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14362654 No.14362654 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14362677
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>> No.14362682

Vitalik is actually right though about NP vs P

>> No.14362702
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>> No.14362718
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bitcoin dominance 90%+ CONFIRMED

>> No.14362734

shill me your ICO, kek

>> No.14362736

all I see is a jealous boomer arguing with a zoomer

>> No.14362769

tldr; if Vitalik had decided to go with the quantum computer, he'd have failed, but instead he went with Ethereum and won?

>> No.14362791
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I see a cryptographer calling out a scammer

>> No.14362795

this. and its entirely pathetic that those flaming faggots think they are even 1% as intelligent as Vitalik.

>> No.14362807

No useful quantum computers exist so therefore trying to create one is a dumb idea on its face? Is that the argument? sorry I'm a brainlet who doesn't get it.

>> No.14362813

vitalik's skepticism is philosophically superior to back's unprovable dogmatism. unironically, vitalik is in the right in this debate.

>> No.14362831

he failed at scamming technical people so he built a platform for scamming brainlets and it worked lol

>> No.14362850

>Wasting $billions of human value and potential over the last few years is a serious problem.
Does this guy live in a bubble? Has he never heard of a central bank?

>> No.14362856

found the BSVschitzo.

kill yourself faggot

>> No.14362859

Kek THIS was the FUD from 2016 in those copypastas

>Vitalik is a russian scammer

It's TWENTY NINETEEN, current year

>> No.14362871

>trump is a rapist, you cant prove hes not!
classic jew move

>> No.14362880

Trump is a Zionist, his family are Jewish

>> No.14362893
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investing in something that doesn't exist is a dumb idea

>> No.14362901

> stalking vitalik on twitter
OP kinda homo

>> No.14362920

take money for project
don't deliver
>but... but it might be possible
classic jew move

>> No.14362951
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confirmed OP is maxipad
over and out

>> No.14362952

yes he's comparing central banks to the ethereum foundation

>> No.14362957

Burden of proof is on him tho

>> No.14363021

adam is fucking retarded
when the layer connecting ETH with BTC gets completed shit will start moving faster towards the end of TTPs
including his fucking company

>> No.14363027

P=NP vs P!=NP is something every first year cs student knows to be the foundation of computer science. I learned that in school at 14 even. To say the problem is not worth exploring is to eradicate this entire space. Fucking glowinthedark gangtalkers can fuck off on this one, since that is visibly their goal. If anyone else was behind these tweets I would just dismiss as ignorance. V handled this well.

>> No.14363085

>his family are Jewish






if you still cant see that trump is intentionally shining the spotlight on israel youre fucking retarded. hes convinced democrats to oppose israel by being obnoxiously pro israel. even if you want to try to convince yourself its not intentional, its objectively a good result.


>> No.14363110
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keep your bitcoins then, i dont give a fuck

>> No.14363116

>This level of cope
Haha oh dear, oy vey

>> No.14363145
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also, buy my boomercoin, that at 90% adoption, it would be cheaper and faster to buy an airplane in fiat, and fly my fiat wherever..than to Tx on my network.

>> No.14363168

I want to eat her fucking ass while she shits on my foot

>> No.14363194
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Very specific

>> No.14363201

This basically sums up Blockstream doesn't it? If it's not something they think is a good idea, it's idiotic, evil, and must be stamped out.

Sure, experimentation and blue sky research ends up being a waste of resources 95% of the time. But once in a blue moon, it gives us penicillin or the internet.

>> No.14363236

Showing that something implies P = NP is used as a reductio ad absurdum in CS theory. It is a fact that P != NP. It has just been difficult to prove. Vitalik is smart but he is showing his autism with this one, sorry.

>> No.14363245
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i can keep going

>Part of Manafort's efforts included proliferating the claim that Tymoshenko was part of an anti-Semitic political party. His aim was to galvanize "Obama jews," apparently referring to former President Barack Obama's Jewish supporters, to "put pressure" on senior Obama administration officials
>Prosecutors say he collaborated with an Israeli official to spread the story

>Trump campaign official requested proposals in 2016 from an Israeli company to create fake online identities, to use social media manipulation and to gather intelligence to help defeat Republican primary race opponents and Hillary Clinton

>The guilty plea entered on Friday by Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, has raised critical new questions not only about the relationship between the Trump team and Russian officials – but also whether Flynn and other members of the Trump transition team were improperly lobbying on behalf of Israel.
(pic related)

>“I was actually really impressed and quite frankly shocked that Bob Mueller told the truth about why I was illicitly targeted and it really had nothing to do with Russia. It had to do with my ties to Israel.”


