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File: 45 KB, 434x600, 1536005657469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14010955 No.14010955 [Reply] [Original]


It was a pleasure seeing you at Brdo Castle. Thank you again for your kind words and commitments. I look forward to visiting Prairie Chapel Ranch and meeting your wonderful family.

I write to inform you of the status of 'Rusalka'. Please know that our nation's work on this project was the crown jewel of Soviet science, more important than the space program and nuclear program combined. Indeed, it has the potential to shape the course of human history for centuries to come.

For this reason, we cannot at this time reveal to you, our friends in the US, the location of the lighthouse, and we absolutely cannot commit to any request for dismantling or demolishing it.

Please understand, and know that this determination has no impact on our other commitments made to the US and the NATO alliance. We seek to move forward to a more prosperous future as close allies and trading partners.


>> No.14011138

sometimes I wonder if genuinely sensitive information has been posted here just because no one could possibly anticipate bilderberg-tier figures to browse a hentai shitposting forum

>> No.14011191


пpиятнo былo вcтpeтитьcя c Baми в зaмкe Бpдo. Eщё paз cпacибo зa тёплыe cлoвa и пoздpaвлeния. C нeтepпeниeм ждy вoзмoжнocти пoceтить вaшe paнчo и пoзнaкoмитьcя c вaшeй зaмeчaтeльнoй ceмьёй.

Дaнным пиcьмoм я хoчy пoдвecти итoг нaшeмy paзгoвopy o пpoeктe "Pycaлкa". Mы ocoзнaём, чтo дaнный пpoeкт cпocoбeн измeнить миp. Eгo peaлизaция являeтcя oдним из вeличaйших дocтижeний coвeтcкoй нayки нapядy c кocмичecкoй и ядepнoй пpoгpaммaми.

B cлoжившeйcя cитyaции мы нe мoжeм pacкpыть инфopмaцию o мecтoнaхoждeнии мaякa, и, тeм бoлee, нe cмoжeм выпoлнить зaпpoc o eгo paзбopкe или yничтoжeнии. Пpoшy пoнять, чтo дaннaя пoзиция никaк нe влияeт нa нaши oбязaтeльcтвa пepeд CШA и HATO, мы гoтoвы к взaимoвыгoднoмy coтpyдничecтвy.


Here is the original text for the record. I cannot say where I got this from. Please keep your eyes wide open.

>> No.14011220

It has you idiot
Someone leaked shit on pol and they called it fake and gay then the guy was arrested

>> No.14011226

what's your end goal here this place has nothing but neets and degens

>> No.14011256

rusalka means mermaid
>location of lighthouse

>> No.14011281

Picture is Immanuel Kant for those wondering.

>> No.14011304

Oldfag /pol/ still lurks here.

>> No.14011390

Kant is about how we view art and the Rusalka stuff could be the Russian opera play by the same name.

>> No.14011457

Why do you guys do all of this? Do i just truly not understand the nature of it all? Are we all just a bunch of niggers?

>> No.14011504

They leave crumbs.
We analyze.
Shit happens, or not.

>> No.14011538

Oh wow all I had to was use wikipedia.
>On June 16, 2001 it hosted a summit between George W. Bush and Vladimir Putin, which was the first official meeting between the two leaders. During Slovenia's EU Presidency in the first half of 2008, it was the venue of a series of top level international meetings.

>> No.14011562

Yes, i know, i was just bumpin.

>> No.14011569
File: 29 KB, 360x453, 1559060318469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what do ya faggots have in store for tomorrow? More child rape? More enslavement? More niggerisms? What do you kike shills have for us today?

>> No.14011585

what does the black sun truly symbolise?

>> No.14011587

Look it up, my words will not do it justice.

>> No.14011592
File: 92 KB, 707x575, 1389132700751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This maybe?
TL;DR space war.
My theory, ww3 will be mainly fought in space.
Like an agreement after ww1 to not use gas there'll be an agreement to not use nukes on earth but in space they'll be used.
MAD type of war on the continents.
OP could be referring to the Trumps space force reveal or something.

>> No.14011598

Im kinda high on some sort of hallucinogenic right now, so it would be hard for me to type it all out. And I am still having a hard time trying to wrap my mind around it all.

>> No.14011608

Wouldn't mind digging but just curious if it's very old?

>> No.14011614

Nigger no. Space travel does not exsist like you and other NPCs would like to imagine.

>> No.14011620


>> No.14011625

Yes, predates everything. Is outside of space and time. Space and time are actually limitng compared to this force. Literally the only force capable of going faster than light.

>> No.14011631
File: 39 KB, 334x506, 1558204378746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and me both. Nope. This is more like the matrix but worse.

