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File: 51 KB, 800x600, weed-bud-bc500c4866252c287b190cd5fe679238b2a91982-s800-c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14021875 No.14021875 [Reply] [Original]

How do I quit the herbal jew? It gives me bad anxiety but I get depressed about being a wagecuck and always turn back to it even if I quit for months.

>> No.14021884


>> No.14021886

put something else to your lips

it's the oral fixation that's got you hooked

>> No.14021890

Idk just stop man. Thats what I did. Its not physically addictive, its all in your head

>> No.14021901

but cigarettes are worse....

>> No.14021906
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weed is deadly poison

>> No.14021935
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I smoked 3-4 joints a day for 13 years. I'm finally off it for good. I failed at quitting for years but have become really worried about my lungs. Ask yourself why you smoke, for real. I realized I was suppressing my depression and needed to get right with family members. It's a drug OP and, just like coming to 4chan, you only do it because something is wrong. Go to the source, use your willpower, and replace it with something healthy. I chose swimming and yoga, and above all the ability to breathe. I know what that anxiety is like, massive hypertension in my chest.
Ironically started on this path with an LSD trip, I knew something was wrong but couldn't figure it out. It got me out of myself long enough to see that I was trying to medicate my problems away. I don't do any drugs anymore.

>> No.14021939

Smoke less and less quantity each time or supplement with tobacco until you don’t get the urge to smoke flower anymore. If you get addicted to nicotine from tobacco guts then you’re defined to be a nigger either way. The feeling you get isn’t because you want to smoke, it’s because you want dopamine. Start a garden or a good passive hobby.

>> No.14021951

Realizing you have a problem is the first step. Weed is degenerate as fuck and I don't miss it one bit.

>> No.14021970

Willpower like others said. I told myself it was for sleeping but really it was to repress emotions I needed to feel and now I don’t remember much of my life from 21-24 because I did it every day. I still indulge sometimes but I don’t buy it. It’s still a struggle sometimes

>> No.14021984

I quit habitual pot smoking after a good LSD trip too, anon. Makes you see yourself from the outside

>> No.14021989

Yea idk what to replace weed with I tried the religion meme praying dosen't make me feel different and I don't have any other mechanism of dealing with stress life is just endless drudgery wagecucking and trying to grow my stock/crypto/bond/PM portfolio slow as fuck because I'm so poor so naturally I feel like smoking even though half the time I get an anxiety attack from smoking

>> No.14022002

Can you explain what you mean by "herbal Jew"
I don't want to jump the gun by falsely labeling you an anti-semite so please be more clear what you mean't by those words. Now if you mean't it as a insult to Jews, we're gonna have a problem, a really big one.

>> No.14022015

if weed is affecting you that much its not the weed its your life. it gives you bad anxiety because youve done absolutely nothing to defend against it. weed has nothing to do with the fact taht youre a wagecuck, thats YOUR fault. stop blaming other shit and DO WORK ON YOURSELF

>> No.14022017

>Its not physically addictive
I call BS. if you smoke over years on a daily basis and you quit.. well... you surely have physical reaction to it. they last for 3-4 days.. but there is also a physical thing to this.

>> No.14022045
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>> No.14022052

Its slow as fuck because you keep feeding the herbal jew. Thats the reason i quit, wanting to stop wasting $200 a week buying trees.

>> No.14022067

Religion is a meme but meditation is great. There are all different kinds. Also try lifting, your stress will melt away with those awesome endorphins. What are you interests?
Also try taking CBD, it's kind of a silver bullet. Weed nowadays is just THC and that's not what nature intended anyways. It can stave off your cravings. It has to be full spectrum, water soluble, just research why. All the cash you spend on weed destroying your health should go towards CBD instead, because it's actually a nutrient that completes our natural endocannabinoid system (THC does not). You can actually feel this shit and it's very grounding.
Nice b9, I'm actually jewish but it's fucking true, weed today is so fucking addictive.

>> No.14022085

All in your head. It doesn't do anything to you physically that would cause a withdrawal. If anything you should be feeling more capable physically due to your lungs being less taxed.

>> No.14022097

Exercise and reading is the correct answer. That said I cope with cigarettes booze and occasionally blow. All vices but unironically less degenerate than weed.

>> No.14022103

op i smoked 10 years Im 16. here is how i did it:

wim hof breathing in the morning
eat healthy
only drink water
work out
eat meat
start new hobbies
long term goals
long term goals

>> No.14022118

***im 26

>> No.14022140

You are fucked m8. You are a drug addict and it will slowly progress until you start doing heroin Xanax cocaine ect. AA and the 12 steps will brainwash you into a drone. Good luck bro

>> No.14022147

it's not hard
I smoked hard from 14-19.
I'd wake and bake until bed time.
Whether I bought any or not, there was always weed being passed around.
Once it started making me paranoid, I just passed it to the left. Never thought it would be that easy.

