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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 69 KB, 472x461, pepecoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14508539 No.14508539 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14508550

more link

>> No.14508570

More BSV.

>> No.14508592

cocaine and heroin.

>> No.14508637

More R&D. More security. Combat aircraft. Eventually spacecraft.

>> No.14508661

2000 Honda NSX

>> No.14508687


>> No.14508714
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Cheers to that my boys.

>> No.14508718

I'm going to do a part time wagie job for shits and giggles and show up in a porche 911 turbo.

>> No.14508793
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Businesses and (income producing) real estate.

Now that I'm an oldfag in my 30's, cars and shit is starting to wear off. Already have a 650whp car...for 13k. Paying 500k for a lambo is meh.

Just want a lake and enough property to blast rave music and do lsd/molly all day long and fish/ swim/ fuck golddigger trust fund "hippie" bitches

>> No.14508996


Are you my older brother?

T. 29 with 400hp and trying to retire at the lake.

>> No.14509107
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Tell me more stories and dreams, anons.
This feels like a good story time.

>> No.14509741
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Hodl till $1k. Sell for 3 milly and change.
Put half into dividend stocks. 25% profit generating real estate, growing it each year. Other 25% into more crypto, gold, etc.

Move to the water and finance a few local right wing death squads.

I'm a simple man.

>> No.14509808
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I will become a full NEET and LDAR all day.

What a bright future...

>> No.14509844

probably an old 1990s or 80s honda or toyota.
something with a couple hundred thousand miles on it.. fix it up a bit..

>> No.14509850

I'll finally be able to have children.
I love my wife, but 3 years ago she had her uterus removed due to cancer.
We were thinking about adopting, but unfortunately she has history of depression which disqualifies us, surrogate mother is our only option.
I really wish this dream will come true, we've always wanted to have a big family, but it was shattered with the diagnosis.
She's healthy now, but this feeling that we might not ever become parents is dreading us every day.

>> No.14509872
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I don't even know why I want to "make it" at this point
I always dreamed of never having to work a day in my life so I could spend all my time with my wife and kids
...but I don't have a wife or kids

>> No.14509933
File: 160 KB, 949x592, 86EE4D0C-5027-4EA4-80CD-2AADD067F244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck i cant wait till i do not have to wake up and deal with pic related every fuckin morning.

>> No.14509937
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Sorry to hear that anon.
Hope you'll get your wish..
Good luck!

>> No.14509952

That sucks. Hope you guys have the family you dreamed of.

>> No.14509968

real assets like pepsi stocks which will pay dividends

>> No.14509974
File: 46 KB, 761x598, 44FDB06E-96C3-4685-9C94-B7B0F0E708A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more link
hookers and blow are for those who arent interested in crafting the course of the 4th Industrial Revolution

>> No.14509980

Your motivation is pure and I like that, though as a Catholic I cannot approve of your methods
Wish you all the best, to you and your wife, m8

>> No.14509989

travel the world

>> No.14509994

a garage where i will live

>> No.14510043

im with you anon. my wife cant get pregnant either. we started saving for adoption about a year ago. fortunately i took some money out of the baby fund and bought some link about 4 months ago. if we get a baby boy should i name him link in honor?

>> No.14510105

So is your plan to use your new wealth to get a wife that isn’t a cancer ridden mental defective?

>> No.14510159

A triplex or maybe a storage unit facility.

>> No.14510175

Back to your containment board, trash

>> No.14510185

A food truck and fishing vessel
>t. 3k link bag holder

>> No.14510205

A key to take off my debt shackles.

>> No.14510208

>not naming him Sergey

>> No.14510217
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one of these if i can find one and will probably have to import it

>> No.14510227


>> No.14510233

i know this feel

>> No.14510252

A plane ticket back to the motherland

>> No.14510282

That would actually be a cool name, and he will have a lot of fun playing Zelda

>> No.14510292
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sailboat, which I will use to travel the world, set it up with satellite internet and some solar panels and I will ever only need to come into port every 6 months. Just imagine waking up in the morning in your tent on a deserted island beach, checking your crab traps and then cooking some fresh fish over a fire for breakfast, then going over your charts to see where you feel like going next.

