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14809581 No.14809581[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The President is set to announce a new tax on all crypto currencies soon. Every transaction from buying, selling, trading, or moving your crypto will be taxed at 10%

Time to start filling out those job applications.

>> No.14809588

It's ok we are just going to vote him out to put in Yang anyways.

>> No.14809607
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I regret ever helping meme him into office

>> No.14809611

this is the most retarded thing ive read. good job

>> No.14809613

I'm not happy about this, but if it will stop terrorists from attacking Israel, it's a price I'm willing to pay.

>> No.14809616


Better pick out what you think is gonna be big in 2025 and cold wallet that shit.

>> No.14809634

This. Checked.

>> No.14809639

The President thanks you for your service.

>> No.14809642

I am outside the US and will do all your crypto trading for you, dont worry anons we will make it!

>> No.14809647
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>> No.14809658

Thank you Trump. Amerilards will become the hodl cuck of the crypto games.

>> No.14809700

/Pol will not approve? Remember what happened last time...

>> No.14809719

That would actually be quite the lucrative business if you were trustworthy and on-call 24/7

>> No.14809740

Lol country of freedom. I’ll stay here in India thanks

>> No.14809744

... except for XRP - it’s regulated and Trump approved. $10 eoy

>> No.14809968

Doesn't India have a crypto tax?

>> No.14810056


As long as the payment of the tax is already deducted and automated in the app or any trading programs.

I think that is very healthy for bitcoin

>> No.14810066

Is that his real face?

>> No.14810088

Fuck him, this shit is gay as fuck. I have money in gold and silver but I'm still fucking pissed. Fuck this loser like Israeli.

>> No.14810100

fucking kek

>> No.14810107

and...? If you're making money, INCOME, you should be paying INCOME TAX this is a pretty basic concept. You're literally laundering money otherwise if you're not declaring your investment gains (which is against the law btw)

>> No.14810166

This. Israel is, indisputably, our greatest ally, and the continued health and prosperity of the centralized banking regimes that are so happily entrenched within our government is absolutely critical to its protection. Bitcoin had its chance, and it has shown itself to be anti-American, anti-Democratic and anti-Semitic!

>> No.14810186

lol, suck it, libs! Oh wait, I'm the one getting hurt....Resist!

>> No.14810201

bullish for good ol' boy projects like Sentivate

>> No.14810202
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>> No.14810204

>Mods asleep
>Burgers asleep
>Lets shill bullshit with no source about US elections to Europoors
the mind off a paid shill

>> No.14810222

You brought this upon us you fuck

>> No.14810228

That's cheaper than capital gains.