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File: 519 KB, 1660x1234, 1560203812257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14095155 No.14095155 [Reply] [Original]

>After the release of the ChainLink mainnet, price stabilization will optimize for a balancing between affordability and adequate collateralization for node providers, with some fluctuation contingent upon demand for the off-chain resources their ChainLink provides, and the supply of other similar resources, In real world terms, this would result in the LINK token stabilizing in a price range roughly equal to the cost of a cup of coffee.

Doesn't this set a hard cap on LINK price? I see two options here:

1. algorithm works, LINK price can't move multitudes beyond where it is right now
2. algorithm doesn't work, LINK price collapses because the token doesn't work correctly

Please explain why this is FUD, it's basically the only thing keeping me from investing more into LINK at this point.

>> No.14095177

It's FUD because it's a photoshopped picture that isn't in any of the whitepapers or its archived versions.

>> No.14095187
File: 50 KB, 754x788, Screen Shot 2015-02-13 at 12.19.45 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee at 7/11 in Australia is $1

>> No.14095188

Starbucks will just shadow fork it anyway

>> No.14095215
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>> No.14095222
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>> No.14095282

This is from the v1 release of the whitepaper from 2017.

>> No.14095324

Fucking kek, linkies bought a stablecoin xDDD

>> No.14095860

Why would the Smart Contract care to make a bunch of speculators rich? Obviously the stakeholders they value will be independent node operators. Chainlink is a utility token, don't their tokennomics then sell.

>> No.14095880

Chainlink being below $1000 defeats the purpose of the token. :)

>> No.14096123
File: 202 KB, 632x528, link white paper 1k required.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you even feel the need to lie?

Pic is an actual screenshot from the actual Chainlink whitepaper.

>> No.14096159

Serious question time.
Why are people "fudding" tokens on /biz, what's the point? I mean how large an audience is this, how could it possibly make any difference.
Or is it simply for shits and giggles?
Also this particular "fud" is a bit worn out...

>> No.14096174

>he doesn't drink $1,000 cups of coffee

lol look at this poorfag over here

>> No.14096185

>this is what's stopping you
>not the fact that Sergey owns 65% of the supply

What a dumb bunch of fucks LINK holders are. How could you ever be part of such a centralized shitcoin?

>> No.14096199

>he thinks it's a good idea if "investors" hold the majority of tokens before mainnet
You're a dumbass.

>> No.14096217

Fuck this shit scam. I’ve barely done 2x in 6 fucking months. I want this shit to make me a millionairw right fucking now, I sick of waiting. This is fucking bs

>> No.14096379

>I want to be dumped on by 2 devs
>I think that ChainLink is actually a real effort to solve a problem that doesn't exist

You're not even aware of how dumb you are. You're a literal NPC.

>> No.14096394

Yes, I'm sure the devs behind "radio silence: the crypto" are aching to dump on me.

>> No.14096414

This is an obvious edit. No version of the whitepaper has ever included this line.

>> No.14096422

Based and extremely red pilled. Give this to the moon boys for justice

>> No.14096433

This is some petty, Jewish shit. Go fucking lie to your mom maybe she'll believe you you fucking scrub

>> No.14096446

>OP's edit: "I sleep"

>> No.14096473

I've been fudding Link daily for 2 years. Why? I hate Sergey. He made 32mil scamming NEETs, and I want his scam to be exposed and his reputation ruined. It's really simple, I'm mad he made more money than me scamming and got away with it. I'll only be happy when he's in jail or on the run from the SEC, and considering how understaffed the SEC is, it probably won't happen, even though selling unregistered securities that can be indirectly resold to retail investors is 100% illegal, and that's what he did.

I couldn't care less about the price or how many people see it,
i just hate Sergey, and I will talk shit in every single thread I see that mentions him or his scam.

And no, I'm not a swing trader and never sold LINK. I never bought LINK, cause I'm a dev and read the whitepaper and knew it was a centralized scam so I never bought it.