>> No.14363252

ETH's hash rate is 167 TH/s
Bitcoin's hash rate 65,000,000 TH/s
real secure coin you got there bud.

>> No.14363260
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this bish has a retarded clown makeup color, but gotdam those implants and her overall body in general.

>> No.14363278
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>Dude its all just 5d chess
You unironically believe this?

>> No.14363277

and ETH is developed by Joseph Lubin look into that one

>> No.14363281
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muh dick

>> No.14363283

This goes to show he’s not as smart as he or everyone thinks he is

>> No.14363284
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Keep in mind these mouthpieces are taking every chance they get to make retail & even real crypto investors look vulnerable/uneducated so that regulators can continue doing their thing. That's all This exchange was. This has nothing to do w btc/eth flamewars. This is how the elite pedos speak on your behalf. Either side you take you are cheering them on....

>> No.14363297

real eco friendly and practical blockchain you got there bud

>> No.14363364

I better enforce a carbon tax on myself and not have any white babies kike fuck

>> No.14363365

i know, so is that glen weyl guy vitaliks always talking to. honest jews are rare, but they do exist. theres probably about 7,000 of them in the world


>> No.14363386

>Bitcoin dominance index should > 90%

About sums up the intellectual capacity of these bitcoin maximalists, holy shit.

>> No.14363408
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But why? One of the silliest things I've ever heard not on /pol/.
Pompeo is on record saying anti-zionism is anti-semitism

>> No.14363424

>eco friendly
greentech was the last scam cycle, it's blockchain now

>> No.14363557

do you know what the difference is between proof of stake and proof of work? here, ill help you.

proof of work is bitcoins tx validation process, it allocates the tx fees to whoever has the most powerful computers thats able to process the block the fastest. however, this doesnt give bitcoin any "real" value, the value of bitcoin is just what people are willing to pay for it.

proof of stake is ethereums (planned, stated released date of jan 3rd by justin drake) tx validation mechanism. it allocates the tx fees to holders of ether who have 'staked' their coins in the network in order to earn the right to validate a portion of the transactions on the network, proportional to the amount of ether they hold.

a comparison would be if you think of a blockchain as a modern "internet superhighway", a new format for computers creating a decentralized network. proof of work would allow whoever has the fastest car to go around and collect taxes to pay for the superhighway's maintenance. while proof of stake, owning one ether is like owning one toll booth on that highway, and collecting 1/100,000,000th of the taxes accrued. so the mechanism derives a specific value that can be attached to "owning" ether, something bitcoin cant claim. its also been stated that proof of stake will likely pay out (in ether) about 5% of the ether you stake.

Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, repent or suffer you fucking rodent.

>> No.14363593

>it allocates the tx fees to holders of ether
which premined 72,000,000 tokens
so basically a ICO premine gets to validate the "world computer" forever
I don't think so

>> No.14363606

dont get me wrong, id love for trump to come out full 1488 style naming the jew, but that didnt go so well for adolf, did it? hes playing a game with the media. literally making them defeat themselves. have you ever dealt with a good liar? your best play is to make them stand in front of a room of people and keep explaining their story down to the most minute details. trump said ilhan should be forced to resign from congress for her anti semitism, or at least resign from foreign affairs comms. trump got BLASTED by liberals for it, libs are all defending ilhan because they realize how ridiculous it is. has this ever happened before in our lifetime? is it a coincidence?



>> No.14363607

good points sir, what coin should i invest in?

>> No.14363619
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these are the people in control of the premined tokens
I can't possibly think of a worse system

>> No.14363623

When moon sirs?

>> No.14363633

>muh premined infinitely inflatable useless ico scamcoin
fuck yourself




>> No.14363659

Agreed. Vitalik is arguing with brainlets here.

>> No.14363660

seething boomer

>> No.14363674

start with ETH, 32 is the magic number but its kind of expensive now, branch out once you find promising dApps


>> No.14363692
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>comparing different PoW algorithms by hash rate

>> No.14363695

What is that p np thing, eli5 einstein

thank you

>> No.14363699
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wow, this fucking retard again?


>> No.14363706

you can't compare different algorithm hashes like that
You need to compare the electricity that goes into hashing.

>> No.14363710

bitcoin has a system of checks and balance compromised of users (which can easily by node operators), service providers, and miners
users veto'd a 95%+ signaled protocol change from miners and service providors with "muh raspi pi nodes"
and bloatchain retards think low node requirements are bad?

no other blockchain has the network strength of bitcoin
it protects the users, it has the most security, it's the best by several magnitudes

>> No.14363712

>It is a fact that P != NP
>It has just been difficult to prove.
Do you know what a fact is glowie?

