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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1421539 No.1421539 [Reply] [Original]

>Google spent billions of dollars investing in China
>pulled out after getting BTFO by Baidu
>Uber spent billions of dollars investing in China, bragging that they would conquer the country
>got BTFO by Didi Chuxing in less than a year
>Amazon spent billions of dollars investing in China
>got BTFO by Alibaba
>Apple spent billions of dollars investing in China
>currently getting BTFO by Huawei and Xiaomi

>meanwhile, revenue of Chinese companies in Western markets grows by leaps and bounds every year
>most blockbuster Hollywood movies are co-produced by Chinese studios

Is the West, dare I say it, finished?

>> No.1421563


No, a lot of chinese production is based on the success of western companies

>> No.1421574


>> No.1421598

China is just very unscrupulous and willing to do whatever it takes to win. If you look at their country its basically a nightmare goggles world, almost nothing is pure, everything is polluted and corrupted.

However to be fair, China did blow us the fuck out and I will admit that. What we do better is make movies and they have been rescuing our film industry by actually paying for our shit. So we sorta BTFO them there.

Trump tried to warn us.

Essentially, China's culture glorifies money and success and in the West, these things are passe' even evil. We'll see how they survive either dying en masse from disease or the inevitable environmental movement that kills their economy.

>> No.1421608

>Essentially, China's culture glorifies money and success and in the West, these things are passe' even evil.

>or the inevitable environmental movement that kills their economy
You are now aware the that Chinese government has already earmarked $2.5tn over the next decade for clean energy investments.

>> No.1421615

You guys are blind. During the Japanese boom, like 17 companies of the top 20 companies in the world was Japanese origin. Shit crashed so fast with one strike in their core system. Fundamentally speaking, America has far more safety net in the economy compared to any other countries in the world. Dollar currency, University system, Super consumption tendency, Immigration infow, massive information accumulation rate, etc. China doesn't have the hard and soft infrastructure to overcome the burden on their social structure.

>> No.1421625

>China's culture glorifies money and success and in the West, these things are passe' even evil
Umm... Wealth is glorified beyond belief in USA.

>> No.1421632


in 2 words: True capitalism
while US shifting to socialism (EU already there)

>> No.1421646

It's understandable that Western companies fail to succeed in China. The business culture is hostile and so is the government.

>Western Negotiation: "Your position is A, my position is C, so lets meet at B."
>Chinese Negotiation: "My position is C. You do C or go home."

>Western Government: "You want to start a business here? We'll tax you at X."
>Chinese Government: "You want to start a business here? We demand a X% stake and X% of your supply chain must be in China and [blah blah blah]

>t. guy who knows someone who works in China

>> No.1421647
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brb learning mandarin

No seriously, Europe is already fucked and the US is running towards the cliff getting ever closer to irreversible free fall. At some point in the future I might have to emigrate from Western Europe to China, and that is pretty fuckin sad.

>> No.1421649

>China steals from us with their government subsidized copy cat companies
>America btfo

Chinese are dirty fraud fucks. Rampant cheating and backwards dealing goes on in that country and they've rotted to the core. They have empty cities lol

They're never really going to catch up because that would entail giving up the two things that keep them in the race. Extreme corruption and dirt cheap labor

>> No.1421666

It's called negotiating from a position of strength. Every superpower in history has done it because it's perfectly rational. Only stupid cucks leave money on the table.

>being so astronomically assdevastated that you're reduced to spouting stale talking points from 2003

>> No.1421670


>> No.1421672


>> No.1421688

China might not be capitalist by governmental design, but their culture very much is. Only through hard work and sharp wit can you compete with the billion other people wanting to get of squalor with you.

The US' cultural attitude would change, too, if instead of having the a poor underclass that can swing the vote constantly voting for the party that ensures benefits, welfare was completely abolished and people were left to die in the streets.

Oh, you'd see a very sharp increase in small fortunes amassed through corruption and brutality from both the poorest and richest, and it would only ooze its way into the already weak middle class and everything would become terrible.

>> No.1421690

>Oh, you'd see a very sharp increase in small fortunes amassed through corruption and brutality from both the poorest and richest, and it would only ooze its way into the already weak middle class and everything would become terrible.

Doesn't China have a growing middle class?

>> No.1421801

Chinafag here
Beijing master race

The Chinese actually do not like taking risks, and prefer to do things that have been tried and true (i.e. rip off intellectual property). Many lower-class Chinese are quite healthy, relying on traditional medicine and a good diet to live well past the age of 90. All that wealth accumulation eventually goes to their grandchildren. Since the one-child law was in effect in the late 20th century, many Chinese yuppies are the sole inheritors of the wealth of four grandparents.

Also, the Chinese love American culture.

"America" in Chinese is "Mei Guo", literally "Beautiful Kingdom", and many Chinese try really hard to understand and duplicate American culture

>> No.1421810

Chinafag here

I've lived in an "empty city" before. These boom towns were built by provincial governments, possibly with subsidies by the central government. They're quite dangerous, because a lot of new vehicle owners (farmers who decided to try and make it in a city) don't know the traffic laws and there are no traffic lights. I've seen a five way intersection with no traffic lights

>> No.1421822
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>You are now aware the that Chinese government has already earmarked $2.5tn over the next decade for clean energy investments.

