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File: 230 KB, 1280x720, maxrewdedwedefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14720010 No.14720010 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck you /biz/. Everyday there are thailand posts and now I have ocd thoughts about this fuckin place.

I have 0 interest in ugly thai women and 0 interest in thai ladyboys. I only care about swimming in nice beaches coz in my country there is only 1 exotic beach Thai style...also good weed would be appreciated

as a passive income Boomer should i spend every winter in Thailand? keep in mind that i live in central europe and the voyage alone is about 20 hours.

also would be going alone coz gf is a poor poofter

>> No.14720021

your gf is gay?

>> No.14720035

>also good weed would be appreciated
Doesn't Thailand regularly jail and even torture and execute people associated with drugs?

>> No.14720044

i heard about that. not very cool

i called gf a poofter coz i hate her

>> No.14720057

No desire to go balls deep in a barely legal thai twink why even make it

>> No.14720081

I'd just go to Cambodia.
You can literally order a pizza full of weed (Happy Pizza) almost anywhere.
Or just buy weed almost anywhere.

>> No.14720082

spain? someone from there would probably have to confirm a forener can use one of the cannabis clubs

>> No.14720089

I retired to Thailand and got bored and came home. It's nice but after 6 months of watching sunsets from your beachfront veranda, it gets boring. You need more to your life than spare time.

>> No.14720100

I live here. They just legalised medical weed and kratom. It isn't yet in effect but soon.
The Thai are very anal about proper procedures.
Once it is legal it won't be a problem.
The weed here isn't great but once it is legal it will probably be pretty good.
It isn't a place to retire though.
Thailand is great now but it is being affected by globohomo and it will be like the US or Germany levels of pozzed in a bit

>> No.14720105

>Retiring outside the first world
You will never be happy.

>> No.14720114

6 months a year. not completely live there

>> No.14720117

>Thailand is great now but it is being affected by globohomo and it will be like the US or Germany levels of pozzed in a bit

How so

>> No.14720148

Where are you from?

>> No.14720152

Don't even attempt to get weed or smoke it in Thailand drugs are illegal.

Travelling alone is best though unless you are with some mates. Do not come with a female. You want to be fucking girls. Some of them are ugly but some of them are pretty hot with fine bodies. Ladyboys are for faggots stay away from them.

>> No.14720182

The younger generations of Thais aren't like the older generations. They consume globohomo entertainment etc.
#metoo has made it into their psyche
The amount of homosexuality, thots and incels is rising.
Their fertility rates are low.
The younger generations are getting progressively more feminist and pro-lgbt etc.
The language barrier etc have made the decline slower but give it a decade to 30 years and it will weimar tier.

>> No.14720183

>You want to be fucking girls

op here. umm no thanks. I am not stupid enough to fuck locals who service all tourists from all around the world

>> No.14720296

Those are in the minority.
You can fuck women with normal office jobs if you choose to put the work in.

>> No.14720454

>put the work in

nah fuck that shit. im in d process of dumping my stupid gf

>> No.14720499

Thai beaches are filthy as fuck and covered with litter and the water is often contaminated with sewage and they're crowded by Chinese tourists who are like the American tourist stereotype turned up to 11.
Stop falling for marketing campaigns and cherrypicked pictures. Until you're rich enough to park your sail boat on private and guarded beaches that celebs use, you're one of the insects.

>> No.14720664

This is utter bullshit.
There might be some litter on some beaches near highly populated towns, but they are cleaner than most in the world and certainly not filthy. Can you show me a picture of these filthy beaches, as I have hundreds of pictures of super clean ones?

>> No.14720715

OP is a fucking retard

>> No.14720716

People tend to take pictures of clean things more than dirty things.

>> No.14720809

I know someone who does this but in India. Works rest of year on HGV driving and then goes to India for a few months. Meant to be good, from UK.