>> No.14510306


>> No.14510323

One is these is still classed as original, if the only factory part is the subframe. Crazy

>> No.14510328

Something like that, but in armored land vehicle form

>> No.14510329
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More LINK, pic related car, an escort.

>> No.14510373
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>> No.14510478

Nothing because i am never fucking selling!
Not at $10, not at $100, nor at $1000, not even at $1000000, you hear me? You will never get my Link because I AM NEVER FUCKING SELLING

>> No.14510500

I will buy a house and start my family. Not having to work will enable me to invest lots of time into my offspring and I will be the best dad ever.

>> No.14510518

a gift for my dad

>> No.14510519

Hi Rob

>> No.14510575

This made me want to watch one piece, comfy desu

>> No.14510676

3 cute 5 me

>> No.14510713

Cocaine and thai prostitutes in thai land along with fast food until either I run out of money or my heart pops

>> No.14510741

A Ranch in Montana and a nice wife from Czech Republic?

>> No.14510826
File: 313 KB, 1190x2048, I79yrqw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 Dubu to go, pls.

>> No.14511023

I will unironically sell all my stuff and find a nice Eastern European wife and country to settle in

>> No.14511037

For someone to make it, someone needs to fail.
I will not fail anon. You'll never make it.

>> No.14511085

>I will ever only need to come into port every 6 months
What about and food and water and booze?

>> No.14511108

Crypto is the Aryan mans currency.

>> No.14511224

food is from catching fish, crabs, shellfish and coconuts, keep a bunch of preserved stuff for variety and spices. Water can be done with a solar distillery fairly easily, booze keeps as long as you don't drink too much. Though I probably would come in more often than six months, it was just an example, if I'm traveling then I definitely want to check out all the coastal towns and cities I happen to come across, where I can also do some shopping.

>> No.14511289
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imagine the sex

>> No.14511384

Honestly just want to fund ocean and space exploration drones, sats and rovers

>> No.14511460
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Oh, nothing much...

>> No.14511469

mushroom :)

>> No.14511505

God bros I spent last night talking to some femdom dom girl and we really got along but she didnt think i was serious enough when I told her I was too proud to beg. Should I just message her tonight begging her?

>> No.14511562

Just kys asap

As for me, all I want is to be free to travel and read books. Not even sure I want a home.

>> No.14511566
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>> No.14511621

Cant senpai I'm too proud to kill myself

Thanks honkler, hopefully by the time my VIDT moons I'll be firmly in the grasp of a beautiful mommydom

>> No.14511661
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save yourself some time and just skip straight you sucking cock

>> No.14511704

Uh not gay sorry gross take your FUD somewhere else femdom is the most heterosexual preference a man can have. I bet you're not even a top 100 VIDT wallet

>> No.14511764
File: 26 KB, 300x300, Wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a gf

>> No.14511821

A PC and VR set. Some TSLA

>> No.14511940
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Ask her how many Litties to suck her titties.

>> No.14512055
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>> No.14512100


>> No.14512276

That's the most humbling story I've ever read on this shithole of a website.
Keep on truckin, you're gonna make it.

>> No.14512300

Lots of candy
not nose candy, just the regular kind

>> No.14512395
File: 555 KB, 2400x2162, B93FD167-A3D4-4351-9CEE-35BF76BE93F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1969/1970 Ford Mustang Fastback.
Other than that, guns, land, and raise a family when the time comes (want to as soon as possible). Poorfag here with $250 and a dream, wish me luck boys

>> No.14512407
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>Just want a lake and enough property to blast rave music and do lsd/molly all day long and fish/ swim/ fuck golddigger trust fund "hippie" bitches

Maybe the same for me.

