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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14839576 No.14839576 [Reply] [Original]

Did the Deutsche Bank crash??

>> No.14839590

not yet. they are said to be insolvent when their stock price drops to $6.50 per share.

>> No.14839600

Fuck me..

>> No.14839603

Will the Euro get fucked then?

>> No.14839607

where would you like to take it anon?

>> No.14839632

everything will get fucked then. if $45 trillion in derivatives are worthless, then they all are.

>> No.14839703
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>> No.14839704

What will their collapse do to my SPY puts?


>> No.14839721


>> No.14839723
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if you only knew how bad things really are.

>> No.14839770

Pls reply

>> No.14839783

brainlet here

should i keep my comfy dead end job for now???

>> No.14839820

nigger, if DB implodes, the European Union dissolves, global recession worse than 2008 begins, banks across the west collapse, gibs run dry, and chimpouts ensue. the last thing on your mind will be how your fucking puts are performing in terms of fiat monopoly money.

>> No.14839825

Try moon3d instead and get free rolls

>> No.14839850

Come oooooooon, when is this crash finally going to happen?

>> No.14839878

who cares, derivative trading is all zero-sum.

>> No.14839881

>this just in, deutsche bank gonna crash realllll soon, its almost here guys!
expect that for the next year

>> No.14839890

Hahaha we're fried. At Sergey will be welcomed is Switzerland or the Cayman. Smartcontracts become a necessity in commerce.

>> No.14839892

This is good for bitcoin

>> No.14839916
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Your puts are derivatives

>> No.14839922

>DB lays off 18,000
>reports of partners moving billions out of the bank
>stock price continues to fall
>silver spot price spikes at the same time
its all just coincidence, goy
*hand rubbing intensifies*

>> No.14839927

This October

>> No.14839950

Brainlet here, planning on buying a house in the next month or two, will this affect house prices in canada? It's cheap enough that it's the same I'd be paying for rent, but if shit is gonna hit the fan and I lose my job I don't want to have overextended myself, and I don't want to see it drop immediately after buying.

>> No.14839980

yes, wait 6 to 12 months and buy it for 80% less from "investors" who need to pay their medical bills

>> No.14839981
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This anon fucks

>> No.14839986

At your service. My feet are size 14

>> No.14840008

Who that ID...KMS...beware anon

>> No.14840013

exactly this is going to happen, dont buy

>> No.14840032

nah mate, we gud

>> No.14840125

please happen while I'm still young enough to fight niggers in the streets

>> No.14840150

Why is this one fucking German bank so important? I've never fucking even seen a Deutsche Bank outlet in my life. Why is Deutsche more important than any other bank?

>> No.14840157

>ooga booga itz habening!1!

>> No.14840182

I hope you already have weapons, and mean no crossbow, but at the very least a semi automatic shotgun, else, good luck, you will need it

>> No.14840186
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When will house prices start turning down? Is 6-12 months when we bottom out?
Shit.. maybe I should really hold off.

>> No.14840197

They played counter party for every bet over the last 40 years. If the house goes belly up, it is game over, for every one

>> No.14840208


>> No.14840225

>bottom out
no idea. My guess, something around 20 to 100 years

>> No.14840243

So they are a unique bank that operates differently to other banks? Why does no other bank do what Deutsche does? And if they have a monopoly on these types of services why are they going down so hard. Who is tanking their stock?

>> No.14840265

Nibba, you could probably just google dis shit

>> No.14840280


there is no credit risk here

>> No.14840345

I just googled it and all I get is corporate bullshit advertisements. Just fucking explain please.

