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File: 893 KB, 628x903, Mcafee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14878010 No.14878010 [Reply] [Original]

How do I short McAfee?

>> No.14878027

Why is he fucking a fat negro is the real question

>> No.14878028

You don't.

He shorts you.

>> No.14878039 [DELETED] 

He really doesn't want to eat his dick

>> No.14878041

i think you misspelled long

>> No.14878042

I hope he kills as many cops as possible

>> No.14878043


>> No.14878067

this fucking boomer has sipped his last sip

>> No.14878070

>refers to the MOSSAD as "CIA"
This literal who should never have made it

>> No.14878079


>> No.14878088

>We fled to Cuba to avoid being jailed for tax evasion.
>The CIA is in Cuba hunting us down for tax evasion, so now we have fled to international waters.

I like John. I align with his values, but he's absolutely bat-shit crazy. He has constructed a fantasy world for himself to live in and you can't trust anything he says.

>> No.14878554

He's paranoid. His personality is a consequence of that. He made his fortune off of internet security so it's quite understandable

>> No.14878565

The most based man alive. Even if he is LARPing.

>> No.14878577

She looks like an fbi agent from cs:go

>> No.14878578



>> No.14878585

who fucking cares, this picture is rad like an 80s action movie

>> No.14878612

He might have a parasite eat his brain since he likes hookers to shit in his mouth. I read something about somebody getting a intestinal parasite in their brain because a egg entered the blood stream through the colon. So that's a possibility

>> No.14878625

Kek'd, why is he pretending that he would actually shoot at the "CIA" if they tried arresting them? The government probably wrote to him saying that he needs to pay his damn taxes or they will sieze his shit and he panicked, went on the boat and bursted away towards Venezuela.

>> No.14878658

He IS the CIA duh

One of their patomime freak shows

>> No.14878661
File: 1.01 MB, 720x720, 1562544157897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He cute: the live action version

>> No.14878674

>I like John. I align with his values
I think the time he really lost his mind was when he was in belize. he was constantly doing crack / meth and posting on various forums...not only did those episodes culminate in him murdering his neighbor (can you imagine having to live next to JMcA?) but he was also paying his various house staff to shit in his mouth.

>> No.14878689


>> No.14878702

He is the most based boomer ever
Honestly I don't consider myself a libertarian but when he speaks it automatically sounds cool

>> No.14878744
File: 33 KB, 200x199, thumb_when-your-acid-trip-mears-off-and-youre-now-in-6765771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"hey dude, remember that mad trip I had one time"

Yeah he never came back from that shit.

>> No.14878797

true love

>> No.14878799

always asked myself whats the story behind that pic

>> No.14878806

Don't do drugs, kids

>> No.14878890

she looks fucking bad-ass tbqh.
he's prob. scared shitless of her, or figures, everyone else sane should be. handy to have around, keep the spooks at bay

>> No.14878902
File: 36 KB, 664x332, terry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CIA got to Terry, now they've only got one target left: McAfee. If you see an article claiming McAfee died in a boating accident or something of the sort, you know it's bullshit. They were the only guys who were tech geniuses who didn't subscribe to all of the Silicon Valley bullshit, CIA is monopolizing the mindsets of people in that field.

>> No.14878919

kek. This guy is a real character

>> No.14878955

>figures, everyone else sane should be
that's basically the mindset. she's loyal to him and he respects how fierce she is. read his Twitter if you wanna better understand how he feels about her, he talks about her all the time. I think he respects how little shit she takes. I don't think he will ever see a white woman again.

>> No.14878982

>'I will continue to be dark..'
the acuter issue is, ah spose, him/them mistaking fisherman or some other unfortunate floating past as glowniggas in disguiseband letting rip. F, actual fucking nutter

>> No.14879014

I can't even imagine what one minute in john McAfee's mind must be like

>> No.14879027

I wouldn't bone her but she looks like a decent security guard.

>> No.14879055

yeah, she's def. a throwback to the 'we wuz tiger fighters n sheeit' days. Last time read the Twitter was some 'he said/she said' BS about some thot not being given her fare back and accusing him of kidnapping. Was all some sad drugs BS for sure. Maybe give it another go, if only as I doubt John will be with us forever, somehow

>> No.14879069

Imagine being this based.

>> No.14879076


Bro McAffee eats shit, literally. She prob takes fat shits in his mouth and he just likes the taste of her shit.

>> No.14879089

just search "wife" or "bitch" or "black" and you'll find lots of sentiment there. it's almost amazing that he actually cares about something so much. who knows if it isn't just a facade with that guy, though. she could just be convenient.

>> No.14879113

>continue to be dark
was this a racist statement?

>> No.14879264


>how long will it be

>> No.14879282

>I will continue to be dark for the next few days

So that’s him in the white top?

>> No.14879291


he suicide bombed himself and caused a death count of 1.

