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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 588x386, 306A-Plumber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14571266 No.14571266 [Reply] [Original]

I work as a Canadian plumber. Today i made more money than any of you cucks will ever make day trading cryptocurrency. Want to know something amazing though? I can hold it in my fucking hand, that's right i can count my dollars right in front of my face. I'm not playing around with pretend coins that don't have any impact on this world.

I started work at 5:00 AM today. I was able to install 3 boilers each giving me ~3000$ per. I unclogged 3 toilets each giving me ~600$ each for 30 minutes of work. I find problems that dont exist in every single customers house that i enter into. Even if its an old fucking boomer in their 70s who ruined our economy i dont care i take advantage of their stupidity.

You really need this heat exchanger upgrade to your heating system!! It's looking really old and your pipes could burst any moment.

Even though its completely fine i'll just bill them for a $900 part that was in perfect working condition.

The only way to get ahead in life is to fucking push your way around. So that's right today i made $12,585 canadian dollars. Meanwhile you fucking cucks are investing in digital garbage like "fantoms, Chainlinks, vidts, and bats" Spamming your fucking cuck memes and losing money..

Why don't you use your brain for a minute and realise that the latest SEC news is going to crash all of your crypto world around you in the next few months. Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme that only profits for the original founders. You will never make as much money as me in the trades because you're too busy failing realizing the only way to get ahead in life is through hard work and ripping people off.

Enjoy staying poor

>> No.14571364

$12585 Canadian dollars huh? What is that like $200 US dollars? I'm sure you'll be able to buy two whole bagels with that amount of cash.

>> No.14571379

>the only way to get ahead in life is ... ripping people off.
You can't imagine the hell that awaits you in the afterlife

>> No.14571401

>uneducated blue collar cuck with no moral values bragging about exploiting others
you bring shame to our country. kys we don't need leeching shitstains like you

>> No.14571425

justin trudeau is the biggest faggot in the entire world

>> No.14571438

have fun in hell leaf faggot. People like you are the ones that most deserve it.

>> No.14571440

Bagels? Canadians only eat maple syrup and poutine.

>> No.14571471

Enjoy paying the medical bills for shitskins when they OD on Chinese Fentanyl. Imagine actually working in Canada

>> No.14571485

It's not always about hard cold cash. I respect that you work with your hands. But hey, you do you toilet guy

>> No.14571509

literally made over $1 million in one day when LINK rose above $4, cope faggot

>> No.14571516

Looks like /biz/ is entirely flooded with newfags. This is extremely bullish.

>> No.14571518

Thats nice but I like making money by sitting on my ass

>> No.14571651

Not new. But thanks, I got it

>> No.14571673

i am in awe at how many people took this bait

>> No.14571690

Shill me some ALT then

>> No.14571696

>Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme that only profits for the original founders. You will never make as much money as me in the trades because you're too busy failing realizing the only way to get ahead in life is through hard work and ripping people off.

>> No.14571715

It's the evening before the 4th moron

>> No.14571745
File: 331 KB, 640x427, 1521241215723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work as an American welder and make 500k a year. Without us your world would fall apart. That bridge you drive over its held up by other welders like me. That fucking car you drive is held together by my fellow union welding brothers.
I work in the medical gas sector. We weld and prefab all the working gas fittings for hospitals. Without guys like me your surgerys that you pay to go get in the hospital wouldn't happen. I Might even save your life one day because of one of my welds.
You want to know the best part about being a welder though? At the end of the day I can actually hold my hard earned cash in my hands. That's right I can count it and feel it. Unlike these scammy crypto coins that have absolutely no use case and will go no where but zero.
So why don't you do yourself a favour. Put down the laptop and pick up the torch. Ignite the spark to your financial freedom.

>> No.14571778

Baiters bating baiters bating baiters.
We went a full circle bois

>> No.14571831

someone should do sad cat again.

>> No.14571836

why even tell them? just let them get triggered and angrily respond, i'm enjoying reading their attempts to btfo op.

>> No.14572143
File: 96 KB, 887x580, seo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work as an American digital marketer and make 100k a year. Without us you wouldn't get any customers because nobody would find your shitty godaddy web builder site online. That bitch who called you asking about your services comes from the work of others like me.

You want to know the best part about being a digital marketer though? It
s not even the fact that at the end of the day I can actually hold my hard earned cash in my hands (even though that is pretty sweet). It's that I don't even need to leave my fucking house because all my work is online. That's right. no fucking boss to report to or building I have to show up to or any of that bullshit.
So why don't you do yourself a favour. Close that window that has coinbase on it and open a new one that has Google Analytics on it. Refresh the page to your financial and physical freedom.

>> No.14572182

Are American faggots really making fun of Canadians when they have a President who is a cartoon caricature. There's balloons of this clown being flown in London and it's hilarious as fuck.

>> No.14572214

Shit, how the fuck do you idiots not remember this copypasta? It was spammed here for days.
You idiots are as dumb as people who respond to the "my name is john and I hate every one of you faggots" posts.

>> No.14572244

Yes, Americans are making fun of Canadians because even without a cartoon caricature president you still can't get your big empty country up to an all-grown up, big boy GDP.

>> No.14572380
