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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 380x250, constellation-labs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14202659 No.14202659 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14203182
File: 331 KB, 600x331, stupid_bunnies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14203774
File: 108 KB, 877x828, 1479765017074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart money reporting in.

When this moons I'm gonna buy me a new pair of shoes.

>> No.14203804

oh cool we are a biz shitcoin now eh? Why are you introducing this to a board of pump and dumpers who have no long term interest in the tech? Will make the road to 1 dollar much harder and longer.

>> No.14203833

Where can I buy this?

>> No.14203893


>> No.14203899

No. This thing gets brought up every time it pumps a little because new people believed the last guy who got left with bags. This is unironically the scamcoin of biz. Now that you've been bagged, pass on the traditional of giving it a shill here in like a month. Things to focus on,
> supply
> low cap!!
> did you know it's a DAG?!?
Gl Anon and I apologise for your misfortune.

>> No.14203931

look at this dum newfag, this shir was shilled last year before getting listed on IDEX you absolute brainded piece of garbage

>> No.14203950

This coin has the most insane pajeet shill army. It's likely just the same 5 autists spamming this board. Yet one of them accuses anyone questioning them as a samefag posting from multiple VPNs

>> No.14203971


The team has taken revolutionary steps in the past few weeks. However the biz shilling does make me want to sell it all, can't lie.

>> No.14203994

Yea and look what happened to the price since. Biz shilling is the ultimate sign a coin will be valued lower than start of shill about a month or two later

>> No.14204007

FTM has that problem of too many speculators but its also a $50 m cap. DAG is too cheap to worry about pajeets imo

>> No.14204739

If you want to make sure that this will not be a hit-and-run, then present facts about the tech, project and team. Insulting potential investors is not the way to go. If you don't believe in Constellation, fair enough, but then present your criticism with documented facts.

>> No.14204766

>This is unironically the scamcoin of biz
Present your best arguments for your claim. With documentation.

>> No.14204873

You sound a lot lie the lying spammer from last summer spreading all that fud. Now we KNOW that you were lying all the time. Where is the police raid? Where is your report to the SEC? Where is all your photos of them doing coke? Where is all your insider information from the DA? Didn't they exit scam half a year ago? What is your real motivation behind all those crazy lies? Are you another nuts nano investor afraid of competition, that most likely will blow you out of the water?
Nano-DAG dogfight here:

>> No.14204897

Kek found him. I'm unironically a DAG holder and shitpost in some of these threads just to fuck with him

>> No.14204923

>Kek found him. I'm unironically a DAG holder and shitpost in some of these threads just to fuck with him
Who would ever believe a pathological liar like you?

>> No.14204943

I dont blame him to b h, the VPN psycho was hair pulling. so far he has pitied us or has had satisfaction. or bought back in.

>> No.14205126

This project has no funds, the whales dumped on them for this reason. Only small time noobs left with heavy bags. Someone market bought $5k which boosted the miniscule price and the Daggies came out celebrating

>> No.14205181

>This project has no funds
And how did you make this insane conclusion? Taken right out off your ass, right?

>> No.14205205

If you understood the code and vision, you'd buy at least 500k just as reassurance. It's the highest potential on the market currently.
Hashgraph is another no-brainer, unfortunately it will launch with a humongous market-cap and inflationary metrics initially.
Constellation on the other hand is switching to a DEFLATIONARY token model on top of burning ALL founders tokens. AKA 7.2% of the supply

>> No.14205277
File: 307 KB, 678x678, 2019-06-17_20-03-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Silicon Valley company with pic related news and a market cap of only 6M is something you see only once in your life-time, if lucky.

>> No.14205672

I've been following Dag since ICO. They don't have the funds to see themselves through to profitability. Mainnet means nothing if they have no funds. Nobody is going to write them multi million dollar checks they need to run their business

>> No.14205937
File: 61 KB, 504x313, bull_bear.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they already have programs with transit systems tho

>> No.14205987

they sold their Eth at $500 they have more than enough. They actually didnt take much of a hit. nice FUD attempt

>> No.14206021

Seriously this is so cheap its ridic to put any effort into FUDing when you can buy a huge ass stack for a few hundro at the real chance of outperforming everything on the market

>> No.14206106

No they didn't, they sold it way below $500. They even made some weird retraction on the $33 million and started calling it $18 or $14 can't remember. This team is Def having financial issues. No team with money disengages with their community. Show me another successful company who did and I will see your point. Otherwise you cannot deny I am right

>> No.14206152

should I cancel my buy order?

