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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14035480 No.14035480 [Reply] [Original]

Any other /biz/ approved jews?

>> No.14035495

>destroyed by BBC

>> No.14035499


>> No.14035517

One of the best cringes I've had all year.

>> No.14035544

you'd have to be a serious brainlet to follow this kike

>> No.14035546
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>Ben Sharpio

Fucking BASTE!!!

>> No.14035559

Lol I’ve never seen him do that. Why did he sperg out all of a sudden? The questions weren’t even that triggering

>> No.14035573
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Gas them all

>> No.14035789

Give me one reason why I shouldn't report you guys for Jew bashing.

You know it's practically illegal yet you still find the wherewithal to antagonize us.

I don't even make a point of it to defend the Jewish from anti-semites unless absolutely necessary.

Once you cheesy edge fucks start getting arrested, maybe you'll play nice with us.

You guys are just digging your own graves.

>> No.14035799

I hate jews

>> No.14035804
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they all get the oven

>> No.14035820
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we're going to genocide you neanderthal rats once and for all

>> No.14035834 [DELETED] 

Why exactly is a mainstream neo cuckservative /biz/ approved? Because he's making a lot of money?

>> No.14035851
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He made Dexter's Lab and Samurai Jack

>> No.14035864
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kek, wrong pic

>> No.14035869
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>/biz/ approved
how about no

bobby fischer is based

>> No.14035895

Polschizos ITT

>> No.14035897
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maybe if you stopped exploiting goyim people wouldnt hate you

>> No.14035918
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Not Ben but abby

>> No.14035924

>married Jew
>worth millions now

Get on level

>> No.14035926
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kike or normalfag


>> No.14035947

Holocaust was a ruse. There was no systematic killings. Jews were polical enemies to the point of terrorism as eveident in their support and participation of the slaughtering of innocents Germans in Poland. For this reason Jews and other supporters of Jewish agenda were permitted in camps. These camps were extremely humanitarian and had petting zoo’s, pools, theatre and even brothels to prevent Jewish homosexuality. The Germans were very good, humatrian people to do point they wasted valuable resources and fought in ethical manners that allies would not abide by. This altruistic spirt of the Germans is one of the reasons they lost the war.

The only Jews that died were from causes that are directly correlated to ally war crimes such as bombing of supply lines and farms that ended up resulting in no food and from natural causes such as the typhoid disease epedimic which infected everyone indiscriminately, the German people tried their best to treat this disease and many pictures of people that were inflicted are used as evidence as German holocaust victims. Everybody mostly the German population ended up being victims to the atrocities of the war but we only here about the overly exaggerated 6 million ever so poor Jewish victims that never made it to Isreal or the U.S.A as refugees. We are not even taught about the 20million+ Christian deaths that were systematically executed by (((Bolsheviks rule))) or even the ordered Dresden firebombing of civilians after the war was already won.

The narrative is always about the evil white menace and how whites are guilt tripped from ever being tribal again and are forced to accept Jews as the rulers of earth and millions of refugees into their counties to become genocided through nigger replacement.

Shits complete fucked up. This is the reality and there is only two course of actions. Let this shit continue and exome muttified slave goyim or fight back against the Jewish menace, which will probably cause ww3

>> No.14035969
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yeah huh

>> No.14036031

Holy fuck what an absolute annihilation. I've never seen someone get so thoroughly owned in an interview he looked like he was about to start crying

>> No.14036039
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Fuck your laws. Why is it okay to critique white people and to be racist and hateful to the point in which we are being genocided through ethnic replacement but we say anything about the Jews and how they are abusing us and doing all these horrible things it’s illegal. Why are Jews above the law and omitted from all criticism? It’s because they control the world. Well fuck you, we are taking back what’s ours and we don not give a shit about your laws. You will try and arrest us by using your zog bot golem but you fail to realize that even your golem zog bots and even golem shitskins that you use against the whites will turn against you also. The great awakening is upon us. The JQ is becoming memetic and very shortly your kind will get proper justice for all the horrible atrocities and wars and degeneracy your kind has subjected us to. Fuck you evil devil pieces of shit. Justice is coming and you best end yourself now if you wish to avoid our wrath.

>> No.14036076

fuck ben shapiro and all similar (((conservative commentators)))

>> No.14036183
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Ben Shapiro says based things about politics, economics, and general societal issues, but the entire thing is a trap to get you to support the ZOG machine. He's a poisoned well and normies keep drinking from it. If you boil him down, he's just an Israel-first neo-con. A literal turd sandwich, with delicious bread, crisp lettuce, juicy tomato, and a thick meaty log in the middle that ruins the entire package. He doesn't give a flying fuck about America, he's literally just a phony.

>> No.14036229

If Satoshi is a Jew I would market sell all of my bitcoin unironically

>> No.14036238
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>> No.14036277

Satoshi isn't jewish, Jews fear the samurai

>> No.14036334
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>Satoshi isn't jewish
think again

>> No.14036378
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think again x2

>> No.14036436
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Lol hopefully

>> No.14036481
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>> No.14036501

Pick one

>> No.14036517


>> No.14036527


>> No.14036560

>he doesnt look evil

>> No.14036562
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>> No.14036593

based dubs

>> No.14036610

/pol/faggot GTFO.
take your fast talking retard with you.

