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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 286 KB, 850x567, hss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14295424 No.14295424 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14295553

what do you think this peaks at in the bullmarket? I'm thinking 10 bucks

>> No.14296278

250k checking in

>> No.14297402

A psycho Nano whale is suppressing the DAG price.

>> No.14297477

Monero was moving sideways around 1M-5M in market cap for over a year, only to end up with 8 billion USD ATH. I believe DAG will do the same. Could even be more. Constellation has a much larger user and ecosystem potential than Monero's privacy coin.

>> No.14297637

CEO looks happy and fair. I like him.

>> No.14297806

Diggles seems smart as fuck. See the latest coffee talk video they posted.

>> No.14297952

nice thatd be $5
Id have ten million

latest vid is great. what I like is they have all fronts covered. tech and business.

>> No.14298040

so why all the shills suddenly? the ceo gambled their funding away and everything went to shit. Have they accomplished anything at all? if so, what? are there any big milestones coming up? why should i buy this when it's just a failed startup atm?

>> No.14298078

and if this project is as revolutionary as you guys say, Cz would have listed it for free, which he hasn't, and probably never will considering their past.

>> No.14298157
File: 2.48 MB, 3739x1320, Insane Psycho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to bed Raphael. Your comments are getting more and more stupid and dishonest by the day. Pic related.

>> No.14298197

huh? was the gambling the funds away just fud? I can't be bothered to read the pic. I've just read what's posted here constantly

>> No.14298228

Warning, these guys are trying to astroturf this. DO NOT BUY.

>> No.14298340

actually I need it to drop more before the alt boom, I have 2 grand coming in eom

>> No.14298586

No. I've talked to the ceo on Telegram. The team being well funded is not a meme.

>> No.14298599

Former CEO gambled funds away. Left mysteriously handing over hundreds of millions of DAG. The team refuses to say what happens claiming lawyers have them in a hush clause. But they refuse to show that hush clause exists.
Team has zero crypto experience, just a group of douchebags in a money grab. All deadlines missed and zero transparency.
Fired all marketing people and community has shrunken to a couple loudmouth bagholders. Community is a toxic wasteland of naive moonboys will heavy bags.
Current CEO is an utter faggot and refuses to address FUD of any kind no matter how obvious or relevant.
All actions by the team show they have very funds funds left. No COO running the company and current CEO is investing millions in restaurants rather than his own company.
They are located in the heart of SF yet not a single VC or major tech investor believe in this technology or it's team.

> 100% confirmed vaporware. Bunch of red flags and a think skinned team of tech Bros surrounded by a community of get rich quick losers hoping to quit their day job at Burger King

>> No.14298636

i wonder what made them leave their cave again and shill it so heavily again

>> No.14298660

Hello Raphael, why don't you slimy psycho try to substantiate your claims? No? You can't, as always? Sad and tragic psycho, seek help >>14298157

>> No.14298777

Hi MEGAMAN. Sorry you think everyone who bashes DAG is the same person. Everyone who invested in this project has lost 90% and there isn't enough liquidity to get out. Everyone hates this project because of the reasons stated above. Those are facts, and find any DAG presale investor who's been since the beginning and they will agree.
Enjoy your time at the insane asylum.

>> No.14298804

> Everyone who invested in this project has lost 90%

all because you were too much of a dumbass to DCA and decided to throw a tantrum doesn't mean the rest of us did the same. I'm already up significantly

>> No.14298829

Raph is a psychopath, he won't leave the fuckin project alone. Funny thing is on telegram he told me he doesn't care about money, but then yet he's gone on a psychopathic rage because of -his own- dumbfuck decision. Meanwhile DAG is about to take over the entire game and he's going to be on the sidelines crying the entire time.

>> No.14299039

I'm not some guy you call Raph. I understand you need to keep saying this to pretend everyone loves DAG except one guy. And that one guy never sleeps, posts 24/7 bashing dag, never misses a day, never goes offline, never eats and never sleeps.
The obvious reality is everyone hates this team, this community, and their vaporware project.
I'm so sorry to break the news but your days at Burger King will continue and your heavy bags of DAG are worth nothing.

