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14060129 No.14060129[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whew, that would be awful desu. I can't image how degrading it is to one really speak one language that every street shitter can learn in a year or two.

How do you guys cope with the fact that everyone can understand you at all times? Foreigners have the comfort of talking in their own language at least when they wish too.

>> No.14060151

Plus you are constrained to consuming English content only. Every Indian has access to more information than you.

>> No.14060196
File: 382 KB, 1337x1337, 7E2462E0-4D8D-47AF-A333-16B42A2220F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wondered the same.
English speakers can never talk shit in front of some foreigner because every Kek understand you.

Asian Gooks can talk shit all the time in front of you and you understand nothing.

>> No.14060201

AI will make all languages communicable in real time

>> No.14060213

I 100% guarantee you could not understand me and my m8s when we talk amongst ourselves without the modifying our speech for the benefit of a foreigner.

t. Bong

>> No.14060224

Can you imagine actually being able to speak English properly and being more employable because of it. Sound so shit...

>> No.14060233

I think being native in English, with a well spoken British accent is pretty nice really.

I've learned a few shitskin and euro languages too, but there's not need to get too fluent in them because it's just for leisure, unlike you with English.

>> No.14060234

I spoke spanish until i was 6. Looks like i made it

>> No.14060250

>british english
pick one, no one understands any of you, espcially fucks from liverpool or scotland lmao, don't even call that "english"

>> No.14060252

You have to learn our language, we don’t have to learn yours.

>> No.14060256

I do wonder if foreigners know we modify our speech for them. When I was doing a language exchange with someone after weeks of only speaking my language, we switched to theirs and then they realized I must have been modifying my speech the whole time. With that said, I would never learn some poop street language.

>> No.14060275

>How do you guys cope with the fact that everyone can understand you at all times?
I rather people understand me then not understand me....

>> No.14060279

>English from England is not real English

So this is the power of burger education.

>> No.14060316

In my experience they only realise it once they go to a social event with a group of native speakers and watch them talk amongst themselves without including them.

>> No.14060317

Ask yourself op, just why does literally every nation on earth learn English?

>> No.14060319


>he doesnt modify his speech when out with m8

>> No.14060328

well for some accents that might be true, but having spent most of my life on the English interweb (15+ years), i am having no trouble at all understanding shit. Most of the time I watch English content at 1.5x speed or even faster, no problem at all.

British accents sound classy and superior in every way agreed. My English is fine i went to good schools that had native teachers... I don't think English is a must-have though.

Now you are trying to switch the frame. How is "having to learn" ever a bad thing? You are just ignorant and less skilled overall. I'd argue that all else being equal, a person that speaks 2+ languagues is more employable.

>> No.14060338

I can speak english and polish

It's so funny, literally changes the way you perceive the world

>> No.14060339

It is so weird and funny to see unironic pajeet cope threads on here.

>> No.14060357

because hebrew would be too obvious.

>> No.14060376
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>> No.14060386

Basssssssssed lmao FUCK JANNIES

>> No.14060402
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>> No.14060419


English and french here. When i travel abroad it’s insane how easy it is to get girls. A second language is the perfect ice breaker.

>> No.14060467

Fucking based

>> No.14060500


I just talk shit regardless because I’m white so what the fuck are they really going to do?

>> No.14060546

lmao is this how you cope with getting ANGLOED and having to speak the lingua franca? big yikes cope cuck, you wish people spoke you're subhuman shitskin spitting language.
>lmao like wow you loser you didn't learn one of the useless 180+ languages before you went on vacation to xyz country for two weeks

>> No.14060562

Why are they all wearing the same shoes

>> No.14060598

>having to speak
who is forcing people to speak English? your hubris is embarrassing.. at this point it's much more valuable to speak Chinese, it's not like the US is growing like crazy economically in the future.

>> No.14060623

>he fell for the China meme

>> No.14060648
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Krdi debiilikud siin ei sa midagi aru

>> No.14060674

Learning another language wastes brain capacity. Ai is even putting translators out of business. Take this from someone who wasted their time learning 中文。

>> No.14060679

What's the internet like in other languages?

