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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14134098 No.14134098 [Reply] [Original]

So if you guys are so confident that LINK is going to $10, $100, or even $1000

Why arent you buying more at $1.80?

>> No.14134110

i have literally my entire net worth in it already.

>> No.14134121

why would i buy now when i can just fomo in at $1000?

>> No.14134125

There’s still an element of risk, although in hindsight I wish I had bought even more at 0.20c.

>> No.14134127

How do you think it’s staying at $1.80

>> No.14134129

Can't afford more, especially with these prices.
I'm a neet with 10k and bought super low so I'm comfy.

>> No.14134130

Because I went all in at 0.20 8^)

>> No.14134131

we are retard, that's why LINK holders FUD the coin more than anyone else

>> No.14134138
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ahh a true /biz/raeli

>> No.14134140

It’s going back to .10 cents.....then 0

>> No.14134155

Dont buy it.
I'm actually more qualified to talk about this than most anons.I'm employed with a cyber-techno machinations company, I do a lot of security analyst programming type work. Open source, decentralized, APIs, partnerships, you name it. We'd be one of the first companies in line for something like Chainlink, if the decentralized smart contract space had more value over traditional data exchanges. There's a catch though, an underlying flaw more deeply embedded in the bedrock of LINK than the very code itself. The flaw is with the concept, and it's this: Companies won't actually go through the hassle of trusting their data API's through crypto.

Now I can already hear your keyboards going frantic, but hear me out. /biz/ hates banks, and traditional data providers. But actual companies, businesses, and investors do not. There's an old saying you might have heard of: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!". The idea that any of our bosses would give us the go ahead if we approached them to put our companies valuable data in a smart contract on a cryptocurrency called Chainlink, that they've never heard of, we'd be laughed out at best and fired on the spot at worst. We already have API data buyers and providers we trust.

'But Chainlink is trustless!' I hear you cry, but is that really a good thing? Just listen to the sound of it. Businesses don't want to spend millions of dollars on something that is trustLESS, they want something trustFUL. 'But the reputation system!', doesn't that defeat the whole point of your coin? If companies only trust nodes with high reputation, what's the difference between trusting banks and data providers that already have reputation, but in real life not on a computer screen.

The fact is, LINK is going to share the same fate as ETH will. A lot of 'real world application' hype, with a lot of 'crypto world application' reality. Only, this billion supply coin isn't going to come close to the $1k that Etherum hit.

>> No.14134160

This. Nothing is guaranteed in the crypto world.

>> No.14134171

Because I already have 2 million LINKies

>> No.14134183

Ive finished my accumulation months ago. My DCA is 30 cents.
All that is left is to sit back and laugh at fucking nolinkers.


>> No.14134278

Does anyone have the balls to take out a low interest loan to buy chainlink due to the epic climb we're seeing?

>> No.14134289

>Why arent you buying more at $1.80?
Because I have a bigger stack than 90% of the people I see posting theirs that I bought at twenty three cents.

>> No.14134301

Imagine not buying ETH at 1,8.

>> No.14134315

With what money? I've already been putting everything in.

>> No.14134329

>low interest loans

I alreaafy took out $10k @40c with high interest

>> No.14134337

I refuse to buy more of anything by trading because it made my taxes way too fucking complicated last year. Waiting for it to hit coinbase and I'll buy more.

>> No.14134344

I don't have money anymore, that's why.

>> No.14134358

>imagine making enough to pay TAX

>> No.14134384

True autism

>> No.14134401



>> No.14134408

you only pay taxes when you cash out

>> No.14134410
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This. Who isn't all in link by now?

>> No.14134415

I'm still not convinced it is all properly figured out, particulary around repuation and tokenomics but I hold 10k and hope for the best

>> No.14134450
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>should I take out a loan?
>how do you know its going to 10$+?
>what does it actually do?

>> No.14134473

Because I have every penny of my net worth in LINK already and have done for a long time.

>> No.14134482
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dont be too greedy, it was a very nice pump and there is no shame in taking profits.
cashed out and put half in BTC and half in LTC

>> No.14134502

lol you are so stupid anon,

SEC barely has the time to go after KIK.

you think IRS gonna come after you and your 5k gains

>> No.14134508


>> No.14134524

down to 23k from 33k I started selling at $1. I could see it going up a little more but this is about the ceiling. If you aren't unloading 20c bags right now you are retarded.

