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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.88 MB, 1334x2559, 20190622_135535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14302045 No.14302045 [Reply] [Original]

how to become a popular webcam slut
if I'm bad in psychology, but I have a divine body

where you can sell sex pictures for good money

>> No.14302061
File: 42 KB, 640x633, 14c2af8efbbd446efbb3b10cce595b43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>generic trailer trash roastie
>divine body

>> No.14302064

Start here. Show me a nipple and I'll send you some brapper tokens

>> No.14302080

sell your body to niggers, get some addiction, descend every fucking step of your misery, get aids

>> No.14302084

tfw no demonic gf

>> No.14302090

If you want the redpill though, camming is 80% personality/hustle and 20% looks. You better make it far because you will have no transferable skills once your past your prime or your five minutes of fame are up.

>> No.14302144

lmao, sorry man. i love white man

>> No.14302160

>nah, here cant do nudes

>> No.14302182

what does psychology have to do with it?

Start social media whoring. Get a following on /r9k/ and other equivalent internet dredges than slowly build your clientele up. Post lots of pictures/videos of you doing kawaii faces.Put lots of video game/media references so they all will be thinking how based and redpilled you are. Than start slowly introducing 'Gold memberships" for access to more adult material

>> No.14302255

im bad in make up. i cant to play video games . i can play PUBG in phone and CSgo

>> No.14302310
File: 8 KB, 179x282, 334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no no no

just fucking stop while you're ahead

>> No.14302318

Post a picture of you with a timestamp and write /biz/ and then I'll consider giving you a bit of advice. Until then you're just some filthy larping pajeet.

>> No.14302368

Look at what Belle Delphine does. Find your own niche and style like she did and pander to it. Do cosplays and shit that suit your personality and style. Whether that's goth, mall chic, gamer girl, princess, whatever. Get a decent camera setup. Instagram, Tumblr, Snapchat, whatever. Get followers in any way you can. Don't go full nude straight away. Tease your neckbeard followers for every cent they own. Start a patreon offering partial nudes for high donors. Milk it.
Take lots of amazing full nudes while you're young but never post them. You can use them later if interest starts to wane.

>> No.14302379

Just copy belle delphine

>> No.14302405

He's right you know

>> No.14302410

lol, i wrote im shit i cant do makeup

>> No.14302416

this actually sounds like good advice. What do you do for a living anon?

>> No.14302424


>> No.14302436

Doesn't work like that brother. You actually have to have a shred of creativity or drive to actually make it. Simply imitating success is a one way road to failure.

Yeah that was fairly obvious from the fact that you cover your entire face and body in some awkward shitting pose

What even is the point of this thread?

>do X
>no I'm ugly, stupid and incompetent
>do Y
>no I'm ugly, stupid, and incompetent

>> No.14302442

do the same with white men, at a certain step of your misery you will give to litterally everyone, including niggers

>> No.14302468


I wageslave P/T to support my art business. Just finished a decent sized commission and started an arrangement with a cafe to display my pictures. Prints of my work are getting popular. It's a grind but I'm getting there slowly

>> No.14302469

fuck off roastie

>> No.14302498

lollol thanks

>> No.14302516



>> No.14302523

eventually she will find an handsome cuck, then have an affair with niggers because of product placement into the shitty serials she watches, then she will infect her whole family with AIDS, including her divorce attorney and the judge

>> No.14302526

maybe because im attention slut

>> No.14302541

blah blah i dont watch serials, i dont like. black guys

>> No.14302545

Clearly. What you need is a manager.

>> No.14302554

if you're begging attention on biz you're already at the final stage

>> No.14302557
File: 1023 KB, 1901x1144, 20190623_054913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pfff like u jerk on chinks its fine when u say i love white dicks , u love to abuse women. no wonder u dont get white girl

>> No.14302570

i want help with. webcam, thats all. i fuck white dildo just, thats not real man.

>> No.14302571

looks fake

>> No.14302580

That pen didn't write that, not matching. So you chose an ugly tranny to troll /biz/, really? Lame.

>> No.14302583


Wtf are you even saying woman? Are you drunk

>> No.14302584

>divine body

That ego.

>> No.14302598
File: 2.96 MB, 480x270, butters sales pitch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could help you build a brand and cash in on that brand but if I did then I wouldn't want you to think that the arrangement was anything other than what it was.

>> No.14302601

ur daddy liked my penis in his ass

>> No.14302603

>holding pen
>text is sharpie
Post a spoon pic dumb larper. Although you could at least pick something more attractive to larp as

>> No.14302612

> divine body

>> No.14302613
File: 193 KB, 635x643, SmartSelect_20190623-050019_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14302630

Here's the thing... she doesn't even need to have a divine body. Belle is like a 6 without makeup and lingerie and lighting and digital manipulation and all the fucking rest. All she's got to do is be young, stick her butt out and accentuate her feminine qualities. I mean look at /b/, it's full of neckbeards salivating over low-quality partial nudes all day, every day. If she thinks her body is divine, it's probably good enough to make her money.
She won't though because she's either a male LARPing or too fucking ditzy to do it right, if this thread is any indication.

