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14104539 No.14104539 [Reply] [Original]

All I do is go to work, wagecuck, then go home to my moms house and continue staring at a computer

I've lost interest in friends.. women.. even video games. I just mindlessly scroll through the internet wasting time. A quarter of my life is already passed, yet I've achieved nothing, while others have achieved magnitudes of accomplishments.

I do nothing productive in my free time. Just read some books here and there. But I am paralyzed by depression and fear. I have nothing to look up to in this world

>> No.14104652

What are you even saying, anon?

Nothing to look up to? You are at the rock bottom, you have EVERYTHING to look up to.

Nothing will change until you change your actions. And actions won't change until you DECIDE to change them.

Maybe I sound like Tony Faggins right now but it's true. You're the one that lost interest in the things that matter. Vidya. Wimmans. Friends.

All things that matter.

What are you afraid of?

>> No.14104663

Similar to OP, I'm afraid that no matter what I do, I will never experience the joy I once had, so I avoid even seeking it.

>> No.14104670

why try? I'm already a 25 year old boomer. way behind most other 25yearold boomers in my area.

its too late for me. most i can hope for is for my coins to appreciate in value and go find somewhere quiet to live a measly few decades and die

>> No.14104714

Man I think were the same in terms of not picking the right friends because your real friends wouldn't let you lose interest. I never picked the right friends and didn't develop relationships with the proper ones. Now I'm suffering by myself too scared too reach out.

>> No.14104750

Last sentence I agree with completely lad. Took the words right out of my mouth

Best case scenario link moons I run a node in some random European shithole quietly anon until death

>> No.14104754

So what if you don't? At least you tried. Better to try than to die a coward. Don't waste your life

25 is young. What you should do is move from mums basement and take control of your life. But you won't do that, will you?

Move out

>> No.14104765


>25 year old
>quarter of your life

I have bad news, you have 50% of chances that half your life has already pass, and 50% of chances that it's the 1/3 of your life

>> No.14104772

this is good

>> No.14104778


Sounds like you're going through something. Consider nutrition, sleep, exercise, sunlight, socializing and fresh air if you want to feel better.

>> No.14104827

lol 25 and still living with mom? what a loser, I moved out when I was 18 and never looked back.

-28 yr old boomer with his own house, a boat and two kids

>> No.14104950

relationships are a two way street. most heterosexuals bail on same sex friends to spend most of their time with their future life partner

>> No.14104975

same, expect I'm going to be 30 soon

>> No.14105020

That shit doesn't help.

>> No.14105031

>proud of being a wagecuck and having debt
Look at this retard and laugh. Enjoy paying alimonies.

>> No.14105035

I do all of this, in fact, I'd wager I'm in better shape than any fucker in this thread, but doesn't mean jack shit if you are a codependent asshole w/o a car or an education.

>> No.14105057


Gotta move out of mums basement. Once you are responsible for yourself, your brain chemistry changes. He needs that

>> No.14105059

>reddit spacing
>bluepills everywhere
I can guarantee you haven't done any of those things you mentioned. They don't work anyways just FYI.

>> No.14105065

Why don't you move out faggot?

>> No.14105090

Nah I have my own place. I'd never preach something I haven't practiced

Will leave that to you when you claim you've lost your V card Faggot

>> No.14105105
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>mfw hicks ITT being proud of ther $500 "apartments" in their "cities" in the middle of nowheretown USA

>> No.14105131


Yes. With that mentality you're on a straight path to suicide with no barrier. Change it.

>> No.14105204

unironically move somewhere w good outdoors and use the outdoors to save ur shitty fucking life

>> No.14105311
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>mfw OP is a massive loser who will probably an hero soon and be missed by no one

>> No.14105353

Except you still post on an internet forum for NEET incels. Looks like it's working out real well for you.

>> No.14105360

>tfw you miss the irony of what you're saying

>> No.14105365

those normies who feel euphoria at your life choices, im lmaoing at you not realizing you are at your top and now it will crash and lose 98% of its value

>> No.14105416

January 22, 2020 is a special day for me, it's the day I will splatter my brains with a shotgun in the woods near my home in Western Montana. Come join me OP, we can make a little thing out of it. You've got 7 months to prepare, sell all your shit and tell your family you got a job abroad or some shit.

>> No.14105474

im 21, my life feels ruined too. Trying to avoid your fate but I keep shooting myself in the foot.

>> No.14105645
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grow a garden

>> No.14105670

You guys are huge fags

>> No.14105797

Do something about it then? Wtf is the point of this bullshit thread. Set some fucking goals

>> No.14105898


I'm old, it's too late, it's over for me
I'm old, it's too late, it's over for me
>you are here
I'm old, it's too late, it's over for me
I'm old, it's too late, it's over for me
>gee how did I get here

see where I'm going with this anon?

>> No.14106239

I was in the same spot at your age, but I've made it past the pit of despair. I'm still a wagecuck, but I'm in a career that isn't a dead end anymore and I still keep in touch with old friends and co-workers. I still can't get over the fear or new people though, but I know it's something I'll survive nonetheless.

Keep moving forward at any pace anon, there is no score to keep for life and you don't owe anyone a house and a family.

>> No.14106282

$500 a month got me a decent house all to myself in a hodunk-ass town. I actually prefer being in a quieter area.

>> No.14106290

Here is the hard truth: Even if you manage to dig yourself out, get shredded, get a good job, get a qt... the reality is that deep inside, you are a loser. Any slight destabilizing circumstance will put you right back in your place, no matter how much you make it. You are where your body, soul and personality want you to be.
I know this because at your age, I was like you but took an opportunity to work in another state and turned my life around, only to develop a chronic health condition that now prevents me from doing much of anything.

