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File: 722 KB, 665x720, 1552883040104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14209990 No.14209990[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I invest in milkers while shorting ass?

I think society is going to get tired of big fat asses. They weren't popular until a few years ago, and big milkers are way better than ugly fat asses that age horribly anyways.

>> No.14210005

buy progesterone

>> No.14210010

Her face is fucking hideous. A goblina and a dr seuss character put together.

>> No.14210021
File: 64 KB, 816x1280, 1552858825004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Idk senpai she kinda looks like a less masculine version of daisy ridley.

Anyways I just grabbed the pic cause I like milkers, idgaf about the girl.

>> No.14210052

Baby got back ... sir mixalot.

Asses are always in. You've just noticed them recently ... since you're probably 20.

>> No.14210056

The fat milkers in your photo are fake. Just like everything else on that miserable whore.

>> No.14210069


>> No.14210091

Yeah, for niggers. White men didn't care about brappers until kikes told them to care about fucking Kim Kardashian.

>> No.14210111

You're gay.

>> No.14210132
File: 488 KB, 670x1024, 20190617_230127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not investing in big veiny milkers
Sorry op, the real blue-chip is with the blue veins.

>> No.14210133

Beautiful when an entire race comes out of the closet like this. As a white hispanic let me tell you that the reason your race is such a bunch of pathetic cuckolds is precisely because you have exactly ZERO testosterone or any remote form of sexual masculinity.

Quit the tit bullshit, you're not a baby.

>> No.14210155

Ass is feral
Tits are lust if you have foresight
Buy rifles
To those without thought, only force matters
Buy the best force multiplier

>> No.14210156

SWEET VIIIISHNU. Look at the Teets on this Biche

>> No.14210177

Have fun going bankrupt tit-fag. The entire world has been about ass forever now, you American retards only recently caught up on it because black people had to tell you homos to check women's asses. IN WHAT WORLD do self-respecting women strive to have narrow hips and small asses? The pathetic world of first world Americans that's where. Small ass and narrow hips means she does not give birth well, which means she has weak genes and shouldn't reproduce either way.

>> No.14210243


>> No.14210253
File: 31 KB, 322x497, AAAAOOOOOOOGAAAAAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14210255

fucking kek the face of disapproval in the background

>> No.14210262

Y-yo también onions hispano...

>> No.14210283
File: 49 KB, 540x716, a7835f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incredibly based thread OP. i'm all in on huge tits myself.

>> No.14210301

Now that is just fucking depressing.

>> No.14210314
File: 256 KB, 1000x800, serveimage - 2019-06-17T231626.474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With today's medical technology any bodytype can give birth. The west prefers breast, the US that's only 56% White is the sole first world country that prefers fartcannons to tits...

>> No.14210331



>> No.14210361
File: 83 KB, 633x507, brazill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With today's medical technology any bodytype can give birth
Which doesn't mean they should. Women with chronic family issues of not dilating and having hips too narrow to pass a child are out there getting cesareans and giving birth to other women will have the same problems further down the line.

pic related

>> No.14210365
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reminder vitalik is assman

>> No.14210382

>based Namibia saving Africa

>> No.14210390
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>> No.14210405
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>> No.14210418

> big boobs gage better than big butts
whoa there aiden don’t you have an exit exam to study for?

>> No.14210438

this is so funny lmao

I wonder why brown people have such massive egos its insanely funny

>> No.14210498

Just like Arabs and Pajeets... really low emotional intelligence and societal awareness.

>> No.14210509

Because while we might be out there robbing, killing and slinging crack we at least retain a shred of masculinity and keep immigrant cunts as further from our countries as possible. Brazilian people, not even the government, just very recently kicked literal hundreds of Venezuelans back to their country after one of them killed somebody in Brazil, and Italy, which is frequently joked about for not being white, is one of the few Euro countries not getting flooded with sandniggers right now.

While we're building families of 25 little Jose's out there in Mexico and being Catholic, you guys are having furrry/diaper/cuckold/bdsm fetishes, jerking it to anime and drinking yourselves literally to death

>> No.14210564

Ass is a psyop to turn people into sodomites.

>> No.14210574


>> No.14210575
File: 1010 KB, 4592x3196, d33dbd1734c606742e1f665eaa7cad99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all of Europe is North and West Europe. Southern and Eastern Europe still have their balls.

>anti-Italian hate

That's because kikes fear the pastachad, they literally have the highest IQ of any European country (DYOR) and Salvini is looking to be the new Il Duce saving Europe from its current despair.

>> No.14210634

I'd fuck his ass and suck on his titties...

>> No.14210657

Gonna have to back up Mr Bean on this one. Also checked. No appreciation for ass = $oylen7 consumerist.

>> No.14210662

Girls can have nice milkers but awful bodies.
Girls with nice asses always have nice bodies.

>> No.14210854
File: 13 KB, 510x284, 1495526262171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like Trump saved the USA and built the wall right?

>> No.14210858

>keep immigrant cunts as further from our countries as possible.

But nobody wants to immigrate to brown shitholes anon...