>> No.14299065

Yet you literally call every DAG supporter Mega Man hmm

>> No.14299081

>The obvious reality is everyone hates this team, this community, and their vaporware project.
Community is building fast.
Team is killing it rn.
Hope you know what you're doing Raph.

>> No.14299122

Obvious Lies. Community doesn't exist, nobody is buying DAG, and there is no liquidity. And yes you are MegaMan the only one who posts the same shit over and over posting 100 times per thread then posting in TG about how you are pushing DAG on biz. KYS please

>> No.14299123

this one will go wild soon, don't miss out.

>> No.14299141

The dedicated scrutiny and commitment you have to a project partnered with NASA and the Us Air Force called vaporware is hysterical. How about VIDT? Nano? Go target actual bullshit scams not a bonafide powerhouse next gen crypto project. Just a thought.

>> No.14299147

Same, easy money really after doing the research.

>> No.14299159

Ah so you troll the telegram with the same attention to detail you stalk the team to find any hole you can exploit to create fake FUD; a lot of effort for a project you couldnt care less about, that is a scam and you hate. Seems like a great use of your time, Raphael. Only thing you're exposing is yourself.

>> No.14299166

Whole market is down since that time. Quit the whining, homo. I don't care about you criticizing, but it's the slimy dishonesty with all your lies, repeating long-time debunked garbage, every single day, and you as an utter coward using VPN to support yourself. Absolutely disgusting. You are trash. You better change your personality and you will end up as one bitter and disgusting asshole that hates life.

>> No.14299201

dude bought presale and dumped at the bottom. it broke his mind now he schemes to bring down the project, obsessively stalks the team and telegram, and swarms any topic on it on /biz/. What a BABY.

>> No.14299204
File: 19 KB, 501x228, IMAGE 2019-06-20 19:45:10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a solid American project. TBQH I'm even happy facebook is doing a coin now and now let the Asians do all.
Might buy 50k. Maybe more if they didn't just have 3 devs.

>> No.14299222

Constellation community is growing by the day and his presence will diminish. I have never met a happy asshole, so I guess he already got his punishment for his pathological lies and socopathic behaviour. Tragic guy, but he chose his own destructive and desperate path. Nothing will stop Constellation (DAG) now.

>> No.14299240

I was in DAG last year and can confirm this post is real. Major drama around former CEO and transparency. Most objective people agree they have money issues as a result

>> No.14299266

Psycho dude is bumping every DAG thread there is. I will give him a beer and thank him when all this is over. Best useful idiot ever :)

>> No.14299276

Nope. They said two days ago when you concern trolled in the telegram as Bomb theyre fine for decades. Lying over and over wont make it so.

>> No.14299279

>Most objective people agree they have money issues as a result
They do? What documented facts do you Raphael..."they" base it on. Walks us through your calculations, Raphael, and don't just run away as you always do.

>> No.14299310

Do you seriously deny that Constellation is a 1000x candidate and that 6M market cap is a true bargain? If you do, provide facts and logic to present your position.

>> No.14299321

Are they lying about nasa and the Air Force? Is Wyatt lying about having NASA connects?

>> No.14299339

As an outsider, got to say this project attracts the weirdest trolls and community I've ever seen.

>> No.14299351

It’s like a daily soap opera in these threads.

>> No.14299378

No investor in SF buys DAG. They invest in every other crypto project but not DAG. They live their, they are friends with VCs. Those same VCs don't believe in their tech. Enough said

>> No.14299379
File: 113 KB, 882x731, inthemoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But 3x for sure, then they are in the top 200 where they will stay because nobody knows them.
They seem legit from what I saw, but the team is too small to get to Cardano levels. If they have money, they should scale.

>> No.14299401

Furthermore. If you are a SF based crypto project and not a single SF investor buys your coin.....you are selling Vaporware and they all know it.

>> No.14299418

I’d rather gamble on getting ripped off by some American chads than on some Fantom vaporware shit.