>> No.14106307

Welcome to late stage capitalism.

>> No.14106314

I'm 25 and I hope that I've lived 95% of my life already. I don't enjoy life and would prevent my existence if I could travel back in time.

>> No.14106351


>> No.14106378
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I can relate anon. I also have a routine which involves most of what you've described(except maybe I pay the rent here and mother has moved to the country to live with my gran)

I am 34 atm(if I remember correctly) books, games, exercise, this are all important things that also keep you busy but whats most important is to find something that resonates deep within you.
For me its woodcarving/whittling , Ive always been into art, several forms of art. But woodworking speaks to me. I mean, the question that torments me is how much time I have left to work on carving baroque accents? or acanthus leaves , rocailles, arabesques of all manner and sorts.
I digress but I think it helps make my point, find that which calls you, listen very carefully from a deep state of introspection and Im sure you will hear it.
Pic grossly and beautifully related.

>> No.14106407

I've told this story before on /biz/ so maybe some of you had heard it. I used to be a contractor for a guy who ran what was basically an employment agency for skilled positions in tough, overseas locations. Anything from cooks to engineers his company would provide for exorbitant rates if you had some mine in Sierra Leone or whatever.

For these jobs you usually have an induction somewhere and he was there for it. There were only two of us (electricians) from his agency but he went because it was in Marseille and he loved that city. Long story short he brought me out for dinner just to shoot the shit. Basically devolved into him giving me his life story.

Guy was a stone cold loser until he was 25. Then he took out a bunch of credit cards he had no intention of paying off and just saw the world. Didnt come back to the USA for years. So he gets to 30, is living in Australia or NZ, and he realizes his whole life ahead of him is fucked since he's $50k in debt with no real skills aside from an American truck driving license. So he just enrolls in pilot school and figures that's a stable career.

Fast forward ten years and he has this agency. Started out as just him, then his pilot pals and now he does everything. Has to be worth tens of millions and the way he tells it things just all sort of happened for him. I never did a contract like that again because it was nightmarish work but the conversation has stuck with me ever since. At some level certain individuals are just exemplary, and he had a way of talking and thinking that clearly was exceptional, but at the same time sometimes you just gotta flick the switch somehow.

Either way it's never too late. Especially if you're under 40. So many people don't make shit out of their lives and quit the self destructive behavior into well into their thirties. Giving up hope at 25 is just stupid.

>> No.14106530

Just kys dude. Why u still alive?

>> No.14106549

Get some vitmine d supplements

>> No.14106559

No no no friend, you've got it all wrong.

Humans perceive the passage time logarithmically.

25 is measurably a quarter of your life but perceived by you brain to be the halfway point.

It's all downhill after 25.

>> No.14106584

Yeah seriously only a small group of people live to be 90+ and very few of those people are actually living and enjoying life and not using walkers, taking several medications, waiting to die etc.

>> No.14106595

Sounds like fate itself put you back in your place

>> No.14106604

sounds gay, wouldn't recommend it

>> No.14106626

rock bottom?
he still has a home, his youth and probably most of his health

>> No.14106632

Have a 1 year trip around the world, maybe you will grow a pair

>> No.14106660

>Falling for the trades meme

>> No.14106677

You're a fucking retard, I only started improving my life at 27. It may be late but you still have a good six decades ahead of you if you get your shit together. You are the author of your life, what your future looks like depends on you. Stop comparing yourself to where others are today, compare yourself to where you were yesterday and make a bit of progress daily, even if it's only .1%.

>> No.14106679
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Welcome to hell, OP. you're amongst similar company

>> No.14106714

How many people in this thread hold 10K+ Link?

>> No.14106719

Well, what's stopping you faggot?

>> No.14106726

>January 2020
Bitcoin will be over 20k at that point. Why the fuck would you kill yourself right before you're about to make it?

>> No.14106771

Have sex.

>> No.14106814


Not OP, but I'd join you if my day wasn't this Friday

>> No.14106819

like how quiet? I'm getting a little sick of california, its reached the point where i'd rather be anywhere else

>> No.14106876

I will once Link moons to $100 and my real life begins. I’ll have $200K that I’ll use to move to thailand and open a small swedish meatball restaurant. 200K is all I need.

>> No.14106882


why so much?

>> No.14106900

Good luck with that.

>> No.14106946


Sounds comfy senpai

>> No.14106964

THIS x 1000 please listen to this anon if you don’t want to kill yourself from shame in 5 years.

>> No.14107002

Yes, that's the point I was trying to make. Fate breakes your legs and shoves you back into the cuckshed when when you try to escape.
One of the jobs I worked was in the trades, but it didn't cause the problem, only exacerbated it.

>> No.14107149

Drugs aint cheap.

>> No.14107995

at least you have a job
all i do is waste the best years of my life and hate myself for it

>> No.14108036


I got married at 23 divorced by 25. I a jail cell at the same age with an alcohol problem contemplating suicide. When the case was dropped it was the reality check I needed. I got in Zoloft initially for a year.

Now I am a 29 year old bloomer. What you need is something to focus your creative energy into. For me it was starting my own business, learning to code, going to the gym, no fap, no alcohol, quit smoking by vaping then quit vaping. Met a new woman once I sorted my own house out. You need that dopamine rush that comes with setting a goal and achieving it. Your synapses are probably fried from over stimulation, porn and Vidya.

>> No.14108066

Darkwing cuck up in this thread