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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14348044 No.14348044 [Reply] [Original]

How are we going to mitigate the effects of PTSD that all marines get? We've been fighting this war for over a year now with our brains psychologically altered beyond repair from being on this board. One day soon when the singularity hits we will instantly be rich and the war will be over. The effects of this probably won't be much different than a solider in Fallujah scraping the scalp off the ground of some Muslim suicide bomber before a tour ends and 12 hours later you are sitting on the couch with your kids watching Ellen Degeneres.

PTSD among American marines wasn't as prevalent back in the day as it is today because they got to come home on a ship with their mates and had 30 days or so to decompress.

I'm afraid the singularity will hit and I'll be rich and 2 days later I'll be walking into a Walmart to buy an Obama CHIA pet and all of a sudden I'll start getting anxiety and hit the deck when I hear someone say something in passing that I might misconstrue as LINK FUD even though I’ve already made it

What if I'm driving with my nephews and nieces taking them to the park and I see a Mobil gas station and my brain starts envisioning Möbius FUD and I run the car off the road and kill us by wrapping my car around a tree?

I almost want to stay in this prison at /biz/. The larpers and shit posters almost give me a sense of security that I know I won't have once we have made it, and you are all off making mixed raced babies with nasty Indian women have left their pajeet husbands.

>> No.14348078

You had 2 years fuck you

>> No.14348125


>> No.14348147

Checked and keked marine!

>> No.14348164
File: 47 KB, 512x354, swertm653w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14348316

delete this thread fucking shitfag you dont know nothing about ptsd. so disgusting that you glorify some stupid internet coin and claim you get ptsd from it. fuck you nigger

>> No.14348332

hahahhahahahah you fought for israel LMFAO. stupid motherfucker!

"uncle sam wants you!"

You didnt actually believe that propaganda did you?

>> No.14348348


>> No.14348624

Did you get ptsd from fighting for israel? sucks man

>> No.14348678


Yeah nah fuck you cunt I am ready. 1k End of Day.

>> No.14348689
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I’m ready, though I could use some more sleep. It’s been a wild last couple of days to say the least. And I have a feeling we’re just getting started

>> No.14348696

You need to screw your head on straight, marine. Cowboy up and get comfortable with the fact you are going to be ymping at shadows and screaming "$1000 EOY!" and "THRESHOLD SIGNATURES!" into the black abyss for the rest of your natural life. You will never be able to feel a genuine human connection again because even your closest loved ones will look like nolinkers and swinglinkers. You are going to be rich as Solomon but screwy as a squirrel.

>> No.14348697

Someone pay ourjeet to read this lol

>> No.14348712

my mind, heart, body, dick, soul are all ready to fucking go.

>> No.14348746

Do I smell some fresh pasta? Nice.

>> No.14348782

fresh? how fucking new are you?

>> No.14348817
File: 31 KB, 300x450, A38FBB6A-F4C8-413C-A5D6-C48F48B8CD30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s going to be weird when we all meet up at the yacht party and realize 42 anon was the midget crimelord from lone wolf mcquade this whole time.