>> No.14720823

Don't bring gf and she's gonna be getting railed at home.
Also if you've got no interest in ladyboys what's the fuckin point

>> No.14720903

i moved from Seattle to Berlin after making it with ETH and you wouldn't believe how cheap, clean and amazing it is. Quality of living is just so much higher compared to the US. I have probably saved $50,000+ already alone on medical bills. before you ask about the immigrant invasion: there are a few districts where you see turks but i have never seen a single syrian immigrant in 4 years, they all went home or somewhere else. I have never seen people living in tents on the street like in WA either.

>> No.14720948

The only issue is the local girls are making fun of my cut dick. It's not the length... German chicks just somehow believe uncut dicks are superior so keep that in mind

>> No.14720979

you can live cheaply in thailand, but you live like a 3rd worlder.
jsut saying.

>> No.14721005

how did you get citizenship/work visa for Germany? I studied abroad in Mainz and I've been wanting to leave the US every since

>> No.14721146

Just just need a job offer from a German company for the work VISA, i was lucky because there is a lack of software engineers. Alternatively you can go for the Entrepreneur VISA. Buy an appartment for 250,000€+ rent it out for 3-4 years and you'll get permanent residence permit.

>> No.14721159

That’s strange. A few Germans told me every major city in Germany is now flooded with niggers and Turks/Arabs

>> No.14721219

Get a teaching job to fill time.

I spent two years teaching in bkk and loved it

>> No.14721280

The turks you see all migrated several decades ago, all i met so far were born in Germany and spoke fluent German. I rarely see Niggers/Arabs, they are definitely a minority here. I was surprised as well, I thought Berlin is a major shithole from all the stuff i read online but most is fake or exaggerated desu

>> No.14721478

comfy condo and all supplies you could want for a western lifestyle are < 500 USD per month. That's "cheaply" in my book. You have to start getting into 20% of that before you are living like a third worlder.

>> No.14721523

kraut here and this is complete bullshit. I live in a small village and we have syrian shitskins here. berlin is sodom and gomorrha and overrun with foreigners, literally the worst place in Germany to be.

>> No.14721538

From your description of yourself, stay the fuck away from Pattaya and you'll probably do fine. These degenerates go on about ladyboys this and whoremongering that 24/7, but the truth is the vast majority of Thailand is just normal people living normal lives and you can fit into that just perfectly fine without any ruffles as long as you don't go out of your way looking to engage with the seedy underbelly.

>> No.14721576
File: 120 KB, 720x1280, IMG_8298 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine going to Thailand to smoke weed, you will tell us how was the jail time?

>> No.14721639

You haven't been to Seattle anon, hundreds of people are living in tents on the streets. Stop making this shit up, it's like you guys are fudding your own country to make less people move there??

>> No.14721654

because western europe was a paradise 15 years ago and now it's like the US

the change was so fast we need a civil war

we are not cvcks like americans, we don't accept diversity

>> No.14721664

how good is internet

>> No.14721666

Aren't you a fucking Arab yourself?

>> No.14721676
File: 220 KB, 1160x542, dna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only arab blood i have is on my ancestor's sword

>> No.14721698
File: 129 KB, 838x558, ALESIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will the nordcvcks learn the true master of this planet is the medbull?

>> No.14721699

Thai anon here. The beaches here are filthy. The only place that are clean are places with no people, or where a resort pays some poor sob to clean up the beach every day.

>> No.14721723

you haven't truly lived unless you fucked the shit out of a 17 y/o thai hooker

>> No.14721726

pai kai kai idok

>> No.14721730

He thinks it's great because he's comparing it to Seattle. Seattle is an utter shithole full of homeless people, and wrecked by socialist libtards who run the city.

>> No.14721734

50mbps on the reg is baseline, you can get 300mbps (it's referred to as gigabit fibre, but in practice you will top out at 300mbps to most places in my experience) if you're prepared to shell out a hundred and fifty or so per month.

>> No.14721770

Fucking frog thinks he's funny because he learnt to talk like the vulgar tranny whores he hangs out with on soi 5.

>> No.14721785

Thailand is heaven on earth if you do it right but NPCs only see beach, party and whores. Stay NPC.