>> No.14879301

what the fuck are you saying? go back to redit you stupid faggot

>> No.14879353

You know he is ourguy cause if you post this to reddit they all will fucking hate on him. Comon who else alive is gonna get a movie made of your life with Johnny depp playing you.

>> No.14879374 [DELETED] 

>I will continue to be dark for the next few days

His statements matches your statement. He’s gonna be dicking down that nigger for the next few days.

>> No.14879382

this is so sick

>> No.14879531

Absolute fucking Chad and legend. Literally dicking a thick negress and using her to fight glow in the darks. Good luck John, give them hell.

>> No.14879603

Absolute level-of-McAfee-reality based.

>> No.14879608

yeah Islam is fucked up

>> No.14879621
File: 29 KB, 630x269, Vitalik McAfee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love that guy.

>> No.14879636

Vitalik is just a fucking side character in his adventures, and everyone can see it.

>> No.14879693

Holy shit stop typing.

>> No.14879725

Is that JoJo in his profile pic? What a fucking legend

>> No.14879857 [DELETED] 

>continue to be dark for the next few days
>nigger with him

Based and prostitutepilled.

>> No.14880085

Based if true.

>> No.14880485
File: 47 KB, 681x305, followup?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never followed up on this. Was it vapor?

>> No.14880518

Well shit, thought that was another tweet. Why do I have this shit hoarded?

I was talking about the supposed whistleblowing

>> No.14880662 [DELETED] 

stuffmonger is a legend
>gets bored of being a multimillionaire coding antivirus software
>goes out to Belize to synthesize MDPV and marry a 14 year old
>gets bored of being a druglord
>gets into crypto
>becomes pajeet king shilling anything if you pay him obscene amounts of crypto and even starts a gBTC
>marries a shenigger

>> No.14880750
File: 123 KB, 640x1750, mcafee_communism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mcafee is the biggest LARPER on earth, something is wrong with his head.

Wouldn't surprise me if he was literally CIA but LARPING as a rebel.

>> No.14880756

McAfee does NOT eat shit. This is a common smear campaign by a journalist who wanted to slander him for various reasons. The people interviewed in that documentary were given lines of text to say and thousands of dollars in compensation. In a country where the average salary is like a few hundred bucks, of course they are going to say whatever the manipulative reporter wants to say. In fact, there is another recording of the samen women stating they never defecated in McAfee his mouth.

Now, this CIA thing is certainly an act. If he was really involved with anything, you think he could still post on Twitter? Or that they will be stopped by a boomer and his lover? They will just come in the night on their boat whilst they are sleeping, few flashbangs and smoke grenades and they got him.

>> No.14880809
File: 80 KB, 500x500, 1561230121253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah it does

>> No.14880857

It’s literally the CIA that caused this. They radicalized, trained and funded/weaponozed them.

>> No.14880935
File: 91 KB, 1500x1000, craig3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I short Conman John?
Long BitCoin

>> No.14880953
File: 78 KB, 640x484, doctrines_of_islam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He didn't read the Quran and Hadiths or the 1400 year history of Muslim barbarism

Islam is the root cause, CIA only enabled them.

>> No.14881071
File: 744 KB, 778x662, CIAintensify.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CIA glowers approaching Johns yacht in international waters
>put on TempleOS CIA hat and sunglasses
>pup that 100round drum in AR15
>full throttle

>> No.14881090

take your schizo pills faggot

>> No.14881172

If you think America doesn't pull the strings at the end of the day, you're a moron. Israel is a puppet. America is a puppet, but arguably less so

>> No.14881218

This is the first step...



>> No.14881244

>not letting her sexual essence dominate your frame, your entire physical being

>> No.14881277
File: 20 KB, 607x234, John McAfee - Opium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is true, check the twitter post, it was last year.

>> No.14881442


His neighbor was based for poisoning the dogs.

>> No.14881475

Bahahahha he really is one of the most interesting men in the world.

>> No.14881496

He is larping harder then ive ever seen or thought possible. He is living it.

>> No.14881509

Hes a libertarian like Thomas Jefferson or George Washington. Fucking your slave negress is part of the territory

>> No.14881520

she calls him massa

>> No.14881857

Fvckin kek

>> No.14882031

lmao, he is as libertarian as Antifa. He's a retard globohomo operator.

>> No.14882570

Currently listening to “Johnny I Hardly Knew Ya” and waiting to see how this pans out.

>> No.14882634
File: 499 KB, 599x597, 4755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if its all fake? Anyone can grab a couple shotguns hop on their boat(if they have one) and post a tweet like this.
I have read all the crazy stories about John but I am starting to wonder if it's just part of his social media advertising strategy to stay relevant.

>> No.14882680
File: 224 KB, 1200x1198, bog mcafee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14882764

This is quite possibly the most based boomer to ever grace the earth.

>> No.14883221


>> No.14884173

>the cia
>tax evasion

lmao just pay your taxes you fucking numpty