>> No.14011657

Why do you seek your answers here while on hallucinogenics?
Hallucinogenics and most drugs are of a certain nature to make you more prone to believing stuff. Since you're high you might even believe this statement!
Now I tricked you in a loop with the sentence above, what is the real truth? Look inwards.

>> No.14011799

Word salad dude. Fuck your mother. Ever thought of that?

>> No.14011851
File: 56 KB, 459x646, ggSRfZD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not completly wrong though.
You should meditate when you do this stuff.

>> No.14011866

I realised what it said, but by the time i had responded here, it was already too late. I am a horrible person yes. Now what?

>> No.14011870

Improve your reading comprehension merimutt and everything will start making more sense.

>> No.14011883
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, 4e97d1fd69e1f738c00bcec0c964d4fed3c270732a228d11c75dc80b31a989f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you are not lol.
Dunno maybe try some shamanic music and just relax and lie back in your bed.
Ask for your ancestors or the gods' guideance.

>> No.14011889

It already does. But you're not the OP.

>> No.14011904

Unironically has brought me here.

>> No.14011914

what the fuck is this thread

>> No.14011926
File: 1.90 MB, 500x831, 1531791790237.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not come here looking for answers, those have already been revealed to me, i just came to watch the show

>> No.14011933

Now you chill yourself with a capital K

>> No.14011945
File: 236 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_oduhddndsz1v6pnx5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

puzzle solving.
Don't know man I have nothing for you right now.
Maybe do some visualizations like having the black suns light shine on you from above lighting up your whole body?
Btw if you pass Freyr say hi from me.

>> No.14011951

This suppose to mean something to me?

>> No.14011970
File: 268 KB, 591x463, CSW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lighthouse... nour
multiple nations working together

>> No.14011985

This just made me go all in BSV

>> No.14012019

But what does Kant have to do with it?
You saying Rusalka is an economic warfare device and it's BSV?
So you're linking Craig to Soviets?
Doesn't make sense.

>> No.14012060

Nothing, Craig is a lying con. The whole scheme was created to get your buttcorn, only BTC and LINK are the only legitimate holds, but keep in mind, one was created just to get your corns

>> No.14012062

William F. Friedman was a russian NSA agent. Today considered the godfather of cryptography...

>> No.14012127

>Kant was an exponent of the idea that perpetual peace could be secured through universal democracy and international cooperation. He believed that this would be the eventual outcome of universal history, although it is not rationally planned.


someone read his works?

>> No.14012357

why the fuck has everyone stopped replying? wtf?

>> No.14012358

Just more gnostics shilling new world order huh?

>> No.14012372

Had to take care of the dogs in the house. They are not going to do it themselves. That's something you socialist jews should understand by now

>> No.14012375

why the fuck do you answer 1 second after me? wtf is going on?

>> No.14012386

And maybe everyone is busy waging and upholding their actual fuckin lives.

>> No.14012406

that's creepy

>> No.14012414

right? also he is bumping this thread since quite some time... who the fuck is he?

>> No.14012434

Just some fucking moron tripping his balls off at 4 am nothing to see here.

>> No.14012445

One of us is the Jew, and im damn sure not getting paid for any of this..

>> No.14012469

Danng these research chems are rough, just made me vomit, never usually thrown up tripping on anything before.

>> No.14012477

Outside of mushrooms, meant to say i have never puked from using lsd, whatever this research tab was did indeed make me throw up.

>> No.14012549

You morons are looking for answers? Literally buy and hold LINK. But most of you retards won't even get THAT right...

>> No.14012616 [DELETED] 

i'm really starting to think that link is the bsv equivalent of bsv but by the jews which is why craig wanted to secure and patent it

is this fag working for some soros group?

>> No.14012633

i'm really starting to think that link is the equivalent of bsv but by the jews which is why craig wanted to secure and patent it

is this fag working for some soros group?

>> No.14013028
File: 1.24 MB, 2576x1932, 15597374124751563239896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig is soros group. LINK is the real deal. I told you, you would fuck this up. All you have to do is buy LINK and hold, if you can't even trust that, then horde BTC like a rat jew fuck, don't know what to tell you buddy, all the memes involving LINK were not jokes

>> No.14013113

The Sand Reckoner of Archimedes

>> No.14013207

OP let me guess that Russia captured an UFO.

>> No.14013278



Enjoy hanging yourself.

>> No.14013308

He is high on Ayahuasca shut the fuck up and listen to hiz calls

>> No.14013345

You do the same, seeing as what I said is correct, literally God could tell you, and you still wouldn't believe. Some people are truly meant to be poor.

>> No.14013526

This means Russia created btc and they will never reveal satoshi true identity

Soon btc will force the US to collapse




>> No.14013785

No. BTC was not created by any one government. Collaboration.

>> No.14013808

so... you finally confirm that craig is satoshi... or have you not been following the important threads?