>> No.14721793

the girl i posted was a playboy model 2017 just look in youtube

i don't deal with your pozzed neighbors and i will never come back to thailand again

not because i don't like thailand anymore, i will never show disrespect to your kindgom

but because there are already too much white guys looking after young pussy so there are too much concurrence, better go to Manila instead of Bangkok

please stop being scammers

>> No.14721805

thats called living like a thai

>> No.14721812

dude thailand has always been full with faggots and ladyboys. its also always been one of the most promiscuous nations on the planet.

>> No.14721824

Good for you that you decided to break out and see the world for yourself.

>> No.14721837

no its more like this country has gone extremely downhill extremely fast. there were literally no niggers here 10 years ago and now they are crawling everywhere. major cities like frankfurt are already minority German. the decline over the last decade has been insane and just because its not as bad as some literal hellhole in the US where people live in the streets doesnt mean its not rapidly declining. this country was paradise back in the 90s and its going down to hell in a handbasket.

>> No.14721855
File: 122 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0062 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked a french teacher in Bangkok (she was working in Nakhon Sammat) and she told me 60% of the young men were gay or at least bisexuals and the only thing they liked to do was watching netflix while drinking redbull after school

now I leave you imagine how loud she screamed when my big french veiny cock penetrated into her vagina who was not rammed for almost 4 months (or by shrimpy asian dicks)

wew shit was so cash

this is me in april suites hotel in pattaya (with a russian milf)

>> No.14721863

also it pisses me off when some mutt comes here with rose coloured glasses and says Im making things up. you have no idea what youre talking about. I live in a small village and its crawling with shitskins now and theyre all breeding like rats. always with little trolleys on them and shitting out one kid after the other. my sister rents out an apartment and got nonstop calls from shitskins who get sponsored by government money. we literally had no brownskins in my hometown before 2015 now they are everywhere. so dont tell me how great my country is, mutt, when its america that has ruined it.

>> No.14721899
File: 50 KB, 640x563, IMG_0040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a girlfriend from Stuttgart and she told me the same, also I have a good friend in Germany and he agrees

french and german have to be united and clean this shit we could create a new roman empire and conquer the world but macron and merkel prefer welcoming 80 iq baboons to be uber eats slaves

>> No.14721906

Thai people live pretty well then, because the exact same lifestyle in Australia would go for 5x.

>> No.14721908

>60% of the young men were gay or at least bisexuals and the only thing they liked to do was watching netflix while drinking redbull after school
Wow, it's just like here!

>> No.14721934
File: 439 KB, 700x554, Capture d’écran 2019-07-11 à 13.46.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are not that much gay and bisexual people in Europe...

try being a shemale in the street of paris or just be a gay effeminate man and you will suffer the consequences

even the french roastie told me it's not good to incite young guys to be gay because there are no more manly ones to inseminate the women

>> No.14721940

Fuuuuug. Story time.

>> No.14721953

>muh dick
you look and sound like an arab yourself bro

>> No.14721960 [DELETED] 
File: 714 KB, 344x426, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ocd thoughts about this fuckin place

people using a term ocd even though they have no clue what it means

>> No.14721961

>lol accept my reality
You are a villager what do you know about big citys then? There has always been migration to germany. Before the turks in the 70s came you had russians and polaks everywhere.

>> No.14721972

have sex insect

>> No.14721976

>You are a villager what do you know about big citys then?
probably more than you I lived all over Germany, EE and SEA. so just fuck off. turkish immigration was forced onto Germany by the mutts and I'd rather have russians and polaks here than all these shitskins.

>> No.14722017
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>> No.14722038

The dollar goes a long way in Thailand, cheap af. You could easily retire there a king. You could be king of the lady boys if you wanted

>> No.14722063

I doubt it. U sound like a redneck coming from some Unterdorf. brown people are everywhere not since u discovered them in your small village. Immigrations has always been part of Germany. Deal with it Ronni.

