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File: 96 KB, 500x713, c612f455fc0cfb2a703154ace3339fd1df014f0e1ac0618a9d325768b7c837ed[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14889612 No.14889612 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14889677

i thought it was 1.1 million?

>> No.14889712

Imagine believing a scammer

>> No.14889727
File: 132 KB, 1262x1146, CraigIsAFraud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is very sad to observe.
Retarded kids not doing any research.
Suicide watch all over

>> No.14889735

Holy shit that man is cringe

>> No.14889737
File: 84 KB, 500x718, 59970b55fdfd8a4b47d61154b43dd56a00c1fd807a2cc93a8a3a99a46af73af7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14889783

Imagine betting life savings on a scammer coin which is used as a data dumpster
The whole idea of BSV is totally retarded, if you want to store data you don’t use a blockchain in first place
It’s retarded, expensive as fuck because of hardware redundancy, slow to upload, slow to fetch
Immutability will only attract illegal data
Literally zero reasons to use it

>> No.14889851

There are hundred probably thousands of retards 100% inside this poop castle.

Throwing kaka around pretending they made it.

It is pretty sad to watch.

>> No.14889875
File: 45 KB, 576x725, 7EFEE36F-727B-4F23-9F8A-0C484F91C4D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have the full thing.

for anyone new and interested into this, the backstory can be found at thecaseforbsv.com

>> No.14889882
File: 230 KB, 1528x1112, ScammingCockroach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His mum are real proud.

>> No.14889891

How can a monkey invent such a technology?

>> No.14889894

ok enjoy poverty. we've heard your argument. please refrain now from posting in any bsv threads. bye bye

>> No.14889903

Poor little kid, does truth hurt?
It's more nice to pretend right?


>> No.14889924

hey kid just fuck the hell off, you are spamming all over the place. get a life and piss off you inbred retarded piece of mongoloid waste.

>> No.14889941


oh no did you just burst into being a retard?

oh my

>> No.14889947

csw still wont acknowledge that he's created a cp trading network. we can only assume at this point that hes ok with it.
everyone who downloads that disgusting blockchain will wind up with highly illegal data on their harddrives.
its quite sad how they are recklessly setting up their users for prosecution by playing around with that garbage.

>> No.14889956


He has spoken of it.
Kinda hilarious is it?


>> No.14889970


craig’s gonna end my poverty by donating his btc to me.

>> No.14889975


What BTC? the ones he are trying to LARP to himself?


>> No.14889999


>> No.14890007

why does csw make u so angry? you're in every bsv thread. whats wrong with you?

>> No.14890050

Did truth poke you again?
oh my, maybe time to grow up and be critical?

>> No.14890068

Not at all.
Every thread?

Why are you so retard when it comes to Craig? what's wrong with your brain?

>> No.14890092

What "btc used on 2020" mean? I thought he'd only have bsv in 2020?

>> No.14890112

He is larping as the owner of the first wallets.

Craig is just a lying, roleplaying turd that dumb kids look up to..

>> No.14890117


Don't you realize its just Greg Maxwell? C'mon man it's pretty obvious.
He's lost it.

>> No.14890144

don't loose your mind when Craig will loose his "case"

>> No.14890163

yea thats true. greg is unhinged. just gonna ignore this moron from now on. replying to him just makes things worse

>> No.14890171


You're a sad cunt, Greg. Enjoy getting shit on by the Indian people u racist pedophile

>> No.14890195


Racist, Pedophile?

Must be hard living with schizophrenia.

>> No.14890198

The fact that BSV shills still keep coming back to 4chan is pretty weird. Do you hold anything else too?

>> No.14890213

Please continue with your LARP life.

It's real cute, don't come here screaming when you shit went to shit.


