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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 322x368, 1548587698963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14588986 No.14588986 [Reply] [Original]

I'm almost done accumulating, as the more people that put their spotlight on it makes it more risky to accumulate because I could get priced out by another whale.
You'll have your ~10x as soon as I stop suppressing, which is very soon.
Anons here are right about RLC, btw, it is the next 500x medium-long term coin.

>> No.14589004

Cam you keep suppressing for a little bit more?

>> No.14589061

Summoning our mascot transjeet

>> No.14589070

Thanks whale for making it happen for the krill.

>> No.14589082

how come when I try to see it on bittrex it says not available

>> No.14589182

Because Bittrex sucks and is about to exitscam

>> No.14589209

>even bigger whale here
about to dump more

>> No.14589226

Is that gilles picture real?

>> No.14589420

Who fucking cares, if you made as much money as Gilles, you'd have a tranny orgy at least once too.

>> No.14589452

You have less than 14 days to acquire as much as possible. It will be within that timeframe.
Anytime bro. I still come here to give back because biz is the reason I'm a whale in the first place.
It will be re-listed on Bittrex in the future, and it will eventually be on Coinbase as well.
Do it, I dare ya.

>> No.14589477

It's over Gilles. Link won.

>> No.14589791

I made 3 million dollars off of LINK, thanks for help shill it.
RLC has been ignored for very long, for good reasons :)

>> No.14589814

When did you get in? SIBOS absolutely destroyed me. Wish I made a fraction of that. Could of made a fraction of that...

>> No.14589858

Please explain

>> No.14589879

Can you post some kind of proof? I will grab a bag if so

>> No.14589993

>when did you get in
The real question is when didn't I get in.
Explain what? Why it's been ignored and why it's for good reasons?
Sadly I cannot. I would be potentially targeted, so I can't really give away my bag amount or positions. However, I can tell you this. Look at the chart and see the accumulation pattern yourself. It's myself and 1-2 others that are manipulating it since it's a low volume coin(for now). It's quite obvious and I'm surprised no one has noticed and said anything on /biz/.

>> No.14590015

>Sadly I cannot. I would be potentially targeted, so I can't really give away my bag amount or positions
Pathetic larper

>> No.14590045

i noticed that. usually 500k daily volume but the chart has some spikes of 10m~40m

>> No.14590080

I'm not larping...I literally cannot show any actual information here because of many reasons, most pertaining to security. It's not in my best interest. Nonetheless, you wouldn't understand because you yourself are not a whale.
Like I said... Look at the chart. See that green volume on 6-25? That was partially me.

>> No.14590114

Why has it been ignored and what are the good reasons?

>> No.14590136

Let's say you are not a larper. Is it a good time to go balls deep in rlc now then? What is the chance I get a good return on investment in 5 years from. Now ?

>> No.14590182

what will happen when binance close for burguers? i think will have a huge dump and i'm waiting for that

>> No.14590196

chainlink does everything iexec can do but better
this is reflected in both marketcaps
iexec below $27.5 million
link over $1.2 BILLION

>> No.14590237

i have 112, i will make it?

>> No.14590272

>chainlink does everything iexec can do but better
>this is reflected in both marketcaps
>iexec below $27.5 million
>link over $1.2 BILLION

Can chainlink do this?

>> No.14590296

chart looks more like failed pump than accumulation

>> No.14590322

i don't like having my brain scrambled thanks
but then i should make money off this so i can avoid it 24/7

>> No.14590363

>Why has it been ignored
It's been ignored because of a few reasons.
1) The name. It's very "weird". People will think "iPhone" "iThis" "iThat". Must be a scam, right? Wrong.
2) The logo- A fucking triangle of yellow balls? Normen cannot comprehend the symbolism.
3) Very complex and hard to understand.
4) Almost zero effort from shills besides biz shills.
Reasons why this is good
1) Lets you accumulate low.
2) Gives you time to research the project and keep accumulating.
3) Lets you sell high.
4) Lets you realize how high this thing could go.
5) The more money you get into it before it "stops being ignored", the more money you will make.
>Is it a good time to go balls deep in rlc now then?
Look at the chart, it never lies.
To put it into perspective, ICO price is $0.25. We're not far above it. There would have to be a massive whale dump(to his own peril) for it to go back or below ICO, and it would most likely be bought up by myself or another whale.
>What is the chance I get a good return on investment in 5 years from
5 Years? That's a really long time. The long term outlook for RLC is extremely good. We're talking multiple hundreds per RLC, maybe even 1-2k per. Short term, we could easily see a 40-60x. Reason being, the iExec team has things up their sleeves. Being able to do Oracles tells me it will be seen by the entire market as well as be listed on large American exchanges within 12 months, leading to massive speculation and price exploration.