>> No.14299420

Since when do VC's buy on Kucoin. I don't think you have your finger on the issue

>> No.14299423

The fact that <<they>> systematically try to empty fud nano threads is a big red flag for me. If they had an actual product there would be no need for throwing feces.

>> No.14299450

I already told you Raphael, Constellation are looking for partners, not investors. Your low IQ "analysis" is that of a child. Nearly two years of Monero going sideways below 5M would give you childish nut the "proof" that Monero was "vaporware", right? Yet they got close to 8B ATH. You are the most stupid "investor" ever. Try gambling.

>> No.14299454
File: 131 KB, 402x398, unimpressed_pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the nano thing a false flag by the shill group? Who tf cares about nano. That's 2yo known 1-dev project. Even worse than the already bad Constellation with 3 devs.

>> No.14299476

Who’s Raphael? The ninja turtle?

>> No.14299477

BTC had one dev, IOTA two.

>> No.14299486

You invested in DAG and stayed in amongst all the red flags. You are down 90%. But because Monero did well while being small one time give you hope this shitcoin has value. And you call yourself a smart investor KEK

>> No.14299492

That Diggles guy on the team seems like he could sell anything to anyone. He worked at oracle.

>> No.14299523
File: 33 KB, 1428x455, Creepy serial killer fudder talking to himself again 2019-01-22_10-55-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You invested in DAG and stayed in amongst all the red flags. You are down 90%.
More stupid lies from you. Remember when I asked you about 1 million USD in market cap being a good buy or not, and you just had to run away? The very same thread where your shitty VPN malfunctioned so you were caught talking to yourself in true serial killer style? Pic. So creepy.

>> No.14299534

So why do you obsessively fight DAG? Why don't you target lets say Digibyte instead?

>> No.14299548

Hey dumbfuck I'm not whoever is in your screen cap. This is an anonymous board you fucking idiot. Try medication

>> No.14299555

SIX MONTHS LATER he still does it.

>> No.14299597

>Try medication
Do it Raphael, You desperately need it. So tell me more how you claim your zoophilia is a big thing in the gay community and how zoophilie differ so much from bestiality. You sounded very confused last time, and is your days still filled with porn, compulsive masturbation and VPN abuse on 4chan, talking to yourself, supporting yourself and trashing every DAG thread you can with your insane mental garbage? What life is that Raphael?

>> No.14299643
File: 16 KB, 673x362, 2019-06-17_20-02-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a GREAT team or not, Raphael? Pic.

>> No.14299647

You need to up the dose of whatever the fuck your doctor prescribed. You have some serious issues.
If you think you can wash over all the DAG FUD by claiming everyone is one guy using a VPN you will be disappointed.

>> No.14299650
File: 307 KB, 678x678, 2019-06-17_20-03-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The is great news for Constellation, pic. What do you think Raphael?

>> No.14299663

I take that as an admission that you have not stopped your zoophilia. Stop raping those poor dogs, pervert!

>> No.14299704

I'm out of here, this isn't a conversation this is just a bunch of shilling and insane rambling strawman arguments. Have fun being poor faggot, DAG is vaporware and has a low market cap for a reason

>> No.14299706

>When the troll realized he's literally wasted 12 months of his life and hundreds of hours on something that has made zero effect at all.

>> No.14299737

>DAG is vaporware and has a low market cap for a reason
Just like Monero. No wonder you lost all that money, moron. Stop raping those dogs and get your life in order, psycho. Stop your lies and pathological spamming. Get professional help, seriously.

>> No.14299744

Moon soon, yes?

>> No.14299823

That's some silly hopium nigga, you sad

>> No.14299838
File: 2.79 MB, 600x447, gurk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Satoshi delivered the complete codebass together with the whitepaper
These 20 files
is not the bitcoin you use today, and it doesn't scale. You need people who do all kinds of things.

>> No.14299888

>These 20 files
>is not the bitcoin you use today,
Nobody made that claim. DAG is hiring more devs.