>> No.14722067

dollar is losing his buying power since 10 years

>> No.14722077

>German chicks just somehow believe uncut dicks are superior
Jews really mindfucked your whole country. Tragic.

>> No.14722081
File: 34 KB, 597x498, 1562832170986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Mehmet trying to swim to Greece every week

you are not welcome here muslim pig we will behead all your family soon same if you are an afro american

>> No.14722084

>Germany has always been full with somalians
>muh redneck
as I said just fuck off

>> No.14722090

>thinking women care about your foreskin

"sorry brad pitt, i can't have sex with you because of this 1cm skin in your cock"

have sex incels

>> No.14722110


OK, tell me faggots, where a nigger from a third world shithole could purchase BTC with a debit card transaction?

I mean not some crack addict's den or slav scam website.

A legit place, of course.

>> No.14722126

Many girls have never seen dudes uncut. Most Chad's have a cut dick in America. Generally poor fags still have their skin. That's why women prefer it. If you are Brad Pitt it doesnt matter what your dick looks like, his is cut too

>> No.14722140


where do you live? i know guys who can travel to sell it for you but they don't do it for 200$

>> No.14722150

have you been to thailand?
its a big country, but you can blow 100k on hookers and blow say, in bkk, just as easily as anywhere

>> No.14722152

stop trying to defend your parents because they cut your shrimpy kike penis when you were a newborn

i hope they die and suffer in their sleep

>> No.14722156

coping triggered skinlet detected. deep down we all know uncut is superior

>> No.14722181

I've fucked plenty of French dudes (faggot) none of which had a big nor veiny cocks some of the most avg cocks I've seen on men.
>Imagine lying on a anonymous board about your cock size.

>> No.14722215
File: 74 KB, 880x548, niggaugay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga u gay dont do this in Paris

>> No.14722218

I'm not defending it, but stop crying because girls think your cock looks gross. It's really pathetic.

>> No.14722243

Why the fuck would I go to Paris the place is a total shit hole which smells like piss and covered in shit, it's bascially the India of Europe.

>> No.14722247
File: 168 KB, 533x317, Capture d’écran 2019-07-11 à 14.14.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happened 5 days ago

never had a complaint
stay mad kike

>> No.14722248

I have an arian passport from my grandfather how about you?
I grew up with mehmets, vladimirs, jacubs, Amirs Kevins and Hans. I bet you were growing up well protected in a Dorf, where the most exoctic thing was eating a pizza.

>> No.14722262

cool, stay away from Paris because it's not bangkok nor Tel aviv here

if you are gay you are going to spend a very bad time faggot

>> No.14722285
File: 66 KB, 640x793, IMG_9031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not german, my ancestors killed yours in the trenches.

>> No.14722328

Wtf is this bait.. Is Germanistan running out of wypipo to pay taxes or what?

>> No.14722346

If your not interested in sex tourism and zoomers drinking alcohol from buckets on their 'gap year' then Vietnam is a lot better option. Thailand = fun with your mates and bang a tranny for the banter. Vietnam = a place you could take your gf and enjoy a similar but less degenerate setting. Food is also better in vietnam because frogs.

>> No.14722361

americvcks discovering Europe are so ridiculous, they think because we don't live in tents it's paradise

I hope a new Napoleon, Gengis Khan or Hitler take power in Europe and nuke them all with their strange fetish like cuckold and strapons

>> No.14722368

this entire thread smells like one big bait
>amerimutt larping about germany being white utopia
>arab larping about being french
>turk larping about being german

>> No.14722378

All French people are manlet cucks none which know how to fight. I'll slam them and slam their ass when I'm done. Come at me I'm 6'7ft 150kgs imaging being beat and raped by a fgt

>> No.14722416
File: 46 KB, 1044x244, Capture d’écran 2019-07-11 à 14.25.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHAHAHAHAHAHA come in Paris big faggot we will treat you well

why are you so scared?

it's not San francisco here we see you being gay we stab you and police won't do nothing (because they hate you too)

>> No.14722425

>I'm not german, my ancestors surrendered in the trenches.
I corrected that for you.