>> No.14206325

$18 out of $32 mill is still about 400-500$/eth. If they raised at about 8-900/eth. A lot of projects lost everything. You are so committed to fuding dag and 'correcting the record' when your corrections are pure stupidity
>they have financial problems becauae they went into stealth mode to build the project
>no team would do that because trust me

>> No.14206357

If a company had financial management issues in the past and won't prove their financial stability now.......I think you have your answer. There is no smart money in DAG. Sitting in San Francisco supposedly building the next great technology and nobody cares or buys their coin. Wonder why?

>> No.14206369

DAG has very committed trolls. Its a huge threat to a lot of other projects. Also many of them are holders trying to swing trade.

>> No.14206400

so dishonest. yawn.
its half a cent. all this time you waste FUDing you could make a killing instead.

>> No.14206409
File: 44 KB, 761x591, Pscyho DAG fudder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No they didn't, they sold it way below $500
Totally untrue.
>No team with money disengages with their community
That was due to them having to kick out their CEO, reason is not fully known and they have a legal agreement not to reveal the true story, at least for now. That caused a significant drop in the price and some of the investors went totally crazy. Pic related. Spamming everything and fudding biz with the most insane lies and crazy rumors. They decided to focus on tech and partnership instead. Wise decision. We see now that they are correct and that you are a liar.

>> No.14206431

No, >>14206409

>> No.14206475

You are lying through your teeth constantly. Don't just run away from your pathological lies. Here. >>14205181

>> No.14206586

>Its a huge threat to a lot of other projects
True. Some of them more insane than others ;) >>14198291
Could be true though. Who knows?

>> No.14206682

Ok so let me get this straight. They removed their founder and CEO amid rumors or financial mismanagement. They claim they legally can't talk about it, which is a lie. They completely disengage with their community and banned anyone asking about their financial troubles. And you are comfortable they have the capital to become profitable and willing to bet money on that assumption.

You dumb

>> No.14206700

>Sitting in San Francisco supposedly building the next great technology and nobody cares or buys their coin. Wonder why?
You said the same when Bitcoin was worth less than a dollar and ETH just a few cents, right?

>> No.14206746

Heavy bag holders always try to shill DAG in here. It's been a long sad road for those idiots

>> No.14206819

You must be 9 years old. Are you that stupid? If your office is in the middle of SF, the highest risk technology invest capital of the world, please explain how not a single investor has bought DAG? Please explain.

>> No.14206824
File: 33 KB, 1428x455, Creepy serial killer fudder talking to himself again 2019-01-22_10-55-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already know you are here, psycho fudder, abusing your VPN as always. Talking to yourself, supporting yourself, laughing hysterically at your own jokes. Creepy. You sound like a totally insane serial killer when you ramble on, you know that, right? Here, remember when you forgot to turn on your VPN and started rambling with yourself for all to see? Pic.

>> No.14206885

>how not a single investor has bought DAG
They don't get crypto. Being a software engineer is not enough to understand and value crypto projects. So please explain, idiot, how they missed out BTC and ETH. Using your warped and insane pseudo-logic, all that must be totally true evidence for BTC and ETH being totally worthless, just a few years ago. Explain psycho. And stop your VPN abuse. We know it is you.

>> No.14206926

Trust me bro SF is the absolute epicenter of crypto innovation

>> No.14206964

>rust me bro SF is the absolute epicenter of crypto innovation
That's why everyone in SF bought immediately both BTC and ETH because they knew their true value right away and BTC and ETH was never just a few cents. Right? Reality proves you wrong. Deal with it.

>> No.14207028

Why would they burn tokens if they are short funding? I want to be skeptical but it doesn't make sense

>> No.14207177

Ok not going to engage with this raving lunatic.

