, he is memeing. Nobody who knows what it is is able to "prove" or "provide evidence" that crypto currency is a scam.

>> No.14913286

The US govt banned gold before. Why wouldn't they ban crypto?

>> No.14913303

>I stand with Israel!
>Sent from Outlook 360

>> No.14913308

anyone with half a brain realizes why

>> No.14913336

Weird how you equate scepticism towards a technology that regularly gets news about exit scams and hacking as "pro jew"
Sounds like you got some mental issues you should get checked.

>> No.14913355

Lol it’s gotta be satire. No one on 4chan is that normcore, right?

>> No.14913415
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At one time i would agree with you but now days it looks like the zogification is more or less complete. people just walk around regurgitating what the MSM says.

>> No.14913435

They've already done it before. FDR made gold illegal for private citizens to own and the fed confiscated it, hoarded it in fort Knox and the federal reserve and then artificially doubled the price the next year.

>> No.14913545

People are more likely to defend their money than their lives with deadly force.
Sad but true.

>> No.14913550

Ok, how about this. If you think crypto is a good idea for investment why not just buy gold or silver?

>> No.14913716

Yes it would, and the govt already does that and no one cares.

>> No.14913751

What the fuck are you talking about...I’m not trading my internet money for shiny boomer rocks.

>> No.14913828

How does this matter when ETHplode will soon be a deflationary reserve?

>> No.14913880

they're not normcore, they're trump cultists that believe he can do no wrong

>> No.14913912

Don't worry good ol' Zion Don will still let us purchase FEDcoin.

>> No.14913918
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>> No.14913931

FDR literally seized everyone's gold 3 generations ago.

>> No.14913932

People aren’t gonna do shit, no one really cares until their food is fucked with.

>> No.14913938

Govts job is to take a small portion of your tax money, not protect people from their own retarded decisions

>> No.14913963

>Trump can’t just outright ban an asset class you fag boys
He could if his Jewish masters wanted him to

>> No.14913964

Take the zuccpill. Bitcoin will never be the global standard currency. Libra will

>> No.14913994

You took that bait without hesitation.
Low IQ pol/lacks spotted.

>> No.14914016
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i have 50% of my money in crypto. if trump bans it, it's going to hurt. but i'm not going to starve. i'm not dumb enough to put all my money into one basket.

>> No.14914161

You don't have any brain at all. Everyone knows that the fact that you are unable to provide evidence or reason supporting your claim means that there isn't any evidence supporting your claim.

>> No.14914300

He just wanted the asuka poster to be right

>> No.14914485

Not every truth needs physical evidence, lad. Sometimes an enlightened person simply knows. God exist, because Christians has been touched by the holy Spirit. A man in a room without windows know it's night, despite not being able to see it. Humans knew food is needed to live, despite not being able to study how the majestic body takes in energy and so on. Asking for proof is akin to letting everyone know you're a simpleton.

>> No.14914509

Didn't sand niggers used gold for a long long time as money?

>> No.14914515
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>trump bans bitcoin because he's a retarded boomer
>forgets to ban all the other cryptos because he's a retarded boomer

>> No.14914529

Absolute brainlet holy shit

>> No.14914642

>Christians has been touched by the holy Spirit

>> No.14914659

>A man in a room without windows know it's night
Never been to a casino late eh?
>Humans knew food is needed to live
It's called hunger and you've evolved to experience it and desire certain foods

>> No.14914671
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maybe Trump was Asuka this whole time

>> No.14914687

Nope, most people don't give a fuck about crypto, also there are many countries that have banned crypto and people did nothing.

>> No.14914714

Tax and education are a scam too, considering how low the chance of success is.

>> No.14914742

What you call delusion is simply what you have never experienced yourself. People said it was delusion that ships made of metal would float. That cars would replace horses, that going faster than 20kph would be safe in trains. All proven wrong by the gut feelings of innovators.
Degenerate gamblers on alcohol and drugs is not a man of his senses. Besides, casinos probably have clocks all over the place.
Hunger? Not a state that can be proven physically, nor would it be natural for the first man devoid of enlightenment to assume eating would sate this emotion had he not simply known, not by evidence, but simply "knowing"

>> No.14914758
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more like ikari, create a monster to take over the world, have way too close of a relationship with your daughter, and eventually get destroyed by the monster you created

>> No.14914794

>People said it was delusion that ships made of metal would float.
People said you feel the spirit of God. All proven wrong by psychology and philosophy.

>casinos probably have clocks all over the place
They do not.
>Degenerate gamblers on alcohol and drugs is not a man of his senses
Moving the goalposts
>Not a state that can be proven physically, nor would it be natural for the first man devoid of enlightenment to assume eating would sate this emotion had he not simply known, not by evidence, but simply "knowing"
Holy shit have you never taken a biology class?
I highly recommend you read Incognito by David Eagleman to realize how mistaken you are in your views.

>> No.14914813

I understand, you're just another slave to the "logic and science" buzzwords. Shame, you will never attain emotional happiness as you don't believe in anything you can't see. You refuse to know, if someone tells you not to. Oh well, have "fun" with your pickles, Rick

>> No.14915690

if mutts ban crypto they're officially a third world country

>> No.14915700


>> No.14915932

So you're saying that you cannot explain how crypto is a scam.

>> No.14915942

Explain how precious metals are an equitable investment to cryptocurrency please.

>> No.14916062

Lets hope he bans it

>> No.14916160


>> No.14916296
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I might have to vote for Trump in 2020 just to own the cryptocucks.

>> No.14916303
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>> No.14916345

It's not like they went door-to-door searching for gold and besides I'd like to see them try it in this political climate.

>> No.14916369

We are in the same game friend , crypto , gold , and silver are playing on the same team.

And yes they did not went door to door together but you could not sold your gold so it was rendered useless.

The newer attacks against crypto are happening because our leaders worldwide want negative interest rates and want to destroy every way out.

Gold and silver have been cucked massively with capital taxes in the places where you sell it so even if you protect yourself from inflation they still win.
Crypto they don't know how to deal , both crypto and pms will protect you from inflation long term but gold and silver will be rendered useless until things stabilize, also with current rules you can't take it in planes so it's not even worthy for migration like in the days of transatlantic ships.

>> No.14916517

Iran and bitcoin wtf?

>> No.14916534

how in the fuck is Iran the crypto mining capital of the world?

they are getting two birds with one stone.

>> No.14916537

Trump can suck my dick
if you keep your shit where the pigs can take it you're an idiot and deserve to lose your stack

>> No.14916544

also based Iran
fuck the fiat kikes

>> No.14916619

>have way too close of a relationship with your daughter
I see you're watching the netflix adaptation

>> No.14916693
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The same to anyone who attempts to take my cryptotry me, i'm sure your children are delicious

>> No.14916697

The thing is, crypto can be moved across borders with little effort. Especially if you're not some normie retard with a crypto wallet device. You can embed an encrypted wallet in a random family photo on your google drive, so even if someone does a full thorough search of your hardware at the airport they're gonna find jack shit (and assuming you've encrypted it properly google don't know what it is, and even if they do, there's little they can do about it), you don't even need to cross borders with a computer.

Now gold/silver... heavy, somewhat easily detected, etc.

>> No.14917161

back to leftypol

>> No.14917196
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fuck your shitty fake coins. this makes me happy, I will be able to buy more silver

>> No.14918177
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China already banned cryptos and they still have the largest crypto market in the world to this day. You can't sieze cryptos like you can sieze gold you brainlets.