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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 221 KB, 680x680, 023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14006962 No.14006962 [Reply] [Original]

We all bought imaginary internet coins.

>> No.14007079
File: 111 KB, 680x680, clownsaturated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else buy imaginary internet money just for fun? Seeing it go up and down and taking part in all the memes is fun. I've given up on life and commit everything I do to having fun and enjoying myself

>> No.14007090

It was real in my heart.

>> No.14007121

and some are never fucking selling. they even need group therapy threads for support.

>> No.14007141
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>> No.14007519

this guy gets it. i DCA like a pleb and just remember that if it goes down, i'll at least be able to come here and have some communal laughs

>> No.14007608
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BSV is the real imaginary BitCoin

>> No.14007702
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Sometimes I check on binance how much money I'll have if link goes to 1k eoy. I get so excited because I would have twenty two thousand dollars. I could buy a car with that money and maybe I'll get a girlfriend

>> No.14007715

You think it's clown world now, I remember back in 2016 people were literally buying shit like "Shrekcoin" (keep in mind this was literally a Dogecoin clone but with Shrek's face as a logo) and were surprised when it dumped.

>> No.14007727
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smart money is accumulating

>> No.14007779
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ride the tiger brah

>> No.14007815

This is the only true way to play the crypto game
>buy anything that's new and that /biz/ shills
>wait for the pump
>sell before the dump
>spread the rest of your holdings out in stablecoins that are waiting for a real pump (LINK, HOT)
>don't even care about it, just consider the money you put in the price you pay to play the game
>wait until you're either rich or homeless

>> No.14007841
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>stablecoins (link, hot)


>> No.14007848

Somewhere I still have a bunch of nigger coins and yeezy coins.

>> No.14007854
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>> No.14007864

LINK is a $1 stablecoin until Sir Gay either exit scams or actually releases something.

>> No.14007881
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Men are women.
Women are equal but superior
Monopoly money is real money

Thats just the sort of world we live in now.

>> No.14007888
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Based and honk pilled.

>> No.14007890
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>> No.14007892


>> No.14007926


>> No.14008700

i literally bought shrekcoin

>> No.14008760

God I miss old crypto bubble. So much money to be made there....

Now here I am just waiting for LINK to do... something.

>> No.14008799

If I had just bought a few months earlier I could have been rich. Makes me sad when I think about it. At least I'm still here unlike the vast majority that got burnt

>> No.14008984
File: 24 KB, 384x248, 1513590275841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cryptographic ultra money will change the world forever