>> No.14590384

so should i just go all in right now or wait for a drop to $3?

>> No.14590385
File: 46 KB, 638x362, 1562276235715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That team looks perfectly balanced between perfectly autistic and perfectly chadlike.
Just bought 100k thanks.

>> No.14590393

Chainlink does cloud computing and ai? Oh ok.

>> No.14590430

show orders or larp

>> No.14590452

Binance will not close RLC for burgers. If they did, there would be a huge pump because every whale that knows about RLC knows that it isn't a security and it will be listed on large burger exchanges quickly after.
False. LINK is simply used for oracles while RLC is used for both oracles and a amalgamation of computation heavy tasks.
You need at least 10k.
I helped suppress it because I knew the market wouldn't catch on. It's how I maintain control. Why am I telling you? Because it's almost time and I want intelligent anons to make it like they helped me 6 years ago.

>> No.14590479

I said why I am not able to show my orders. It would potentially allow people to target me.

>> No.14590503

>I helped suppress it because I knew the market wouldn't catch on. It's how I maintain control. Why am I telling you? Because it's almost time and I want intelligent anons to make it like they helped me 6 years ago.
If you are larping I hope you die in atrocious pain, you must realize some anons will actually invest in this because of you

>> No.14590512

So I need to buy now?

>> No.14590559

If you're wondering why there has been massive shilling and anti-shilling on this board for RLC it's because things are beginning.
Like I said, believe me or not, I have laid out the facts and you can see the chart/accumulation patterns yourself if you know what you're looking for.

>> No.14590564

that asian guy always cracks me up

>> No.14590566
File: 236 KB, 400x416, 1561334405835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14590573

weird flex but alright, ill bite

>> No.14590595

Wait, what? Are you claiming that Binance will continue to allow burgers to trade there, but just not on all coins? Because as far as I understand it, burgers don't get to trade jack shit come September.

>> No.14590614

Binance or a DEX.
When BinanceUS opens it will have coins they have deemed that are not securities. RLC will be included in that list.

>> No.14590634

i tought that binanceUS was a meme

>> No.14590639

How exactly are you suppressing the price

>> No.14590658


why will the price go up once you are done buying?

>> No.14590669

It's a combination of things. Not sure if I should say here because it might work against me in the future if I keep using the same methods.

>> No.14590677

why would it bittrex and coinbase deemed it a illegal security token by not listing it on their us exchanges. 0 chance binance will

>> No.14590695

Because I help control how the market perceives the chart. That's essentially what a whale is doing.
The price will go up because I will stop suppressing it and begin to "support" it.

>> No.14590717

dont listen to the LARPer
a 500x is a 10 BILLION marketcap which is ridiculous for a project like iexec with no users

play it safe and smart and just buy link

>> No.14590723

you might actually be suppressing the price. i currently do the same on a coin that I have personally tried to shill here, but biz doesn't bite.

RLC had a few screencaps where it showed an internal team coordinating shilling. so you gotta realize that for someone who has a considerable amount of investment power you gotta drop something to indicate this isn't just another shill thread.

whales know how to suppress. those that don't, don't; and if they try, they lose their money. you probably won't be losing out on a market share if you drop a hint.

>> No.14590730


also, if iexec wants to deploy a decentralized oracle network it might needs a community network and big partnerships like chainlink those. Chainlink is becoming the standard oracle provider for most crypto projects at this moment. I do not see how iexec can compare. Also, iexec has little to no community: their reddit, slack, discord and telegram are all very quiet.

