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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 425 KB, 597x958, Gold_standard_trump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14676523 No.14676523 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14676537
File: 3.37 MB, 1724x2008, gold_standard_cbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slides from the (((CBS))) report, very goncerned!

>> No.14676584

you're obviously middle eastern retard

>> No.14676611

Anyone talking seriously about gold standards and fed audits mysteriously gets killed.

Quite a coincidence isn't it?

>> No.14676621

Trump confirmed for best president in history of US

>> No.14676659
File: 75 KB, 1024x683, 34317777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet he's still here!

Great changes are ahead, you have no idea how big this is

Jeffrey Epsteins arrest is only the beginning

>> No.14676670

There's a reason the gold standard was abandoned in '71 and it's not coming back.

>> No.14676672
File: 2.91 MB, 2420x1257, Trump_andrew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is definitely climbing up that list rapidly

>> No.14676688
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I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.14676703

when is this happening so i can hold usd instead of this shitcoin aud

>> No.14676708

Are we not being forced into this direction by other countries?

>> No.14676726
File: 466 KB, 602x613, 1554775807328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The current USD is going to be phased out, it's worthless paper. A new currency, pegged to hard assets like gold will have to be issued.

That is bullish for gold, not for the dollar.

>> No.14676738

ERC20 pegged to gold. Got it.

>> No.14676810


>> No.14676860
File: 33 KB, 632x293, BSV_JoeM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be a gold backed BitCoin. The most viciously attacked, globally scalable coin.

>> No.14677324

Wrong. It'll be a free float system where gold is not held artificially low. Currency will lose it's store of value function in this new free float system. Hopefully the "world" ends before that though

>> No.14677448
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I'm buying gold tomorrow by buying silver today.

>> No.14677482
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>> No.14677506

These Fed picks that talk about a return to the Gold Standard also advocate for low interest rates though.

So you have a Gold Standard AND easy credit?

When Churchill was in charge of the UK economy in the 1920s he put the pound back onto the gold standard again, but at the Pre-WW1 price. It totally fucked up the economy.

>> No.14677526
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>> No.14677531


>> No.14677539

As usual, /biz/ is the last to know about any interesting or important news.

Fucking kill yourself

>> No.14677572

Based Trump. He was a Ton Paul supporter and he is here to bring vengeance.

>> No.14677719

Trump finna bouta get his wig split

>> No.14677745

So the the politicians can give unlimited gibs by stealing the middle class with inflation and turn the world into a neofeudal shithole as everyone enters income tax levels as inflation increases and they never update the tax levels.

>> No.14677757
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>> No.14677810

why does bitcoin need to be backed by gold?
and how could one trust that the gold is there?

>> No.14677847

Trump is all talk for his conservative fanbase and no action
He is a snake like every other politician

>> No.14677864

>No action
If you don't look at what he does

>> No.14677888

What has he done then?
Just the same shit as every other president, more money printing, more immigration, more money to Israel, more warmongering
bravo trump

>> No.14677901
File: 210 KB, 1200x907, 21451343423777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different this time around, kikes. The most advanced military and cyber technology is now in his hands. You thought the NSA and DIA had vast surveillance capabilities?

Oh they do, but now imagine they turned them on the kike networks and their criminal cabal. This is what is happening right now. Enjoy the show.

>> No.14677933

You're retarded

>> No.14677945

Gold standard is retarded, it rewards the miserly, not the entrepreneurs.

>> No.14677955

not an argument trumptard
Trump will leave office in a year having done jackshit

>> No.14677980

Except that he isn't wrong. Trump hasn't actually done much. I'm pretty sure that even Obama did more in 3-4 years than Trump did.

>> No.14678007
File: 38 KB, 862x178, trump_gold_standard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why does bitcoin need to be backed by gold?

You have to measure it against >something<. Right now we use Fiat as a standard of value, all prices are denominated in local fiat currency.

A Bitcoin financial system is not going to have every single store in every single country printing new satoshi price signs every day due to the volatility and changing price of the coin. Imagine that - 0.004234 satoshi for this hotdog, 0.006453 for this concert ticket, 0.08542 for this phone. All changing prices every minute of every day that nobody could make sense of or keep up with. It would be chaos.