The tokens they burned have no value. They couldn't sell them so might as well do a PR stunt. Doesn't really make alot of sense either way. The fact of the matter is they have a little bit shady history of covering up financial management and never stepped up to tell the truth although they promised they would. They shit all over their own community. These people don't deserve success.

>> No.14207643

>The tokens they burned have no value
That would only make sense if the market cap is zero, not only now, but also in the future. Again either you are lying, complete nuts or just plain retarded. In either case, you are in NO position giving financial advice to anyone.
> The fact of the matter is they have a little bit shady history of covering up financial managemen
And what you are now lying about?

>> No.14207708

>These people don't deserve success.
This is why you, a complete loser, are sitting whole day spamming your insane lies and psychotic fud. Masturbating, porn and VPN abuse is all you have. Sad and tragic.

>> No.14207800

I fucking love crypto and especially this board. This shit is hysterical

>> No.14207912

Anyone who has been around since ICO knows about the issue with their former CEO and all the cover-up and lack of promised explaination that followed. Pretending it didn't happen is fucked up while actively trying to lure new bag holders

>> No.14207977

Ah looks like we found the crazy guy that thinks everyone is a single person on a VPN. You are legendary on this board. It's an honor to be accused by you good sir. Fuck the meds, you don't need em. It's all a conspiracy bro.

>> No.14207984

We all know you are the idiot that lost all the money. Do you understand that when you invested your money, it was on top of the hype and it was just natural that DAG would dump when launched, just as the rest of the market did? Please provide some details in your fud. Who said what, when and where? Don't just lie and run away again.

>> No.14208009

Ask anyone, we ALL know about you VPN abuse. I even posted a screenshot from a thread where you messed up your VPN and talked to yourself with different personalities. So tragic, psycho. Seek help, - professional help. You desperately need it.

>> No.14208101

>Proves VPN abuse screencapping and anonymous board.

This is another level of crazy. Also you make DAG look worse than the fudders. KYS nigga

>> No.14208172

>Claims everyone in every DAG thread is the same person. Tells me to go ask everyone LOL

I am literally in tears
Meds bro, meds can help you

>> No.14208214

He's actually right about that part. Some fag was doing that. The schizophrenic tendencies got ti his head and now he thinks we're all that guy

>> No.14208224

Here, you talking to yourself, pic related: >>14206824
Somehow you messed up your VPN, and the IDs didn't change, so everyone could see you were talking to yourself in true serial killer style.

Plus, EVERYONE know that you abused your VPN like crazy. It was so obvious. You even made the same spelling mistakes with different "personalities". Complete psycho. Get help.

>> No.14208382

My dude you are fucking beyond saving. Nobody messed up a VPN, those are actual human beings. I posted like 10 times all with the same ID and responding to you directly.
MEDICATION it will help I promise

>> No.14208463

It's MEGAMAN from the Constellation TG. The guy is a psychopath. He posts shill threads here constantly and attacks all who enter. I wish he would just sell his bags and leave the community. You are not helping the cause fuckface

>> No.14208519

You are the fudder, psycho. Exact same lies. Exact same tactic of just running away from ever question.
>It's MEGAMAN from the Constellation TG.
I am not on Telegram at all. Don't know who this guy is, and are you pretending to be a DAG investor now, psyhco? Give me your top three reasons for why everyone should buy DAG, go on. Should be no problem for you, unless you are just a liar, of course.

>> No.14208523

No idea who that is, I got kicked from their TG along with most of their community and anyone else who dared to ask them to explain what happened with the CEO and how much money he burned day trading. They still to this day won't answer that question.