I like to believe anon, but at the moment I am afraid of getting baquetted again. If you can refute my fud I would be happy anon.

>> No.14590755

It was never deemed an illegal security. It was removed from Bittrex because it was mostly a low volume coin and was traded more on Binance.
Coinbase never deemed it anything. It's not a security because it has utility. You can use it right now. You can make oracle projects right now. You can make dApps. It's going to take til v4 for it to be really utilized because of the sidechain.

Here's a fun fact. Since it can do Oracles in the same way that LINK currently can plus other utility, it will be confirmed as having utility and be a commodity. It will then become undeniable and be listed on every American exchange. This is why you want to buy when there's so much "uncertainty" surrounding it. Remember, always buy the fear.

>> No.14590760

If you’ve been LARPing as transjeet this whole time, you are a fucking genius..

Also, I’ve been watching a specific wallet thats been price suppressing this token for a bit, a top 10 holder. If thats been you this whole time, and this is your “ grand reveal” of a master plan, I both love / hate you at the same time anon.

Either way, I hope big things are in the future, as I’ve been watching this project quite closely for the last year and some change

>> No.14590779

so is link gonna dump a little or should i go in now?

>> No.14590789

The cloud computing marketcap alone will be 500B in 2020.
1% of that is 5 billion.
iExec will take 1%, easily, due to the advantages it brings.
Not only that, but iExec also dips into other markets like Data renting, Medical, AI, Robotics, Oracles, etc.
The potential amount of markets is extremely high, and in the future when the crypto market is 10T+, iExec will easily become a 10B MC coin.

>> No.14590790

Cmon.... that was clearly a photoshop, and a bad one at that. Also that could literally be any chat.

>> No.14590817

>Internal team
Lmao at all you /biz/ retards actually believing anything is posted here. That RLC telegram screenshot posted by transjeet is literally 2 users that has nothing to do with the team.

>> No.14590862

Put a large order at 200 sats on RLC on the BTC pair, then we'll know you aren't larping. Then remove it after a few minutes. Then we'll know you aren't larping.

>> No.14590895

name 1 french-led blockchain tech startup that has achieved success

>> No.14590900


>> No.14590917

I found RLC Whales website honkhonkler.com pretty cool, they have been mining and fauceting btc since 2012.
Follow the public key and you’ll see they’ve been buying up a lot of RLC since about a week ago.
Probably a PnD coming up.

>> No.14590928

im serious. i went to a party in Berlin during Berlinale, thrown by a french blockchain ceo. he knew nothing about it. i like to think im pretty open minded but time and time again i am disappointed with frenchmen and technology

>> No.14590938

>if iexec wants to deploy a decentralized oracle network it might needs a community network and big partnerships
So this is pretty wrong in itself.
1) The oracle already works. You can check it yourself on the website.
2) iExec has some pretty good partnerships/collabs and there is a picture floating around of Haiwu He in front of a Google Cloud Security logo. iExec will be used for security in some form.
Their community is small for the reasons I mentioned. It's a relatively ignored coin. The die-hards are die-hard for a reason.

It might be mine. :) I cannot confirm, sadly.
Just a reminder, there are only so many coins left and most are left on exchanges. Another thing, RLC has a similar supply as LTC, except most coins are up for grabs on Binance. Once that supply goes, it will go batshit insane in price exploration.

LINK is a fickle thing because of the amount of community support and hype around google/coinbase. I would enter/exit slowly, or risk a "gamble play" where you try to flip RLC for LINK and vice-versa.

>> No.14590953

let me shake things up a little more; isn't RLC about to get delisted and lose 60% of it's trading volume?

>> No.14591000

There's always room for firsts in this world. In fact, I'd argue that betting on firsts is the quickest way to becoming a billionaire.
Sorry, like I said I'm not going to make myself a target. I have meticulously calculated how much BTC to hold vs how much RLC to hold and if I even put the wrong amount up to buy another whale that has millions of RLC could come through and take my BTC which would be disastrous for me. Part of my strategy is how I do things the way I do them.

>> No.14591056

Oh, you're afraid a whale would give you a 35% fatfinger into your big order? LOL. This answer alone tells me you are full of shit.