I know what it's like in Mandarin and Spanish because I learned those, but it seems like the non-English web is generally shit with cheap copies of old memes.

>> No.14060687

>Open Bob
>Show vagene
There, the first and only lesson Pajeets need in English. That didn’t take a year or two

>> No.14060695

2000 called. they want their naive assessment of china back.

>> No.14060698

English is the sole language of science, aerospace, engineering, maths, and business. English is the only language that matters, and the only one worth learning. Evidence being shitskins having to learn english in order to do business anywhere in the world.

English is the language of civilization. I don't blame barbarians for reverting to their gutteral mud babble if they feel the need to talk about uncivilized things.

Feel free to go use whatever the native chan is for your durka durka mumbles. More than likely you don't use it because it is full of your own countrymen, who you hate for the obvious reasons everybody else does.

>> No.14060729

Im Dutch and my English is fluent. Just like every other Dutch person here.

>> No.14060747

China's growth is slowing too but overall Asia will overpower the US. I mean let's be honest the US has major debt, education as a business kek, healthcare as a business yikes, housing bubble, obesity and heroin epedemic, school shootings every week, the worst public transport, 3rd world shitholes have better airports than the US (ATL for example). Funny that Spanish will soon be the #1 language in the US too. No offense boys.


It's great, it's like having twice the amount of information, news, and entertainment

>> No.14060773

I'm not some faggot bitch that needs to hide behind a shitskin language to insult someone. Remember, you're speaking MY language.

>> No.14060789

kek nice COPE, you missed the point of the argument

>> No.14060887

truth be told, the dutch do speak english well. at least from the perspective of a german, but they are arrogant about it. makes the whole thing kind of void.

>> No.14061199

this kek

>> No.14061250

Being truthful.. They don't, especially the Swedish, Finish and Dutch.

They have this really strange accent that come off as obvious it's their second language. "Hwy gwys whyts op" Kinda like a mix of Canadian men and South East Asian women.

>> No.14061252

Nobody cares about your monkey language, poo.

>> No.14061296

99.9% of non-native “English” speakers wouldn’t understand a fucking word if a native speaker didn’t want them to. Meanwhile I picked up 4 other languages in under a year because as it turns out English is actually one of the hardest languages to master. Fluent now in Japanese Spanish French and Italian.

>> No.14061339

>Meanwhile I picked up 4 other languages in under a year
How the hell did you do that?

>> No.14061441

I knew this older chap once. Mathematician, studied in oxford. Had a programming job in Amsterdam. According to him he was fluent in 4 languages. Coincidentally I knew 3 of them. Other than english this fellow spoke none.

>> No.14061442

Weak LARP, no one is learning kanji this quickly.

>> No.14061497
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>> No.14061530

Youre typing a post in English
Because your ancestors were too dumb, weak or cowardly to win the contest that was the world

And now you cope because it is the only way you can live in a world where you know you contribute nothing
And are only kept alive through the goodwill of your betters

Think about that

>> No.14061583
File: 862 KB, 2048x1366, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please give the Boomer a digital camera or a smartphone at least ffs.

>> No.14061612
File: 172 KB, 470x591, Central_Asian_Buddhist_Monks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

english isn't the first, nor the last lingua franca.

>> No.14061706

Next-level mental gymnastics. Who the fuck cares about history anon or contributing to the world. Bluepilled af.

>> No.14061789

Kek if I saw any of you ass clowns on the street I wouldn't be muttering anything under my breath or trying to hide the fact that I think you are fucking retards I would just look you straight in the eye when I verbally assault you. Then, if you put your hands on me I'd blast your fucking ass with my concealed carry under the stand your ground law. Kek no one cares about the language coming out of your mouth and clearly you are all pussies because you'd rather talk snicker to one another and talk shit in another language instead of apparently just easily speaking english and letting those stupid english speaking people really know what you think of them. I don't see any pussies but I can smell you from here

>> No.14061805

oh wow, you must be really tough. I bet you have muscles and a moustache. Please teach me your ways, senpai.

>> No.14061825

This pic was around in the early 2000s!
t. 35 year old boomer

>> No.14061840


Get off this site


>> No.14061852

Your insecurity shows, having a second language as a fallback is not just of utility if you want to talk behind people's back. Also no one insinuated this in any way, the main critique was that you fags are less skilled, ignorant, and less informed because you have access to English information only.

