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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14171231 No.14171231 [Reply] [Original]

Facebook is real
Microsoft is real
Salesforce is real
Oracle is real
BNP Paribas is real
Samsung is real
Paypal is real
Swift is real

Singularity will start next week.

>> No.14171252
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I cuh-cuh-cuh-cant any longer

>> No.14171254

why next week fren?

>> No.14171270

Mainnet's not even fully functional yet

>> No.14171271

Facebook on Tuesday is rumored in this shithole board

>> No.14171276

25 cents token getting flushed

>> No.14171291

It could all be real and I wouldn't even feel anything. The larps have ruined me.

I literally was sitting at home in my underwear on thursday watching every sat of the google pump from 14k to 24k. I felt nothing.

>> No.14171294


>> No.14171297
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Strap in lads, it's happening TONIGHT!

>> No.14171300

It’s just a rumor. Why do people think that this is going to be anything CL related????

Regardless $1k eoy

>> No.14172181


Much bigger.

>> No.14172332

>I literally was sitting at home in my underwear on thursday watching every sat of the google pump from 14k to 24k. I felt nothing.

You have been hardened for what comes. Feelings are useless woman nonsense, especially for a cryptocoin. Be strong.

>> No.14172341

same. My portfolio went up like 50k in an hour and I felt nothing. This is nothing, we are not even close

>> No.14172361

I got kind of excited I can't lie, I saw my portfolio cross $200k for the first time. But watching it now I feel nothing. I hope I'm not completely ruined before I buy a lambo

>> No.14172391

Anyone got more crumbs on this?

>> No.14172447

sorry anon, non-insider here. Just have eaten so many breadcrumbs it's a part of me

>> No.14172474

link is partnering with arxiv.org to generate random numbers that will exclusively be used to order their list of oracle related publications

>> No.14172478
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>> No.14172493



It's real.

>> No.14172537

I've eaten so many breadcrumbs I've turned into a duck and constantly find myself getting in rows.

Thanks anon, sounds tasty

>> No.14172562
File: 306 KB, 1440x1913, Screenshot_20190615-220013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the dates. You'll never see link below$15 after Tuesday.

You were warned.

>> No.14172600
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>LINK enables that possibility
so that's proof FB will use LINK?

>> No.14172629

He's an insider that predicted everything more than a year ago. Read the full thread

>> No.14172681

Link to thread? Having trouble finding it.

>> No.14172683

This isn't the industry you should be investing in anon if you are going to need hand holding.

>> No.14172688

Can you imagine if that actually happens? The kinds of gains we'll see? My god, anon...

>> No.14172706

Oh shit Feb 2017? Nice. Next week will be glorious.

>> No.14172708

the audacity of this nigger

>> No.14172752
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>> No.14172768

>[Graph API is]Literally everything. Every link shared on Facebook and its meta data. Every like and interaction on Facebook. Every person, page, business, musician, etc and all the relationships between them are represented within Graph. Its literally the entirety of Facebook, so any new systems have to be able to integrate with it.

>As soon as LINK's mainnet is live, Facebook will working at breakneck speed to release FB Coin and Zuck's EOY post about crypto makes it clear that's the case. It will be used in buy/sell groups. It will be used for subscriptions to publishers. It will be used for commerce and monthly subsciption boxes. It will go on to become the single most widely used currency in the world.

>I hate the shit out of Facebook so it sucks, but its what's going to happen. Underlying it all will be LINK though, so I'll at least be getting rich af while Facebook goes on to control both the flow of information and commerce.

Fuck anon, I forgot about this one. Feb 2018.

>> No.14172850

same. fuck link. UND is the true moon mission.

>> No.14172873

Kek fuck off nigger, I'm sure you can start a thread for your flavor of the month shitcoin and try to compete with ftm / harmony or whatever you fags are bleating about this time before it bleeds to 0.

>> No.14173214

LINK is priced in already. Maybe short it if you can. UND is next 20x moonshot.

>> No.14173243

that’s crazy, that’s actually when i first bought link. to think this was out way back then and all the breadcrumbs and larps since... it feels like an eternity.

>> No.14173261
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Have sex incel

>> No.14174090

it's all so tiresome...

>> No.14174796
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>> No.14175022
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>> No.14175106

Pajeets will buy my bags

>> No.14175331

I just had a thought
Derivates are quoted at a quadrillion. But hypothetically couldn't the combined value of all derivates approach infinity? As it's a ton of margin trading with money that doesn't exist?
Then this infinite value needs to be represented by a finite token...
is this the motherfucking singularity? Someone explain me how we figure out the value of all derivates.

>> No.14175344

No anon. The larps haven't ruined you. They are just preparing you what is coming. The larps have made all of us strong, this is why we will make it.

>> No.14175348

Pee pee poo poo

>> No.14175741

Wtf does this even mean. Ruined? As what, a consumer? Lame

>> No.14176711

As in the material things and personal freedom I've pined over for so long brings me no joy because I just don't care about it anymore

>> No.14176733
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>y'all got any more of them crumbs?

>> No.14176757

Bro... same here man.
Chainlink has made me both schizophrenic and emotionless. I feel neither happyness when it pumps or confirms things we have been speculating on for 2 years. Neither do i feel any pain when it inevitably dumps and retraces 99% of the previous pump anymore. I don't know if this is normal or not i seriously can't tell anymore

>> No.14176782

Can confirm, similar jump to over $300k total for my portfolio for first time & felt nothing, it's all of last year & the dumps which have made me numb not just the larps

>> No.14176883

>Neither do i feel any pain when it inevitably dumps and retraces 99% of the previous pump anymore.

i'd just shrug and buy more

>> No.14177183

Should I buy more? I have 15K stack but i fear I could get justd like I did in jan 2018