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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14497298 No.14497298 [Reply] [Original]

>have 120k link stack
>figure I need about 25 million dollars to have "fuck you" money
>selling 20k at $100 so I can quit my job immediately (ill pay taxes on this)
>selling 100k between $200-$250
>renounce US citizenship at this stage and get investment citizenship on one of the Caribbean islands like Roger Ver did
>pay 0$ tax on the $20-25 million
>Come back to the US to visit every now and then on an ESTA visa

literally all of this is legal, done a ton of research

Of course I could try holding for the fabled $1k, but honestly that would be pure greed, I have no fucking use for 100 million dollars. Actually I think I would be too paranoid to live my life at that point.

>> No.14497333

I only have 47k but I will beat you by living in my car until this shit hits 1000

>> No.14497357

The actual level of delusion is incredible. The fumes of being such a stinky linky must be poisoning your brain.

>> No.14497373

i only have 25k but ill beat you both by never fucking selling and accruing infinite revenue in links until im dead

>> No.14497377

warren buffet still this day did not sell his coca cola shares. Why would i sell my 4th industrial ticket?

>> No.14497378

If you're still thinking about exit strategies after it's all long over, I have bad news for you.

>> No.14497383

Why not get investment citizenship in New Zealand

>> No.14497394

Sell my huge bags of Link for Sentivate in about 2 weeks

Inside info take the tip

>> No.14497424

This is a solid plan OP. Good job working this out, ill be doing the same. Except im going to purchase Diplomatic Citizenship in a small african nation, some countries throw in a free Phd too.

>> No.14497435

coca cola shares pay dividends?

>> No.14497439
File: 33 KB, 314x406, ourguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have 10k already sold 1k at 4.40 lmao.

>> No.14497451

>investment citizenship in New Zealand

I just looked up the requirements for NZ:

Investor Visa
Minimum investment of $1.5 million NZD invested in NZ for at least four years;
Minimum of three years of business experience;
Settlement funds and/or assets of at least NZ$1 million;

yeah ill pass, an application for one of the Caribbean islands takes a few months at the most, and costs $150k

>> No.14497457

I only have 5 K but I'll beat you both by writing smart contracts that will my LINK to my smart white children and then they can write a smart contract to will the family LINK to their children for only .000000000000000099 LINK

>> No.14497470

why not just marry a columbian citizen they have no regulation on crypto lol

>> No.14497489

lmao an honorary doctorate from some African banana republic is not a Ph.D.
but still, good plan

>> No.14497498

You’re going to renounce your US citizenship to avoid taxes? You are one dumb nigger. Your citizenship is worth much more than 25 million. You can’t get your citizenship back either

>> No.14497506

link will have a similar income, probably better returns.

>> No.14497516


>> No.14497522

I have no desire to marry just for citizenship nor live in Columbia

ill gladly spend months chilling in St Kitts, however

Just google pictures of st Kitts & Nevis and you'll understand why

>> No.14497525

But there’s fuck all to do there. Would you just travel the world?

>> No.14497526

So are you going to renounce your US citizenship before you sell LINK at 250$ to make sure you don't pay tax? I'm not talking about cashing out to fiat, I'm just talking about selling (whether it's selling to BTC, USDT or anything else is irrelevant). Asking because I'm confused at the whole crypto to crypto tax thing

>> No.14497538

>why not marry a monkey so they can steal half your linkies

>> No.14497545

I agree I think it’s insane to do that to avoid 20 percent taxes. Just hodl until the difference is made up

>> No.14497549

>Your citizenship is worth much more than 25 million

stay brainwashed retard

>> No.14497556


Binance exchange wallet. Get ready for the pink wojacks tomorrow.

>> No.14497618
File: 326 KB, 742x742, 1517426595831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The highest tax bracket is literally 40%

The US government wants to take forty fucking percent of everything I made, even though I ALONE took on the risk for the investment for years. I'd rather die.

If the money at least went towards a good purpose, sure. But ill be damned I let them bail out banks with my LINK stack.

>> No.14497681

as far as i understand it your tax on capital gains is based on your yearly income. like for me a neet itd be like 10% if that

>> No.14497699

Lol holy kek posts like this is why I’ll never hold link

>> No.14497719
File: 6 KB, 249x172, DBA08E8D-C3A9-4C85-8945-DFE9B180BDE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy’s a fucking idiot. Don’t listen to him

You are dumping in 100k and expecting a 20M return. You are worried about paying 40%? Ok nigger. You keep that extra 8million. You do understand once you renounce your citizenship, you NEVER get it back.

We won’t miss you.