>> No.14591063

No. Already said above.>>14590755

>> No.14591070

>go to biz archive
>cntrl+F RLC
>at least 6 threads with the same OP, copypasta'd

not a lot of original content going around. seems more reasonable that a sinking ship (imminent delisting) has a dev team that is unloading their bags.

claiming that you're "giving back to 4chan" is an emotional appeal but you haven't provided any kind of top-level perspective that a market-making whale would have.

>> No.14591092

There are whales out there with millions of RLC and will dump if they see an opportunity to get more BTC if they believe BTC will pump. I'm not going to give them that opportunity. Shrimp like you wouldn't understand.

>> No.14591116

Nah, larp confirmed. You could easily slap 10 btc at 200 with zero risk. In fact, I would BEG someone to hit my order at 35% under market price for 3x that amount. You're a good larper, but you're full of shit.

>> No.14591125

Team hasnt touched wallet funds since ICO. How are they dumping without moving their money? Explain

>> No.14591130

There is literally no risk in showing a few of your buys. You are such a larper

>> No.14591146

You're fudding very hard without providing real information. The dev team hasn't moved their RLC in 490 days. You can check yourself.

Public vested ETH addresses:
team (0xd65380d773208a6aa49472bf55186b855b393298),
Haiwu He (0xb3174e8f4e12cb94b6593a7d84e4ff80ddbdd5b7),
Gilles Fedak (0x4D9b368ED4a1f2a5193b45D2051dAAA89851897f)

>> No.14591147

turn the 64k buy wall thats up right now on binance into a 110k buy wall and ill believe you

>> No.14591164

>i am a market-maker
>proof? i cant give any. it would reveal my identity
>just buy the bags and wait

look at RLC throughout the 4chan archive. copypasta threads and relatively unintelligent, inane posts just telling you to buy. very much like the anti-Bitmax posts from that one guy that hired a bunch of neets because he lost 30k.

>> No.14591175

I don't want to "slap 10 btc at 200" and it's not zero risk. You would beg someone to tank a coin and steal your BTC that you don't want to get rid of? You don't know anything about dealing with low volume coins.

>> No.14591192

Then make a 100k order at 85 sats. We would be able to see it and that would prove that you hold at least some RLC.
There is no way in hell some random whale would fill that.

>> No.14591193

Fucking REKT... thanks whale anon, I do see that FUD posted in these threads from time to time

>> No.14591196

What does this thing actually do? Why is it worthy of my money.

>> No.14591202

do this and I will buy 40k RLC right now

>> No.14591211

And you clearly don't know jack shit about trading if you think you can't eat a 35% fatfinger on even the lowest of volume coins on Binance.

>> No.14591224

Well that would be a BTC order. You could show us your RLC by making a 800 sats order or something rediculously high.

>> No.14591297

Help a poor anon out anon. I have 90 dollars ready to put on link. I know it's not much but should I do it?

>> No.14591304

I don't keep a lot of BTC on exchanges and I'm not going to transfer out of my cold storage because it's a huge fucking chore. Not worth my time or stress.
Also I don't give 2 fucks if anyone here buys or not. I'm just telling you what's about to happen.

Why would I want to buy more RLC than I intend to, especially when BTC will rise again? Plus it will be more annoying to get rid of that and I would actually lose money/market sentiment by doing so. Not only that, but I keep very minimal BTC on Binance for obvious reasons. My cold storage is annoying as fuck to deal with and I only do it when I begin my operations after meticulous strategic planning.

>> No.14591319

You're better off gambling on low volume/low mcap shitcoins

>> No.14591444
File: 61 KB, 917x799, RlcShillsB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> look at those happy pajeets

>> No.14591462

Any suggestion for which ones? Would VIDT be one to use?

>> No.14591508

this shilling makes no sense for a coin of this caliber (supposedly)

>> No.14591510

VIDT looks pretty decent chart-wise.
Don't know much about the project though.
You might be able to squeeze out 50-150% short term.

>> No.14591536

I think the better statement is it makes no sense because its fake.

>> No.14591562

It's not uncommon for telegram users, especially die-hard shitcoin followers to organize shill efforts. Especially in smaller communities. If anything, you should take it as a buy signal on a coin like RLC.