>> No.14096529

I'm also dev, at a high end gig. Chainlink as far as I can see is one of the best projects out there, second only to bitcoin (obv. talking btc) and perhaps ethereum (POS will possibly make it a pos).
It will however need smart contracts to gain traction, which also happens to be the goal of the project. It's a solid effort I believe, but at the end of the day, this whole space is new tech and no matter how good the idea is, delivery is another question, besides bitcoin, everything is a huge gamble.

>> No.14096538

I didn't say they were aching, I implied they WILL. Sergey raised 32 million dollars he's not exactly starving. The scam is twofold, there's willing sadistic retards all over to help him.

>> No.14096552

The only relevant coin that has done well in a bear market, and you're mad? Be patient, end of year takeoff is looking more likely now that we finally have new volume

>> No.14096562

>radio silence for nearly 2 years: the project
>exit scam
Pick one.

>> No.14096581

Coffee in Germany is about 1,80

>> No.14096591

They meant the crazy bat shit coffee thats $1000.00 per cup.

>> No.14096603

These niggas need to play some incremental games, cultivate some patience. Haven't they ever played Cookie Clicker?

>> No.14096641
File: 380 KB, 1334x750, E40170E8-7C5B-43AB-8472-55CB3DE08AB3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the new “NEW BLOGPOST” FUD bullshit?

>> No.14096674

Why do you keep imagining shit I said? Is this how Linkies deal with reality? Sprinklings of whatever they want to believe on top? No, retard. I've long before said that LINK is a slow scam, not a sharp exit. It begins with glacial development speed. I saw a video with Sir gay talking about shit and it was so fucking sloth-like and lethargic. He was boring and low energy as fuck. That's how it begins. To scam you have to do it smart. You can't just pack up and run away overnight. Instead, what you do is delay things for so long, take a very long time to do things, appear to make no progress. When you do this for so long, people will naturally just stop caring about you and forget. Only then can you quietly leave without anyone even noticing. Watch, in several months time Sergey will put out some kind of pathetic apology/thanks blog post thanking people for their support but basically saying that he needs some time to 'reorganize' his thinking and approach, all that kinda bullshit.

Then its done. You're not a techie and so you don't understand that smart contracts are a massive fucking meme and cringey buzzword, decentralized oracles are even more so of both. Again, you don't understand tech or business so you'll keep thinking this is so smart and revolutionary. While nobody outside of an anime website continues to care at all. Its not that you found a sekrit amazing thing and kept it hidden for 2 years with the amount of traffic this site gets. Things leak to the internet from chan sites in a week. You're just holding a massive piece of shit.

>> No.14096695

>It's a slow scam
>My evidence is that they've done nothing
>please ignore the things that they've done

I can't tell whether this is next-level FUD or brainlet FUD.

>> No.14096706
File: 87 KB, 518x587, 79F8C3FC-13C8-4F52-B862-AFD1AA16ADE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where have I seen this before

>> No.14096864

>if it's a slow exit scam it's not an exit scam
you're retarded

>> No.14096868

Yes, Eth was the 1 in 1000 ICO that was not a scam. Link is not, it's a scam just like the 1000 others. The proof is, ETH hired 50+ devs and actually spent their 16mil in ICO money to make the software, then released in 1 year. 1 year in, it had hundreds of devs using it. Whereas Link hired 3-4 devs and took 2 years to release something 100x less complicated than eth, and no one is using it. AND HE RAISED 32 MIL. AND HE OWNS 65% OF THE SUPPLY. The eth foundation had less than 1% of the supply left 2 years in.

Keep comparing Eth to Link brainlet and you're gonna get BTFO because they are nothing alike

>> No.14096902

Have sex incel.

>> No.14096917

>I'm also dev, at a high end gig
kek you're not a dev, any real dev would instantly understand that the Link design is flawed and that it's a scam.