>> No.14299893

>Constellation one year after starting has to be at Bitcoin's development ten years after it started.

Keep going, maybe one of your points will stick.

>> No.14300122

Yes, every single Nano thread its the same psychopath posting debunked FUD and lies. He fits the definition of a kike.

>The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.
Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.

>> No.14300439

This dipshit isn't a fan of DAG or believer. The project is wrecked with FUD nobody can answer. These people hold heavy losses in value and have to know this is vaporware.
Last year in TG people would come in asking legitimate questions like what happened to the CEO and the team would respond with like "none of your business we are a private company and don't owe you an explanation. These bagholders be like "perfect thank you for responding, FUD is cleared".
That's when I knew the community was poisoned. They would fight anyone with a legitimate question and instead of answering or letting the team answer they would claim the individual was in fact trying to accumulate more DAG by fussing.
Then DAG hit almost zero, community disappeared, and they ran out of excuses.
Now they are back, and forgetting the past as if it never happened. There is major FUD still unanswered and there is no way they can answer without admitting to criminal activity.

>> No.14300546
File: 906 KB, 2208x1242, 8407514E-00AD-4D81-9673-593DB96C4631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buddy, shut the fuck up and bow to these partnerships.

>> No.14300609

Crazy I thought of the exact same quote... about bad faith actor marxists. Going to save it vs Raph

Have had a ton of training from my brother who is like this.

Intelligent people often think they control reality and they can spin it however they want because it works for the idiots around them. When they run into a counter, their brain explodes. The spin doesnt stick no matter how much they try. They can con everyone until they meet their match. Its why hes been going at this for twelve months straight and cant seem to make any ground.

>> No.14300693

No, it was you Raphael that spammed every DAG thread to death with all your sick lies. So how is your police report going? Your SEC report? Your secret DA connection? The photos you had of them doing cocaine, etc etc. That and all your sick VPNs like now. People gave up having any kind of meaningful thread with you spewing all your insane lies and mental garbage all over every thread. Now we are too many for you and the community is growing by the day. Plus everybody now knows that you are a pathological liar and a sick pervert.

>> No.14300765

You obviously speak of yourself. Quite apparent in fact. Psychology 101, you throw onto others what you yourself harbor inside.

>> No.14300864

I mean I literally wrote that I grew up with a brother who behaves exactly like Raphael.

What they all seem to not realize is it is very easy to discern truth from lies.

I actually spoke to Raph in telegram earlier this year. He said he was deep in the pre-sale and he was trying to join up the team and give them advice, but they wanted nothing to do with him. Of course, he was a teenage know at all. After losing all his money he dumped, and then he vowed revenge, now 12 months later here we still are dealing with his psychotic break.

>> No.14300869

Hey guy whoever you are you look incredibly stupid in this thread

>> No.14300983

at least he fights and doesn't let that asshole spread bullshit 24/7 on every dag thread.

>> No.14300997

I'm devided on the VPN accuser. On the one hand he's dedicated and good to have around, on the other hand it's a bullshit accusation and either he known it or he's a paranoid

>> No.14301033

Is it true that no VCs in SF bought DAG? It is a point, they are in SF and if this token had real value the local VCs would accumulate the shit out of it.

>> No.14301103

you know what the really weird thing and sort of scary thing about you is you sometimes latch onto obscure FUD that no one can possibly care about and spam it into the ground.

makes me think you're genuinely autistic and not a bad actor, but a genuine basket case. but yes as I have been answering you on the 'VC's not investing in DAG point' since you first brought it up in February, lets look at the VCs in the right column

Shall we go onto sushi next?

>> No.14301138

>The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day. Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.

thanks to dagbro for that, this will be useful

>> No.14301162

I am not whoever you think you are talking to. I just asked if that FUD was real, please calm down man.
So are there VCs from SF invested in DAG? If so which ones?

>> No.14301223

>I just asked if that FUD was real, please calm down man.

no because in your bizarre autistic mind you think that garbage FUD is universal enough that another anon would latch onto it as well.

so pretending you're someone else taking raphael's talking points is hilarious as those are stupid to begin with.

it's one of your flaws is your compass is distorted. autism.