>> No.14591648

can you give me a hint on what is the event that is happening within 14 days? haven't read all thread btw

>> No.14591656

How about LIT? It's pretty cheap and ive seen lot's of guys talking about how it's going to moon.

>> No.14591773

Within 14 days, sentiment around RLC will change to bullish, chart will paint a new picture, I will begin to let up on the suppression which will cause a chain reaction. RLC could 3x, gain more momentum in the crypto-sphere, and from there we don't know yet but we have our predictions.

Chart doesn't look appetizing. I would wait personally.

>> No.14591880

I've did a research and bought a minimal stack of this, but not because i believe you

>> No.14591913


>> No.14591972

More power to you anon.
That's the word you're looking for.
Believe what you want, at your own peril.

>> No.14592272

thread is dead now. OP has been exposed

>> No.14592280


Can you keep suppressing the price so it goes down to zero?

Then I will laugh at you morons some more.

>> No.14592292

I answered pretty much every possible question, maybe that's why.
No one "exposed" anything. You can either believe the things I say or don't. You can look at the chart and see my accumulation or not. You can look at the small bits on info about how I operate to decide for yourself.
I'm not going to signal the orderbook.

>> No.14592305

Some anons would like that.
Sadly for you, RLC will be 30xing after v4 at a minimum.

>> No.14592313

>and if you don't believe me - stiff

>> No.14592368

Think what you want to anon, I'm giving you this insight so you can get in before the normies and laggards.

>> No.14592385

> dumped 4 times
> same shilling scheme
> dumped right before v3, will dump hard right before v4

>> No.14592398

is this related to bpifrance?

>> No.14592411

>w-whales are suppressing it guise

>invest in french tech
>lose it all
Pick two

>> No.14592421

>implying I don't DCA dump
God you shrimp really are dumb. No wonder you're all poor.
v4 will be different. We will see short term dumping but there will be a stronger ecosystem and the team will most likely release amazing news like Google Cloud security or coinbase listing to keep it from dumping. They're going all in after v4.

>> No.14592448

> this time will be different, believe me

>> No.14592465

why are you helping us

>> No.14592553

I know the meme. I don't care if you listen either way.
Because biz helped me get to where I am today and this is my time to finally give back. I've done everything to ensure that this is the one.

>> No.14592622

How do you feel about REQ, JNT, QNT, CHX, and DAG?

What do you think is the most bullish thing about rlc and what convinced you to buy?

>> No.14592638

You think rlc is more promising than LINK? I'm pretty much all in link with 95-8% of my portfolio and a small number of shitcoins.

Also, what do you think of BSV?

>> No.14592687

Also, rlc was 28c today and now it's 36c with big buy orders on the books. Why is that?

>> No.14592706

I don't really care about coins outside of my scope. Basically, once I locate a project worthy of my attention, I go all in on research and locate the intrinsic source of value before considering an investment. I found it right away with RLC.

The most bullish thing about RLC right now is the whole dOracle thing. When you consider LINK's marketcap and that it only does oracles, you can see RLC at the least going a few times up. Beyond that, it's definitely a combination of many things but mostly the fact that in the near future you would be able to get real world tangible products from using RLC. Example, the SLAM robots being able to map buildings and upload/verify the contents to the buyer. Very primitive proof of concept but a very interesting look into the future of what is possible. Plus AI, data renting, etc. RLC really has it all. It's the "airbnb of cloud computing". That's the tagline that pulled me in.

>> No.14592707

Like, I might buy later but... Buying a coin after it pumps more than 25% is something that has gotten me burned pretty much every time I've tried it, so if I can do it later for cheap again, then maybe, but right now it seems like a great way for me to get dumped on for an instant -20%. What do you think?

>> No.14592716

Lol fuck off retard

>> No.14592718

>The most bullish thing about RLC right now is the whole dOracle thing. When you consider LINK's marketcap and that it only does oracles, you can see RLC at the least going a few times up. Beyond that, it's definitely a combination of many things but mostly the fact that in the near future you would be able to get real world tangible products from using RLC. Example, the SLAM robots being able to map buildings and upload/verify the contents to the buyer. Very primitive proof of concept but a very interesting look into the future of what is possible. Plus AI, data renting, etc. RLC really has it all. It's the "airbnb of cloud computing". That's the tagline that pulled me in.
Interesting. Might be worth grabbing if it dips, then. I just see link as being super safe compared to pretty much anything, so even if I miss rlc, it seems like link is still good for another 10x.