>> No.14013840
File: 2.04 MB, 1663x1247, 1558727728421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been following them all. Craig s. Wright is not satoshi nakamoto.

>> No.14013846


Fuck 1 entity

This exceeds any type of .gov

>> No.14013853

Nice nigpost. Is this a pasta?

>> No.14013863

Thas right fren, Craig wright is their way of trying to get the real group to come out.

>> No.14013953

Immanuel Kant

Fuck that punk bitch anyone who believes these paid shills deserves to stay poor

No one controls BTC fggta

Not Craig not my left and right nut

>> No.14014259

we don't take advice from subhuman niggers

>> No.14014552

They might not control BTC network, but they control a shit ton of its coins, next best thing i suppose.

>> No.14014767



>> No.14016033

Rusalka kan verwijzen naar:

Rusalka (mythisch wezen), een wezen uit Slavische mythologie
Rusalka (Dargomyzhsky), een opera van Alexander Dargomyzhsky.
Rusalka (Dvořák), een opera door Antonín Dvořák
Rusalka (boek), een fantasyboek door C.J. Cherryh
Rusalka (film), een Russische film uit 2007.
Rusalka (meer), een meer in Polen
Rusalka (resort), een resort aan de Bulgaarse kust.
Rusalka (toneelstuk), een belangrijk maar onafgemaakt toneelstuk van Alexander Pushkin

WTF is this RP

>> No.14016055

What am i suppose to do with this?

>> No.14016271

Holy fuck that's a trip code

OP is on to something huge

Delete thread imminent

>> No.14016603

what's a trip code?

>> No.14016635

Make sure you screen cap everything.

>> No.14016743

what does all this mean?

>> No.14016933
File: 320 KB, 593x726, 914E43C0-9B35-4C36-9782-3A624A387986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you must face them

>> No.14016955

Why doesn't shit like this ever get posted on Reddit?

>> No.14016973

How? How would I even start?

>> No.14016981

because you're socialist scumbags... absolute no one likes you
now shut the fuck off you piece of shit link spammer

>> No.14016985
File: 15 KB, 182x183, 1556259401252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because, reddit is censored and controlled. Now go back.

>> No.14017025



>> No.14017049

"Space" doesnt exist retard

>> No.14017053

Learn how to develope on temple OS, got it.

>> No.14017072
File: 425 KB, 1208x950, 1559064393350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does, but its not what you think it is.

>> No.14017135


>> No.14017155
File: 77 KB, 500x526, a27bcdb316db1161313cc583042b513f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've literally never been beyond the firmament.

>> No.14017174

No, stupid nigger, the earth is not round or flat. Think of a blood cell. Bye glow nigger.

>> No.14017193

Kek blood cell. Whatever retard, Jesus Christ is the truth.

>> No.14017210

What is the truth? Is it light?

>> No.14017213
File: 15 KB, 225x224, 5C1C5102-D6D9-4AF0-B33C-DB4CD59214AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where’s the fuckin ice wall, retard. People don’t ACTUALLY believe the earth is flat, brainlet

>> No.14017263


>> No.14017332
File: 771 KB, 3264x2448, 1559679350808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prairie Chapel Ranch

bush and putin used to be such bros
there pictures together during Bush presidency were kino

on a side note bush is also very friendly with michelle obama

>> No.14017353

Yes, they are all connected and buddy pals behind the scenes, maybe even related. So what?

>> No.14017372

Gay larp btw

>> No.14017396

>>>14016955 (You)
>Because, reddit is censored and controlled. Now go back.
This is actually why I can't go back. I've been here too long. I see the Jews are everywhere now but still think traps are gay.
>>>14016955 (You)
>because you're socialist scumbags... absolute no one likes you
>now shut the fuck off you piece of shit link spammer

Staying. The black sun shows up in a lot of Delphi posts and the OP writes similar to that guy that mentioned that Masonic offshoot a fee weeks ago.

I get that Link is going to be the way to protect and observe in the future, and when that Rotshchild larper said crypto was the mark of the beast (in head or hand as brain wallet or private key) I nearly lost my shit. This thread implies that the US and Russia colluded on crypto. Wasn't Vlad still kgb back then though?

And where the fuck are the GeoStar nudes?

>> No.14017400

saw that before posting but just read the replies to where it gets posted... they don't know why it got posted

>> No.14017426

who cares its literally a fuckin larp thread

>> No.14017447

because reddit is too smart for this crap.

you are cancer

>> No.14017498


>> No.14017668
File: 55 KB, 768x508, 92173281-56a2acf75f9b58b7d0cd4cee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does not matter if larp, because actual events are somewhat true, of course the devil is in the details, but basically this is the mark of the beast. It must happen, get rich or not.