>> No.14301231

I see they have "collaboration" with VCs, but are any of them confirmed investors? I have seen the volume over the last 6 months and I don't see anyone buying more than a few thousand bucks. That's why I am wondering. Price is super low, you would think it would be getting gobbled up quickly at the here prices. They are in SF and involved in all the big industry groups so people are well aware of what they have and how valuable it is. It's strange they aren't buying it....unless they are and I'm missing some big news.

>> No.14301232


>> No.14301259

Holy living fuck Anon you are delusional. I've got better things to do. FYI I am a bag holder you imbecile

>> No.14301332

once again you're so autistic that you don't realize no other anon would possibly be bringing the same garbage fud you come up with.

you've been at this for twelve months straight for hundreds of hours.

good, fuck off and come back after you turn 20

>> No.14301489

It's clear you won't answer the question and it's clear you are a fucking imbecile. Now I understand why there is no liquidity, if the community acts like this there will never be buyers. Fuck you sir, you aren't helping the cause if that is your goal.

>> No.14301692

because it's a dumb shit question you've been spamming since February along with the sushi thing. your fud is getting worse and worse, while mainnet is getting closer. do you feel lucky?

>> No.14301733

No fuck you, that quote is meant for the constellation dag fags. It is literally the embodiment of this megaman fag who posts the same stupid ass shit and cannot have a rational discussion like a human being.


>> No.14301793

Agreed it's OK to discuss a project but the DAG community is just so irrational. I own this shit and can't even dump because of liquidity. The team let's this happen and even encourages it which makes me really skeptical how serious they are.

>> No.14301869

ah, mirroring, projection, gaslighting.
as I said I grew up with someone exactly like you.

you're never fooling anyone no matter how brilliant you think you are.

>The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day. Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.

>> No.14301910

how much do you want to dump? I'll buy it at market.

>> No.14302020

11.2M DAG. Post buy order and I will fill it immediately at Kucoin.

>> No.14302049

then why the fuck are you asking raphael's retarded basic bitch FUD about sushi and vc's if you're a major investor in DAG
the team doesn't even have that much.

>> No.14302089

That isn't even that much tho... It's only like 30k

>> No.14302178

11M DAG is nothing. If you don't have the funds fuck off. Also if you can't afford 30k you need to shut the fuck up. Confirmed neck beard in parents basement

>> No.14302225

MegaMan doesn't have 30k, he is a paid shill from DAGs TG. He's just an autist they pay to stir shit up.

>> No.14302239

Ouch Anon I am sorry. Sell now and cut your losses. You will miss serious gains holding this shitcoin.

>> No.14302274

All these supposed DAG posters in this thread talking about how amazing this company is going to be and I can't even fill a 30k market order. Looks more like this thread had one broke autist who can't back up his bullshit.
I used to believe this company had a chance but it has so many holes, so many unanswered questions.
Anyways I'm outta here folks, wish it would have been a better conversation.

>> No.14302296

so let me get this straight, the same guy pushing retarded FUD:


turns around and says he has 11.2 m dag

yeah something's not adding up. autistic or malicious. still trying to figure it out.

>> No.14302314

so three people in the row say 30k, when it's actually 50k usd.

yeah totally not the same person.

>> No.14302346

11M dag is a top 20 wallet, it would take weeks and weeks of patient buying. and then to top it off you will have been buying while believing
I'm holding to it raph you are a genuine idiot, you can't keep your stories straight and you're too autistic to realize how distorted your worldview is.

lay off the drugs

>> No.14302355

what is the best dag
IOTA seems to be holding on tight
why would constellation be better?

>> No.14302460

Vaporware. Dag is made by a team of nobodies with no credentials or crypto experience. Take your money elsewhere

>> No.14302522

decide for yourself:


some of us believe this is the best tech in the business and the best value in the market

its /biz/ troll is the most committed I have ever seen in crypto (see this thread and every constellation thread). he is sort of the village idiot of constellation.