>> No.14302636

Answer for this crime against humanity

>> No.14302650

shut up b-cuck, being such a knight won't give you back your masculinity

>> No.14302651

>>1430261idiot xD its scar thats can remove

>> No.14302664
File: 1.93 MB, 1901x1144, ad36a03782baa5d404e8edb2a67294f4beaba411.1047834-ela.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14302671

I think I saw you in a discord. Where did you find /biz/ from?

No one is going to buy pictures from you just because you are female are look attractive.
This anon is right. Its mostly personality. Guys will enjoy your personality and them obsess over you willing to spend money to buy pics most people would consider worthless.

If you did camming, its still personality based beyond very short one off sessions of a guy trying to see how far he can go beyond your limits.

>> No.14302676

sorry bro, not reading this shit

just give me a tldr ffs

>> No.14302678

I'd give you 50€ for half an hour, ever thought about doing escorting?

>> No.14302683

pff thats scar. but idc if u will abuse me, ure troll , virgin not fucked . hate white girls because cant fuck them jerking on chinks

>> No.14302690

Buddy, you're projecting HARD. I have a gorgeous girlfriend who poses nude for me whenever I want. Now call me a liar or something, I don't care. Get mad. Vent.

Just don't read it then you retard. Why even type out a post?

>> No.14302693

Wear corsets

>> No.14302697

>jerking on chinks
What did "she" mean by this?

>> No.14302701

sorry i dont use discords. if used for trolling swedes, i love them

>> No.14302707


I was with a fairly successful camgirl for a while. Helped her to escape a small town trailer park life where she'd be lucky to work part time at a gas station. She also supports her mom too who has some health issues. Still friends to this day and I learned about the business a bit.

First off, never go fully nude from the start. Those girls don't make much. Teasing is where it's at.

Second, find a niche. The girl I know did vidya game streaming, shaved her head and armpits. Would net $300 every couple of days for that alone. Had a tiered approach. "pay 10 tokens for me to x", then the next was "pay me 20 tokens to do y" and so on. She would talk to and interact with her guys.

Third, keep up with your guys. There can be a lot of work with talking to them. One role a cam girl plays is providing company to those that are lonely.

Fourth, limit or don't do drugs. Easy way to waste money and it can backfire. Girl I know didn't do any although at the time I was with her, I was constantly smoking weed. I got her to try once, but it wasn't her thing.

Fifth, find somebody with a good camera or get your own to make videos and pictures. Package them up and gave occasional sales.

Sixth, after a couple of years, you can get all your pictures and videos into different packages and sell them on sites where people pay per video/package/etc. Friend of mine now works about 10 hours a week instead of 40 and earns about as much. Good to have holiday sales too and occasionally create new holiday themed content.

Seventh, keep a somewhat consistent schedule as this can help create regulars.

Oh, and pro-tip: if you decide to accept gifts, get a PO Box. A whole lot safer. Most guys and girls are harmless, but some may try to track you down. Safety first!

>> No.14302710

It's some ugly ESL romanian

Abandon thread

>> No.14302713
File: 272 KB, 431x246, Screenshot_2019-06-22 biz - help guys - Business Finance - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the raccoon look is HOT

>> No.14302714

pretend you have a dick

vaguely girl looking traps get so many thirst boys here on r9k

>> No.14302715

just copy delphine

>> No.14302718

does scar disgust ppl?

>> No.14302725

well youre not fat or black so ill give you .2 btc to come to my city and get fucked up with ne.

>> No.14302734


>> No.14302738
File: 68 KB, 465x121, okaythen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, thought this was you, i guess im mistaken

>> No.14302741

eww not romanian, try hard

>> No.14302748

i'm asking for a tldr,
Don't get offended just because you are boring and nobody cares for what u have to say

>> No.14302751

> speaking as the proud puppy of a "gorgeous girlfriend" who poses nude for him
you don't even know how to be a male, desperation and fear to be alone is dripping from every word you say

>> No.14302754

I'm assuming english is your second language?

>> No.14302758

this is so so pathetic. Pretending to be an ugly girl so you can get some marginal level of attention for 20 minutes of your life. Yikes. I'd say have sex but lets be real here, we both know that's not going to happen.

>> No.14302762

yes mistake

>> No.14302776

I already love her "4/10 too dumb to be an actual whore" personality

>> No.14302780

my national language isnt english, im a slav, im retarded

>> No.14302789

>I already love her "4/10 too dumb to be an actual whore" personality
kekked thanks anon

>> No.14302790
File: 122 KB, 252x259, 1561005631736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14302800

aww u can to troll me, boring.

see ya u dont know how webcam works. teasing, sit in corset xD

>> No.14302801

Which country?