>> No.14840358

hehe, hurry, its not too late to buy some more silver, when this tanks silvers gonna go so high! buy buy buy

>> No.14840360

>Why does no other bank do what Deutsche does
They are not the only one, but being backed by Germany and by that extend through treasonous EU treaties by the wealth and taxes of every single citizen of the EU, well it was supposed safe to use them as the house. Funny thing is if others would have fucked up, they would have won, but if they fuck up, as it is now the case, game over for everyone
>Who is tanking their stock?
a group with deep pockets that have bets running that will profit them if DB dies in thyrev e long run, and we are not talking 3 years, or so more like 200 years. literally NWO. Read BNW and 1984 and read inbetween the lines. Hopefully rwds will win the war, but either way, it will be damn bloody, think the 30 year war, on a global scale with the goal of a centralized post westphalian world order

>> No.14840366

Chainlink will save DB

>> No.14840386

I don't know shit lmao, but I don't expect to understand quantum physics by asking a few questions on a Kiribatian intake manifold polishing forum

>> No.14840419

We're literally going to speed up its collapse. But hey at least we'll get rich doing it.

>> No.14840444

somehow soldiers, mercenaries, weapons, supplies and execution commandos need to be organized and reliably paid for

>> No.14840450
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outlets are for retail banking you retard, Deutsche Bank specializes in Industrial and business banking, retail banking is peanuts in comparison.

>> No.14840473
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> Thinking chainlink will have an impact on anything but Sergey's wallet

>> No.14840505

Oh okay it's making more sense now, thanks. And I've already read those books too. But why does DB failing mean game over for everyone, but not their competitors? Why if any of the other banks who did what DB did failed it wouldn't mean shit? Is it because of the ties to the EU?


I've got a fat stack of Chainlink. Is DB failing going to make me rich? Will Link help or hidner DB?

Oh okay. So DB doesn't have ATM or outlets even in Germany? It's a B2B Bank then.

>> No.14840600

>Actually being this willing to learn
>Actually bringing meaningful discussion relating to this topic
>Then suddenly falling for a meme coin
I had mad respect for you OP for raising the questions that you did regarding DB.
How did someone like you fall for Link shills?

>> No.14840658

Dude I'm not the OP and I've been holding Link since 16 cents. I'm still heavily in profits.

Just answer my DB questions.

>> No.14840671

But muh oracles will save the day!

>> No.14840734


>Buying a house at the peak

Oh I m laffin

>> No.14840778

>But why does DB failing mean game over for everyone, but not their competitors?
Because they are so damn big, they are the house in a metaphorical sense. Imagine you are gambling with all your lads in the casino and you are winning, and when you walk to the cash out, you realize the casino is broken, no more cash. What are you gone do? Beat the croupier, steal some lamps, take the carpet with home. Either way, your paper wins will mean shit, and if you have built an empire upon those paper gains, your empire is also fucked.
>Is it because of the ties to the EU?
correct, the EU and every single tax payer is, do to treaties signed by the European traitorous governments and agreed upon by a bunch of incompetent parliamentarians the "bank" of last resort, big issue, the EU and all their countries have a real public debt of on average 15K% gdp per year, if one considers social security and boomer pensions, so by extend, also the bank of last resort is broken. The hope is, that the EU citizens will willingly slave to pay the gamblers, therefor the massive importation of third worlders to enslave them, if you epect them or the natives to just say yes, well, you are too optimistic.
>Will LINK make me rich
maybe. The idea behind link was, do to connecting smart contracts around derivative markets to precise external data, and leveraging the node holder to deliver precise data, costs could be reduced and no option for shake hand deals in back offices could happen, but imo LINK is too late. But supposing any Blockchains with smart contracts survive a crash, LINK could be used to reliably paying out contracts for example weapon deliveries, execution of traitors, massacres on bankers and their families, beheading journalists and so forth, but this is also a very speculative bet

>> No.14840863

[Press X to Doubt]
nah i doubt it because deutsche bank has too many assets and the euro isn't going to do any better in the future so ppl wont trade in euro for the long near future, it wont crash but the euro isnt fully dependant on that bank. you should worry abt HSBC

>> No.14840976
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>too big to fail

>> No.14841065

any amt of monys will make you a multi millionare in the nest 2-3 yrs if you know which baks are dying, which ipos will skyrocket and which countries will get oil sanctioned

basically no, keep your job

>> No.14841084

I accidentally said "OP" instead of "anon"
Brain fart.