>> No.14302563

Nano is the best dag because it actually works and doesn't need a central coordinator like Iota

See here for some insane developments from the team, they are launching a decentralized crypto-agnostic and premission-less payment platform

>> No.14302633

The constellation team ran a failed ico called Rakugo, just like one month before they started dag. Rakugo failed to raise softcap during a bullmarket, and had 1 star ratings.

The team realised money was in 'own' blockchain and suddenly had developed dag just 1 month after their failed ico.

>> No.14302739

wow youre dragging up FUD THAT old? you realize mainnet is next month. you lost buddy.

>> No.14302822


and your FUD last year wasnt even disproportionate to natural market movement. you spent literally hundreds and hundreds of hours FUDing and havent made a bit of difference in the project's fate.

>> No.14302960

The product, team, and community don't stand up to any meaningful critique. Why do you think they went "silent" and fired their entire marketing team amongst others? They claim it was to focus on the tech, but what company that raises $33 million dollars needs to fire half their team to focus rather than building a strong community.
They can't because no intelligent person would join their shitshow of lies and deceit?

>> No.14303057

they went silent to build their tech and on board companies. theres no need for a giant market push, see Link. your conspiracy theories are batshit insane.

>> No.14303132

Ok so in order to build good tech with $33M you need to only hire a couple devs and ignore your community. I have never heard of a single company do this that wasn't out of funds. How the fuck is that batshit insane, you are a fucking retard son.

>> No.14303159

why dont you start an ICO if youre such a know it all? oh because it would tank to zero. such a piece of shit little teenager know it all thinking you know how a multimill corporation ought to run. Ben already raised a $50 m company. Diggles worked with oracle. But a little tweenie on /biz/ who never went to college knows what the fucks what.



>> No.14303326

First of all Birch you don't know me. We are on an anonymous Malaysian hydroponics board.
Second of all name one fucking company that raised more than $30M+ and then fired their marketing team and ignored their community.
Third of all show me any evidence you have that Ben Jorgensen raised $50M in a previous company. I just googled and nothing came up which means you are lying. Why would you lie about something like that?

>> No.14303344

You are
committed to FUDing DAG
Answer why first.

>> No.14303392

Link raised $32 m then went in sealthmode. Link's community was infuriated for many months how little Sergey offered. Then boom it exits the j-curve and suddenly delivers.

Your entitlement is just childish that DAG would come out the gate with a Tron like marketing campaign and give you that 1000x.

It is childish and you have no idea how business, stocks, companies, crypto works.

Go check those recent videos to see how amazing and smart this team actually is. Thats the annoying thing is this team is fantastic and you'll never let yourself see that because you're in too deep with the FUD'ing you couldn't even stop if you wanted to. You're addicted to it cause your parents ignored you.

>> No.14303443
File: 703 KB, 1242x2208, 6D79437C-6F0E-4E7A-AE75-E53A34040DD2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here it is mang

dont know why I bother since the biz FUD has no impact on the DAG market then fighting Raphael 5 hours a day is just some weird daddy roleplay for him. Fucking weirdos out there man.

Couldve gone my whole life not seeing this pathetically ugly side of people. Oh well.

>> No.14303447

Like I said motherfuck you don't know me. I am not committed to a God dam thing. Like I said you are a liar, Jorgenson never raised $50M and Link never went stealth. Why you gotta sit in here and lie to people?

>> No.14303449


>> No.14303472

So apparently you can't read. He said he sold it in 2015 and now it does $50M. That is not the same as selling it for $50M you fucking inbred

>> No.14303497

oh look the guy pretending not to be raphael uses inbred which raphael already used multiple times ITT under diff proxies

you're really bad at this

and no a company doing $50m/year would be valued at many times more than $50m, you fucking inbred, Jorgensen is a powerhouse. You, on the other hand, are a teenage know it all spending hours a day FUDing a $5 m marketcap project.

