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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 62 KB, 620x387, 777_3160770b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14190519 No.14190519 [Reply] [Original]

Whats up losers? ;) i just got accepted to pilot school;)

Yep thats right my job is gonna be cooler than your shitty pathetic job ;))

ill enjoy a 300k euro salary and fucking stewardesses ;)))

enjoy your lowpay 8-16 job


>> No.14190532

For a person achieving something great in life you do sound like a total moron. You will probably fail hard at it thanks to your characteristics. Just dont kill the passengers will y?

>> No.14190563

pretty sure this is a copypasta

>> No.14190564

have fun racking up the flight hours to make yourself hirable, you won't be making real money for a looong time, same reason I'm NOT doing pilot school

>> No.14190569

where's that plumber? i liked him better than this

>> No.14190570


Larping from a wheelchair?



>> No.14190586
File: 34 KB, 640x427, mathphd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ph.D. in Math
>any job I want
>$300k starting

>> No.14190594

Not true

>> No.14190630

i've seen this EXACT copypasta before
fuck off with your bait

>> No.14190670


>> No.14190675



>> No.14190683

ATC here, enjoy having literally no life and time to spend your money brother :^)

>> No.14190718

Enjoy bring pathetic in a tower fag kys

>> No.14190729

based being comfy af in tower while you struggle to land a plan in crosswind lmaooo

>> No.14190730
File: 1.07 MB, 1579x1920, 1553366263087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know your job will be automated in the coming 15 years top, right anon?

>> No.14190744

What tower you work at? Ill fucking crash into you

>> No.14190752

reported :^)

>> No.14190763

More like in 80 years

>> No.14190765

Apparently being a pilot is fun the first few years and then it gets boring.

>> No.14190788

>two friends urge me to join them in pilot school
>Didn't because socially awkward
>They actually became pilots

>> No.14190796

Not too late for you
Just join

>> No.14190800

You do know technology is advancing exponentially, don't you anons?

>> No.14190808

This was 10 years ago

>> No.14190813

Math postdoc
400k starting
can confirm the PhD scale

>> No.14190823

How old are u
Still not to late

>> No.14190906


>> No.14190929


>> No.14190938

Have sex

>> No.14190946


Never been on a plane have you xD

>> No.14190962

Enjoy having no friends/family/personal life outside work.

Enjoy staring at fucking nothing for 2-5 hours at a time.

Enjoy sleeping during the day and working at night.

Enjoy making fuckloads of money just like you say.

You can give it all to your wife and her children.

>> No.14191004

31 boomer, I'll just become a private pilot when I make it.

Flying fucks with my ears so I dislike it anyway

>> No.14191058
File: 54 KB, 538x538, 1559801969943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

28 year old boomer myself

Not too late

>> No.14191353

>no makes

>> No.14191398


>> No.14191463

300k will be your school bills, you will absolutely not make that salary, not even 6 figures till many years after you start lmao

>> No.14191632


>> No.14191641

good for you, i hear pilots see all kinds of weird shit up there. godspeed.

>> No.14191671

7-19 job master race. Enjoy being a sky trucker I guess.

>> No.14191751


>> No.14191758

Enjoy your death by cancer

>> No.14191773

What cancer dumb fuck

>> No.14192200

No cringe

>> No.14192230

You have no clue what you are talking about. You can make 300k after tax within 5 years of graduating school.

It is still not worth it

>> No.14192520

No idiot kys

>> No.14192606

>I almost feel bad for all you wagecucks

>> No.14192632

radiation, you'll age faster and have increased cancer risk. Not really nice if you plan to have children as well

>> No.14192647

>having a job

>> No.14192685

this retard again? kys

>> No.14192700

Commercial pilots don't make €300k/y.

>> No.14192706
File: 986 KB, 1684x883, x1524165574969.jpg.pagespeed.ic.YMv3qQdS8k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats up losers? ;) i just got accepted to truck driver school;)

Yep thats right my job is gonna be cooler than your shitty pathetic job ;))

ill enjoy a 300k euro salary and fucking motorway station attendants ;)))

enjoy your lowpay 8-16 job


>> No.14192711

What do you do when you see ufos. You gonna freak out?

>> No.14192747

This is OPs fate.

>> No.14192869


>> No.14192985

But i thought you got into busdriving school to fuck meter maids?

>> No.14193015
File: 574 KB, 1331x2000, 1560558682465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats up losers? ;) i just got accepted to thot academy;)

Yep thats right my job is gonna be cooler than your shitty pathetic job ;))

ill enjoy a 300k euro salary and blueballing my thirsty beta orbiters ;)))

enjoy your lowpay 8-16 job


>> No.14193027
File: 605 KB, 1360x1535, SOUR GRAPES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14193393

Kys fag

>> No.14193589

Shut the fuck up

>> No.14193639

This same retard troll from yesterday. I admire the quality bait.

>> No.14193697

Seething cope have sex

>> No.14193742


haha fucking no. Not 80 years!

Your job won't be automated until 2100? haha fuck off mate, 5 years tops

>> No.14193763


Oh, this is a LARP

22 posts by this ID

Attention seeking cringe

>> No.14193814


Your post is cringe

>> No.14193989

Someone as retarded as you are never going to be a pilot.

Yes they do

>> No.14194067


>> No.14194077

No they don't you absolute retard. Maybe the tippy top 1% of 30 year flagship pilots get close, but that is nowhere near average wage or common at all. Fucking idiot just look it up.