For me i would build up a solid foundation of passive income so that i dont have to wagecuck anymore.
Then i would buy some real estate and move the hell out of home...the older my old ones get the more i cant stand them but i cant do anything , they only want 300€ worth of rent from me so i can save the other 1600€ in passive income streams. Currently have 40k€ and about to fuck a roastie in the car on saturday.
if i do 2k € in passive income streams im gonna move the fck outta here banging roasties and college chicks on hobbywise in my own appartment

>> No.14512495

Patrician choice

>> No.14512528

I'd rather ask to eat her butthole

>> No.14512560
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What's this?

>> No.14512571

I hope you make it friend. Don’t lose hope.

>> No.14512603
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>> No.14512611
File: 86 KB, 440x514, smugpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lick it, smell the clit and give her lit.

>> No.14512791

It rather give her vidt>>14512611

>> No.14512823
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She will not stand for it

>> No.14513925
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Are you me? Man I hope there are many more with this same dream. Maybe the world will make it.

>> No.14513976
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When I make it I will give lots of money to otters, because they are good.

>> No.14513992
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How will we recognize each other after the singularity?

>> No.14513999

Shrimp boat

>> No.14514007
File: 56 KB, 763x509, 1562012990814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got 21old gf that wants kids but always scared this will happen to us. I think artificial wombs will be soon and with our gains maybe we can solve this problem for the right reason and not degenerate hate women and get rid of them reasons.

>> No.14514042

Linkoln, for he shall set you free from slavery. Poetic I think fellow marine.

>> No.14514051

a big ass computer for shitposting
this iron man suit
and guns, then go live in the forest

>> No.14514106

fucking this too, I'm and /out/ist idiot that wants to a sailboat and never come back to cities but i also want internet to shitpost

>> No.14514135

before knowing about link:
>looking at houses and vacation homes online wondering what it would be like to live in something so nice
after investing in link and the recent surge:
>looking at mansions trying to figure out which ones ill bite on in the next few years

anyone else so delusional they have started window shopping yet? im looking at places 10x my yearly income

>> No.14514139


so edgy. i bet u are very proud about your joke.

>> No.14514246

A castle in Scotland.

>> No.14514290

I believe your good intentions will bring you what you want, anon. I honestly hope for the best, and that you can have the family you deserve. Make your kids happy when you have them, okay?

>> No.14514306
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>> No.14514334

Yes. Beg on your knees for her piss.

>> No.14514357

chill. consume all the media.

maybe open my own bar.

>> No.14514430
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x720, 1561945377172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will run a link flag on the top of my mast. Call me a marine and you will be my brother.

>> No.14514541
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>Buy a comfy house where I live(Texas) for 120-140K
>Always wanted an expensive car collection(Corvette,Hellcat,Mercedes AMG)
>I want to rub it in my families face that always doubted crypto to pull up in my hellcat.
>"W-Where'd you g-get that car anon? That L-looks expensive."
After all that I'll probably play video games for a large portion of my time and meditate while working out daily. Living without wagie stress is blissfully wonderful.

>> No.14514669

Well to be honest, I will probably kill myself or just leave. All I want for my family is to be comfortable and this money will help them out. Beside that I honesty have no other motivation to live for.

>> No.14514720

Drugs. Books. Art. House.

>> No.14514773

My friend you better plan to live alone in forest because according to that website:
Important: You are not able to wear the suit by yourself without any help from at least one assistant.

>> No.14514792

>buy /out/ gear
>buy sail boat
>buy guns
>get satellite internet
>become a homeless at sea, never coming back to land unless i need clothes and more gear
if i make it. If not, doesn't matter, will still attempt to get as much money to cover everything

>> No.14514808

Meant to say not to

>> No.14514822


>> No.14514983

I would buy real estate for renting.
Then invest 50-150k in my friend's IT company, without really bothering of outcome but just to help this guys.
Then I would live calm life, maybe renting some property here and there during the year (Sea, mountains, etc.) but without any luxory. But mostly spending time with family doing regular things.

>> No.14515340

Why anon, if you love your family why not use the resources to spend more quality family time?

>> No.14515366

So eat your shitty words? Or does the boat has a garden, cows... Like that fairy book...

>> No.14516401
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