>> No.14302803

here's why you hate niggers, you're getting some respect now
Btw your slav colleague posted the perfect list bfr

>> No.14302814

=))) see ya, i had fun make myself hard lulz

>> No.14302821
File: 35 KB, 166x157, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.14302832

who told. i hate them? they are not attractive to me. i love asians, more smaller dick more fun

>> No.14302848

You should hate niggers, every respectable person hates niggers, including respectable niggers
And even if you don't hate niggers, you should say you do, this is politeness

>> No.14302851 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 550x422, stern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pajeet's first larp

>> No.14302857

pf ,say it them in real life or in. job. hope fast. u will kick out

>> No.14302865

I say it all the time, you can say litterally everything if you use kind manners

>> No.14302879

i bet u dont. u have no balls, fearing ur boss kicked out from job lol

>> No.14302884

Look at this disgusting white roastie trying to compete with a godtier east Asian

Shouldn't you be in a bar right now being some guys last choice?


>> No.14302896
File: 2.97 MB, 320x234, 1381731370936.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>divine body
those look like the pits of hell

>> No.14302914

Literally just be yourself. You'll never be genuine putting on an act, it's always visible. Be yourself so the right orbiters latch on to you with no effort. Good luck slut.

>> No.14302920

i get fun, im out.

asians are sexy koreans , japenese. rest are ugly, i have been in thailand . i have seen them so fuck off.some are hot, some not. more ugly

>> No.14302945

If you're a zero with nothing of value to say, trying to tear down your superiors from the safety of anonymity will at least make you feel better in the very short term. Keep it up boys, you're clearly making it

>> No.14302948

Can you answer my question cyka, where are you from?

>> No.14302958



>> No.14302969

im from urs mommies cunt

>> No.14302978

There are a lot of ugly japanese too

I hate just western niggered women, no problems with slavs, usually they got temper and attitude

>> No.14302984



>> No.14302989

Never mind I just read the thread. Ok Squatlana time to put the bottle and Krokodil needle down, go rest for a few hours.

>> No.14302997

do you think russians are not femenist, behind back. they abuse their tippers, they are the most femenist

>> No.14303019

>Look at what Belle Delphine does. Find your own niche and style like she did and pander to it. Do cosplays and shit that suit your personality and style. Whether that's goth, mall chic, gamer girl, princess, whatever. Get a decent camera setup. Instagram, Tumblr, Snapchat, whatever. Get followers in any way you can. Don't go full nude straight away. Tease your neckbeard followers for every cent they own. Start a patreon offering partial nudes for high donors. Milk it.
>Take lots of amazing full nudes while you're young but never post them. You can use them later if interest starts to wane.
this guy is as smart as me. listen to him

>> No.14303024

> Being made aware of his own intrinsic cuckholdry by some random anon on a shitcoin board
I bet you shave your genitals because she asks, puppy.

>> No.14303045

Western Feminism is like cancer, no one wants others to have it.

>> No.14303055
File: 9 KB, 300x100, 71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are literally just making shit up and hoping I'll be upset.
Rethink your life my dude

>> No.14303056
File: 127 KB, 640x360, puppy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I knew I saved this for a reason.

>> No.14303059

i dont like her, she an ugly plus small eyes

>> No.14303073

If u had cuter feet maybe be more popular

>> No.14303077

so wasnt gave to women right then, stop crying.

>> No.14303089

>that damage control


>> No.14303090

lol, tickle fetish

>> No.14303102

post feet

>> No.14303108

I would tickle with full force

>> No.14303121

I'm not crying, i'm laughing.

You just had a thrill to your shaved balls, admit it.

>> No.14303129


stop replying to a thread with a fake time stamp you stupid niggers


>> No.14303143

we are having a lot of fun, this is not a larp, i can feel the slavs miles away

>> No.14303155

one man and dildo lol soo piss off

>> No.14303166

no tickle fashism

>> No.14303172
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1558163215460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that posting on an anonymous image board has consequences
>implying I'm not just feeding newfags (you)s for fun cause it's Sunday
>implying I'm not doing the same on 3 other boards

I shaved my balls once, then told my gf of the time I wanted her to suck them. She was quite surprised. Her tongue felt amazing and smooth on my skin, but the regrowth was hell. Like tiny little spines sticking into your scrote from all angles. Overall 6/10 would not bother with

>> No.14303175

please at least try to keep your language similar to english Ravshenka

>> No.14303180

Go to bed OP, you're drunk

>> No.14303189

ur language hard and stupid too much shittie a an to

>> No.14303205

i dont drink, i hate alcohol

>> No.14303212

i want OP to abuse me

>> No.14303215

Post soles please :)

>> No.14303216

unironically managed a few of my friends in highschool's cam careers. built overlays, stream elements, helped them make schedules and shit.