>> No.14194089

I'd never get in an automated plane...

>> No.14194131


What a luddite point of view

Automation is better than people, that's the point. I'd trust a Tesla autopilot over a person... In time, you will too

>> No.14194171

Why do I even bother replying to retards like you... I was strongly considering becoming a pilot earlier, so I have researched this. There are several locations, eg middle east/ asia, where you can indeed make 300k net.

'The contract with Beijing Capital Airlines offers an earning potential of up to $300,000 per year!'


It is still not worth it

>> No.14194191


Fucking stupid you are

>> No.14194253


>One Tesla crashes

>Millions of people around the world have car accidents

Try Harder, maybe use statistics next time

>> No.14194311

Is that herpes?

>> No.14194362

>what is radiation?
enjoy that cancer in your nutsack boyo

>> No.14194380

>up to 300k a year
>to fly around bugmen

It’d need to be 10x that to be worth considering; imagine living in China. Disgusting.

>> No.14194384

>up to
You low iq simple peasant fucking retard. This positions are reserved for lifetime pilots with decades of experience and tens of thousands of hours on the airframe in question.

Stupid fucking virus tier life form that you are, you can't even use your idiot brain to figure out what that means for your actual earning potential.

You haven't done fuckall for research. You googled "top airline salary" and thought you could pass it off as your wisdom. Belligerent fucking animal.

>> No.14194406
File: 346 KB, 576x545, 1546338021826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being a taxi driver in the cloud

>> No.14194421

They say its 4 weeks on and 4 weeks off

So you can live at home for 4 weeks then
Not so bad
Also chinamen are disgusting

>> No.14194441

Imagine being an adult and posting anime pictures

>> No.14194449
File: 331 KB, 640x427, 1525757708717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6G homologation certified Welder
>any job I want
>1,000k starting
>bitches love welders

>> No.14194474

Retard fuck. You will never make it through flight school. Not even of you are the blackest gorilla nigger to ever be affirmative action hired.

>> No.14194486
File: 25 KB, 411x419, 1546279393189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14194489
File: 27 KB, 605x518, 1558223399663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14194678

How fucking stupid are you? Can you not fucking read, you absolute shitstain?
Total Time of 4000 hours*Total Time of 1000 hours PIC on the A330*Last flight on the A330 to be within the last 6 months*

You can meet these requirements easily. For the 330 you need a few years more experience usually but there are similar positions for 320 or equivalent. You can literally meet the requirements in 5 years, you fucking retard. Do I need to remind you that 300k net is the same as 600k gross in europe/ maybe 500k gross in the US
Yes, it means that there is a 300k salary waiting for you if you accept a full time position, a little less if you do 1month on/ 1 month off.


You 2 sound like assmad amerifats that got rejected from pilot school, and are pissed off that China is about to dominate this world kek.

>> No.14194682

Jesus cringe

>> No.14194701

Total Time of 3000 Hours - *A320 Family Total PIC Time of 1000 hours - *Last Flight on the A320 as PIC to be within the last 18 months - *Last Simulator on the A320 as PIC to be within the last 12 months



>> No.14194722

Another day, another pilot school thread.

Funny enough, many of replies are quite alike from yesterday's thread.
>inb4 bots

>> No.14194827

Summerfags here now

>> No.14194929


>> No.14195592


>> No.14195747

I make 250k with equity in a billion dollar cbd company, and I don’t get drug tested. Have fun being controlled by a boss

>> No.14195839

Nope u dont

>> No.14195942

250k vs 300k net kek

>> No.14195991
File: 48 KB, 562x290, Screen Shot 2019-06-17 at 8.13.52 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yikes OP, don't have such an inflated ego for a mid top tier wagie job. pathetic.

>> No.14196052

Have sex

>> No.14196229

I did last night, with your mother faggot. You're the same retard who made the "I have a platiunum amex card so I'm special" thread when every one and their mothers can get one. You're a fucking perma virgin incel faggot who's not even going to flight school. Get fucked you beta cuck

>> No.14196410

How did you know it was me? What the fuck

>> No.14197434

The only job that actually has the worst wages in the US lmao. Just about every other country on this planet pays better. Even third world countries like Vietnam

>> No.14197461


Big time oofie, software engineers start out around $70k but you can get up to $250-300k with 10-20 years experience on the west coast. This is like getting frozen in time.

>> No.14198475

Is that supposed to be good?

>> No.14198492

still a wagie

>> No.14198729


>> No.14198747

300k? You make like 15k your first few years dumbass

>> No.14198790

No one will let you fly anything big to make real money without A LOT OF YEARS of experience, unless you want to fly on deathtraps in Asia. You could pay me to fly on one of those shitty airlines, you only have one life don’t waste time on garbage

>> No.14198791



>> No.14198811

50. 40. 30. 20. RETARD.. RETARD

>> No.14199144


>> No.14199756

After a brief google I noticed the OP is full of shit! At best and after many years of flying the best you can expect is $147k a year. What a dumbass

>> No.14199817

Oh look, a glorified flying greyhound bus driver. I'm so impressed.

>> No.14200021

The very same larp of yesterday... Go fuck yourself, OP!

>> No.14200034


>> No.14200035

Enjoy being 100% automated in 10 years

>> No.14200083

Isnt this a /sci/ meme?

>> No.14200126

based retard, you really showed them