Heavily into profits isn't the issue.
It's that you actually believe in Chainlink as a long term hold.

You seem like an intellectual so I'll explain to you in detail.

As someone who has written several smart contracts, I actually just write my own oracles and run them on my VPS, a low end box I got for $25 per year.

It's basically just a small program that makes an ETH transaction when the specified real world event has been triggered.

Because that's the only real reason you need oracles. ETH solidity can't access data on the internet. You need to pass it into the ETH blockchain via a transaction.

You can write a small program to do this (like I did) and pay only gas, or you can have Chainlink do it for you, and have to pay both gas and Link. The only real issue is "the Oracle is centralized", but not like Chainlink solves that issue, the best idea they have for that is "KYC nodes".

I've never really needed decentralized oracles in my use cases. Everything else about the smart contract is decentralized (people can withdraw and deposit tokens into my smart contact, the code's behavior is open, they can even check that the scarcity of collectibles are what they are supposed to be and not secretly inflated, they can see the transactions other people do with my contract, who holds which collectible, etc).

Just that when I need to check things like a deadline in Eastern time (e.g. for a deadline), or the price of a certain coin, I need an Oracle to pass that data into the ETH blockchain.

THAT is ALL that Link does, and I see no issue for such trivial parts to be centralized by me writing my own "Oracle" to pass such trivial data in.
And all I needed to pay was gas.

Chainlink is not some "magic bullet", it is literally just a way to check internet data in ETH Solidity.

>> No.14841219
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too big to fail and too big to save

>> No.14841252
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>Oh look, an interesting thread that is not about chainlink

>> No.14841270

and why the fuck should anybody trust you to write the correct data into the contract?
>ups, wrong data entry
>well contract executed
>Have fun proving in court that this happened and getting your funds back
>Investment losses
>not my issue mister customer

>> No.14841299

That's fine for you, and as a non enterprise level user of smart contracts you probably have no need for a decentralized oracle either. It seems that DB is kinda similar to Chainlink in that they aren't for the general public use, but are rather B2B and enterprise level services. See for a smart contract to be legally enforceable, the data must come from a decentralized oracle.

In regards to KYC node that has no impact on decentralization, just anonymity which doesn't matter when it's for institutions to use anyways. They don't need or want it.

>> No.14841312

Sorry I realized that, I'll stop.

>> No.14841889
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Oh no no no

>> No.14842016
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>> No.14842629
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>> No.14843183


>> No.14843275

>I dont feel so good Mr. Star......

>> No.14843385

Could happen anytime honestly, just depends how long it takes for one of their trading desks to fuck up.

>> No.14843436

>fiat currency banking
>zero sum

just print more lmao

>> No.14843477
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>just print more lmao
Wasn't that the mantra of Zimbabwe?

>> No.14843553

>fiat currency
>derivative trading

not the same thing bucko.

>> No.14843623
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Holy shit STFU. It already crashed more than 95%. If anything would have happened it would have already. Crashing another 5% from ATH to 0 is not a happening. Everyone has known deutsche has been in trouble for a decade now.

>gross derivatives exposure

Literally means nothing since many of their positions neutralize each other. Like one contract may give them long exposure to a certain currency while another gives them short exposure, so while their gross exposure is very high it cancels out to 0 risk. You'd need to have access to their entire book and calculate the net exposure to get a figure that has any meaning.

>> No.14843715

Do you work in EY’s blockchain department or something?

>> No.14843730

This. Bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth. Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons. Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story. The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes. In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team

>> No.14843757

Making huge gains on FOREX right now. The death of Deutsche bank has lead to a partnership between Eurasian Standard Mint and Ukrainian Company Alcove. Im about to bust my portfolio wide open

>> No.14843774

>this brainlet
Keep waiting for that 80% kek

>> No.14843822

Eu 14 is like a 6

>> No.14844882

Watch "The Big Short"