It needs backing by a traditional store of value which is Gold or other precious metals where prices are kept stable. This will back the new currency, let's call it New Dollar, and all prices, including the price of BitCoin will be denominated in ND just like it works with USD right now.

So technically BitCoin won't be backed by gold, the New Dollar will. But BitCoin will be the new financial system used to keep records, government accounting, to transact and purchase - the perfect medium of exchange. It will be a brilliant synergy between Gold and Bitcoin.

>> No.14678029

Fuck this. All in New Dollar now.

>> No.14678042
File: 194 KB, 1024x683, 1562672792138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to cry for 5 more years :)
Yeah obama ruined our medical insurance and bombed a bunch of sand niggers.
So if that's your standard no. Trump hasn't done much and I am really happy he hasn't.

>> No.14678061

This would make Trump one of, if not the single, greatest president of all time.

>> No.14678090

BSV is Epstein's coin

>> No.14678096

And that's still more than Trump. What, exactly, has Trump done? don't just take fallout from previous presidencies and claim that it's because of Trump either.

>> No.14678163

If they are smart they would just use the actual weight like grams or ounces this way silver and gold can both be used but not be restricted by the term "dollar". When they originally conceived the dollar, they really fucked up by defining it as both a weight of silver and a weight of gold because it locked them out of free market price discovery which wound up driving gold out of the market place.

>> No.14678403

Lmao. Brainlet detected.

It rewards saving. Savings are a requirement to invest in entrepreneurs.
You cant run a business reliably without sound stable currency. Basic economics brother.

>> No.14678415

Right retard. The less government there is and the less it does the better for the common man.

>> No.14678432

It allowed economists like Krugman to dip into working men’s pockets without the messy business of asking while holding a gun?

>> No.14678436

Good goy, keep shilling for trump and Israel.

>> No.14678809

>maximum brainlet wageslaver detected
You don't need to slave away years to "save" for an entrepreneurship, hyperfaggot. Credit in the acquisition of assets is "good debt", a sluggish economy and no inflation makes credit the luxury of the ultra-rich... it traps people almost indefinitely into their economic class. Garbage system, I imagine you have to be a (((gold-hoarder))) to even defend such an idiotic system. Sure, it may make savings accounts return 7% interest as opposed to 2% so maybe if you wageslave like cattle for 40 years you can buy a house in cash before you die.

As opposed to exponential growth by becoming wealthy in 5-7 years of hard work via a robust economy and easy credit acquisition.

You're a wageslave fool, shut your fucking mouth, you deserve no opinion. You're head is a toilet.

>> No.14679825


>> No.14679938

US will introduce a silver standard. That is why JPM is accumulating. Buy now before it hits $600/oz


>> No.14679990
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, 1555983040837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most likely scenario is a combined Gold/Silver asset standard.

>> No.14680039

brainlet here. can someone explain what will this do for us?

>> No.14680152

That won't happen. Having a currency that's backed by gold removes the need for silver.

>> No.14680191

Making long lasting wars impossible. It would be a big step towards world peace

>> No.14680368

Sluggish economy, lower wages, higher unemployment, credit is next to impossible making small business/entrepreneurship next to impossible and our economy susceptible to market manipulation by gold hoarders.

>> No.14680410

>money policy

>> No.14680411

seems bullish for crypto right

>> No.14680426
File: 630 KB, 1392x1063, Nesara2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will free humanity from the jewish neo-feudal slavery system. The implications of this are almost unimaginable, it will literally usher in a new era of civilization.

>> No.14680449

>t. kike

>> No.14680484

>concert ticket
>less than phone

i see you do not frequent concerts

>> No.14680521

>t. dumb

>> No.14680543

>t. kike

>> No.14680551

>imagine (((they))) would allow that to happen

>> No.14680575

Damn these niggas are dumb.

>> No.14680590

No he’s not. Bimetallic standards are bullshit market price control

But JPM isn’t going to sit idly as it’s entire silver stack goes to shit

>> No.14680671

Not good.
Bitcoin was created as an opposition to the current banking system and inflation. If there's gonna be no inflation, then money flow into crypto may decrease.