>> No.14096936

why do you keep bumping this thread? you should abandon it, every time you bump it another person with money reads how dumb you are and how easily you get BTFO and sells his link. Hide this thread linky, it's costing you money

>> No.14096940

They haven't done anything.

Stop using that fucking image. I was shilling ETH on here before any of you understood what the fuck it was because you were all too busy laughing at Ethereum's first video where v-tec was looking into the top corner of the room and not the camera.

Why can't you just accept the fact that LINK is a centralized dogshit non-solution?

>> No.14096939
File: 195 KB, 544x637, reactioncat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ how hard are you fags trying with this low IQ garbage?
Do you want my bags? I bought them mostly at 30c. If you want my bags you have to be willing to pay $100 for them minimum. Although if you beg enough I'd send you 10 of them if you post your address here.

>> No.14096945

Again, this is screenshot from the 2017 v1 whitepaper.

>> No.14096957

>d-dude. T-trust m-me. Please

>> No.14096962

nice argument. You are too low IQ to refute it, so you don't. Don't worry the smart people see that you can't refute the fud and are selling/not buying link. You're costing yourself money by bumping this thread and getting BTFO over and over

>> No.14096977

there's nothing to trust, I'm posting facts and logic proving that Link is a scam, and not a single one of the 100s of linkies on biz can refute it. Keep bumping the thread, more people are reading it, seeing you get BTFO and selling their linkies

>> No.14096983
File: 35 KB, 500x566, FCE6D55C-D3B9-4265-9B2C-8661EBECA9F4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Again, this is screenshot from the 2017 v1 whitepaper.
>literally screencapped from the actual website
>doesn’t even post link, source or anything to refute it
Life must be simple living with no brain

>> No.14096988

ETH took 1.5 years between ICO and initial release, just like Chainlink.
And ETH was always just a Bitcoin clone with slightly more programmability; and is still lacking many core features half a decade in, and gets btfo by shit like cryptokitties.

>> No.14096992

>every coin that is FUDed is the next eth

>> No.14097009

>>literally screencapped from the actual website
If by "the actual website" you mean smartcontract.com, which is still hosting the 2017 v1 copy of the whitepaper, then ok sure.

>> No.14097014
File: 11 KB, 280x158, pleasebegmoreformybags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> please invest your time into explaining why I am wrong when I am basically just here to beg for cheap bags
> if you bump this and show off how desperate I am, I win

Wow ya got me, just sold 100k

>> No.14097017

>You're not a techie and so you don't understand that smart contracts are a massive fucking meme and cringey buzzword
>i was shilling ETH on here before any of you understood what the fuck it was

>> No.14097019

>ETH took 1.5 years between ICO and initial release, just like Chainlink.
>And ETH was always just a Bitcoin clone with slightly more programmability; and is still lacking many core features half a decade in, and gets btfo by shit like cryptokitties.
lie, lie, and at least it had the thousands of users/devs required to clog the network. Chainlink will never have that.

>> No.14097023

You still haven’t posted your source you cock guzzling faggot

>> No.14097029
File: 1.08 MB, 1230x874, Screen Shot 2018-09-01 at 11.09.29 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no thanks you subhuman faggot

>> No.14097030

Do your own research. This is not /spoonfeed/.

>> No.14097031

nice argument, I'm sure many people just bought link because of it and didn't sell because you can't refute the FUD

>> No.14097049

>ETH was always just a Bitcoin clone with slightly more programmability

Absolutely fucking incorrect. How the fuck can you say dumb shit like this that everyone knows is wrong? Ethereum was supposed to be a decentralized global computer, a place where code was law and everything was immutable. A place to run contracts and programs with no censorship. The payment for these services would be in ETH. That is nothing at all like a purely P2P currency. Neck yourself, LINK holders are so fucking retarded.

>> No.14097061

>go to actual site
>no result
>search archive
>no result
>google “chainlink whitepaper coffee price”
>no result
>d-do your o-own r-research...
Just post the goddamn source you lazy fat fuck it’s literally a click away

>> No.14097071

kek, nice work anon

>> No.14097070

Turing complete smart contracts (the kind Sir Gay wants to fuel) are cancerous garbage. Trust a linkie to have no idea about the difference. My shill period was way before the DAO fuckup. Mongoloid.