>> No.14134538
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>it has to be perfect, with no flaws

>> No.14134554

thinking about taking one

did you paid back and kept the profits, or is still rolling it?

>> No.14134564

Same desu

>> No.14134566

15% interest

Don’t regret it, figured I could manage 10k leverage but it’s getting annoying making payments at this point I just want to say I’m debt free again. Though it’s really as if I were funneling my moneybinto chainlink now


>> No.14134573

you could write off the interest you pay on the loan. But then you have to declare your crypto lel

>> No.14134576

You're not?

>> No.14134603
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I am DCA'ing most of my paycheques still though. I literally got a summer job just to buy link mainly. I think I'll still be able to make it to a 10k stack. Although buying the top of a pump is retarded in any case.

t. poorfag college student linklet

>> No.14134604

How can I write off interest? I’m declaring anyway because I qualify for 0% long term capital gains.

>> No.14134675

And to add on, I'll probably keep buying up to $20 at least. If you understand the potential of link and are willing to hodl a few years at least, anything under $50 even is a steal.

>> No.14134703

Well you'll be buying my bags then, I'm planning to sell at $40

50k linkmaster

>> No.14134706
File: 493 KB, 589x2244, LINK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you. I know how the things happens in real world. More than that — inertia caused by the old habits, it cost a lot of money to change a system.

Anyway, we all know that this fucking coin are going to pump. We have hype on our side. So, I don't know why guys that are trading crypto don't go ahead and buy CHAINLINK. I have been making a lot of money with that. So, if you don't like easy money, ok, but the /biz/ like.

Don't stop shill LINK.

To the moon

>> No.14134714


Well it seem like its all figured out except the part that gives the token any significant value

>> No.14134724

I probably am, but only cause I'm stupid enough to double down after I'm already all in. Can't wait for payday.

>> No.14134750

lmao use your brain. if we hit $40, 3 digits is nearly guaranteed from there on. it would mean all of the breadcrumbs were true. once we hit 3 digits, anything is possible. people who sell under 3 digits will neck themselves for being so impatient.

>> No.14134774

Who says were not? When ever I have money I'm buying from 1 to 5 dollars because the real fun happens after that

>> No.14134794

Bought 1k.

Any price below 1000 USD is profitable so why not.

>> No.14134818

I am

>> No.14134886

BecUse when you have 20k the return of 28 links for $50 doesn’t feel as good. Point of diminish returns for me, rather look for another moon shot.

>> No.14134897


who cares if this actually gets adopted or not, it's the same as if you would buy stocks and long sell after some time.

>> No.14134905

How do I buy it?

>> No.14134910


>> No.14135125

So why is google doing it?

>> No.14135159

I buy ever paycheck, I don’t even look at the price faggot.


>> No.14135180


Hahaha fuck me. ChainLink is literally the ONLY fucking guarantee, are you retarded? Name ONE other crypto baked into Google... I’ll wait.

>> No.14135181

i've just sold $30k worth of NEO (been holding it since ant shares) and bought Link,
this shit is $25 soon.

>> No.14135223

People are still buying. It's still pumping.

>> No.14135265

I’ve got 1k on the way bro. Definitely annoyed by the time it arrives it’ll buy 500 pinkies seeing as it would have bought more than 2k not too long ago but it’s going to 1k itself I’ve gotta keep buying.

>> No.14135286

You know the business world, not the real world. When the components are ready they always come together. If big business doesn't do it some basement autist beats them to it and outcompetes them. You can't stop progress even though your world tries.

>> No.14135332

30m MADC about to shift

>> No.14135361

looks like the reddit nulinkers

>> No.14135375

are here

>> No.14135393

I'm a newfag and I did a bunch of shit the wrong way. I bought ETH from coinbase, then transfered to wallet, then binance, then converted eth to link. Not the optimal way but if LINK keeps going up the wasteful transactions placed in a rush will be worth it.

>> No.14135414


It's pasta

>> No.14135434

The optimal way is to buy second life linden dollars to exchange for bitcoin that you use to buy eth that you use to buy link.

>> No.14135436

you aren't looking at the sells, are you
ignore the 100 link market buys and look at the thousands being dumped into buy orders

>> No.14135443

What's more optimal than that?