>> No.14497758


>> No.14497770

Why do you faggots care so much about your American citizenships? America hasnt been that great for a while and after Trump itll go down the shitter. You're lucky he's just stalling the inevitable collapse

>> No.14497788

That’s why I want you to leave. You want open borders and communism anyway. You’re just mad becuase someone on MSNBC told you he’s a bad person.

>> No.14497790
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>> No.14497796

40% in my country is between 12k-22k, our highest is 50%, makes me wanna cry

>> No.14497800

>figure I need about 25 million dollars to have "fuck you" money
You don't need more than 7 million in your life if you plan on having a family.
Cut that in half if you're staying single.

>> No.14497801

>You do understand once you renounce your citizenship, you NEVER get it back.

Fantastic, I wont have the IRS up my ass all the time then!
I have no desire to get it back, you baboon. kys

>> No.14497809
File: 899 KB, 680x697, 8F6810C7-9386-43C5-8F7B-87ADD31F6A3A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why you didn’t vote for Trump. You hate America and don’t even like being a citizen. You hate Trump because he is actually fighting for America.

Please leave and never come back.

>> No.14497818

Educate me fellow biztards please. I haven’t checked tax laws I’m a fucking neet I don’t pay taxes and I’m not cashing out until next year at the earliest

>> No.14497829

If you weren't such a brainlet you'd see that I support Trump but after 2024 America is fucked since the left is getting more radical and socialist and do you really think another Republican will be elected that's even at half the level Trump is at?

>> No.14497831

Please leave the US immediately. Human garbage

>> No.14497837

If you‘re a non fag who is not wasting cash on bs even 100k will be fine

>> No.14497840

Just go to Puerto Rico

>> No.14497854

Just leave now. We won’t need you in the future. We need men to lead the country and fight our enemies

>> No.14497896

I'm on board fighting our enemies if it means eradicating the Jewish and internal problems of America but rn America is rotting from the inside. I'm not dying for this shithole and Israel until America starts getting better

>> No.14497912

yea marring a loyal young virgin is so bad.

been with my columbian Girfreind for two years, since then she has her OWN 10k stack, and i threw up on her and pissed on her when i was drunk and she took care of me. yea sometimes she acts bitchy, but thats cus im an asshole

>> No.14497934

>thinking that a coin with currently 0 users will reach 1 trillion market cap

>> No.14497942

I agree you don't need it, but the only reason I'd want to have more than a few million is to afford private jets to travel every few days/weeks, that isn't really possible to sustain unless you're a multi-millionaire
fuck tsa security theatre and all that bullshit, checked luggage being lost, cramped next to some random assholes, being able to bypass it and just drive right up to the jet would be ideal
with 3 million you might be able to do that once a year, and that takes out a chunk of your living expenses.

>> No.14498033

>what is euphoria
wonder what comes next faggot

>> No.14498053

lmao, good luck buddy. Whatever you sell in crypto counts as yearly income. So if you made 10,000 dollars, that is added to whatever wage slave job you work. So if I make 30,000 a year and sold link for 10,000, I now have to pay taxes on 40,000.

>> No.14498071

when it dumps below 2 dollars you will panic sell

>> No.14498140

15k Link here
Will sell 5k@$100
The rest I will stake for at least 10 years.

>> No.14498150

Just move to the Puerto Rican containment island

>> No.14498165

OP doesn't realize we already topped... kinda sad.

>> No.14498210

you're kidding. Fuck it, im renouncing my McCitizenship too

>> No.14498259

I'll beat you by not only having just 1k link, but 1k brapper. I'll pay my hoard of brap hogs to smother you so you don't have to imagine the smell.

>> No.14498281

I’ve already begun my exit plan. I sold 33% which enabled me to pay off my house to become completely debt free. I will sell 90% more when it reaches maybe $79-80. The remaining 10% will go to running a node for life.

>> No.14498319

long term capital gains tax up to $40k is 0%. If you wagecuck for $30k and sell $10k of link you don't pay any tax on the link.

>> No.14498341
File: 544 KB, 602x800, 1561840100194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only have 1800 LINK and got in at 1$. My exit strategy is getting to $1000 then cashing out. If LINK never makes it there(Which it will) and I get bogged, I can always rely on my 33 ETH.

>> No.14498355

This is the correct answer. Buy beachfront PR property, start a business there, enjoy no federal income tax and low corporate tax.

>> No.14498375

whats long term on millions anon....?

