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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1451577 No.1451577 [Reply] [Original]

Is /biz/ the board with the highest net worth?

>> No.1451579

I have 2.5 million doge

>> No.1451596

/k or /out

>> No.1451608


>> No.1451654

its fairly low population so nominally probably not

per capita perhaps yes

>> No.1451669

Sadly that would probably be /v/ or /b/ due to board traffic

>> No.1451730

If anything it's the opposite

>Trumpcoin will surely moon any day now

>> No.1451731

>underage edgelords
>underage /v/irgins
>having money

>> No.1451736

If you only take posters from developed countries, then yes. All the Pakis keep the median down.

>> No.1451740

>implying leafy doesn't earn 6 figures a month

>> No.1451761
File: 471 KB, 473x526, bizness time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Public service announcement to buy DOGE and short PRAN

>> No.1451768

>1000 kids with $20 in the bank aren't richer than a manchild with $5k in BTC and $5k in cash

>> No.1451780


Just my /g/uess.

>> No.1451788

I think /toy/ would be up there

>> No.1451789

actually yeah. it's probably /g/ now that I think about it

either /g/ or /biz/ with a bias towards /g/

>> No.1451855

/biz/ is probably one of the poorest boards

>how do I invest $500
>every robinhood account has less than $5k
>memecoins everywhere

>> No.1451868

I'd bet, /k/, /g/, /co/, /fa/

>> No.1451870


I come from /g/ mostly but I wouldn't say they are the richest. There are a good handful of them but there's an insane amount of poorfags as well judging by the battlestation threads.

The thing I see here is people would only come to this board if they have money and were already on 4chan, or if they are looking for a get rich quick scheme. Me personally I have a decent net worth but I've been browsing 4chan for 10 years so it's home to me. I'd rather discuss among shitposting then be on a heavily moderated forum. I just think the more wealthy side of this board doesn't flaunt as much.

>> No.1451873


>> No.1451878
File: 115 KB, 530x600, 1444115101718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it might not be wealthy but not as fucking poor as the other boards. people who have some spare money tend to gravitate towards /biz/ anyhow. and most peole dont have spare money for investing

>> No.1451962

I'd have to say that /sci/, /k/, /fit/, or /lit/ are the wealthiest. Not to say /biz/ is fucking poor or anything but our main interest is trying to sheckle off cryptocurrencies and beginners investing advice.

>> No.1451981

Probably /o/, there was a kid with a porsche 911 that inherited his dads business and some other dude with a bunch of exotics.

>> No.1451989

Agree with everything except for /fit/

I'd say /fit/ is one of the poorer boards. Most /fit/izens are obsessed with their gains over money, and spend their spare cash on gear.

/sci/ is probably the wealthiest and smartest.

>> No.1451992

The wealthiest is either /sci/ (But it's full of undergrads), /lit/, or /g/. I actually wouldnt' be surprised if /an/ is up there, considering some animal husbandry professions and hobbies can cost tens of thousands of dollars, or even /diy/ and /o/. But those boards also have fewer people, so they might only be wealthier per capita.

>> No.1451994

You can't be rich and believe in communist manifesto.

>> No.1452003

/biz/ was literally made as a containment board for /g/ from all the crypto shilling.

>> No.1452042

quizno likes traps :~)

>> No.1452063

/g/ - Probably has the highest net worth individuals. I'd say most users there are college kids and NEETs who's parents buy them expensive shit though.

/k/ - A lot of that shit is expensive.

Likely the poorest boards:

/fit/, /lit/, /r9k/, /biz/

>> No.1452110
File: 41 KB, 704x525, 9834598345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am a NEET, so no

>> No.1452121


>> No.1452125



You aren't dropping $1000 on a jacket and $500 on some shoes if you're poor

>> No.1452131

>Poorfags speding half their paycheck on clothes to boast about online means you're rich
/fa/ is the definition of living beyond your means.

>> No.1452141
File: 143 KB, 1920x1280, richie-rich-cartoon-photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With ihaz, we go toe to toe with any other board. Without ihaz, we get btfo.

>> No.1452151

Lolwat. Even if iHaz is not full of shit he is only worth like $10 mill. But yes, he is full of shit. He's been caught samefagging multiple threads before. I would bet $20k right now that he is not genuine. If he is willing to take me up on my offer, we can each put the money in an escrow account and he can have it if he provides (real) proof. Faked pics are not proof.

>> No.1452370

Probably /toy/ and potentially /m/ and /co/ as well given the amount of crossover between them.
/toy/ rarely thinks much of dropping several hundred on their favorite characters. Same with the /a/ buyfags, though the rest of the board is poor as hell.

>> No.1452425

I think they maybe are some of the wealthiest boards, but not the one with most money. /k/ and /o/ are boards focused on acquiring expensive stuff, which are also expensive to maintain and which requires somehow expensive consumibles. So, I would have to nominate them for the userbase with most money, through a combination of middle size userbase and expensive hobby.

/toy/, /fa/ and /g/ fall into the second tier, as the hobby can be expensive to acquire, but isn't as expensive to maintain, so plenty of people who can't manage priorities for a shit jump into it. Hence, plenty of people with broken credit records, but awesome collections. However, for each one of them, there's at least one normie with good money.

Other nominated boards, like /sci/ and /lit/ are hard to gauge. They could claim to earn millions monthly, but how do you prove it? Either of them could spend their money on education and self-improvement, which is nice and everything. But other than some degrees on the wall, there's no evidence. And also, if they are truly making bazillion dollars, is unlikely they would just sit on them, quite probably they would spend it on some other hobby, therefore inflating the numbers in unrelated boards.

However, I do agree /biz/ is hardly the richest board. Plenty of neets trying to make passive income through internet, meme cryptocoins and peanuts stocks. If the people here were truly rich, we would have a different level of discussion, but alas, robinhood have a 24/7 general.

>> No.1452436

>/k/ and /o/ are boards focused on acquiring expensive stuff
travel costs way more than their stuff for most people.

I spend an average of US $25,000 a year on vacation. My cars and guns aren't particularly impressive but me and my family have gone places.

>> No.1452438

i mean yeah

>> No.1452451

>Likely the poorest boards:

I would nominate /po/. Is dirty cheap to enter into the hobby (a printer, paper, something to cut and glue and you're set), and if you look at their catalog, most of their threads are asking for download links for copyright stuff. And, funny enough, most of the stuff is basically the cheap version of what you would find in other boards, like /toy/, /cgl/ and /a/ buyfag threads.

>> No.1452475

/pol/ 100%

>> No.1452484


Both boards are mostly teenagers. Teenagers don't have money.

>Is /biz/ the board with the highest net worth?

No. /o/ or /g/