>> No.14061869

>Spot the asian

It's all so soulless

>> No.14061875

not Asian

>> No.14061882

Faggot if I wanted to read some information in another language I would just use translator you stupid cunt. Good on you that you know another language but doesn’t mean shit to me

>> No.14061892

Asians don’t have souls? This would make a lot of sense

>> No.14061900

there will always be an asian better than you, cumskin

>> No.14061902

indian here. 99.9% of content in indian languages is shit, so not the best example

>> No.14061930

Explain this please

>> No.14061944

what's there to explain ?
if you knew any of the indian languages, youd understand

>> No.14061951

out of curiosity? what us the most taught 2nd language in US schools? Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, Russian? What is it? I guess the first one but still interesting

it's a LARP ofc

>> No.14061993

I can’t read (most) kanji. I can speak and understand. Unironically started with Rosetta Stone then audio tapes then once I started noticing I could understand most shit in anime I would just look up words I didn’t get. A lot of it was slang, but much easier than English oddities. I already knew some Spanish so I mastered that quickly with audio tapes and newspapers. French and Italian flowed from there, there are a lot of similarities across the Romance languages. Admittedly I do confuse things still across them but I can understand perfectly and get by just fine with speaking

>> No.14062004

Anyone can become fluent in any language given a year or two.

>> No.14062016

I mean why is it shit, just curious and why is the English information better?

>> No.14062029

you've never tried to learn mandarin or russian have you?

>> No.14062044

No but I am N3 in Japanese. Took like a year and a half of studying on my free time.

>> No.14062062


>> No.14062064

majority of indians who consume contents exclusively in indian languages ( those who do not understand english ) are street shitting rural uneducated fags. so anyone who caters to their need usually produces extremely shit articles.

people who understand both english/hindi/other regional languages usually prefer english content because of this excluding videos/movies.

>> No.14062069

okay fren. Spanish and French are indeed similar, I just think English is like 10x easier to learn because the grammar is easier.

>> No.14062109

You literally breathe air because my people know you pose zero threat and pity you

You exist because you are nothing compared to me

You live and die by the will of people your pathetic ego cant accept

Think hard about this

>> No.14062136

Makes sense.
>street shitting rural uneducated fags
Do Indians normally call other pejeets street shitters?

>> No.14062142
File: 81 KB, 600x800, 627DB93F-4EC5-4ED4-B5F6-71EAEE809E66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High iq thread just bought 100k congrats on this, nice, thanks keep me posted

>> No.14062153
File: 190 KB, 762x1061, sun ken rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can't pick up the majority of a language within a few months, you are an absolute retard. i learned french just so i could read sun ken rock prints (the only make them in gook, german and french and german is barbaric so i chose french).

a literal 3 year old can learn a language.

>> No.14062156

not that i am aware of.

>> No.14062192
File: 1.04 MB, 1921x1202, lord-of-the-rings-smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having to speak a language fostered on you by the British Empire.

>> No.14062209
File: 7 KB, 204x247, BE1EE886-9167-4455-9A5D-BD9C23E35AF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how Asians treat animals.

>> No.14062241

Same way magic science will solve overpopulation, energetic deficit and waste disposal very soon(tm), right?

>> No.14062266

To be fair, british english sounds utterly retarded to the ESL ear. Like, take the doick out of your moith and spoik cloirly, god dammit.

>> No.14062287

lmao good meme retard who knows nothing about economics, china is doomed and they will become a cannibalized society again since history repeats itself.
>speaking insectoid
no lmao never going to become the lingua franca

>> No.14062303

How do I cope? Because America would absolutely shit on any foreign country in war and were the only country that cares about hygiene and image. All you eurofags out there hit the gym and go to the dentist. I have a question for you desu, how do you cope with not living in the best country in the world?

>> No.14062358

You seem to have missed the memo, haven't you? See >>14060747
Most young Europeans think the US has become a shithole, only Boomers are nostalgic about the US in the 80s, living conditions and life prospects have deteriorated since the 90s. Boomers fucked you over.

