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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 380x250, constellation-labs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14220474 No.14220474 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like I bought the next ETH before anyone understands why it's the next ETH.
Unironically going to be a billionaire. Those that know, know

>> No.14220650

sage goes in all fields

>> No.14220848

they literally ran out of funding and havent added anything meaningful to their github in over 3 months. Give up Raphael

>> No.14221195

you are supposed to sage it when responding

>> No.14221224

i feel that you're a pajeet

>> No.14221297

I actually bought some of this shit at the absolute BOTTOM, I have about 750 USD of DAG.
I only got a small shitty bag because the CEO seems retarded and have no technical knowledge nor do I see any innovative tech.

I got a bag just in case they actually do something interesting with the DAG + smart contract goal that they have.

Stop the shilling and show me that they ACTUALLY have cool tech and I'll 5 - 10x my current investment.

>> No.14221380
File: 138 KB, 886x716, work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>havent added anything meaningful to their github in over 3 months
the fuck?

(Stop looking at the master branch before node Release)

>> No.14221432

Daily reminder that this shitcoin is a scam shilled by desperate bagholding street shitters who are down over 80%

>> No.14221762
File: 2.35 MB, 3739x1320, 98798798986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This moron. Pic related.

>> No.14221876

If you understood the code and vision, you'd buy at least 500k just as reassurance. It's the highest potential on the market currently.
Hashgraph is another no-brainer, unfortunately it will launch with a humongous market-cap and inflationary metrics initially.
Constellation on the other hand is switching to a DEFLATIONARY token model on top of burning ALL founders tokens. AKA 7.2% of the supply

>> No.14222505

You had me at deflationary

>> No.14222551

when is it becoming deflationary? then maybe my shitty 1k stack will be worth more than $7

>> No.14222620


>> No.14222685

Here's the scary thing about this coin......nobody gives a fuck about it.

I mean like really, how do you explain this OP?

Even the community is tiny asf. The marketing is beyond trash. That logo is garbage.

They have a perfect name and an even more perfect coin symbol and yet, nothing. Noone cares.

Meanwhile, other shitcoin Dags get good attention fast.

The truth is because DAG is US-based they can't deal with the tricks of the trades.

MMs, bribes, influencer marketing, shady exchange dealings. These boys have to play the game legit and in doing so it only hurts us, speculators.

I was into this coin back in 2018 but sold long ago. I made out a little over break even and I was shilling on this board as well but now look at it. It's been months, and months and no one cares. No one. Not on plebbit not on biz. No one even knows this fkn coin exists.

OP, sadly I think moving on is the best route here. If, when they have some giant developments then maybe this shit will have some legs but for now I don't see anything that could pump this coin. It's just one of those things that makes sense on paper, has good fundamentals but no one gives a F.

>> No.14222754

WHAT makes the code of constellation better than Fantom or Hashgraph, please explain!

>> No.14222755


>> No.14222757


>> No.14222764

The vapor is slightly thicker

>> No.14222791

Same psycho. >>14221762

>> No.14222840
File: 31 KB, 720x405, p076l244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You make a fair case and it's really been too long without action. Nevertheless, I don't know of any other project that looks quite as good. They have a large modern code base, push code every day, have legit projects with government facilities going on. They are just a bit autistic. As long as nothing else is on the horizon, I'll sit on this 6mil CMC gem

>> No.14222878

nah mate I hate this shit I am the Nano shill.

idk who >>14222685 is

>> No.14222978

Well, at least you aren't the moron above you that is accusing every single person in this thread of being the same troll.

Yeah, I have Constellation bookmarked on coinmarketcap. I check it's price every few weeks or so. I truly expect to buy back when the real bull run has started but for now, I will wait and see what they do.

They need to do an overhaul on the marketing side, I know they aren't consumer-centric anymore but still, if they can't shill and pump the coin legally at least make it easier for the shills/community to do the work for them.

If they can get a NASA partnership this would be such a MEME'able coin. We could shill it on plebbit all day long but they gotta actually secure that government contract first which takes a shit ton of time.

>> No.14223097

They have begun a clear ramping up in terms of interaction and marketing.

They are burning almost 300 million coins in July, and there will be FURTHER coin burns the CEO just announced. PLUS they are switching permanently to a deflationary token model.

The time to get in literally is right now. They could drop a news bomb any day which will make it out of reach.

>> No.14223165

>Here's the scary thing about this coin......nobody gives a fuck about it.
>I mean like really, how do you explain this OP?
>Even the community is tiny asf. The marketing is beyond trash. That logo is garbage.
>They have a perfect name and an even more perfect coin symbol and yet, nothing. Noone cares.
>Meanwhile, other shitcoin Dags get good attention fast.
>The truth is because DAG is US-based they can't deal with the tricks of the trades.
>MMs, bribes, influencer marketing, shady exchange dealings. These boys have to play the game legit and in doing so it only hurts us, speculators.
>I was into this coin back in 2018 but sold long ago. I made out a little over break even and I was shilling on this board as well but now look at it. It's been months, and months and no one cares. No one. Not on plebbit not on biz. No one even knows this fkn coin exists.
>OP, sadly I think moving on is the best route here. If, when they have some giant developments then maybe this shit will have some legs but for now I don't see anything that could pump this coin. It's just one of those things that makes sense on paper, has good fundamentals but no one gives a F.

In addition to this. DAG is the only US based crypto company being SEC compliant. They're in silicon valley. In the talks with with F500s.

>They have begun a clear ramping up in terms of interaction and marketing.
>They are burning almost 300 million coins in July, and there will be FURTHER coin burns the CEO just announced. PLUS they are switching permanently to a deflationary token model.
>The time to get in literally is right now. They could drop a news bomb any day which will make it out of reach.

>> No.14223365

you put too much faith in /biz/ as the end all. a handful of nano trolls and that butthurt teenager who had his first loss and threatened epic revenge. when the pajeet army swarms this thing none of it will matter. you said yourself its amazing on the page. crypto is going to be too big for this not to hit multi billion.

also US based seems like a bottleneck
now but it could end up being its greatest asset. the game aint won and decided yet.

>> No.14223415

>moving on is the best choice here

also that is hilarious gaslighting. I already tripled in dag. fantom is pointing the way where we're headed.

>> No.14223756
File: 59 KB, 689x1200, 1555313560478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it

>> No.14223759

For fuck sake guys, let's not be low IQ and show what's so good about the code they've spit out so far!

I see nothing special.

>> No.14223826

keep going guys its pamping
did you see them shooting up heroin? lets hear all about it

>> No.14223891

based voice of reason