>> No.14022360

Psychedelics will save us from ourselves

>> No.14022395

Is 4chan, everything is jew related

>> No.14022404

have sex

>> No.14022418

this op, get some kneepads and find another oral fixation. It might fix your financial situation and then you'd have less reason to be depressed also.

>> No.14022423
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Gimme your biggest problem, daddy

>> No.14022445

only quitters go to rehab.

>> No.14022482

Just stop from one day to another. You'll get some nightmares and cold sweats but after a few days you'll feel great and have no need for it anymore.

DO NOT REPLACE THE HIGH WITH DRINKING ALCOHOL ALONE THOUGH. Trust me on this one. The alcohol will fuck you over 10 times harder in the end and might ruin your life.

>> No.14022492

Pot is a sneaky thing. Even after smoking it more than a decade, sometimes spending more on weed than food or rent, I still sometimes think it's "just" pot, and it's very easy to quit. But it never lasts long

>> No.14022500

This anxiety is actually magnesium depletion/deficiency.

>> No.14022514

Could not stop smoking weed. If there's weed at my house, I'm high all day. First thing in the morning, take a drag, just one. Maybe another. Ahhh one more for the road. Maybe I'll take some with me, just a little. Another hit or three for lunch and then I'll lay off it for the rest of the day. Nope. Just one more. Do my clients know I'm blazed? Maybe my wife? I do not remember what I was supposed to be doing. Next time, I'll write it down. Ah I'll skip the gym today, had a long day working. I deserve it. I'll take another drag. This one is nice. It's a sativa - "that keeps you awake and alert" you fucking dolt.
Threw all my shit away last month and I'm not a fucking retard anymore.

Weed is for niggers. Quit smoking weed unless you're a stupid fucking nigger.

>> No.14022611
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Jews caused most of the worlds evils

>> No.14022770

try smoking cbd flower. helps with anxiety but you remain clear headed.

>> No.14022794

It's not as physically addictive in the same way alcohol and nictotine are, but you're right to some extent. I found it way harder to sleep once I quit. And I smoked everyday for 6 years

>> No.14022839

Just do it. It's weed, You will cranky for a couple days but the clear head feeling grows on you fast. You will start dreaming normal again too. You will also have extra money to save and invest in crypto instead and get rich and then start smoking again or not but you will be financially free.

>> No.14022883

Where do you think you are, retard?

>> No.14022914

Exercise a lot. It will help flush it out of you.

>> No.14022946
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>pic related/10

>> No.14022959

he was talking about penis

>> No.14022966

Seriously this. I love weed, I've been smoking very heavily since I was 11, 18 years ago and I'm still at least reasonably successful. I'm tired of the passive state it puts me in. Maybe one day when I'm retired I'll get back to it, but I see no value in it in my 30's.

>> No.14022970

why the fuck do you want to quit weed? Its a Gods gift to us waggies to cope with the reality.

Just dont smoke daily because cannabis fucks with your rem cycle and you will feel tired all the time

>> No.14023096
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>all these quitters ITT

got some LA Kush Cake #4, with 38% THC. as others have said this new weed is insane.

>> No.14023196

This nigga posting pictures of his weed lmao

You are so lame

>> No.14023240


I want to quit my vices as well. But I'm basically fucked. Weed, kratom, nicotine, and booze. At least the booze I only do a few times a month, but the others are everyday.

>> No.14023253


>> No.14023266

just do it. it's never gonna feel like the right time, if you want it, do it. No amount of forum posts and chatter about doing it will get it done other than doing it.

>> No.14023276

I've been off weed for a few months
It doesn't seem like life is any better in any magical way, but it does make it a little easier to hold a conversation

>> No.14023289
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Unironically colloidal gold.

>> No.14023312

>i look for something to blame my problems and character flaws on, the thread
So much cope ITT. Weed isn't the reason you are undisciplined, unmotivated, etc. Take some responsibility for your life and fix it. If you use it as a crutch, that's a fault of yours. ((they)) want you to believe this magical plant is the reason for your problems. It is not.

>> No.14023320

You're not wrong.

