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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14115221 No.14115221 [Reply] [Original]

There are people very close to me whom I cannot mention directly involved in this shitcoin. Without saying too much they have found a way to have their blockchain to be GDPR compliant.

The people on the team are basically fuck ups, however they are really likeable in their tech communities and because of this, they have made leaps and bounds ahead of the competition in blockchain just very recently(within the last week). They are in talks with a certain Fortune 100 company that is absolutely stuck on having ONE's solution be GDPR compliant.

This may dip down to 265 sats, but 280 might unironically be the bottom. Expect 1000 sats at least in these next few days leading up to their mainnet launch. Also do not be a fool. Dump your bags on mainnet day. The dump will be glorious and you can thank me later. Screencap this. You're all welcome

>> No.14115270

Fuck you piece of shit larps. I literally am balding because of the stress. I don’t know how much more I can take. If this dumps and never goes to these predicted levels I will unironically kms

-t. The anon who bought all in at 397

>> No.14115291

Bought 2.5 btc worth at 270 before the recent pump and keep holding. I want to buy 2 btc more now, because I'm 1000% sure it will pump but don't want to break my own derisking rule. Wat do?

>> No.14115315

We're dumping to 100 sats

>> No.14115330

Fucking relax newfag mainnet pump is going to start at any time. Expect 4 cents minimum within 2 weeks

>> No.14115365

If you hold this at these prices you aren't risking anything. If you dont hold it, you're risk is that you're mission out on an easy 3x within 2-3 weeks

>> No.14115413

I mean it may bleed to 230 range imo. I just want to make sure I'm buying the bottom with those extra 2 btc.

>> No.14115432

weak and very stupid larp

>> No.14115465

Why is anyone on biz in this? Cz pumoed matic to make normies think every ieo would pump like that. I thought you guys were better than this. Only good olay was to gamble the second it came out and see if there wouod be a half day pump. Look at matic now. Come on guys.

>> No.14115475

nothing wrong with DCA down

>> No.14115500


>> No.14115501

Just separate your buys in increments every 10 sats

>> No.14115514

The whole market is waiting for the reversal of this shit. Once it's confirmed the fomo will be insane. The question is not if but when.

>> No.14115531

good advice, will do that

>> No.14115585

just put 0,4btc on it, not much but maybe I can get some benefits from it

>> No.14115632

No man YOU are waiting for the reversal. Mkst peoole made 1k or so like me and ditched.

>> No.14115689
File: 51 KB, 436x536, 1557673718724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its GDPR compliant because it has no private data. How clever

>> No.14115691

Don't worry anon, you'll fomo back in

>> No.14115718

Daily reminder that this is going to 250 Satoshi then being pumped to 2,500 Satoshi

>> No.14115851

where do you see this going long term? 2500 sats? legitimate tech? cosmos or cardano level marketcap? give us real insight if you’re an insider and not a pnd larp.

>> No.14115909

please i want to believe. PLEASE

>> No.14115998

Bought 40k...all I want Is a double 2x

>> No.14116447

You need the ability to delete in order for it to be gdpr compliant. Blockchains by nature are immutable and this nothing from it can be deleted. That is the problem

>> No.14116466

>Muh gdpr
It's a fucking American company

>> No.14116539

If only I could get inside her ONE time

>> No.14116650
File: 378 KB, 2405x1603, jeff-bezos-amazon-ceo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont stress yourself out anon, just be patient and ready to dump that shitcoin on moments notice. It may take a week, a month, few months who fucking knows...but even the shitiest of shitcoins usually get pumped back up at some point in time, unless its like hush or rialto xrl lol..god knows ive gotten screwed with some shitty ones that have actually unironically died.. they ded...so thinking of that maybe you should just dump those trash coins now and recoup your loss on an actual proven coin...hard to make the call and sell at a loss but it is what it is anon, it happens

>> No.14117324

>Fuck you piece of shit larps. I literally am balding because of the stress. I don’t know how much more I can take. If this dumps and never goes to these predicted levels I will unironically kms
>-t. The anon who bought all in at 397
dont fucking go all in
anyway, i'm buying right now, i'm ok with this price. this coin will pump like crazy