98% fail miserably. What is your angle?

>> No.14303217

If you speak so draculish i can't even understand your insults

>> No.14303221

>fake time stamp
>not larp

>> No.14303222
File: 33 KB, 598x448, 1282758661592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should still go to bed. Your post quality is through the fucking floor

>> No.14303253
File: 101 KB, 662x1080, IMG_20190509_070324_872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine, lick then

>> No.14303262

i dont offending

>> No.14303267

Yes please
Great feet would tickle

>> No.14303274

yes, see ya

>> No.14303275

definitely romanian
you can't make pictures, add this to the list and find a decent photographer
you need a better background than that motel in bratislawa

>> No.14303290

im a slav, they are not. sorry romanians not attractive

>> No.14303315


>> No.14303345

What time is it in Slavtopia?

>> No.14303368


>> No.14303369

Ukraine alone is pumping out more camhores than the world needs
its a saturated market slut
has been for a long time
find something else or become my mail order whore

>> No.14303380

what lool

>> No.14303399

what ?
you don't want to be a mail order whore?
I thought that's why you made this thread

>> No.14303415

Become a cosplay slut instead they get lots of money through patreon too that's basically what Belle Daphne used to be

>> No.14303423

and how do u pay

>> No.14303439

bad in make up

>> No.14303440

bitcoin ;)

>> No.14303471

Would pay in bitcoin to lick feet

>> No.14303487

yes bitcoin is nice

>> No.14303505

show us your bussy

>> No.14303509
File: 3.06 MB, 3312x2068, 20190612_034214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you won't post your nudes, Sasha, I will

>> No.14303536

How much bitcoin to make pregnant?

>> No.14303538

>divine body

Listen girl I wish you the best in your endeavor but you have to be realistic too.

>> No.14303571

bye bye u get ban xd

>> No.14303578

memes aside girl
become a twitch streamer, even though its kinda saturated If you are funny ish and get yourself a couple of beta orbiters
it might just kick off
become an affiliate get a partnership etc

>> No.14303589

im realist, i have godess body. i dont like stomack, tits from myself

>> No.14303596

She can't speak English. She uses Google translate to talk

>> No.14303609

no, twitch , there boring

>> No.14303610

well shit

>> No.14303625

i can speak but type cant

>> No.14303626

Be a mother and have children or die.

>> No.14303648


Less talk, more pictures.

If you want us to believe you're a goddess prove it

>> No.14303660

mother, guys dislike me. im to skinny to have them, i think a baby would kill me plus they are smelly and scream a lot

>> No.14303666

Post more soles to lick please

>> No.14303684

will jeking on them lulz

>> No.14303691

>Has a penis

>> No.14303704


>> No.14303710

Only good tits can get you banned

>> No.14303722

dumb cunt

>> No.14303736

You just got this pic from a thread in b you mouthbreather

>> No.14303745
File: 53 KB, 593x960, EB4E8238-3EDA-41EF-AAA5-3EAD11C9EFDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find a man who is not a cuck loser and become a mother. It will be the best decision of your life. Don’t be a narcisstic whore, it is a destructive path that will not lead to happiness.

>> No.14303752

banned in what?

>> No.14303763

well im better in Geography than u, americans

>> No.14303767

Not joke
Want to lick your feet now

>> No.14303806

more feet pics please, one with toes front side

>> No.14303815

feet lovers everywhere

>> No.14303819

send me photos and i'll send you some zuckbucks, which will soon be worth $10 a piece.


>> No.14303849

You don't like your feet?

>> No.14303864

them yet doesnt exist, i dont trust zukerberg

>> No.14303871

never had

>> No.14303959

i would fuck your feet every day

>> No.14303990

Damn, they went hard in the old days

>> No.14304059


>> No.14304067

I can pay you 1 BTC for a weekend of anal.

>> No.14304068

ure so perv

>> No.14304082

lmao thank.u no

>> No.14304094

how much then?

>> No.14304125

It's true I am

>> No.14304131

u have no cash , ure pooor

>> No.14304145

i have more money than u
lets make a deal

>> No.14304168

Why not? I can sign a message with my wallet. I have over 90K bitcoins, I don't really care about money. I have to film you though so my biz bros can see you in action

>> No.14304181

show blockfolio

>> No.14304188

u have no cash, i bet

>> No.14304204

u show yours so i can laugh

>> No.14304222
File: 180 KB, 622x1280, 20190623_083019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14304232

If you want more advice add me on kik: erjobrth

>> No.14304243

no kik

>> No.14304294

erjobrth at gmail dot com. I'm going now, I have work

>> No.14304296

I'm going to fap to your feet right now

>> No.14304397


>> No.14305116

Some how, I think you have a cock there !!!!