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14109507 No.14109507 [Reply] [Original]

Why is being focused on acquiring wealth for its own sake so frowned upon in white culture?

>> No.14109525

Because we're rich.

>> No.14109533

because the only way to get money is to take it from someone else

>> No.14109535

It's a clear attempt at getting power over other people when you are abrasive enough for it to be impossible otherwise.

>> No.14109565

Because we aren't subhuman. We also pretty much invented anti consumerist culture. That is why the rich hate whites.

>> No.14109583


>> No.14109593

does fiddy still post shit like this?

>> No.14109652

Money is NOT a zero-sum game you commie

>> No.14109668

cant make it into heaven with money in your heart

>> No.14109676

It is. The environment is also a player.

>> No.14109684


>> No.14109708


I saw dat two space and imma raise dat to a two step

>because the only way to get money is to take it from someone else

I remember my first class on economy and wasn't economics back then, my teacher held a similar view and frowned on speculation

>> No.14109844


>> No.14110455

difference between money and wealth.

>> No.14111255

wealth is a means to an end. not the end in itself. so its kinda retarded anon

>> No.14111261

imagine being this ass blasted

>> No.14111274

Because it's pointless and doesn't contribute anything to society despite having the potential to

>> No.14111302

>I remember my first class on economy and wasn't economics back then, my teacher held a similar view and frowned on speculation

>> No.14111322


>> No.14111336
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Hoarding resources can be looked at as a bad thing.not sure I agree, but I understand.

>> No.14111472

I don't know who your talking to that thinks that. Unironically every boomer and their boomer tier grandchildren that I talk to are cucked into working 12 hour days so they can buy new shit like phones and cars when their current ones work fine. Buying new shit just for the sake of it.

>> No.14111580

Because it is shallow, stupid, and nog tier. Wealth should be accumulated to consolidate power and build something great. Wealthy people who live overly consumptive lifestyles just to feel good are true slaves with the agency of sheep.

>> No.14111970
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>the only way to get money is to take it from someone else
the source of all your suffering is due to the fact that you belief in the fiction of "yourself" and imagine "you" as some distinct entity separate from your surroundings
that is simply a mental model and you are mistaking it for the real thing
money is a very similar concept, people mistaking the model for the real thing
>the map is not the territory
>live from chapel perilous

>> No.14111995

How dare people try to hold onto what is rightfully theirs

>> No.14112004

>rightfully theirs

>> No.14112005

Jews figured out how to make new money from nothing.

>> No.14112010
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Because we're not kikes

>> No.14112038

>He thinks that leaching off of everyone else's productivity under the pretense of providing liquidity to the market is 'making money out of nothing'

>> No.14112052

because it's a fool's errand that leads to disaster for someone without also focusing on quality or some kind of actual value

>> No.14112080
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Modern women have too much time and money, thus possibilities and freedom on their hands. Instead of settling down with a decent man, they seek adventures and attention. They have too high demands for the man. The absolute number one, which I think is a jewish lie and a scam, brainwashing if you will, is to have a man that is interesting and has anything to offer. But it's not possible. The woman tries to be interesting too, maybe, and some men fall for the brainwashing, but what the hell. The first world is doomed. *Muh freedom without responsibilities* is now en vogue. Fuck the hippiethink retards. "Muh becoming psychologically mature" is another one. Safe bubble retards never had it hard in life and think they know the world because they travelled the world. The problem is, they never lived in those countries and don't know the daily struggles of the average persons in those countries. They don't know the "evil" people of those countries, the racists against whites. Overcoming hardships make a person mature if said person doesn't break under the heavy load imo.

>> No.14112100

no joke, as soon as I transitioned from the maker meme to the getter meme my income quadrupled.

the jews have it figured out.