>clean energy

>> No.1421823

Chinafag here

People only see what the media portrays, and American newscasters rarely go to the sprawling countryside of China, where there are Bamboo forests as far as the eye can see, and river valleys studded with dinosaur fossils in the sedimentary banks.

It's just that some parts are so crowded that pollution is inevitable. I lived in Portland, OR, where pollution is just starting to become a problem with all the homeless people moving there. I've also lived in Shanghai, which by population is 24 times the size of Portland. Obviously it was much dirtier, but you don't see any homeless people because there is a tight family structure in China. If you're not doing well, you go live with a cousin, not on the streets.

>> No.1421827

true dis

wolf of wallstreet
all those other movies about bankers

literally every kid wants to be an "entrepreneur" and make the big bux so he can buy a lambo and a penthouse

>> No.1421829

come join us in 2016 sometime
>China was the largest developer of renewable energy projects in 2015, accounting for almost 40 per cent of all the wind, solar, biopower and small hydro installations around the world.

>> No.1421890

So chinks take your money then copy your idea?

That's all I can see. How many times have you seen innovation from China? I mean real innovation, not just blowing existing things up or doing the same thing but more?

>> No.1421901


>> No.1421906

Best, fastest magnetic railroads. Make America's outdated subway systems look foolish

>> No.1421907

The Art of War.

>> No.1421991

it's not a sustainable business model for them if we nut up and do something about it.

>> No.1422006
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All of the people talking about China taking over the world have either never been to China or are nationalistic Chinese.

Go over there sometime. The idea of their companies being anything more than propped up by corruption and collusion in a very large market is laughable. Their country has swaths that are more or less uninhabitable, and their inability to get anything done due to corruption is a fucking joke. If you think that China is taking over anything unless the West is stupid enough to keep playing ball ad infinitum then you have a surprise coming.

Now when Chinese money moves out of China in liquid form, it may become competitive outside of that environment.

>> No.1422112

Gonna need some statistics, graphs, citations you fucking faggot

>> No.1422117

hopefully the chink overlords will exterminate niggers and all the coal burners.

>> No.1422722


Yes, mostly they're disorganized as fuck in many professional environments and usually need Western leadership, are generally oblivious to their surroundings, and are robots. There is also a lot of nepotism, but that's more of a cultural thing. But they've been educating their kids abroad (i.e. in our countries), and are already making the shift to a more service-based economy. They are also smart enough to successfully invest in our countries.

Also, what's with this bullshit about corruption? Do you think it's any different in Western nations? At the highest level, almost everybody is colluding, and/or corrupt to some degree. You would be, too, in their position.

On another note, they pay well, and your purchasing power is higher over there. Not to mention they usually provide you with accommodation. China is where we all should be.

>> No.1423322

>hahahaah I am retarded hahaha lmao

>> No.1423327

>>Western Government: "You want to start a business here? We'll tax you at X."

If you are actually saying that Western governments don't jew everyone on pointless regulations and sourcing requirements, you are either a shill or an idiot.

>> No.1423330


>Also, what's with this bullshit about corruption? Do you think it's any different in Western nations?

Confirmed for deeply naive or Chinese if you think that, say, American corruption on a day to basis even comes close to the level of corruption in China.


>thinking China is clean

Their smog reaches LA sometimes.

>> No.1423333

The biggest in the world

That's because they aren't finished.


>> No.1423336

>The idea of their companies being anything more than propped up by corruption and collusion in a very large market is laughable.

Ahh yes surely $3.5 trillion in exports is just "corruption and collusion".

What are all those foreign buyers doing? Don't they realize that China is just "corruption and collusion"? Why do they buy from obviously horrible and evil people?

It's impossible that Chinese actually make things worth buying. Absurd!

>> No.1423338

>reading comprehension

Nowhere did I state that or imply that.

Your shitpost>>1421822
is proven wrong>>1421829

Now go scurry off /b/tard.

>> No.1423340
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>> No.1423342

China is Middle Kingdom but you probably took that to heart already

>> No.1423353

>look at this guy

>> No.1423375
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>learning mandarin

>> No.1423445

>I base my opinions upon greentext stories on 4chan

>> No.1423461

Brb going full Donald.

>> No.1423467

>I cope with no basis whatsoever

This guy.

>> No.1423612

Man nah, Chinese are scum. Go on aliexpress and try not to get fucked. They outright lie about half the time and are intentionally misleading at all times.

>order some herb powder
>wrong colour, wrong taste, clearly something completely fucking different AND 2/3s of the weight amount advertised.

>order 16gb class 10 sd card (yes I knew they would fuck me and did a charge back)
>adulterated 2gb card with horrendous speeds

These are two examples of which there are many. Sometimes you can actually get a good deal from China though. It seems to kind of work out that in the end you pay about the same as in the West after averaging bargains and scams.

You need to make sure you have some leverage on them and be happy to use it though. PayPal or some charge back facility. I don't what you use for $50,000 steel deals but you need something because otherwise you can forget it, you will get screwed.

Any way, not to be racist or anything but I would say it's best when dealing with Chinese to act with the assumption that they are not human and are out to fuck you whenever you're not looking or can't do anything about it. Don't believe their shit when you confront them, they know they are screwing you and will just prey on your western humanity if you give them the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.1423625

>>Western Negotiation: "Your position is A, my position is C, so lets meet at B."
>>Chinese Negotiation: "My position is C. You do C or go home

every time. and everything they do is for their advantage and you own them that favor.

now I am dealing with vietnam and india instead.