>> No.14303510

hours a day fuding a $5m marketcap project for 12 months straight**

>> No.14303532

> no transaction fees
Project is flawed from the start.
Its so sad that there’s not even basic knowledge i this market.
No Fees is like if a jew goes voluntarily to a concentration camp and ring the doorbell of auschwitz by himself.

>> No.14303533

I want you to understand something. You are claiming to know who is posting on every single post on 4chan. You are beyond repair. In your mind every single person who posted in this thread is a guy named Raphael. Think about that for a minute. WOW

>> No.14303563

Right back at you that everyone supporting DAG is MegaMan. Right back at ya buddy.

>> No.14303584

Don't forget this wackjob actually does this every day. Anyone who even questions Dag is automatically Rapahel. He has a mental illness, there is no point debating him. He's accused me every single time I asked a question or posted regardless how innocent or objective the post was. It's actually kinda sad to see. This is the Dag community in a nutshell

>> No.14303592


>> No.14303616

Nobody is supporting DAG you fucking idiot. No volume, no buying no selling no marketing no community. Shill somewhere else faggot

>> No.14303645
File: 2.35 MB, 3739x1320, C4C9919B-5BB3-4620-9279-94938E308BCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey dumb shits. I spoke to Raph earlier this year. He's very open about his efforts to troll Constellation and even tried to lure me in to help him. It's not a great mystery.

>> No.14303646

Rather than guessing if he sold it for $50M why don't you go and ask so you have a real number? Why spread lies or make claims you can't back up?
Well that's easy to answer, if you aren't lying about DAG you aren't doing your job. It should be illegal what you are doing here.

>> No.14303665

Post screenshots faggot or it never happened

>> No.14303694

Oh hey! It's the guy who posted the >>14298599

then went on to say he has 11.2m DAG.. but that he sees it proper to troll the fuck out of his own $50,000 usd investment.

Yeah bud not really a good idea to pretend youre anything but a bad faith actor right now. You're hurting your cause. But then youre known for that so...

>> No.14303719

I think the standard valuation is 10x yearly revenue. How about he cofounded a company now worth $500 mill. What have your shitcoins CEOs done?

>> No.14303836

Get proof then post it. Why must you guess at something so easily confirmed. There is nothing on the internet to confirm this, so quit fucking lying.

>> No.14303865

It's not trolling. I own it, the team is dogshit. They lie, you lie, shills everywhere spreading misinformation. I just want to get the fuck out.
Maybe you believe in this company even though it has nothing but red flags and fake enthusiasm. Maybe you are a paid shill. Maybe you are the CEO himself. One thing is certain, you belong in a mental institute and eating from a straw. Fuck off and good night.

>> No.14303900

So bizarre that you are the second one ITT spreading FUD and then confessing you're a holder.

Why do you dumb fucks keep FUDing your own holds? This is why I think you're all Raph since in our convo earlier this year he also confessed the same, that he still has a ton of DAG.

Only project I've ever seen where 3-4 of the top trolls who all claim to be diff people also have big stakes in the project.

No, I get it, shilling your bag makes you a weirdo in constellation-troll world. you have to buy an enormous bag and then FUD the fuck out of it.

>> No.14303995

Some of us understand that in order for a project to be successful it must be clean and free of lies, inconsistencies, and half truths.
After holding bags for a year and watching the team fuck up every single deadline, complete lack of transparency, and constant patting themselves on the back for every stupid little accomplishment it gets old. There will never be a community or a 1000x until all the skeletons are out of the closet. Smart investors understand this. Pump and dump schemers do the exact opposite. Hide all the skeletons, hide the truth, fight against transparency and hope to God they can trick stupid people to buying their shitcoin. You fit this mold perfectly. Nobody expects you to understand. KYS

>> No.14304007

>Concerntroll--(Internet slang) Someone who posts to an internet forum or newsgroup, claiming to share its goals while deliberately working against those goals, typically, by claiming "concern" about group plans to engage in productive activity, urging members instead to attempt some activity that would damage the group's credibility ...

>> No.14304102

>The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day. Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.