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14507450 No.14507450 [Reply] [Original]

Turns out that submissive women become violent if an spineless beta comes into contact with them.
Now that I have some money, how does one reverse decades of being a bitch?

>> No.14507467

no fap and lift

>> No.14507488

Doing that for half a year now. No success

>> No.14507492

Fuck off incel

>> No.14507493

posting in a LEGENDARY thread

>> No.14507494

let them beat you

>> No.14507504

Maybe get on test?
If it’s hormonal you’re doomed otherwise

>> No.14507513

Stop caring what women think

>> No.14507552

half a year of lifting LMAO

>> No.14507598


When is summer over? No one uses that meme anymore

>> No.14507611

at least two years

>> No.14507618

>submissive women become violent if an spineless beta comes into contact with them.
What happened?

>> No.14507657

This is a legit idea. Tried prohormones a couple of times and noticed that women suddenly started to like me without me changing anything about my behavior consciously.
A prostitute recently told me that I smell like a baby. Could be a hormonal issue.

>> No.14507701

>A prostitute recently told me that I smell like a baby.

How do you continue on after that? She went in her group chat and told all her friends that you're a baby back bitch

>> No.14507746
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>> No.14507748

>something a beta would say

>> No.14507773
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>> No.14507783

They start to being domineering to test you. If you fail, they exacerbate their attempts to the point of being verbally aggressive. Usually just departed at this point, so don't know what would happen next.

>> No.14507810


>> No.14507828

>do steroids
>do even more steroids
>cut till you're jucy
>now every time you sperg out its interpreted as something a Chad would do
>remove filter entirely
also don't be short, have an ugly face, acne, be balding, etc

>> No.14507851

How did you fail? Like what did she do?

>> No.14507853

One time a prostitute didn't want to take her bra off and I had to threaten her lol true story

>> No.14507889

Ever more intense, ever more brazen nagging

>> No.14507911

>how do I pass a shit test

I learned through trial and error. Most people did. It's gonna be the same for you. Unfortunately you're doing this as an adult when people expect you to already know how to do these things.

>> No.14507974
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>half a year
you won't ever make it faggot

>> No.14508005

>Unfortunately you're doing this as an adult when people expect you to already know how to do these things.
This is very noticeably my biggest problem.

>> No.14508034


Yeah. It's a big awkward hump to overcome. It's like learning to socialize in college after you've spent high school being ostracized for being nerd.

>> No.14508054


most ppl dont. most men are fucking failing that shit with their bitch all day long

>> No.14508093


This guy I know's gf was on him for not being driven enough etc. Someone said something about a thing we were working on being tight and he said "like an asian" and I watched his white gf go from bitching at him to shutting the fuck up. Sometimes you've gotta learn to use power moves.

>> No.14508098

nigga looks like a sim

>> No.14508220


>how does one reverse decades of being a bitch?


>> No.14508269
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You might have an expert look at your birthchart and horoscope and explain to you what kind of karmic impediment you are facing.

It's not normal to face so much trouble finding a girlfriend. Only an astrologist or psychic can give best advice.

>> No.14508428

>Only an astrologist
will go, why not. thanks

>> No.14508548

go back to 8ch/zoo faggot

>> No.14508812

>They start to being domineering to test you.
ALL WOMEN pull shit tests, consciously or not.
It will NEVER end.
They will continuously test your Alpha status, and once you fail even a SINGLE shit test, you will FOREVER be a beta in her eyes, and she will then start to continuously try to stop on you.

Passing shit tests is easy, but it is VERY DRAINING.
Being in a long term relationship with a woman will always drain you in some way, physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, usually all at the same time.

Relationships are a meme.

Don't ever get cucked into being trapped in one, either via marriage or knocking her up.
Just fuck hookers and enjoy your freedom.

>> No.14508845

Very informative, thanks

>> No.14508849

>karmic impediment
Don’t listen to this raisin sack.

What sports do you play? If you aren’t in a violent one get in. Like wrestling or MMA or boxing or rugby or football. Anything where you get hot and sweaty and brawl around with other dudes will put lead in your pencil. You’ll be so amped up when you get home you’ll smash your GF so hard she won’t know what to do. Thoughts of all your hot sweaty hard bodied bros grinding around with you fuck man you’ll tear that little thing up!