>> No.14208606

Holy shit man I just got here. Also meth is really bad. MEGAMAN probably has really bad teeth. Brushing won't save them, you actually have to put down the pipe and see a dentist

>> No.14208719

Sold my DAG during the CEO disaster, haven't owned DAG for a long time and happy as can be with that decision. I see you're still crazy about it, no pun intended

>> No.14208733

No, you got kicked out with most or your psychotic VPN personalities. Just like you do now. I was not there, but heard that you spammed the hell out of them, and used your slimy VNP all the time. Not being man enough to present your case without having a fake toy army to support you and bitch about what a genius you are. Or in you own mentally insane words. How you are saving mankind, saving lives with your work, just like an ancient god.
Of course you mentally insane idiot, claiming to be a DAG investor, could not come with a single good reason for investing in Constellation. Tragic case of split personality disorder. Go back and talk to yourself again, but please no sex talk where you again talk about how intelligent men turn you on, while talking to yourself in underwear. Super creepy. Like you did later here, after you fixed your VPN again, so not everyone could see what kind of an idiot you are, rambling on talking to yourself, pic >>14206824

>> No.14208777

>old my DAG during the CEO disaster, haven't owned DAG for a long time and happy as can be with that decision
If you are that happy, why are you here now, psycho? I hope you don't masturbate to this thread, as you used to do before, ryte?...Ryt....
Oh, God, I don't want to know the answer to this one. Please ignore my question. Just go on with whatever the hell you are doing, psycho, just don't inform us. Ugh...

>> No.14208804

Ok not responding to you anymore. I like crazy, but this is some kind of scary crazy that doesn't end well.

>> No.14208854

>but this is some kind of scary crazy that doesn't end well.
Nice psychological projection there. I am not the one with documented talking to himself in a thread in true serial killer psycho style. YOU are. Seek professional help. Tell them how you missed the epic DAG bull run and how that forced you into drugs, talking to yourself on biz and anal sex. Be honest, for once, psycho. Be well, friend.

>> No.14208864

Somebody screen cap this thread. MEGAMAN is mentally deteriorating right in front of us. Go MEGAMAN do it for science

>> No.14208890

I'm sorry was there a bull run on DAG mr MEGAMAN? I only recall a price drop of around 95%. Are you imagining things again?

>> No.14208906

The same mental case having meltdowns in this DAG threads is making me want to shed some of my stack.

>> No.14208917

Still waiting for your three best reasons for investing in DAG, psycho pretending to be a DAG investor.

>> No.14209003
File: 2.35 MB, 3739x1320, Total Psycho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this guy? Pic.

>> No.14209145
File: 110 KB, 377x659, 1535384359954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is hilarious, I don't even know who is who but it firmly cements my confidence in Nano. I am never going to buy one of these vaporware knockoff dags.

>> No.14209162
File: 7 KB, 420x420, 1557682983568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT yet another pajeet discord tranny group pretending like they don't want your money
Does anyone ever fall for this shit?

>> No.14209195

This fellow Nano bag holder agrees with you >>14198291

Didn't go so well for Nano here in this thread today: >>14188967

>> No.14209285

haha my point exactly. winners focus on winning. losers focus on winners.

>> No.14209335

This is so beyond mentally insane. You put together a screencap of anons posting and claim it's one person. How many meds are you on right now?

>> No.14209377

Didn't you see Constellations new demo? The 12 year old crypto investors that were impressed are going to be depressed once they find out it's nothing of any significance.

>> No.14209407

I didn't make it, I just stole it, but I was there when you ran amok and posted your mentally insane garbage and crazy, unfounded lies, every.single.f*cking.day. for.months.

Still haven't given me your three best reasons for investing in DAG, "fellow" Dag investor.

>> No.14209568

> Enjoy being trapped in your own delusions MEGAMAN. Watching you meltdown is more rewarding than you can imagine. Especially knowing you are probably going end up in a mental institute. You are correct, everyone in this thread is the same person, including you.

>> No.14210153

Sure, the idiot that claims to not be a mentally insane homosexual loser investor that lost all his money when he panic sold during the DAG correction following the general crypt market, but rather that he is a DAG investor that is totally unable to mention three good reasons for investing in Constellation, this gay pervert and sexual predator with multiple VPN IDs and talking to himself, is a guy rambling on about other people being insane. Do you understand how insane and rabid you are? You need mental help, friend. There are some very strong meds on the market now, that I am sure will be able to help even you.

>> No.14210349

Sorry fren u ain't right in the head

>> No.14210472

Color me surprised. A totally new ID from your VPN rabidly supporting yourself. Already exposed in this pic >>14209003
Tragic. What a troubled and rabid young homosexual with such a strong sex drive. No idea how you have time to post all your garbage, lies and undocumented accusations, between your porn and compulsive masturbation, totally out of control.