>> No.14363718

why can't I?
there are hidden ASICs and FPGAs you don't know about
they're being developed everyday and compromise any chain going against a free market ASIC mined chain

>> No.14363732

comprised lol not compromised

>> No.14363756

>using >
vitalik is one of us

>> No.14363793
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>that boomer who fuds alt coins because his retarded old man brain can't quickly analyze trends and he knows zoomers will take all his money

Heh. Nice try gramps. Just because you own bitcoin doesn't mean we all have to be gainlets.

>> No.14363800

>It is a fact that P != NP
Feel free to collect your $1,000,000 USD millenium prize.

Adam is right that trying to raise funds based on "but what if P = NP" without proof and nonexistent quantum computers is borderline scamming, though, as cool as Vitalik is.

>> No.14363846

No I think you're just literally coping because you got suckered by a conman

>> No.14363859

its slower, more expensive, and uses more electricity. but im sure the halvening, where theyre going to decrease miner incentive by 50%, will help the network run smoother than it did in dec '17. makes sense. enjoy your "store of value" coin you bagholding faggot.

>> No.14363880

2.84% of BTC addresses hold 95% of supply
its a centralized mess

only a matter of time before the chinese mafia laundry mat gets flipped by superior ETH chain

>> No.14363900


>> No.14363942


that's not what centralized means you dumb nigger

>> No.14363946
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people are talking about the israel palestine issue. more eyes on it is always better. if you dont think that trump is partially to blame for that, thats fine, but youre wrong.


>> No.14363997

>Fully 42 percent of American Jews say Trump “favors Israelis too much,” according to the study, which was conducted among US adults between April 1 and 15. A slightly higher 47% say he has struck “the right balance” between Israelis and Palestinians.
>Just 6% of US Jews say Trump favors Palestinians too much.
>Meanwhile, only 26% of Christians said Trump favors Israelis too much, while 59% said he has found the “right balance.”
>In just over two years, Trump has recognized the Golan Heights as Israeli and Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, moving the US Embassy to the city. His administration has also balked at criticizing settlement building and cut support for the Palestinians, while expressing strident support for Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The moves, many of which upended decades of US policy, are seen as plays toward his right-wing and evangelical base, and he frequently mentions them during rallies in middle America.

>> No.14364016

>schizo retards derail yet another thread with pointless seething about jews
/pol/ is so fucking gay

>> No.14364052
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>crypto, usury, and jews are unrelated

>> No.14364143

Well clearly I see you want to believe it so let's hope you're right, unironically. I just can't see it though, if anything it just seems like pol cover for what he is doing at face value. It would make sense for that kind of theory to be doing the rounds on 4chan since half of /pol/ still supports Trump.
>I'm supporting Israel so much by giving them everything they want that people will start to not like them
Come on now

>> No.14364156
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go to bed Adam

>> No.14364272

>BitCoin dominance 90%+ CONFIRMED

>> No.14364291
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only time will tell

>> No.14364321

Have you ever proved Godel's incompleteness theorem, goy?

>> No.14364339

>green texting outside of 4chan
I unironically hope someone caves in his chest

>> No.14364390

Goldbach's conjecture hasn't been proven either but thinking it is possibly false is retarded

>> No.14364391

I like Tarski's take on the matter

>> No.14364425

at least post link to the twats twitting

>> No.14364429

Then fine, we have different definitions of "fact". If you think a fact has to be "true" under Tarski's definition, derived within the language of mathematics according to its rules, then it's not true yet, not until it's proven. Call me a crude Platonist. P!=NP is obviously true, it just hasn't been proven yet.

>> No.14364507

stupid bait post, you will refund me the time reading this

>> No.14364544 [DELETED] 

And thank me later


>> No.14364640

Came here to say this.

Someone tweet BSV to him. Lets get him on the winning side.

>> No.14364671
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>> No.14364738
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nice meme faggot

>> No.14364869

my dude we all know deep down inside that crypto is a global scale ponzi scheme pumped only by speculation. Litteraly the only reason it is so stupidly volatile is that it is a pure speculative market. I don't give a fuck so long as someone bites the bullet while i rake in enormous profits.

>> No.14365050

Vitalik is such a kuk. He's 100% going to jail soon

>> No.14365055

I don't entirely disagree when thinking about the problem from that mindset. Maybe both outcomes can be true but only one of which can be perceived.

>> No.14365492

Well, there's also some things in mathematics that have thought to be true but have been disproven 200+ years later (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler's_sum_of_powers_conjecture).).

So I don't think that think that believing something one way or the other is good enough, especially for a conjecture as important as P = NP?