>> No.14890225

Notice how none of the bsv supporters in this thread will acknowledge it.
Its the same on every forum whenever its brought up...initially it seemed that they were embarrassed by this glaring oversight....but by now their repeated unwillingness to respond points some sort of tacit approval.
Its only a matter of time until LEO's are going to have to get involved as its spreading too much

>> No.14890227

just ignore him. hes obsessed with craig. no need to engage with him. hes also obsessed with indian people and scat. weird fellow

>> No.14890247


They are living in denial.

They hiss and throw a fit when the LARP is shaken with some truth.

>> No.14890275
File: 85 KB, 625x437, hello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is it good pay??

>> No.14890347

I only have a few BSV as a suicide stack, but I still have to ask because I'm really curious. If CSW is truly just a scam artist, what is the end game? What happens to him when he turns out to be a fraud, jail?

>> No.14890359

I like this timeline better than the "short BTC" one. Less "let's paint a target on my back-sy", while still getting stuff done.

>> No.14890360

this is the final bitcoin fud. it's obvious now. he's a conman, buy bitcoin and gold before it's too late

>> No.14890369

He will continue writing books inside a jail cell still larping telling kids to buy his shitcoin.
He will shill this shit inside prison and get a beating daily.

>> No.14890379

imaging falling for 'craig is fraud' meme

>> No.14890394


Your mental gymnastics are sad.

>> No.14890627
File: 17 KB, 350x350, cswright-abhiyaan04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the correct thread.
BSV will be the true ethrum killer and also king of coinmarketcap 2019
Do you not think that the Craig Wright team has not been working hard? Guess what? It has.
And always remember, as Craig says:
Get in BSV
The real BTC!

Let us all celebrate now
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwRZgtTEH08&t= [Embed]
And now For a Bonus! Watch him DESTROY a hater!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIvqn87iAz8 [Embed]

>> No.14890687


I can smell the curry.
The LARP is over.

>> No.14890695

oh who is this? an idiot hater with his idiot tokens
what do you hold? perhaps some garbage such as ethrum or chainlink
stay poor and salty! goodbye!

>> No.14890708
File: 232 KB, 1166x772, Craig-Wright-Youtube-CryptoFinder-Copy-e1556734678342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14890715


Judging by the post count, it's probably the same mongoloid that has been sperging in every bsv thread this morning.
Aka Greg

>> No.14890727


Another HODLER of poop.

Good luck with your adventures.

>> No.14890735


ah the typical response from the Craig lemmings.

>> No.14890749

fuck off idiot, you cannot read?
his name is CRAIG not GREG
fuck off again with your own idiot tokens
let me guess, you are anano holder?
maybe marry the other men who failed to insult me
stay poor

>> No.14890783
File: 24 KB, 266x338, Craig waaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Creg: "law law law"
>The Law: "We find you in contempt of court"
>Creg: ".................. lawman bad"

>> No.14890800

Yeah... I thought he was dumb but not this dumb.
I really felt more bad for the lemmings after this.

such a bad con man.

>> No.14890813

At this point I actually bet that Craig really believes he is Satoshi. He has completed his descent into madness.

>> No.14890818


It is you who are the idiot. I was pointing out that it was Greg Maxwell, CTO of blockstream, and not csw.
Sell your bags, fren, you aren't allowed in the citadel.

>> No.14890822


He does, ask his mum.

His life is a LARP

>> No.14890836

>highly illegal data

>> No.14890881

ah alright then, change the story now
very brave arguments!
make sure to buy more of your dog token so that we can be made to laugh here with our early buy stack

>> No.14890947

>significant holders must signal intention
>[signals literally nothing]
>there, I've done so. In the clear now.

Anyone else think CSW literally has some kind of brain damage? His online communiques are on par with the droolings of a 3rd grader in special ed.

>> No.14890983

anyone buying BSV is a literal retard and deserves to loose all his money

>> No.14891026

None of this "protects him" from insider trading laws. He won't even prove his holdings in a court of law...so his claim of "I only have 5%" is meaningless.
which is interesting because he used to claim 1.1M -- but whoopss!!!! that would push him above 5% time to backtrack.
However those previous twitter threats are stored all over the place, including on thebsv blockchain.