>> No.14062423

The funniest thing is you’re comparing the opinion of a shithole (all of Europe) to the country that’s been literally leading the entire world in everything and anything since it became a fucking country. Sure Asia seems “great” on paper but go live there and you’ll be eating shit off the streets to survive. I’d rather be a complete poorfag in the US than in any other shithole country people think are better. There’s a reason no other country fucks with America and not shit is gonna change that

>> No.14062503
File: 205 KB, 900x668, StockMarketSectorPerformance2618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leadership? kek good one. The US is robbing other countries of resources and you glorify that like the good goy you are. Keep deluding yourself, but don't expect people to respect or condone this behavior. I'd have more respect if you would keep to your own shit instead of having nuclear weapons and troops stationed everywhere kek. Nvm.

>> No.14062551

>US has major debt
>He thinks a country's debt is the same as personal debt


>> No.14062610

>he doesn't know the average debt per capita is $45,000 in the US.


>> No.14062622
File: 53 KB, 960x960, 61868571_2402310476494894_5316117868230737920_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you feel sorry for someone's who native tongue is English? You're a native speaker in the most universal & useful language there is. Other languages are a breeze imo. Simultaneously learning Japanese, Tagalog, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish and Cantonese.

It's hands down the best ice Breaker for talking to girls, they have such a surprised look when a white, English native speaker took the time to learn their language.

Just because you are forced to learn our language and we are not forced to learn yours. Doesn't mean we do not learn others languages on our free time.

Up to the individual if you're an idiot or not. So if you're dumb I'd say yeah, it is good to be non-native speaker, because you're forced to learn english to survive. If you're high IQ though and have the self discipline and drive to learn another, than being a native English speaker is clearly the superior choice.

>> No.14062627

All I've heard from any esl person is that English is the hardest to learn, kill yourself opajeet.

>> No.14062639

Yeah we’re robbing other countries and there’s not shit any of them would ever do to get that back. It’s up to America if we wanna pay people back or not. Can you say the same about your country’s power? I doubt it

>> No.14062659

I swear /biz is /b 5 years ago

>> No.14062702

I speak four languages. Three native or near-native, and one conversational. English > all other languages combined, but people who only speak one language are uncultured swines. Only Spanish competes at a social level.
>You'll never be asked by Belgian qts in Lier about your Mancunian accent and answer in ABN


Accent, mediocre comprehension, literal translation, and grammar issues. Average Dutchies being able to speak fluent is bs. Only WO nerds are fluent.

>> No.14062731

being proud to be a thief just because you can? being the bully of the world does not get my respect desu, fixing your local issues would be a good start. I went to Seattle 2 months ago and I have never seen more dirt and homeless people and drug addicts living in tents. Like holy fuck you wanna be the leader of the free world or something? Topkek.

>> No.14062756

Native English speakers probably don't know it but the hardest English exam is the Cambridge Proficiency test. I passed it and I bet it's too difficult for most native speakers. Even my uni-level british friends had a hard time answering some questions.

>> No.14062768

& who owns Burgerland?

You wonder why 'Merica is so shit, the creditors/owners of Burgerland have been pointing the direction since at least 1812.

The creditors are the only ones with power in this world.

>> No.14062789

>still not understanding the difference between debt and leverage


keep posting dumb nigger

>> No.14062797

>who owns Burgerland
Burgers do. the vast majority of "debt" is owned by the american people via bonds and other securities.

>> No.14062826

Americans, albeit mostly west coast are the most annoying cunts who have zero social etiquette and decor about them and ruin any place they visit. You're literally hated everywhere in the world other than your own shit hole of a country you think is great.
t. Bong

>> No.14062828

out of curiosity? what us the most taught 2nd language in US schools? Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, Russian?
Definitely Spanish. French and American Sign Language are also popular ones. Definitely no Russian. There’s probably schools in heavily Asian populated areas that offer Chinese, but it wouldn’t be common in a white area

>> No.14062840


>> No.14062849

Here is what it looks like. Native speakers can try some questions for fun:

>> No.14062888
File: 661 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2019-06-08-23-05-14-038_com.google.android.youtube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>80k in debt, no degree to show for it
>i'm ballin'

i have a background in Corporate Finance you ain't fooling nobody here

Spanish is one of the languages I'd be willing to learn as well. Spain is nice.