>> No.14592746

Thank you, btw. I appreciate the insight!

>> No.14592748

Most likely capitulation and/or one of the other whales working to get cheaper RLC.
I think it is. I know a lot of people will flame because of the link memes and general cult following, but I see RLC having more usage potential as well as more gains potential.

From what I've heard, BSV is an interesting project but I haven't done any actual research into it because I generally tunnel vision onto a coin when I think it's a gem. I've seen tidbits of info people say and it seems interesting. I'll have to look into it.

>> No.14592773

>I just see link as being super safe
I'm a bit worried since that dev-dump fiasco and the fact that the team has majority control of the supply. Really hard to invest into it because of that over RLC which does oracles + more and the team only has like 12% of the coins.
Anytime. If you're worried about risk, gather a bit of money, divide by 14-30 days, and invest over time.

>> No.14592777

>Most likely capitulation and/or one of the other whales working to get cheaper RLC.
The price going *up* is capitulation or whales trying to get a cheaper price? Does that really work?

>> No.14592788

>I'm a bit worried since that dev-dump fiasco and the fact that the team has majority control of the supply
Good point. That's a source of uncertainty that gets ignored a lot.

>> No.14592794

>all in on research
>only mentions things /biz knows already

>> No.14592801

Oh sorry, I misread that. Almost bedtime and I'm tired from responding to people haha.
Not capitulation then. The complete opposite. A whale, or even my sell order bot could've forced it down to that level and then flipped it to reap the gains after forcing people out of positions.

>> No.14592843

Aha, no worries! That makes more sense!

Thanks again and have good night! :)

>> No.14592906

>Also, I’ve been watching a specific wallet thats been price suppressing this token for a bit, a top 10 holder
How are you able to see this kind of thing? Do you see if the top wallet decrease and then grown up in a time frame?

Anyway it must be a larp as usually... immagine if whales suppress the price to the point that they can lose their investment, ridiculus

>> No.14592943

That's not how suppressing works bud.
Anytime my dude. Good luck.

>> No.14594052

This board has, hands down, the most gullible retards on the entire internet.

Thanks in advance for letting me take advantage of your incredible stupidity to make money!

Oh ya, 'whale' here or whatever... fucking idiots

>> No.14594198

show proof you absolute nigger

>> No.14594270


No, you see he can't post prove because of vague, asinine 'reasons'! This is what rich people do!

>> No.14594462


I've followed RLC for over 2 years, but had to sell my stack about a year ago. Pls wait. I need more than 2 weeks. Some ico I got into is doing an IEO in the middle of the month, and I don't want to miss out. RLC/CL always had some of the best FA in crypto.

>> No.14594496

garbage token

>> No.14594500

Also, in what way did /biz/ help you?

>> No.14594628

*wink wink* sure does anon

*nudge nudge*

Sure does :)

>> No.14595255

So the final shit, should we put money on this shitcoin and finally get out from my rent and give a decent life to my kid or no? What is the deal?

>> No.14595297

Got m-meh stack. Is 1k enough?

>> No.14595323
File: 19 KB, 910x500, Khei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've met the team in meat space

All i've got to say is that you should dump your bags immediately.

Get into something hopeful like PNK or LINK if you don't got your suicide stack yet.

Don't mess this up again anon

>> No.14595419

>fundamentally fundamental

Ill take my chances w whale anons advice, thx

>> No.14595865

What bothers me is that he called that will pump the next 10-30 days, and this is bullshit! I do some ppl, they will slow sell btc now, they will dump in August until October! Just saying!

>> No.14595888

Last post was in regards to BTC only! Sorry, I’m driving and doing this shit!

>> No.14597018

Just tell when you’ll stop and btfo

>> No.14597221

I partially studied the psychology of the whale and what methods it uses. And no proof is needed to understand it.