>> No.14210531
File: 7 KB, 268x188, 0zghtfdw1yn11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 posts by this ID

>> No.14210577

Responding to one guy using VPN. Are you DAG investor, if not, why not?

>> No.14210645

rofl no1 is investing in knock off DAG vaporware trash after this shitshow.


>> No.14210702

Tech is some of the very best in the crypto space and they have brilliant solutions to many problems that Nano and other cryptos struggle with.

Nano believe that people will run nodes for free, for absolutely zero compensation. An utterly absurd business model. Care to explain how you see that you will have a global network run for free? Compare that to Constellation where all micro payments are free, but industrial consumers will have to pay for bandwidth and nodes with either DAG tokens or running a node. A very simple, yet elegant solution.

>> No.14210724

See the difference is, Nano already works, and already has nodes hosting the network for free.

DAG, just like FTM, only have promises that have yet to be fulfilled.

>Would you like to buy a bridge?

>> No.14210742

>after this shitshow.
Intelligent and analytical investors will see and understand that the DAG price is partly suppressed by this mentally unstable VPN psycho shitting up every DAG thread. Great buy opportunity, as he will lose when DAG is getting more and more momentum.

>> No.14210796

How do you know Nano works? Are you operating as a global currency now? What was your best TPS sustained over a longer period? All you have no is a handful of Nano enthusiasts running a small amateur network for fun. To claim that is a great solution and can be used as a global model is absolutely ridiculous. Can you point to similar global payment systems that is run by volunteers doing it all for free? You are living in a childish NANO fantasy world. It is unavoidable that Nano will be centralized as only Amazon and large operators are able and willing to run very expensive nodes, operating them with no down-time 24/7, every single day.

>> No.14210981
File: 693 KB, 1881x1053, nanoisgreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

700 TPS on live net. And our nodes are only growing stronger with time. You sound like one of those guys who didn't think Bitcoin was a good idea either. The same arguments you use are verbatim what was said about BTC in its early days. The tech works, now we wait for adoption. Simple as that. It doesn't cost much at all to run a node. I was about halfway there just from my own investments, until like a retard I lost half my stack chasing shitcoin pumps. I really hope Nano stays where its at or goes lower for a while longer so I can get back to my 50k+ stack. I will host a node myself, for free. I am independently wealthy and have no problem supporting projects that I think will better the world (as well as fatten my wallet in the process). How is that for incentive?

Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come.


>> No.14211034

To clarify, you need 133,000 Nano delegated to your node for it to vote on the network. But you can host a node for as little as $5 a month. I already host several websites and several servers, it really wouldn't take me more than an hour or two to convert one into a node. I can definitely afford a hundred bucks a year to support the network that I am invested in.

>> No.14211113

Also, it isn't too late to jump ship either. Nano is still basically at its bottom. The only time it was this cheap in sats was before it was really even known, back in the Raiblocks days. We dropped about 98% in value after the greatest bull run crypto has ever seen. Partially because of the hack at Bitgrail. Don't you wish you bought BTC after Mt. Gox crashed its value? Here is your second chance.

>> No.14211290

>700 TPS on live net.
There is no way in hell that you can run a micro-payment global currency with 700 TPS. Visa alone has the capacity of 60 000 TPS. Competitors like ETH has as their goal to have millions of TPS, as that would be the numbers for a global currency.
>But you can host a node for as little as $5 a month
Really? With 100 000 TPS, the bare minimum for a global currency, what bandwidth do you need, what will the costs be for bandwidth, node, etc. Total costs.
>it really wouldn't take me more than an hour or two to convert one into a node.
On your non-global, amateur and kitchen table network, not a global network where down-time can led to war or total chaos.
>I can definitely afford a hundred bucks a year to support the network that I am invested in.
That's because you are NOT doing it for free. It is part of your investment. If you offer that service for free, it will be hopefully be repaid via a price increase in Nano. Your absurd Nano idea is like saying that you and your friends had a toilet and you all used it and cleaned up after yourself. Then one idiot is extrapolating this and saying that ALL public toilets in the whole world should be without paid cleaners as all people will clean up after themselves for free, as you and your buddies did. We all know that such a system would crash in a matter of days. Even with paid cleaners, public toilets look like hell. Nano's business model is that of a child. Utterly naive and unrealistic. Hard core communism is more viable.
>Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come.
Empty boomer slogan. So Nano. Sorry.

