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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14138590 No.14138590 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14138624

Too expensive. I wait for OceanEX's OCE coin. Im loading up 1MM at .0035. When OceanEX is the next Binance (they haven't even started coinburn yet, that's how new) I'll have $1.8MM when it hits $2.00 nigga.

>> No.14138639

>implying I’d use an exchange named OceanEX

>> No.14138652

This is bearish as fuck, burgers are being banned from binance and getting a cucked version.

>> No.14138658

bittrex did the same, poloniex did the same, gating off most tokens for international traders and giving US traders just the most boring coins to play with.

>> No.14138671

Fuck burgers, that's what you get for being weakest hands in the world.

>> No.14138678

How do they get around it, VPN with false identity for KYC ?

>> No.14138687

How do we get the sec to fuck off?

>> No.14138690

BNB cannot be used in the americanfat exchange.

>> No.14138697
File: 66 KB, 685x909, bittrex3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you try a false identity youd still have to take a picture of yourself holding the ID and up close front/back pics of the id. they still have dex's like forkdelta/etherdelta I guess.

>> No.14138700

I still maintain, the USA is trying desperately to prevent its citizens from getting rich. They want a working class and a upper class, that's it

Crypto was the way around that and now they're doing this

>> No.14138702

Kyc inbound.

>> No.14138711

god i legit feel sorry for you burgers. you guys basically live in a glossy prison.

>> No.14138740

VPN faggot

>> No.14138772

vpn + fake id

>> No.14138794

>gating off most tokens for international traders and giving US traders just the most boring coins to play with.
That's because nobody has a license to trade securities. When Nash launches with a license, burgers will flood to Nash because it will be the only game in town. The fact that it's a DEX too and has fiat ramps will just be dressing on top.

>> No.14138810

God damn jews. Don't worry europoors, the same fate is upon you.

>> No.14138819

>BNB cannot be used in the americanfat exchange.
Nope. Binance U.S. won't list securities or tokens, including their own BNB. Only mainnet currencies.

This abrupt shift in approach to compliance comes shortly after teh Binance Dex Boiler Room scams. CZ saw the red dots from the SEC laser scopes on the walls at Binance headquarters.

>> No.14138837

>god i legit feel sorry for you burgers. you guys basically live in a glossy prison.
Yea, all that bullshit SEC FinCEN stuff gave us the largest and most liquid economy in the history of the world. It really sucks shopping with the buying power of the global reserve currency. Did you know Americans have a TV in every room? We always have ice for our drinks? Ice all the way up to the top of the fucking glass in America. I spill some over the top just to get the right level of ice. Global reserve currency bitch.

>> No.14138863

Really idiot, the boomer Jews are basically trying to keep oppressed financially and you are happy about some fucking ice ?

>> No.14138879

>imagine living in 1970s

>> No.14138904
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>> No.14138921

You are so cucked you don't even know it. I bet you think having to be an accredited investor to invest in anything worthwhile is a good thing too, the rich get richer gambling on startups and poor cucks like yourself keep waiting for tickle down economics to kick in when in reality it will never come.

>> No.14138947

i feel like this is a quote from somewhere but cant remember what

>> No.14138964

Getting angry at the arrogant Americans in here. I am American myself, this country was not founded on kikery such as this. As much as I sometimes want to move somewhere else, no where else respects conceal carry, stand your ground, and castle law.

>> No.14139020

>Really idiot, the boomer Jews are basically trying to keep oppressed financially and you are happy about some fucking ice ?
>You are so cucked you don't even know it. I bet you think having to be an accredited investor to invest in anything worthwhile is a good thing too, the rich get richer gambling on startups and poor cucks like yourself keep waiting for tickle down economics to kick in when in reality it will never come.

Where is it better? Europe was the previous host. The Jews have already tapped you dry. Where are your fucking freedoms matey? Can you even own a steak knife? Can you even say anything bad about Jews in public without going to fucking Eurocuck jail? Are you even going to leave a country for your children to live in? America has problems, but they aren't the cuck problems you have. America has Alpha Thundercock problems.

>> No.14139048

>Getting angry at the arrogant Americans in here. I am American myself
Grow some balls fag. Financial regulations in Europe are far more oppressive than in the U.S. Try opening a business within their cucked regulations. Everyone loves to point out America's Alpha problems, but they ignore how cucked every other country is by comparison. Britain is a literal 1984 police state. Good luck opening a business in France or Germany. And the whole fucking thing is being given away to Africans.

>> No.14139122

Yeah that's probably true. I'm some retard in college and even I managed to start an LLC and a sole proprietorship just by bullshitting at my local bank, and getting them to throw money at me.