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File: 1.15 MB, 816x984, emma hey.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14808861 No.14808861 [Reply] [Original]

Blockchain is a very interesting technology with a number of excellent applications.

A decentralized global payments system is not one of them.

From a technological point of view - as well as a legal and regulatory point of view - it is better that any payments system built on a blockchain is pseudo-centralized or completely centralized to ensure speed, low cost, stability, and oversight.

Blockchain will change the world of payments, but none of the open source blockchains that people are currently invested in will win out.

The winners will inevitably be the blockchains being currently built by massive multi-national corporations and governments.

Grass-roots blockchains have no chance whatsoever of competing.

>> No.14808918

Why is it so hard for brainlets to grasp how incredibly unique Bitcoin is, and how it can never be stopped by a nation-state nor by a company, nor by your Grandpa telling you it's worthless, nor by anything ever, and that's precisely why its intrinsic value is worth more than any currency you can think of?

It can be bought, sold and traded to anyone in the world, theoretically without any third party involved, and the two parties transacting could literally be on the opposite side of the World. No banks, no company, no Country, no middleman involved. It's literally never been done before. It's priceless.

A multi-national corporation or government literally isn't capable of creating what Bitcoin is becoming. Wrap your head around that, retard.

>> No.14809003


>> No.14809165

Thats the promise of bitcoin that has not been confirmed. I believe that it the reason it has been overvalued for a long time.
Bitcoin can absolutely fail. The longer time goes on the more it is revealed that the anarchist dreams of bitcoin in ~2011 are evaporated.
The hype is running on fumes because of its early successes. All the early adopters have a false view of whay bitcoin is, and all the new adopters are betting that history will repeat itself.

>> No.14809299

you really don't understand how and why a blockchain works.

nice bait with emma

>> No.14809320

Wrong goy, Bitcoin is only for large banks to settle transfers in, you goys will be using Lightning(tm) network and will enjoy it.

>> No.14809369

the ethernal kike

>> No.14809394

blockchain is just an immutable distributed ledger.
i absolutely believe bitcoin has fundamental utility and this value. it is a profound, albeit volatile, store of value. but it has shown that it really isnt what people believed pre 2012-3. it CAN be confiscated, silk road happened. it can be centralised in terms of ownership,hash power and exchanges. it is not practical as an everyday settlement of payments.
bitcoin runs on hype.

>> No.14809426

*mostly* on hype

>> No.14809473

a distributed ledger is only part of cryptocoins
because that could be solved in other ways
the key is PoW and permissionless and decentralised writing to the ledger. the unique census finding properties of such a system.
it can only be confiscated if you are an idiot. the downfall of SR didn't happen because of bitcoin

>> No.14809569

if the fbi wants to take your bitcoins, it probably can.
bitcoin has had practically no adoption. even markets that tried to use it like steam stopped.

>> No.14809595

Why you treating me like an object!!!1!! Female and male are the same!!

>> No.14809653

the FBI can suck my dick, i'm not in its juristication.
also good luck getting the keys out of my head.
also blockchain isn't just bitcoin. you're constructing a straw man

>> No.14810541
File: 152 KB, 680x453, gaylord.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the point of a corporate blockchain?
the entire point is to not have a single point of failure.
A corporation would be a central point of failure.
you can file a lawsuit against a corporation to get whatever you want. But you can't sue a real blockchain.

>> No.14810937

How can she be so perfect frens?

>> No.14811024

Wow, did she really say all that?

>> No.14811057

Wtf, it's a female. Shoulders jaw and neck look more masculine than some traps

>> No.14811082
File: 1.46 MB, 3460x3770, 1558741022416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you shut your whore mouth

>> No.14811664

imagine the smell

>> No.14812085

how many linkies to get a virgin cutie who looks like her?

>> No.14812182

>to ensure speed, low cost, stability, and oversight.
then go and invest in visa master card or paypal, I don't give a fuck about transaction speed I want to invest in a immutable deflationary store of value let's see who ends up richer in a few years

>> No.14812233
File: 1.97 MB, 1558x1008, goatemma.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never fucking selling (her)

>> No.14812280

Probably perfume with a slight scent of conditioner and a hint of sweat.

>> No.14812473

why does that girl always act and dress like a 45 year old wine aunt who desperately wants to be sexy again

>> No.14812872

I had a huge crush on this chick because of that one retarded kids show, I forgot the name

>> No.14813327


>> No.14813369
File: 163 KB, 1702x1384, 1563050565429.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You keep rambling about governments and corporations and political bullshit no one cares about yet stay oblivious to the facts. Bitcoin is a worthless, dying dinosaur. Its pathetically low tx/second and soaring transaction prices should tell you everything you need to know about it. Something so cumbersome and unpractical won't stand the test of time.

Be an adult and think with your brain instead of repeating idealistic platitudes that have been long proven wrong.

>> No.14813404

>adult and think with your brain instead of repeating idealistic platitudes that have been long proven wrong.
God those bags sound heavy....what alt are you holding like that?

>> No.14813510

So chainlink is the key. Got it. Buying more now

>> No.14813704

people with half a brain prefer secuity and immutability over speed, and transaction fees are necessary if you want to have a supply cap instead of never ending inflation but you probbaly think that's it's all the same and whatever is the fastest it's the best bitcoin/crypto

>> No.14814278

she needs to be blacked, dog fart blacked

>> No.14814310

"Blockchain not cryptocurrency" is the dumbest fucking boomer tier normie shit ever

>> No.14814388

I dont even know who she is, google is not helping and she is not porn actress

>> No.14814552


Who's this hottie

>> No.14814569

Might as well just be topless stupid looking whore.

>> No.14814577

bitcoin is an evolution in human freedom, economic incentive theory, cryptographic security and decentralized organizations.

The new coinmine thing that is coming out is going to let any retail idiot buy their own lightning node and coin miner (as if it were a PS4), which they are going to tie to a fleet of satellites that connect lightning nodes around the world, allowing you to be your own bank and transact across the world without ever touching a legacy system from the current internet roadblocks, global banks and governments.

We're watching history unfold where people use engineering, technology and philosophy to build an incorruptible economic future over the heads of the old regimes of Earth.

>> No.14814610

> how it can never be stopped by a nation-state nor by a company
Literally >51% of miners are in China. China could BTFO Bitcoin in a month if they wanted to

>> No.14814674

Christine chandler from Ruckersville, VA.