>> No.14722478

this faggot looks big too, yet he is not big enough to stay up after big manly french medbulls knock him out in the flood

>> No.14722505

>Frogs actually hate faggots
Dare I say it... Based?

>> No.14722514

Verdun (french town) is the biggest german cemetery in the world, you had to sign Versailles treaty after we dressed you up into a little slut in the trenches.

No one ever conquered the kingdom of France because we are too manly, we took over Oceania, Africa, America, Asia and all Europe

the french veiny cock is not a myth, it's true

>> No.14722519

French bro what's your iq, you seem very dumb and look like a shit skin

>> No.14722525

All the French Bois like my big aussie cock when theyre here, you'll be next ill open up your tight boi pussy without remorse in front of all your 5'4ft French cucks. Implying I can't just pay off your French officers to pin you down and record it.

>> No.14722537

>when its america that has ruined it.
Whaaaat? How is it America's fault? You fuckers are funny.

>> No.14722538

Pourquoi tu posts ta tronche de rat partout et namefag? Retournes sur leddit ptite pédale française

>> No.14722589
File: 185 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2030 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you probably have french blood in your veins rape-baby

higher than 120, I own 11 BTC too

why not? have sex bro

>> No.14722617
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Last thread you said you owned 3 BTC. Just kys instead of wasting your whole time LAARPING on /biz/

>> No.14722633

You look more "gay" than me mate.
Post ass I wanna see what I'll be tasting

>> No.14722643

>implying I own any virtual token

I just say this so stupid faggots like you buy the top

>> No.14722665
File: 295 KB, 1346x965, image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

send me a picture of your sister first

>> No.14722667
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1561850600679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to Bangkok once every 2 months. It's alright but I wouldn't live there. It's so hot year round it feels like living in Satan's asshole. Also getting harassed by prostitutes and massage girls gets annoying and there's a shit load of pajeets there all trying to scam you. Also seeing all the boomer sex tourists really lowers your faith in humanity. Everyone sees you as a fucking ATM machine if you're white.

Also it's not as cheap as everyone makes it out to be, you can live like a local for cheap but if you want a western standard of living expect to pay a western price for it.

>> No.14722695

those eyebrows lmao

>> No.14722699

we did not ask for your advice
it's now a "who has the biggest cock thread"
please go away you closet faggot
(we all know why you go to bkk)

>> No.14722721
File: 1.83 MB, 3021x3671, FullSizeRender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made by a latina queen in a colombian beauty salon just before a "spring break" american blonde student suck my cock in my 100sqm suite

what about you?

>> No.14722772
File: 340 KB, 1008x1200, EMPEROR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say "Bonjour" to your new emperor, /biz/.

>> No.14722779

Gay larp

>> No.14722812

> faith in humanity

>> No.14722814

Wtf is wrong with your neck cunt. Your getting mog by every other bloke there, why would use that picture as an example?

>> No.14722860
File: 68 KB, 750x953, IMG_6195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my neck is thick and muscular
I'm a 6"1 med bull and no one can stop me to conquer your crush
I'm the alpha of the alpha
100% pure medbull raised by med-parents in the greatest republic since Roman republic

look into my eyes, you know i could kill you while you sleep if you are gay or barehands in the battlefield if you try to conquer the motherland

fluctuat nec mergitur is my only credo

>> No.14722883

your inferiority complex is startling

>> No.14722892

why do you think all these shitskins are coming to europe in the first place? because amerimutts cant stop sucking israels cock and keeps waging war in the middle east. amerimutts also forced turkish immigration on Germany. not even to mention all the filth that comes out of hollywood and alll your PC social engineering bullshit.

