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14174469 No.14174469 [Reply] [Original]

is this what the last bullrun felt like?

>> No.14174502

Nah it was a lot more intense. Tons of people were literally 100x+'ing their money in a couple of months.

>> No.14174514

This kind of feels like the calm before the storm though.

>> No.14174521

That feel when a bullrun like 2017 will never happen again...

>> No.14174533


I would go to bed..after fighting to stay up for as long as possible and wake up up 10-15K.

I was a glorious time.

>> No.14174550

not at all. this is btc pump before altseason

>> No.14174563


Far from it. This is nothing compared to 2017.

>> No.14174575

yeah! itll go to 6k just for the lolz.

>> No.14174593

Sounds like you guys are talking about the 2017 bullrun.
When things like AntShares -> Neo were born.

I'm more interested in the start of the bullrun/reversal of the bear market, from the $150 bottom.

Was it anything like this?

>> No.14174595
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o idk anything about alts
i invested in bitcoin after the crash
current prices and looking at bitcoin chart its so damn bullish we keep breaking yearly ATH

>> No.14174601

>is this what the last bullrun felt like?
Not even close.
In 2017 I went from $30k to more than a million

>> No.14174623

How much do you have now?

>> No.14174629


>> No.14174657

this nigger talking about the peak of the parabola when the bullrun has just started lmfaao

>> No.14174671
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bitcoin is half its highest price ever and climbing
this gotta be what the last BITCOIN bull market felt like right?

>> No.14174673

It basically did feel like this, but healthier
I remember when I would always wake up and keep checking blockfolio throughout the day and I just kept having more money
It was truly great, but it went up in shorter, more sustainable increments that felt like a hard won victory each time
The dips didn't even make me worry because I knew we'd be back in a month
When it started moving like it is now, going parabolic, with $1,000 legs to the upside with no meaningful corrections and rapid doubling, literally unbelievable price levels, that's when I knew to sell; that was what December 2017 felt like

>> No.14174686

Well that's what was asked.
Will it become like the last bullrun is another question

>> No.14175557

last bullrun was actually fucking nuts. I invested 2k early and I had sleepless nights just checking the value of my investment go to 150k (I was 19). Now I haven't even re-installed blockfolio and just check CMC once a day. This is nothing

>> No.14175598
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not at all
everyone was excited back then
i feel empty and scared of massive dump

>> No.14175739

From the age of 16 to 18 I dated this real qt. I was madly in love with her and fantasized about her 24 hrs per day. She wrote me letters saying how much she loved me. She let me explore her body and loved helping me cum...
After senior graduation her family moved to a different state, but no worry we were going to same college....so would be reunited in 3 months.
I spent that whole summer calling her on the phone, saving money from my summer job to spend on her, and generally planning how great it would be when reunited.
When freshman year began, the first time I met her...after waiting anxiously in front of her dorm for hours...she was strangely aloof. Didnt really want to kiss...was "very busy"...oh well I thought, its just the stress of the move...she will feel better tomorrow.
The next day, went to her dorm and laying there next to bed was her journal....she went to bathroom and I couldnt resist, I opened it up....there in her own writing it was all laid out. She had been seeing another guy over the summer....she was debating how to break news to me...
Like a total brokedown fag, I started crying...she found me like that...embarrassingly I begged her to have sex with me. She allowed it but after I felt 1000x worse.
We broke up and I went through all of freshman year as a zombie...would randomly feel myself tearing up and missing her. Eventually I moved on and started dating again. However it was never the same. I was never as loose and uninhibited...never as innocent nor willing to give so freely. I could be friendly and loving, but deep down a cold distance was in my heart.

This bull run feels like that.

>> No.14175756

don't worry fren we're all gonna make it

>> No.14175810

kinda except the bottom this time was like $3000, before it was super low, I was working for $8 an hour in 2012 and people were buying whole bitcoins off those shitty paychecks.

