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14455540 No.14455540[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT I am summoning Tranjeet

>> No.14455640
File: 86 KB, 1300x1067, gillye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iExec secret whitepaper

>> No.14455736
File: 93 KB, 676x676, 1561541886502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Transjeet glad too see you

>> No.14455742

It's over Gilles, you lost when you posted that Chart going after Link. They used their connections to delist you from all exchanges and scrap your fake partnerships. Wait for the SEC raid and class action.

>> No.14455785

Lol nice fud retard. See you at 10usd. It will happen.

>> No.14455810
File: 151 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_2019-06-29-20-13-34-518_com.android.chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong Aidsjeet

>> No.14455917

No one is caring about your trannycoin, you can continue with your angry envious french shills forever, Gilles

> please ignore the fag and report the thread as spam

>> No.14455942

It looks like the bitconnect logo. Whatever, I own 665 of it.

>> No.14455951

you care enough, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

you have 30 days to accumulate

>> No.14455956

How about summoning an ounce of self-respect and stop shilling this scam to unknowing new crypto investors.

>> No.14455990

what makes rlc a scam? unironically curious

>> No.14456010

I care to make your french liver explode, this is meant to save you from AIDS, Gilles

> please ignore the fag and report the thread as spam

>> No.14456067
File: 49 KB, 1204x799, iexec vs chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at the cringetastic V3 announcement video, it's on YT.
And pic related of course.

>> No.14456083
File: 707 KB, 1440x2216, Screenshot_20190629-132242_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT I am summoning Tranjeet
Why have you summoned REEEEEEEE? Pic related.

>> No.14456086

vaporware announcement hyping of now 3 releases, each one doesn't work and has 0 users. Each one is followed by a huge dump, mostly by the team selling at the top. Pattern will repeat for V4 V5 etc. until everybody has understsood whats going on.

>> No.14456125
File: 251 KB, 1080x1920, 1561644627221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autistic devs do not make it a scam. thr
e chart is now only incorrect on mainnet thing. other bullets are correct

>> No.14456150


>> No.14456185

team wallets are known and tokens dont get moved, dumps happened due to shitty tokenomics that will get fixed with sidechain staking on v4.

>> No.14456194

>autistic devs do not make it a scam
Lying devs does.

>other bullets are correct
No, they really aren't.

>> No.14456246

what they have lied about?

>> No.14456251

why are they piggybacking on the oracle hype set by chainlink? if they want a pump so bad can't they give their big partners a call?

>> No.14456268

Half the shit on here: >>14456067

>> No.14456290

they are not piggybacking. oracles for iexec were easy to create because they already had all infrastructure from data set renting feature

>> No.14456300

It's basically a scam, they dump and make money from that.
It's very risky, too, because they can make profit even selling at $0,002, and, being them stupid low level french cons, they don't care if the risk that the trannycoin going to 0 is raising with each dump.

>> No.14456313

>dat French syntax

Bonjour gros con.

>> No.14456318

besides mainnet that was correct then, all other points are correct actually

>> No.14456349

they havent sold single rlc
i am from baltic country fgt

>> No.14456404

No, some bad tranny whale bought all the RLC and is acting very bad at poor Gilles, sure thing.

>> No.14456421

No, they aren't.

>ctr+f "SGX"
>43 results
This was 2017.

>> No.14456451

see this fgt>>14456125
they might as well not have

>> No.14456474
File: 232 KB, 1080x1920, 1561644691192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

without cropped bottom

>> No.14456509


You're an idiot.
Look up who Ari Juels is and fuck off.

>> No.14456560

nice counter. iexec dev explained perfectly clear why link sgx implementation is worthless and you throw some faggot name at me. instead of that explain why iexec dev is wrong please

>> No.14456633

He can't. Retard linkies that don't understand the technology always throw some retarded shit at you and then cry about the chart.

>> No.14456681

The pic say so itself: "Intel SGX doesn't work that way".
Enclaves are off-chain, so actual on-chain attestation is impossible.

>> No.14456732

and then they say that they have infrastructure for that, while link does not

>> No.14456756

You cannot build infrastructure for that.
If you could side-step the signature process, all cryptography would be instantly useless.

>> No.14456809

they can do it with secret management service

>> No.14456829

No, they can't.
If you could side-step the signature process, all cryptography would be instantly useless.

>> No.14456842

they can do it with secret management service

>> No.14456937

Envy can't solve your trannicoin problems and make your vaporware real, Gilles.

>> No.14457451

They can do it. They literally said they could.

>> No.14457571

Not even 3000 posts from Tranjeet can derail the RealLifeChad token.

Fuck off autistic street shitter

>> No.14457686

Can anyone with an IQ of over 120 tell me something negative about this project, or a reason not to invest in it?

>> No.14457783

> French detected
> Rage detected
> A lot of curiosity detected
> Aids detected
> Smell of cock detected
> New IP detected
Gilles, is that you again?
Please neck yourself before AIDS takes over your brain

>> No.14457810

No they literally can't.
That's the whole point of cryptography. And of enclaves.

>> No.14457865

I thought I smelled gender reassignment and curry. Sup tranjeet