>> No.14498424

Long-term capital gains tax rates:
0% $0 to $39,375
15% $39,376 to $434,550
20% $434,551 or more
These are MARGINAL rates meaning the first $40k is tax free, the next ~$400k is 15% rate, anything after that is 20%. Just don't sell more than $400k a year if you are super loaded from your investment. If I /make it/ I'm only gonna sell $40k a year to avoid taxes altogether. Remember this is only federal, each state has its own laws.

>> No.14498439

probably funnel it through a business, speak to a good accountant they usually save you more money than you would spend on them

>> No.14498445

We don’t need “men” of your caliber here. Move to China or something

>> No.14498457

This is the true patrician choice. Live like Diogenes and give every one of your LINKies to your children.

>> No.14498503

Don't forget the $2k fee the government charges you for the privilege of renouncing your American citizenship, anon

Based, literally any EU country >>> US. Treat passports like commodities anyway, diversify them

>> No.14498517

Trips confirm this is a better plan. But not as good as selling the car for more Link, digging a Vietcong tunnel in the local park and living like a mole person who only emerges to suck dick and buy more Linkies.

>> No.14498619

I am from another continent and have never been to the USA, but maybe I’m with you.

>> No.14498672

Honestly, and not trying to be a blackpilling faggot - but it's over. It really fucking is. Just go look at normies, they aren't even close to rejecting the current order - hell, they love it. It's never gonna fucking happen, they'll lap up pedophile legalisation & transhumanism is droves. Shit, you know they're bussing in Somalis to the PNW, just to fuck that plan in the ass too? The future is some sort of techno-communist dystopia, basically Brazil on a global scale. Best proud Whites can do is become the new Castizos of the new world. Get rich and just take care of your own interests, your friends & family, White's are just one more tribe among many now. Ethnic mafia to protect your own ass from getting ganked by niggers & spics is the best you can possibly hope for.
And fuck most Whites anyway, fucking dysgenic trash that aren't worth 1 thousandth of our ancestors & I'm not dying for them. I mean, I'll keep larping on /pol/ because it's important that people actually grow some balls & at least reject it internally (and trolling Feds and kikes is funny) - but it's pure Ride the Tiger time.

>> No.14498677

t. literal niggers who are too low iq to do the most basic research on long term capital gains taxes

>> No.14498728

>not realizing this shithole has been beyond saving since the 1960s
>p-pay your 40% tax to help tyrone get back on his feet and have mentally ill trannies pissing next to your daughters in public bathrooms
i unironically hope you get gunned down in a race war you delusional faggot
poolside theory is the ONLY rational move at this point you fat fuck

>> No.14498762

correct american worldview right here

>> No.14498803

it's understandable if you are a billionaire or something but for just 25 million USD it's retarded beyond belief.

>> No.14498822

its spelled colombia but can you tell me more? I mean I am already planning to renounce and go to colombia but I don't what you mean about no regulation on crypto. They are actually pretty fucked financially because of the history with drugs, its actually pretty intricate to get money into colombia (fiat)

>> No.14498836

kek if you aren't planning to renounce why are you even here?

only brainlets aren't going to renounce

>> No.14498839
File: 410 KB, 602x946, 1559195126711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually believing such a fantasy is going to become real
the absolute state of this board

>> No.14498864
File: 205 KB, 800x1238, 800px-Dorso_Pasaporte_Electrónico_Argentino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Argentina the most kino citizenship for the future?
>takes only two years to become a citizen
>"""refugees""" only move north in the world, never south
>memes aside, is majority castizo (at least mostly white, more so than 56)
>Some cool guys took a holiday there in the 40s
>Fairly socially conservative, at least outside of Buenos Aires
>Aesthetic as fuck countryside
I already have 3 citizenships (US/small EU country/UK) but I think I might honestly move somewhere nice there eventually, if only to get the passport

>> No.14498934


No te conviene venir, si venis con los dolares viene un gobierno comunista y te los saca, como paso en el gobierno de Cristina Fernandez Kirchner y si venis con cripto (BTC ETH LINK whatever) tambien te lo van a querer confiscar, los impuestos son altisimos aca ademas.

t. Argentino

>> No.14499077
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Based. Fuck banks and fuck kikes

>> No.14499154

anon, spoonfeed me on the process for caribbean islands, is st kitts the best option? can i buy citizenship directly with bitcoin? are there any fiat/crypto exchanges on st kitts?

>> No.14499351

You either donate a certain amount or invest a certain amount, you never have to step foot in the country and it takes less than a year to get your citizenship approved.

In the case of st kitts, you can donate $150k or invest $450k

They don't accept bitcoin



>> No.14500110

cringe and c u c k pilled

>> No.14500276

Will you rebuy at $0.50?