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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 250x250, vidt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14460440 No.14460440 [Reply] [Original]

is it being listed on a legit exchange soon or something?

>> No.14460475

Read the whitepaper. Read up on the team.

Please don't buy anon. I want to add to my stack

>> No.14460494

Pajeet shitcoin of the season. No one ever mentioned it here until March 19.

>> No.14460496
File: 430 KB, 1939x1939, 1561837385957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14460502

It's a scam, anon. Don't buy. It's just a json parser

>> No.14460506

Because it's a legit project that is going on a decent exchange soon AND it's already making profit and has a working product. Plus low market cap and insanely high trading volume relatively.

>> No.14460515


>> No.14460524


>> No.14460554

Exit scam. Great way to lose money if you buy in. VIDT is a shell crypto created by the Ambrosus team to liquidate their dev wallets. DO NOT BUY.

>> No.14460555

whoever falls for this brainlet pajeet scheme deserves to be poor, i hope plebbit will buy it

>> No.14460560
File: 20 KB, 600x338, Retard Alert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> The coin entered coinmarketcap in April so........

>> No.14460577


damn is this true? I was thinking of pulling the trigger

>> No.14460609

Yeah and you were buying it on IDEX a month before that you retarded fucking poo

>> No.14460628

Totes bro

>> No.14460636


>> No.14460638

newfags will never learn, protip try to spot the pajeet before engaging in shitcoin adventures

>> No.14460644

Its /our/ coin and it will be shilled until we break 1 billion mcap

>> No.14460651

Does it hurt your brain to write stupid shit like this?

>> No.14460653
File: 42 KB, 1221x493, vidt doing the needful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Pajeet buying at zero volume three days before he started shilling it here and on leddit

>> No.14460672

How is it a pajeet scam coin if it comes from the Netherlands?

>> No.14460677

No lol DYOR it’s literally on the Amspec website

>> No.14460682

This scam looks absolutely atrocious. Please, get it away from me!!

>> No.14460684
File: 155 KB, 694x864, Swing_VIDT_Brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Moron thought this coin existed in 2018 and thought its strange that biztards only started speaking about it in March.......

LMAO KYS I know for a fact every single Fudder of VIDT is a swingVidter that fucked up!!


>> No.14460710

The devs might be legit but there are hundreds of "legit" coins out there with no real value. Pajeet picks one at random, buys at a miniscule fraction, makes a quick marketing spiel about muh Airbus, shills it for a season, then dumps it. It's just Obsidian and Signatum all over again.

>> No.14460715

Don’t listen the the fud. Just street shitters mad they haven’t bought in yet.

If you dyor you’ll want to get a suicide bag.

>> No.14460744

>if I take other posts and replace 'LINK' with 'VIDT' no one will notice I can't poo in loo

>> No.14460805


I was newfag once too... Thought chainlink was scam and didn't buy at 0.20c... this is the only project on biz that has as much hype as chainlink annons are mostly shilling is because biz likes to brag about how smart they are, so they can point the finger at you and say "see I told you"
Whenever theres this much hype it's probably a very good idea to buy a 1k suicide stack before its too late

>> No.14460846

>this is the only project on biz that has as much hype as chainlink
You are a fucking retard.

>> No.14460851

Don't buy

Still accumulating

Up 250% since my first buy

>> No.14460881

someone summarize the whitepaper for us brainlets so we can pump with you

>> No.14460883

Yeah sorry it's more hyped than chainlink linkfag

>> No.14460894

Just tired of the same question coming up from people who cannot DYOR. Which is just as easy as searching this board at any point of time in the last month for a quick rundown on the business model.

t. 3000 VIDT suicide stack

>> No.14460936

I am annoyed by all the shilling too, and I have a lot of money in this one.

Don't need all that Pajeet hype ffs.

>> No.14461102
File: 353 KB, 1110x845, 1561187042732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Airbus, Khrone and AmSpec as their clients, this is not staying below 10 million mcap much longer, especially with the small supply. Big exchange will be announced as early as Monday, too. Around 1200 documents get validated every day and that number is steadily rising.

In the last two days the sell order book size almost halved and there are very little people selling.

biz has been spoonfeeding this for almost 4 weeks and you could have had +330% already if you had listened. The train hasn't even left the station though, so hop in. "35$ EOY" sound like a meme but it's unironically possible.

>> No.14461744



>> No.14461911

$35 eoy

>> No.14461977

Saving this to my FUD collection

>> No.14462012

best place to buy it right now? Which exchange is reputable? Hotbit, Idex, or Latoken?

>> No.14462032

biz + twitter crooks pump and dump just like chx, sell while you can

>> No.14462048


>> No.14462092

The v-id token has no reason to exists.

>> No.14462129

What market and when?

>> No.14462134

The oldest piece of VIDT FUD that has been debunked into oblivion. The tokenomics are one of the best things about the project.

>> No.14462213

dont you dare think i didn't notice

also checked

>> No.14462286

You don't need a cryptocurrency to validate documents. That's the bottom line. VIDT feels like a 2017 shitcoin where people were just making up random and retarded use cases for blockchain tech in order to make a quick buck.

>> No.14462302

Why couldnt ether be used as payment. To me it feels like the token is just for raising money. What am i missing?

>> No.14462320

>he still doesnt understand how blockchains work in 2019

>> No.14462327
File: 727 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2019-06-27-08-56-31-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all white team
>No airdrop so no shitskins know about it
>Actual customers
>10mil market cap
>Literal European Union advisor on team

>> No.14462374

Funnily, Vidt is probably one of the perfect uses of Blockchain - a permanent and immutable record of something's authenticity

I work at a top 10 Times Higher ranking university, and I'm literally writing a paper to go to our academic policy committee on adopting something like this to verify transcripts and certificates. Will namedrop Vidt

>> No.14462409

damn, I'd smash. brb buying some stacks of this shit

>> No.14462463

wouldn't blockchain be great for storing child porn?

>> No.14462508

Same story with any other erc20 right? I'm taking a risk buying after this pump and with the 90%+ fake hotbit volume and maximum pajeetery, but there is no reason why this can't enter the top 100.

>> No.14462533

How do I buy this if it's not on an exchange? Mega brainlet here and new to crypto.

>> No.14462552


>> No.14462562

its on idex fren, super easy to use once you get the hang of it. Thats how you get in on projects early before they hit the major exchanges

>> No.14462642

git gud noob

>> No.14462656

thanks buddy


>> No.14462701

There are YouTube tutorials on using IDEX. Especially easy if you have ETH on a Ledger.

>> No.14462746
File: 47 KB, 250x194, benis-gif-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weak fud

>> No.14462748

ok so when does it get listed on a legitimate exchange?

>> No.14463207


my 80 year old father called this one for me. not by name, but he mused that this use case could be huge.

>> No.14463246

All you have to do is read the comments and look at the memes to determine its complete bullshit. All good projects have the solid memes

>> No.14463267


Q3. Binance wallet holds 99k VIDT and application has been submitted. DYOR, coin has only been public for ~1 month. Again, DYOR.