>> No.14112151

Wow now you're worth 2 grand
Fuck off jew subhuman

>> No.14112229
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>Overcoming hardships make a person mature if said person doesn't break under the heavy load imo.
overcoming yourself is the key and the secret to true enlightenment

>> No.14112552

the jews manipulated white people through the media into:
- thinking money and power is a bad thing to pursue
- ignoring hundreds of thousands of years of evolution and thinking niggers can be civilized, those same people though bash religions because of evolution
- convincing women that motherhood is a weakness, and that real marriage (virginity, loyalty,...) is oppression.
- convincing women that niggers are better at sex through movies, series and porn, and that white men are bad because of slavery
- slavery through credit cards is a good thing, because how are you supposed to buy a gucci bag or channelle glasses without it, they did this through nigger music videos
- being gay is ok and you'll be treated better by society if you are, also if someone mistreats you they'll literally go to jail if you're gay
You don't need to have a high IQ to see the goal is to make the white race weaker then to biologically exterminate them and replace them with a more controllable negroid race.
They still have some enemies who can see through their bullshit like right wing extremists or islamic extremists, but those are rare and weak and won't do shit, on the opposite, right wings love watching islamists get killed, and islamists love watching right wing christians getting killed.

>> No.14112880

it's immoral

>> No.14112926

you should try reading
Max Weber - The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

>> No.14112991

People of color had civilizations before Europe. Fuck archeology though huh?

>> No.14113171

It is not, but what matters is your wealth in relative to others.

That way you can afford paying others to produce goods and services that can make you comfy.

>> No.14114240

Wow, if that's true, then.... GPD growth is a lie and we are all actually living in caves and have no computers you are just hallucinating that you are on a Japanese K-pop imageboard :O

>> No.14114274

Enlightened, the map in this case is exponentially smaller than the reality.

>> No.14114307
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>the map in this case is exponentially smaller than the reality.
indeed it is, it's funny when they try to measure the coastlines
the finer their measurement, the longer the coastline becomes

>> No.14114684

so, you're telling me that making—and, let's go one step further and say *and marketing*—a device that only has a net positive effect on the earth, its people, its plants, and all of its other animals—relative to the interests of the earth and its creatures, and not relative to the interests of an inanimate machine or the inanimate materials used to make it—is impossible
sure—you could argue that everything is "zero sum", in the sense that the nuclear decay of a block of thorium is not generating energy, but instead transforming it (perhaps even with an overall *loss* of energy)—but that's a dumb argument, because clearly, the interests of humanity lie in the energy that that decaying thorium generates as well of the study of that thorium's behavior upon decay, and perhaps some other things. to not partake in energy production or research *strictly* out of concern for the well-being of the thorium—which is going to decay anyway, whether you like it or not—is crazy. humanity is also, among life on earth, in the unique situation of being able to direct energy towards satiating the interests of other forms of life, whether they be plant, animal, microbial, fungi, or whatever else may develop. humanity may also harness energy to extinguish organisms, or their behaviors, in environments where they are a threat to the existence of benign organisms.
throw some of your own examples of things that you may perceive as "zero-sum" at me, and i might get back to you

>> No.14114700


>> No.14114708

>The mental gymnastics upper classes have to perform just to not feel guilty over being able to overpower most of the people they are in contact with
Buddhists are just upper/upper-middle class children rationalizing their blooming into full set of possibilities their class allows them

>> No.14114716

Stealing only redistributes what exists. Doesn't explain where the new stuff comes from.

>> No.14114868
File: 109 KB, 566x960, Jesus - Lucifer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buddhists are just upper/upper-middle class children rationalizing their blooming into full set of possibilities their class allows them
>he thinks I'm a buddhist

>> No.14114882

>He thinks I addressed him in any way in that post
You sure do lack reading comprehension

>> No.14114901
File: 372 KB, 600x682, I DO PROPANE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

replies to my post
>He thinks I addressed him in any way in that post

>> No.14114930

whole lotta bullshit here but some fair points

>> No.14114942

Yep, no reading comprehension

>> No.14114975

He seems un-JUST'd lately. Can I get a rundown on this?

>> No.14114979
File: 144 KB, 920x574, 1559125367274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enlighten me then.
What does my post
have anything to do with upper classes performing mental gymnastics and buddhism