>> No.14062920

>its still called lingua franca
hows that feel?

>> No.14062951

wadup bluuh? dem crabs been sweverin' thru' da hood all day long and that's on piru, bluuh! break 'em off something and we gon' smoke these snots, bluuh!

>> No.14062967

Blackpill BTW

Nah, you are thinking of the modern system! The founding fathers of Burgerland were agents of the crown! To fight the revolutionary war it required money! Who did 'Merica owe money to at the end? France! But the french aren't the creditors. See Burgers think the constitution is document that states unalienable rights. You don't need a document to state unalienable rights! If you look up the the legal defintion for constitutor - its someone that agrees to take the debt of anther...hence the constitution, the people agreed to take on the debt (this is the reason for the civil war, which I get onto if you want). The constitution is a contact.

Check out the war of 1812 & the ORIGINAL 13th amendment, which forbid titles of nobility i.e Esquire. This is at least part of the reason for the war of 1812! The Creditors didn't want the burgers doing this! Hence why they (the British) went around burning buildings & documents! See BAR (what Attorneys sign up for)stands for British Accredited Regency! You are letting the British issue new (((BILLS))) (what you think of as laws) into existence. ATTORNeys are an enemy of the American people!

More than happy to find some links if you want, I will say it gets very murky. Its been a few years since I looked into this!

>> No.14062981

My fiancé is fluent in Spanish from childhood. I want to learn, but In too lazy to actually study it and get gud. So I’m stuck only being able to vaguely understand Spanish just enough to get the gist of what someone is trying to say.

Shit pisses me off. I have no idea how to learn a language

>> No.14062994

Can someone please Photoshop this picture to show Sergey

>> No.14063026
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>Imagine being forced to read english conversation books about Tom ridding the bus to his very important job.
>Imagine then having to stand infront of your friends Sanjay, Rajesh and Sumesh as all laugh at you because you could say bus correctly.
Funny how you say that, enjoy being the retarded esl fag you were born and raised to be.

>> No.14063038

modify in terms of what? i realize yanks slur some words but it's easy to make out after watching 15+ years tv shows and youtube videos.

>> No.14063042

That's bullshit, basic comprehension in English is the easiest of all languages to learn -no genders, no cases, no adjective-noun agreement etc.

>> No.14063060
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>background in Corporate Finance
>still can't understand the difference between an individual and a country

shit school or LARP

>> No.14063093

I bet you love rick and morty eh?

>> No.14063139

you basically have to read and listen to stuff you are passionate about. For example if you love crypto watch the spanish crypto youtubers/podcasters

>> No.14063174

also buy a spanish grammar book and do exercises every day like spanish kids do

>> No.14063197

Thanks, I’m going to start doing this

>> No.14063246

better to have to book in your hand but this one seems good. do some research online to know which book is the best... maybe there are other books with a lot of exercises where you can practice.

>> No.14063329

>English speakers can never talk shit in front

Are these the priorities of the modern males? Gossipping? You are a fucking mutant. No actual man is sitting their "talking shit" about people. Gossip is for women and men with severe mental issues.

>> No.14063746

>Just print money

Fucking retarded MMT fags need to die

>> No.14063774

Doesn't work for burgers unfortunately because we've all played GTA San Andreas

>> No.14064771

>I can't image how degrading it is to only speak the one language in the world that matters.
There's a reason everyone learns english

>> No.14064785

Christ, these women are repulsive.

>> No.14064927

Still, they are niggers or Euro trash. My vocabulary is also superior. Kneel and kiss the ground, you absolute mounds of shit.

>> No.14064948

Why would we need a language to secretly "talk shit" about you filth? We want you to hear, fuck shit.

>> No.14064960

Haha yh I always simplify verbs to their root as well. I've seen someone at work literally dumb it down so much I would also him if he spoke to me like that.

Heavily accented British English with heavy slang, they can't keep up.

>> No.14064999

With the help of the US, the UK can't leave the EU soon enough. Begone, euro peons! Indenture yourselves to Iran, China, and Russia.