>> No.14097076

Wtf I hate LINK now. Just sold 500k :)

>> No.14097092
File: 125 KB, 413x549, pleasebegagain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> implying that I give a fuck whether anyone buys or sells link
Oh come on now stop projecting onto me. The only thing which will work is if you actually beg for 10 linkies. Go on. It's not like you have any dignity anyway.

>> No.14097111
File: 125 KB, 750x823, 1560226942876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link threads used to be good right?

>> No.14097115

I don’t agree with anon that smart contracts are a meme, but there won’t be enough usage or demand in the next few years to drive up the price. That’s why it’s $1.14 and not $14

>> No.14097126

Why are you arguing with this cocksucker?
Everyone who is longer than 2 weeks on this board knows that posts like this are low-effort FUD from (mostly underage/indian) swinglinkers trying to increase their 1400 LINK stacks since daddy won't give them money to buy more.

>> No.14097151

I am tho. Please describe the design flaw? You know, since you're an actual dev, right?

>> No.14097166

Fuckbois like you shall squander your millions in less time than it took for you to wait for them.

>> No.14097220

>it's a scam ... The proof is
>gives no proof
This just cemented your iq in the low 90s.

>> No.14097225

This thread is pathetic. Just a bunch of LARPers arguing with retards.

>> No.14097323

>Coffee at 7/11 in Australia is $1
Meanwhile coffee at coffee shops is some of the most expensive in the world. Really makes you think.

>> No.14097335

>every coin that is FUDed is the next eth
>implying that it’s not
It’ll be funny to watch you die of starvation and poverty

>> No.14097349

>Absolutely fucking incorrect.
Except it's literally true.
It's basically the Bitcoin protocol, but with more programmability.
Bitcoin could do smart contracts already for instance. It was a major point of fud against ETH in the early days.

>Ethereum was supposed to be a decentralized global computer, a place where code was law and everything was immutable.
>A place to run contracts and programs with no censorship.
This dreamy description doesn't change what ETH is at heart: Bitcoin with more programmability.
You can do similar things with Bitcoin, see BSV and their bullshit for instance.

>That is nothing at all like a purely P2P currency.
Then why is Creg trying to do pretty much exactly what you described, but with Bitcoin?

>> No.14097353
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>> No.14097370

>at least it had the thousands of users/devs required to clog the network
No, ETH only needed a crypto kitty game to clog it.

>> No.14097392

please dump this to 50 cents, I need to accumulate

>> No.14097566

>Except it's literally true.
>It's basically the Bitcoin protocol, but with more programmability.
Absolutely, completely wrong. ETH has a completely different node structure which is why exchanges in 2017 had trouble listing it while listing bitcoin/litecoin forks without a problem.

>This dreamy description doesn't change what ETH is at heart: Bitcoin with more programmability.
>You can do similar things with Bitcoin, see BSV and their bullshit for instance.
Wrong. Their scripting capabilities are not nearly at the same level as Ethereum, which is also demonstrably provable.

>> No.14097762

>ETH has a completely different node structure
Doesn't change the basic fact.
Even the basic explainers on ETH's own website say that ETH was supposed to be an improved version of Bitcoin.
First guy.

Bitcoin couldn't/can't do smart contracts?
You're a raging newfag and also retarded.

>Their scripting capabilities are not nearly at the same level as Ethereum
I never claimed otherwise.

You must be like 12 years old or something.

>> No.14097784

Fuck all these fudders I swear they get dumber by the day

>> No.14098263

If the language used in the whitepaper is accurate, we should be expecting a floor of around .90c, which is probably why we keep testing that range. I would buy in there and expect no more than a 2x.

>> No.14099032

It's not and it won't. 5 mins on Google and you could have stopped yourself looking stupid.