>> No.14023334

BASED. good vibes

>> No.14023365

It's easy especially if you have anxiety. Do you really want to get super anxious every time you smoke? Have a couple beers instead on the weekends like a normal wagie, there is a reason they all drink

>> No.14023395

It's true I wanted to see if weed made me not driven when things were going well, ironically weed just made it easier to get through hard times. But the anxiety is a bit much so I stopped a while ago

>> No.14023440




Peeners... :)

>> No.14023458


>cigarettes and booze and occasionally blow
>less degenerate than weed

keep telling yourself that

>> No.14023462


Just switch strains dumbass

>> No.14023480

CBD is good for anxiety
my dealer (who i won't be buying from again) just sold me a bunch of it
fuck the jevvs for criminalizing it i could have grown my own and not worried about this shit

>> No.14023540

sneaky sneaky. I sell and I would never do such things. Consistency and quality is what keeps all of my clients happy. I've made a lot of money over the years and ironically there will always be a black market because of how controlled they want the legalization to be

>> No.14023551

Want to hear the truth?

>> No.14023573


>> No.14023604

Smoked every day all day for like 8 years.

Just woke up one day and decided it was time. You can do this, mind over matter. After a week I was good. I crave it when I'm drunk thats it

>> No.14023841

It definitely changes shit in your brain and fucks with your brain during sleep at least. Daily smoker here. Last time I quit I got the most horrific and vivid nightmares every single night for a month straight.

>> No.14023867

start juuling you just wanna smoke something

>> No.14023906

Not a good idea.

>> No.14023920

do acid and mushrooms faggot

>> No.14024026

Suicide is the only way which is 100% effective

>> No.14024116

LSD allows you to see the process. I took 35 hits when I was younger and broke through. I dose mushrooms every 2 years or so to get rid of depression. LSD saved my life and made me realize just what this world is. Despite the trip being the worst thing of my life. These Anons know Anon. We are all Anon.

>> No.14024138

+1 except buy nicotine-free pods or else you will get even more hooked than w/ weed

>> No.14025157

It is. Tbh weed makes you lazy shit gets done off coke.

Just scored some free blow rn

Only time weed is good is with percocets. Weed is boring af yo

>> No.14025216

Acid is probably THE BEST in my experience. All psychedelics are. I've only done acid but I hear wonderful things about DMT and shrooms

Coke is fun for me, but Im sure adderal gets you into grind mode too. Plus hoes love cocaine. Its like free fucking pussy

Weed is cool sometimes but being a lazy sack of shit everyday isn't ideal. What do you honestly accomplish smoking EVERYDAY? Smoking weed more than once a month is more degenerate than doing blow every weekend

>> No.14025457

weed is such a fucking joke. you should probably just off yourself if you're still smoking weed and aren't a teenage girl. do lsd and shrooms and don't be a fucking pussy.

>> No.14025459

>herbal jew
thats where you are wrong kiddo
its not the weed its your weak spine

>> No.14025491

Imagine how much more money you'll save not buying weed, anon.
The biggest fault with addicts is an all or nothing mentality.
When you have a relapse, and you will, it's normal, remind yourself of why you want to quit, spit the joint down throw it in the toilet, whatever. Then go on and say hey, I fucked up but I don't have to keep going down this path. My fuck ups will get less and less. Remember the days you did not smoke and be proud, then keep going.

Addicts, even with food have a normal slip up and go huuurrr duuur might as well go all out and then they keep going back to their addiction because they failed.
Also, get a note book and write your goal out and then write everything you think and feel about weed, and why it's best to quit, even when taking in the good things.
Good luck, anon.
T. Psych grad.

>> No.14025516

Use 1.5 mg of melatonin an hour before bed for a week. It will help fix your circadian rhythm.

>> No.14025554


I just want everyone to know that I have the EXACT fucking hand as this guy. My thumb is identical. I could be an exact fucking hand stunt double for this person. I'm talking EXACT.

>> No.14025660

I don't get how people smoke pot to get away for their problems. Whenever I try it my anxiety about shit I'm avoiding is increased 100x.

>> No.14025673
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psys are all you need: low dose productivity, mid dose recreation, high dose self reflection

>> No.14025685

I vape tho. I basically get to smoke without any physical side effects, only mental ones (lower memory, trouble sleeping without it, etc)

>> No.14025686


>> No.14025697

Quit weed start, start hasj

>> No.14025856

I find it can be good for introspection and I'll face my problems. If I do it and sit around doing nothing but watching shows/movies/gaming without having been productive, it feels bad.

After exercise and for stretching/massaging/meditating, it's nice.

Other way is if I am cleaning the house and partaking. Being productive. I'll have anxiety about talking to my parents or others, but when I am productive with it, there's no problems and I'll feel better.

Funny that this thread came up as I was driving home from an airport 2 hours away with my vape pen and considered it, but didn't do any. Didn't even partake in Vegas when I was there for two weeks with family.

>> No.14025870

start dealing it
the high you get from having more money is better than the one you get from smoking it
then take the profit and buy LINK

>> No.14025937

stop paying for weed
growing is easier and cheaper than you would think
try low THC and high high CBD strains
buy vaporizer, combustion is poison