>> No.14175841

Man, fuck outta here with that, this run will be even better than the last. I had a similar relationship experience to yours, except without getting cheated on we just broke up and I was crushed, but I know that the next real one I find will be way better.

>> No.14176159

Nah alt coins were going up 100% a day. it was insane.

>> No.14176261

You have to wait until mid 2020 to know what 2017 bull felt like
Back then i did 4x in lesd than 24h

>> No.14176276

you're a beta male fren

>> No.14176378

not entirely true. it was much more intense with altcoins, but btc never did moves like these. not until that run from 10k to 20k.
btc moved way slower from 1k to 10k, with consistent week long -40% pullbacks, the fun part of the bull run was riding altcoin pumps which indeed made people x100 a bunch of times.
btc right now is on the most ridiculous run ive seen in a very long time. 3200 to 9500 without any significant pullback is absolutely bonkers

>> No.14176428

We're going to hit peak boomer fomo when another round of qe is announced and communists are polling in the 2020 election
Everything is aligned for summer of 2020
I don't want to guess a price but it'll definitely be 6 figures

>> No.14176944

it feels like june 2015 to be exact

>> No.14177242
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Were there any based anons that called the top of the last bullrun or was everyone blinded by greed?

>> No.14177280
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>> No.14177667

>Looks like someone sold everything at sub 10k and is trying to justify it for himself. I have gone through all the bubbles from 1$ onwards and none of those are comparable to this one, not in price, not in volume, not in time, not in market cap. This one is way different from the past ones. Current somewhat stable race has been going on for more than half a year. Past bubbles happened in less than a month. You are a silly man. Delusion indeed. Currently people like you are selling and more and more people are buying, once people like you are all gone, the price will soar. That is when the heat is really on. This is just the beginning.

I was expecting more posts like this in that thread but I guess not.

>> No.14177708
File: 52 KB, 680x350, neobeestaff-680x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, this is exactly how it felt when the bull run started. Not looking at a chart I'd say we're at the $600-800 equivalent

>> No.14177770

Awesome build up to that punchline

I'm stealing this as pasta for whenever someone on /biz/ asks how something market-related feels

>> No.14177793
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>> No.14177826

>imagine going through 5 bubbles and still thinking it's different

when bitcoin is making ATH's again

>> No.14177859

What you people are describing is 2021. You aren't "oldcoiners". We're in a kind of new 2015. This is what 2015 felt like.

>> No.14177870

You idiots aren't oldcoiners.

>> No.14177923

Not really. In 2017 ALL exchanges were pumping BTC and shitcoins like mad, sometimes even for weeks. This price action is going nowhere.

>> No.14177968

I remember buying Tron @ 0.0004 and selling it three days @ 0.17
Don’t know many Xxxx is that, but that should give you an idea of how insane this market was
Right now it’s a healthier market, as last time it was just a mess
t. Still living off that Tron pump

>> No.14178009

>We're in a kind of new 2015. This is what 2015 felt like.


>> No.14178180

I bough my first bitcoin in February 2012 for 5.7 USD. What about you retard?

>> No.14178209

Out of interest...did you hold? How many did you get...fuck imagine $100 you would have 18 of the them...quite a return if true!

>> No.14178229

>tfw "invested" 100 dollar like a normalfag in jan 2018
>lost all of it and bought in again this januar
>made a 4x until now
i hope this train wont stop for the next 2 years kek

>> No.14178254

fucking summer piece of shit

>> No.14178275

oh shit bro but get this. get this right? What if he bought $200 worth of it!!!! Right? Imagine how rich he'd be now man. Like wow.

>> No.14178276

I was a poor student at the time. I invested 500 euros and I remember I had max 95 bitcoins at one point before selling most of it on the way to $100. I was pretty dumb at the time and had 0 experience in trading, I was just happy to have made a bit of money with what I thought was a stupid internet money with 0 value.

When mtgox closed down I lost my remaining 10 bitcoins. I started again from scratch and my ATH was $1.6 million in 2017.

>> No.14178296

based larper, its fun