>> No.14508877

just kys for the sake of humanity's future

>> No.14508923

Literally was just getting myself to check out my local boxing gym for some one-on-one training session to get me started. Will depart now.

>> No.14508997
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i fixed it for you

>> No.14509036

Combat sports.

>> No.14509089

but muh non degeneracy, muh having a familly the internet men said

>> No.14509284

>a partner pushes you to be better
>this is a thing to avoid because I want to be a lazy degenerate
Not saying I don't do the same thing but it's pathetic.

>> No.14509310


Boxed/muay thai for a while then stopped because all the head contact from sparring. But if you arent sparring you arent really learning. Do a martial art you can actually practice spar in like ju-jitsu or wrestling or even a meme like krav maga. I want to start knife fighting classes but obviously its very niche but the krav maga place has a class like once a week.

>> No.14509521

>a partner pushes you to be better
I used to believe that too. Women are crabs in a bucket.

>> No.14509567

Absolutely this. Everyone will tell you to go all Joe Rogan and get super fit and do MMA, but in reality women don't even care if you're fit or good looking. It KINDA helps at first glance, but really it's all just your mindset. I've got a friend who absolutely slays who literally looks like an ugly woman himself, totally out of shape, feminine/ugly face, plays video games all day, broke. By all means this dude should not be getting laid, but he's got unbelievable confidence (not arrogance, mind you) and he's got a great sense of humor, and he does better than most of the fit, good looking guys based purely on mindset alone. You wouldn't believe it unless you saw it, and unfortunately I have to witness it all the time. I'm taller, better looking, fitter, have real hobbies and a better career, etc. But they go for him over me like 70% of the time because he's so fucking fun to be around whereas I'm too serious all the time. So just focus on being really comfortable with yourself as you are, if you wanna work out do it for you.

>> No.14509603

indeed it's quite amazing how bluepillers have rewritten the natural synergy between a man and a woman as "shittest". talk about falling for the jew
from the dawn of civilization this is how it works, a woman inspires her man to be the best person he can be; and in return, a man gives his woman the space to develop her creative tendencies and the positive reaffirmation she craves
we weren't meant to be overweight retards sitting on a couch all day, and if you suffer from meme depression it's because you lack a woman who loves you enough to give you a swift kick in the ass

>> No.14509667

god i hate you

>> No.14509698

just beat her when she goes off lmao.

>> No.14510135


You are an idiot. Firstly I don't believe your non-existent friend exist, but let's pretend that he does. Then he is a 1 in 100 charasmatic, charming and extroverted genetic lottery winner. Your advice falls useless for 99/100 whos brain is not wired that way. It's all about the genetic lottery, cudos to your "friend" for being born with those attributes, most of us aren't .

Your advice also falls flat on the ground for 50% of the population which are introverts.

>> No.14510198

>all the head contact from sparring
Is the damage to head noticeably impacting to ones life?

>> No.14510229

Just be yourself, bro.

>> No.14510250

I’m definitely not fun to be around. Hard to just learn this as well. Trying improv classes for that, and it definitely helps.

>> No.14510681


>> No.14510725

what are some reliable ones i can pay for online

>> No.14511103

>get rich
>immediately lose it to some Stacey through marriage after believing he could change how women act towards him
lol get fucked you needy bastard. The only men who keep their crypto gains will avoid all women and use fertility clinic to reproduce.

>> No.14511117
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>> No.14511159

Men drain women retard, not the other way around. Dumb parasite.

>> No.14511360

lower bodyfat, too much will cause estrogen (too lean is bad for test too)

start working out if youre not already

and start learning to fight

nothing makes you feel more like a boss than learning to be a badass fighter

>> No.14511423
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>> No.14511465

she doesn't though, she can be straight up abusive and end up cucking and damaging him permanently.

>> No.14511531
File: 35 KB, 466x476, EBC0018E-FE3B-4628-962A-46E93C946F2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gf
>tfw woofchad fuck girl you like
>tfw cucked