>> No.14722940
File: 36 KB, 640x426, Photo du 22-06-2016 à 16.18 #3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

israel has no right to exist
kikes has no right to breathe
we have to nuke the US
because it's babylon
we have to nuke the mutts
because we are ALPHAS and they are EPSILON

me after a big fight in Paris, they were 4 against me and I still managed to win (brits tourists i saw in an irish pub and i told them to gtfo of paris it's not londonistan here)

>> No.14722947
File: 156 KB, 1080x1080, 12633590_10153783447226068_963694056983680932_o (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol tu te prends pour qui pédale
T'es clairement un beta pour te vanter sur 4chan
Manges une queue avec tes yeux bruns-caca

>> No.14722967
File: 72 KB, 640x480, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok guys i go to the local stadium to practice street workout

i cant wait to see the young and thick muslima cuties staring at me while i do 32 strict pull ups in front of their skinny brothers


>> No.14722981

1 ammo of my french rifle and this guy fall on the floor crying like a baby

this guy probably drink protein shaker, what a beta faggot imagine the smell of his farts

>> No.14723009

look at his teeth top kek
for sure this guy is a mutt and cant afford braces
it feels so good to be french

>> No.14723021

Do ladyboys in Thailand actually, legitimately romantically date Western men who move there or are they like actually all whores?

>> No.14723044

depends the trannies
why would you meet a tranny first
except if it's to behead him?

>> No.14723046

Vietnam is comfy af. Hanoi was probably the most wholesome big city I've been to. I think the visa situation for Vietnam is tricky, though. They don't do a retirement visa, so if you want to retire there if you make it, that could be annoying.

>> No.14723048

Why is there a faggot Moroccan spamming the thread with his face? Does he actually think he’s French?

>> No.14723136

Can you elaborate more on what you mean by "western standard of living" vs the local one? If I can get reliable electricity, plumbing, internet, and a little space to grow a garden, I'm pretty well set.

>> No.14723317

I never rented a place but if those are your only requirements you can live cheap probably. Going out to restaurants and bars is like western prices though unless you like the dirty hole in the wall thai places. Taxi drivers will constantly try to rip you off. Pretty much anyone will try to overcharge you for anything you try to buy so you gotta be careful.

I live in China and the Thais are worse when it comes to this, /biz/ will call bullshit but almost nobody tries to price gouge me here but 80% of Thais seem to

>> No.14723333

>growing a garden

how gay are you on a scale from 1 to 10 son of a bitch?

>> No.14723409

Now I understand why bad things happen to you

>> No.14723447

bad things?

like being the most visited country in the world?

it's normal to hate faggots

even natural selection is working on to erase you from the planet

>> No.14723598

everyone in the world thinks french are cringeworthy faggots. your girls have big noses and bucket heads they look masculine af no wonder you have to travel to get your dick hard lmao.

practice your english accent frog

>> No.14723711


>> No.14723867

Hanoi has shit internet tho

>> No.14723884

france is full of niggers
more recently Africans have been arriving too

>> No.14723915

how is growing a garden gay? what's better than hunting, fishing and gardening for fresh food to eat

>> No.14723951
File: 269 KB, 880x586, umadbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad bro?
we are the kings

>> No.14723976

Big macs

>> No.14723991

>said he made it with ETH
>still works

>> No.14724012

quarter pounder > big mac buddy, but not that the 2 for $5 is gone I believe two double cheeseburgers to be the best value

>> No.14724034

chad pls go

>> No.14724070


>> No.14724513

what wait.
what's a med?
so turns out the french guy is actually north african? wtf

>> No.14724601

based auschad

>> No.14724653

hey frenchfag you realize you are now part of 4chan meme culture right? you also realize we have pictures of you and you publicly admitted fucking hookers and doing meth on the internet? this will forever be archived and backup'd on warosu.org. now kys before i start shilling a "who has seen my friend" campaign on twitter and fb to expose your degeneracy to your friends and family. you fucked up big time.

>> No.14724735

> sleeping with thais

>> No.14725119

Thanks. Very informative.

>> No.14725909

Whoa I misread that comment as the opposite of what it said.
It is, of course, ideal to have a foreskin. Sorry for the confusion guys.

>> No.14726836


>> No.14726904

Go to ton sai beach. The locals are all like hippies and they will sell you weed