>> No.14680730

you are obviously a retard

>> No.14680741
File: 100 KB, 838x505, D-LaWyDXUAEO-aN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if they have a choice. They have lost control of the US state apparatus, the US military and the US Senate. All they have now is media kvetching, which, while still extremely powerful, is not enough to prevent what is coming.

>> No.14680799
File: 324 KB, 1600x1250, ex3-5-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When BitCoin becomes the protocol used as the new global financial system, what do you think happens to the price?

Pic related is a hint.

>> No.14680808

I was once a huge silver proponent....i would quote all the stats about how undervalued silver was...but i got bad news for you fren.
Based on stock-to-flow analysis silver currently only has a SF ratio of 3. ((they)) have effectively demonetized silver...its price cant really rise because the stocks are too vulnerable to new flows....not sure how that gets reversed.

>> No.14680820

Hilarious. But it won't happen since the Rothschild, Rockefeller & Co simply will never allow it to happen.

>> No.14680828

Is JPM just gonna let their 700mil oz bags languish? And not moon?

>> No.14680837
File: 547 KB, 250x250, A6D125EE-1B42-4269-A03F-DF71A0AF95E9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While everyone is talking about their boomercoins and boomer metals I’ll be fighting back incels for my B255.

>> No.14680874

Mayer Amschel Rothschild: “Give me control over the money of a nation, and I don’t care who makes its laws.” The reason was this. Only this. To give (((them))) control over everything.

>> No.14680879

But it won't be able to deal with the shitload of market orders made every second

>> No.14680969
File: 460 KB, 800x2003, FGCpG2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are no longer in control of the US government. There is only so much Schumer and Pelosi can prevent.

>> No.14681008
File: 106 KB, 2998x1824, s_curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be a transition with S curve adoption. BitCoin won't be announced as a new currency, it will simply be allowed to develop as an emerging technology as it was intended, much like the internet was, but without (((THEIR))) sabotage now.

>> No.14681018


>> No.14681051
File: 263 KB, 1272x1080, CSW_BIS_centralbanks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think the inventor of BitCoin is the most attacked person in crypto? They all know who he is, and is the biggest threat to their system.

>> No.14681103


Reminder that the (((gold standard))) is compromised. Is it better than the petro dollar? Perhaps. Is it better than Bitcoin? No.

>> No.14681111

I honestly think it was a price they were willing to pay to demonetize it. They make far far more off their fiat currency manipulations than they ever could from silver going up 3 or 4x.
The fundamental problem with having low stock are: (1a) its trivial to crash price by small increases in production, (1b) small price increases pull tremendous amounts from 'scrap' which feeds into 1a. (2) Because of the situation in 1a/1b price cant rise, therefore stock is never built.
Its sort of an intractable problem...its a negative feedback loop.
For reference, pre-1965 when there was silver coins in money supply the silver stock-to-flow ratio was about 20-30....it has been decimated now to 3 and will probably continue to fall. its sucks to be sure.

>> No.14681142

>former burger king manager gets hired at subway
>"guys!!! subway is gonna have burgers now because a former burger king manager is working there!"

This is the logic in OP's piece of rubbish journalism.

>> No.14681158

Sorry anon, based old hickory beat trump to it. It's too bad the goyim sold out his hard work to destroy the fed for shekels.

>> No.14681192
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>by gold

Gold will be backed by bitcoin.

>> No.14681718
File: 295 KB, 2400x1536, B3B73CD3-C672-494D-AA08-2698B551A8D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lower wages

>> No.14682061
File: 2.47 MB, 400x300, 1263294.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will never happen

>> No.14682085


One key point is missing here - a show of force (military)
We'll have bars of gold with serial numbers. The ownership of this gold will be stored on chain. The US military will hold a parade with the gold and qualified auditors will be permitted to examine it.

>> No.14682087
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>> No.14682109

How much silver to make it?

>> No.14682125

good goy

>> No.14682188

high IQ post and checked