>> No.14211323

>Don't you wish you bought BTC after Mt. Gox crashed its value? Here is your second chance.
This is not how you conduct an investment analysis. Many people are pissed after Bitgrail and the management team handled it in a disastrous manner. Nano had momentum Dec-Jan 2018, but lost it. Now even the tech is outdated and management never managed to recover after Bitgrail. Their no-marketing, marketing strategy is insane. Sorry.

>> No.14211338

700 TPS was what was achieved with $5 a month nodes. When users upgrade their nodes the speed will scale accordingly. Visa does not process 60,000 TPS, it is about 1,700 TPS. Nano has gotten up to 7,000 TPS on the test net. This is definitely possible on the closed net as well.

I don't know who fed you those numbers, but I can see how it would have thrown off your calculations. You shouldn't associate with liars.

>> No.14211351

No need to get emotional m8, I was enjoying our dialog until the fit you just posted. We can talk like adults.

>> No.14211373

not being all-in SNTVT.

>>smart money

pick one.

>> No.14211529

>When users upgrade their nodes the speed will scale accordingly
OK, how much bandwith do you need for 100 000 TPS? What will the cost for nodes be. What will total costs globally be. Remember your crazy business model is that somebody will do all that for free, for eternity, no down-time, or the network will totally crash
>Visa does not process 60,000 TPS, it is about 1,700 TPS
>You shouldn't associate with liars
I said capacity. You have peaks like in Christmas, holidays, disasters etc. VISA can handle 56 000, not 60 000 as I said. Sorry. You claimed 1 700 TPS and call me a liar. Tragic.
Source: https://www.accenture.com/no-en/success-visa-connected-commerce-car
>No need to get emotional m8, I was enjoying our dialog until the fit you just posted. We can talk like adults.
What fit? I asked for numbers and hard facts. You gave me nothing but insults and running away from my questions. Not a good sign for Nano.

>> No.14211577

I couldn't tell you. I doubt we will need 100,000 TPS however. People already are doing it for free. Its called community support. If one node pulls their servers, the Nano can easily be re-delegated with the simple push of a button.

I didn't call you a liar, I said it seems that you have been misled by liars. If Nano has to push past its limits in TPS, I am sure there will be a simple solution. Likely just push transactions back a tad, so 5 second wait instead of sub second. I can deal with that.

You seem to be getting a bit irritable and I am sensitive to that sort of stuff, so I am going to conclude this conversation. I try to associate with positive people, but it was good discussing this with you. Have a great rest of your night (or day?)

>> No.14211633

>I doubt we will need 100,000 TPS however
Are you serious? Visa ALONE are calibrated for 60 000 TPS and they do not engage in micro-payments and of course does not include the unbanked etc. 100 000 TPS is the very bare minimum.
>I try to associate with positive people, but it was good discussing this with you.
OK, I guess that is double speak for you having zero answers to my very basic and fundamental questions to your crazy Nano business model? I got abuse from you, but no hard facts to even my very simple questions.

>> No.14211716

>If one node pulls their servers, the Nano can easily be re-delegated with the simple push of a button.
I mean downtime globally. I guess during summer vacation very few people will hang around runnning a node for free and even paying for the work, bandwidth etc. That will also be the time with a peak in micro-transactions. So you can guarantee that there will be no supply-demand mismatch and consequently crash in the network? And you just "know" they all will do it for free? Even though you have no clue about the costs, man hours and technical capability. Is it even possible to run 100 000 TPS in the Nano network when you clearly struggle with the 1 700 TPS you have now?

>> No.14211778

>You seem to be getting a bit irritable and I am sensitive to that sort of stuff,
Strange that such a sensitive person like yourself start off the conversation with an absurd and totally false claim like this:
>knock off DAG vaporware trash
And then just abuse me when you can't even answer the simplest question regarding your very strange Nano business model?