>> No.14036616
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The more one reads about him, the more of a demigod he emerges as.

>> No.14036650

he's a media personality. and looking at his youtube channel most of his debate and questioning experience is from literal children. or softball interviews screened by his producers.
he probably saw it was a BBC interview with a conservative host and assumed it was going to be another easy TV spot to cash in on. but panicked and thought it was a trap when the journalist was being non partisan and not spoon feeding him the questions.

>> No.14036654
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>> No.14036659

He spends too long debating first year students who are half his age and went soft.

When he gets matched up against an old codger who similarly has twice as much life experience as Ben, similarly to as Ben would have over a university student, you really do get to see the cracks in his argument structure.

I like Ben and listen to the daily wire a few times a week but he really isn't the intellectually heavy-weight people like to act like he is. At the end of the day he's just another media jew who is good at exploiting his demographic of choice.

>> No.14036914

What timeline is this?

>> No.14037044

the link 1000EOY timeline

>> No.14037256

The kike actually seems to be right here. Plus BBC is cucked beyond belief.

>> No.14037268

>practically illegal
>gee why does everyone hate us

>> No.14037352


Wow, seems like just saying something confidently doesn't make it a good argument. Anyone with half a brain can destroy this retard. And take the fucking ridiculous hat off already lol.

>> No.14037454

this ain't germany kike

>> No.14037458

Not approved at all

>> No.14037470

Yup, I thought the same and I despise Shapiro, the BBC, and Andrew Neil. He just steamrolled. A lot of BBC interviews go like that. It's a smear tactic really, wasn't even an interview. It was set up precisely to embarrass Shapiro in any way he could using dirty tricks, or Jew tricks, really. The BBC are disgraceful for this. In 2019 the BBC is basically Daily Mail tier

>> No.14037485

>Jew tricks
fight fire with fire

>> No.14037497

Andrew Neil is cooooked. He's not on ""our"" side. He's a cuckservative and believes the Iraq war was justified etc

>> No.14037510

Incredibly powerful post, I could feel the passion desu

>> No.14037520

Kek shapiro couldn't handle the same tricks placed upon him. He doesn't have anti trick armor as he's only used to dishing them out

>> No.14037548

You don't need to justify going to war with shitskin fundamentalists

>> No.14037569

he used shapiro's own words which were issued in a public space, and that's fair game. Shapiro may have disavowed them due to PR blowback, but he meant them when he said them, and he still believes them now. This entire artificially propped up intellectual darkweb is just a bunch of shills. Calm down goy, its not that bad goy, wash your penis goy. It's all gatekeeping as a response to the anger that trump was able to articulate in the 2016 election, farage was able to rally for the brexit vote, the yellow vests in france, and lega and 5 stars in italy. They want all the good goys to go back to sleep and forget about the dancing israelis on 9/11, don't research that the man who shot Reagan was a Bush family friend, ignore the obvious Israeli warcrimes, forget about the south african white genocide, and bring more somalis to states like idaho and michigan to bring the benefits of diversity to the only white holdout areas left who could potentially defend themselves.

>> No.14037576

So why did you warmomgering retards pretend saddam had WMDs?

>> No.14037591

it was a part of the greater israel plan and control of the flow of oil. Most americans believed he had wmds, because our trusted media and government elites told us so.

>> No.14037598

Death to jews

>> No.14037633

He 'destroys' low iq college kids and is a warhawk. Denied.

>> No.14037655
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>> No.14037675

Fuck off you slimey piece of shit shill. /biz/ cares about money makers, not your epic le loud populist politician of the season.

>> No.14037679

Good post and I agree but just think the whole thing is low hanging fruit tier. If you use tricks like that then you're not in the business of journalism and definitely not good journalism, you're just a propagandist or w.e. he basically acted like he was in a Twitter spat but in a live interview and Andrew Neil knows his audience well, which is to say he knows full well most people would "haha Shapiro said something stupid on Twitter 10 years ago, now I can ignore everything else he is saying" even if he is still a retard it's not right

>> No.14037702

>taking Shapiro seriously

You know he's a shill, right.

>> No.14037730

i don't see any reason why these charlatans shouldn't be exposed and derided with whatever means are convenient. You do know that Shapiro wants boots on the ground in syria, iran, venezuela, and the ukraine? I don't care if its low hanging fruit, he can't be allowed to have public sway.

>> No.14037733

But then everyone gets dirty

>> No.14037751

are you fucking with me or are you serious? You're worried about rhetorical dishonesty (which i never agreed this interview was an example of) over warmongering on 3 separate continents?

>> No.14037836

Why have him on at all? The bbc aren't an ally or anti-war. Neil didn't smear him because he cares about innocents dying or anything else. Fuck argument anyway, take real action if so passionate about something
I'm not fucking with you though. If he said "You are a Jewish warmonger" then fair enough it's true anyway, but Neil didn't say that because he is one himself
Allow him on, allow anyone on, if people like what he's saying and aren't utterly repulsed by it then maybe there isn't much left to fight for anyway
That's just my opinion