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14894312 No.14894312 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto is an actual meme, smart contracts are en even bigger meme. Any company appearing to begin playing around with this shit is techno-virtue signalling. They want to still LOOK relevant and cutting edge. The truth is, 10 years later and barely anyone cares. Things like crypto which are community (read: normie retard) run always turn to shit. Decentralisation is a meme. There always has to be a development team holding the codebase’s hand anyway, isn’t that basically centralzied? Until the day a flawless, mathematically flawless and pristine codebase for a crypto which can survive 50 years on its own with no supervision arrives all we’re getting in the end is different kinds of centralisation. Even Satoshi said in the end server farms would be running Bitcoin, a few of them, globally. Proof of Work is fucking shit. As much as you all hate it, technically speaking, XRP is the best actual digital currency in terms of basically everything, thats XRP as a stand-alone crypto nothing to do with the company that maintains the code. Decentralisation doesn’t excite big business, decentralisation means unaccountability which is bad for business and money doesn’t like to go into territories that aren’t guaranteed. You will never push something to normies by sheer power of will, or funny jpegs of badly drawn frogs.

>> No.14894355

>he doesn't understand

>> No.14894373

push normies with FOMO

>> No.14894395

tech innovation has been stalling for the past 50 years. its not just crypto. bad argument

>> No.14894601
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>based and rose pilled.

>> No.14894623
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Imagine buying imaginary bitcorns when you could be buying silver.

>> No.14894718

We know. We're all just waiting for the next bull/FOMO so we can get the fuck out of this.