>> No.14135460
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Idk, I just assumed it wasn't the most optimal cause I'm a newfag, hoping you could tell me

>> No.14135463

Maybe go back, you filthy animal !

>> No.14135505

I'm just looking at tradingview. People aren't dumping as much as they should. Still I will never buy your racist incel coin.

>> No.14135509

I did $19k in cash advances and transfered the balance to 0% cards for 18 months at $.20

>> No.14135511

Checked mon fren
Balls like those deserve a prize. Top slice and pay off the debt FWIW

>> No.14135519



>> No.14135529
File: 43 KB, 499x499, 96A45628-0750-4B89-A6F2-EC69B9F04E14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw 50K link at $40 will be worth less than a 1000 suicide stack in 2020.

>> No.14135531

Not sending it to a wallet first, right from CB to Binance. Most optimal is buying ETH with Coinbase Pro to avoid most of the fees

>> No.14135628

I've put half of my BTC in linkies already
GO ALL IN?????

>> No.14135631

They're aren't many other ways than a fiat on ramp - followed by Binance Nufag. Even Metro which does do Fiat for Link doesn't have volume

>> No.14135963

use gdax/coinbase pro
free withdrawals. no fees. thank me later.

>> No.14135970

This. Fpbp
Not my entire net worth because muh risk management but close enough

>> No.14136041

Bitpanda is pretty good. You can buy link with fiat, also gold if you want.

>> No.14136158

looks like bottom is in at 1.66

>> No.14136221

Fpbp. Same.

>> No.14136231


>> No.14137419

I don't want to scuff up my 34 cent average buy in price.

>> No.14137716

you have no idea how high this will go tomorrow when people get paid

>> No.14137827

How do you just "get" a loan? Doesn't the bank ask what it's for?

>> No.14137862

I have 50k in cold storage from 2017 and just bought another 10k today with no hesitation

>> No.14137893

i buy btc with simoleans

>> No.14137906

damn bro NICE buy point

>> No.14137915
File: 86 KB, 680x748, 3389D353-09FA-449B-8281-3BF40F874C64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did

>> No.14137925


>> No.14137926

I didn't mean for it to happen, but so many shitcoins later it just happens

>> No.14137950

what will you do if it fails?

>> No.14137960

Mainstream press alert...normies waking up: https://www.forbes.com/sites/hanktucker/2019/06/13/google-integrates-cryptocurrency-project-with-new-blockchain-oracle/#c290e4f61dda

>> No.14137969

>You haven't done your research.

>> No.14138026

I havent but how can it compete with btc or federal regulations? does it really function for its original purpose or is this just all speculative hot air. I see it getting hyped up but dont understand why people are getting behind it. truth be told though i did buy about 366 of it when it was around .30

>> No.14138055

>I havent
you should

>> No.14138095

>$1k that Etherum hit
Will hit.

>> No.14138098

buy ETH/FIAT on coinbase pro, send to binance ETH wallet, buy LINK/ETH, make MEW wallet, send LINK to MEW, sit on it til 1keoy

>> No.14138119

Plebbit influx

>> No.14138167

>if we hit $40, 3 digits is nearly guaranteed from there on
XRP maxed out at $3.50 at ATH with a shit load of partners. It has x10 the supply which would put link at $35.00 at this cycle ATH... at best. And with that logic we will see BTC at $150K and ETH at $9K. Im all in on ETH and BTC.

>> No.14138187
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>shit load of partners
4 shit tier banks doing $200K a day in transactions

>> No.14138214
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I was going to in a few days. Was waiting for my fiat to clear. Was considering getting a low interest loan. Then I woke up and checked biz. It hurts to accumulate at this price range. I might still get that loan.

>> No.14138265
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>> No.14138308
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>should I take out a loan?

>> No.14138320

I have enough to make it, why get greedy?

>> No.14138326

It's never too late.

>> No.14138342


>> No.14138345

absolutely not take out a loan. and not one person will answer this, because they can't. Save your money.

>> No.14138358

By the way, where should I store my funds on Binance once I sell-off my LINK and I need to start withdrawing?

>> No.14138390

link has a billion of these lil fuckers in biz wallets that sell at the hint of a profit. shit will never moon

>> No.14138403
File: 21 KB, 858x228, chainlike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got in early and I have plenty enough. You should be buying this dip since you ignored it when it was sub $1. Pic related.